Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Helmets / DexInt / str / dex / int / str_dex / str_int / dex_int / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
100006410resourcelife# to maximum Life
120008112resourcemana# to maximum Mana
7000847defences#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
6000786defences#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
5000465defences# to Evasion Rating
# to maximum Energy Shield
4500629resourcelifedefences# to Evasion Rating
# to maximum Life
# to maximum Energy Shield
# to maximum Life
# to maximum Energy Shield
# to maximum Mana
3000623drop#% increased Rarity of Items found
275752miniongem# to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
2000102damagephysicalReflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
9000829attribute# to Dexterity
100008510attribute# to Intelligence
4000754drop#% increased Rarity of Items found
5600856attack# to Accuracy Rating
9000789resourcelifeRegenerate # Life per second
8000848elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
8000848elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
8000848elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
1500816chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
6000796#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
1300602#% reduced Attribute Requirements
3000303attack#% increased Global Accuracy Rating
#% increased Light Radius
2500855#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
2500855defences#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Haunted Modifiers Prefix
250241Your Warcries open Chests
250161+1 to Maximum Power Charges
100681resourcemana+1 to maximum Mana per 2 Intelligence
75011damagecaster(20–30)% increased Spell Damage
Haunted Modifiers Suffix
50011critical(30–50)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
75011resourcemana(40–60)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
250381Cannot be Blinded
100681attack+2 to Accuracy Rating per 2 Dexterity
50011casterspeed(8–12)% increased Cast Speed
250341resourcemanaGain Arcane Surge after Spending a total of 400 Mana
750121(15–25)% increased Area of Effect
250241castercurse(5–8)% increased Effect of your Curses
The Shaper Prefix
2400834gemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Increased Area of Effect
#% increased Area of Effect
800843#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
1200834damageelementalcoldcasterAdds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
1200844damageelementallightningcasterAdds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
The Shaper Suffix
1500808damagegemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Blastchain Mine
#% increased Mine Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Trap And Mine Damage
#% increased Mine Damage
4800808elementalcoldailmentgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Hypothermia
#% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Innervate
#% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
3200805resourcemana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Regenerate # Mana per second
1200844castercriticalgemSocketed Spells have #% to Critical Strike Chance
400852damageelementalNearby Enemies take #% increased Elemental Damage
The Elder Prefix
2400824damagegemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Concentrated Effect
#% increased Area Damage
1600753resourcemana#% increased maximum Mana
2400834damageminiongemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Damage
Minions deal #% increased Damage
2400804resourcelifeminiongemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Minion Life
Minions have #% increased maximum Life
800682gemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Less Duration
1200824damageelementalfirecasterAdds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
1200854damagephysicalcasterAdds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
1200854damagechaoscasterAdds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
The Elder Suffix
4800827elementalfireailmentgemSocketed Gems are Supported by Level # Immolate
#% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level # Burning Damage
#% increased Burning Damage
1600803#% Chance to Block Spell Damage
1200834attackcriticalgemSocketed Attacks have #% to Critical Strike Chance
400852damagephysicalNearby Enemies take #% increased Physical Damage
The Crusader Prefix
1000803resourcemana#% increased maximum Mana
1000833physicalelementallightning#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
The Crusader Suffix
375853elementallightningresistance#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
250852damageelementallightningresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Lightning Resistance
1000803#% Chance to Block Spell Damage
1000752elementalfireailment#% reduced Ignite Duration on you
1000752elementalcoldailment#% reduced Freeze Duration on you
1000752elementallightningailment#% reduced Effect of Shock on you
The Redeemer Prefix
500803#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
1000833physicalelementalcold#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
250802Skills supported by Unleash have # to maximum number of Seals
The Redeemer Suffix
250852damageelementalcoldresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Cold Resistance
1000753resourcemana#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
1000753damageelementalfireailment#% increased Burning Damage
#% chance to Ignite
1000753elementalcoldailment#% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Freeze
1000753elementallightningailment#% chance to Shock
#% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments
1000753resourcemanaRegenerate # Mana per second
The Hunter Prefix
1500754damageelementalfirecasterAdds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
1500754damageelementalcoldcasterAdds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
1500754damageelementallightningcasterAdds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
1500754damagephysicalcasterAdds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
1500754damagechaoscasterAdds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
The Hunter Suffix
250852damagechaosresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Chaos Resistance
1000753attribute#% increased Intelligence
1500806You have Igniting Conflux for # seconds every # seconds
You have Chilling Conflux for # seconds every # seconds
You have Shocking Conflux for # seconds every # seconds
The Warlord Prefix
125752# to Maximum Power Charges
1000833physicalelementalfire#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
1500754damageelemental#% increased Elemental Damage
1000753Warcry Skills have #% increased Area of Effect
The Warlord Suffix
250852damageelementalfireresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Fire Resistance
1500754damagecritical#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
1000753resourcemana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
500752attackGain Accuracy Rating equal to your Strength
1500754resourcelifeminionMinions have #% increased maximum Life
Delve Prefix
011physical(3–5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction
0601castergemcurse+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
Delve Suffix
200011damageelementalfireresistanceNearby Enemies have -9% to Fire Resistance
200011damageelementalcoldresistanceNearby Enemies have -9% to Cold Resistance
200011damageelementallightningresistanceNearby Enemies have -9% to Lightning Resistance
200011damagephysicalNearby Enemies take 9% increased Physical Damage
200011damagechaosresistanceNearby Enemies have -9% to Chaos Resistance
200011resourcelifeRegenerate 1% of Life per second
200011(3–4)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
200011defences(25–50)% increased Global Evasion Rating when on Full Life
160011poisonchaosailment50% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
160011bleedphysicalattackailment50% chance to Avoid Bleeding
200011elementalailment(20–30)% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you
200011resourcemanacastergemSocketed Spells have 20% reduced Mana Cost
200011resourcemanaattackgemSocketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost
200011resourcemanaRegenerate 0.5% of Mana per second
200011speedIgnore all Movement Penalties from Armour
400012resourcemana#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
75011attributegem+1 to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
100011attributegem+1 to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
100011attributegem+1 to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
200011Has 1 Abyssal Socket
200011(5–8)% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
011+(3–5) to maximum Fortification
0601auragem+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
0601resourcemana(30–50)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
0601resourcemana(5–8)% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
0604physicalchaos#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
0601physical(3–5)% additional Physical Damage Reduction
0601chaosresistanceChaos Resistance is Zero
Incursion Prefix
0502resourcemana# to maximum Mana
#% increased maximum Mana
# to maximum Mana
#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Incursion Suffix
0502physicalelementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
0502physicalelementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
0502physicalelementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
Veiled Prefix
1000601resourcelifedefences(24–28)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(19–22) to maximum Life
2000601minionMinions have (8–10)% increased maximum Life
+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to maximum number of Skeletons
1500601gem+2 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
(8–10)% increased Area of Effect
1500601gem+2 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
Projectiles Pierce an additional Target
1500601attackattackgem+2 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
+0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
1000601resourcelifemana+(55–60) to maximum Life
Regenerate 5.3 Mana per second
1000601resourcelifemana+(55–60) to maximum Mana
Regenerate 33.3 Life per second
1000601defences(30–32)% increased Evasion Rating while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
1500601physical(13–15)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
2000601(20–25)% increased Warcry Buff Effect
Veiled Suffix
1200602attribute# to Strength and Dexterity
# to Strength and Intelligence
600601attribute+(31–35) to Dexterity and Intelligence
1000601elemental(10–12)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention
1000601speed(14–16)% increased Mine Throwing Speed
1000601ailment(36–40)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused
grant focus skill [1]
1000601castergemTrigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
Focus has (5–8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
grant focus skill [1]
2000601drop(55–60)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies
600601elementalfirechaosresistance+(16–20)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
600601elementallightningchaosresistance+(16–20)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
600601elementalcoldchaosresistance+(16–20)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
Crafting Bench Prefix
0817resourcelife# to maximum Life
# to maximum Life
Regenerate # Mana per second
0816resourcemana# to maximum Mana
# to maximum Mana
Regenerate # Life per second
07518defences#% increased Armour
#% increased Evasion Rating
#% increased Energy Shield
#% increased Armour and Evasion
#% increased Armour and Energy Shield
#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
0506defences# to Armour
# to Evasion Rating
# to maximum Energy Shield
08121resourcelifedefences#% increased Armour and Evasion
# to maximum Life
#% increased Armour and Energy Shield
# to maximum Life
#% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
# to maximum Life
#% increased Armour
# to maximum Life
#% increased Evasion Rating
# to maximum Life
#% increased Energy Shield
# to maximum Life
#% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
# to maximum Life
0601minion+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies
+1 to maximum number of Skeletons
0601gem+1 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
(8–10)% increased Area of Effect
0601gem+1 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
Projectiles Pierce an additional Target
0601attackattackgem+1 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems
+0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range
0813defences#% increased Evasion Rating while Focused
grant focus skill [#]
0813physical#% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused
grant focus skill [#]
0812#% increased Warcry Buff Effect
011Suffixes Cannot Be Changed
Crafting Bench Suffix
0503elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
0503elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
0503elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
0819attribute# to Strength
# to Strength and Dexterity
# to Strength and Intelligence
0816attribute# to Dexterity
# to Dexterity and Intelligence
0403attribute# to Intelligence
0753elementalfirecoldresistance#% to Fire and Cold Resistances
0753elementalcoldlightningresistance#% to Cold and Lightning Resistances
0753elementalfirelightningresistance#% to Fire and Lightning Resistances
0502attribute# to all Attributes
0683attack# to Accuracy Rating
0602#% chance to Avoid being Stunned
0602resourcelife#% increased Life Regeneration rate
0602#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
0602defences#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
0681Light Radius is based on Energy Shield instead of Life
0602elementalcoldailment#% reduced Effect of Freeze on you
0752elemental#% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention
0813ailment#% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused
grant focus skill [#]
0601castergemTrigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown
grant focus skill [1]
0812drop#% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies
0813elementalfirechaosresistance#% to Fire and Chaos Resistances
0813elementallightningchaosresistance#% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances
0813elementalcoldchaosresistance#% to Cold and Chaos Resistances
0813speed#% increased Mine Throwing Speed
011Prefixes Cannot Be Changed
011Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
011Cannot roll Attack Modifiers
011Cannot roll Caster Modifiers
Essence Prefix
08215defences# to maximum Energy Shield
# to Evasion Rating
# to Armour
0827resourcelife# to maximum Life
0827damagephysicalReflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
0823resourcemana# to maximum Mana
Essence Suffix
0847elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
0826attribute# to Dexterity
0846elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
0826elementallightningailment#% chance to Avoid being Shocked
0826attackminion#% increased Minion Accuracy Rating
015elementalcoldailment#% chance to Avoid being Frozen
0825attribute# to Strength
0845elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
0824elementalfireailment#% chance to Avoid being Ignited
0824resourcemana#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
0824attribute# to Intelligence
0824speed#% increased Warcry Speed
0823#% chance to Avoid being Stunned
0813chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
0631damageSocketed Gems deal 30% more Damage while on Low Life
0632damagephysicalelementallightninggemSocketed Gems gain #% of Physical Damage as extra Lightning Damage
Socketed Gems deal #% more Elemental Damage
0631auragem+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
Bestiary Prefix
Bestiary Suffix
0204Grants Level # Aspect of the Avian Skill
Grants Level # Aspect of the Cat Skill
Grants Level # Aspect of the Crab Skill
Grants Level # Aspect of the Spider Skill
Scourge Beneficial Prefix
Scourge Beneficial Suffix
4000684resourcelife# to maximum Life
4000688defences# to Evasion Rating
# to maximum Energy Shield
600686physicalelementalfire#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
200682physicalchaos#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
1000682elementalcoldailment#% reduced Freeze Duration on you
1500683resourcelife#% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
750683resourcelifeminionMinions have #% increased maximum Life
4000684elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
4000684elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
4000684elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
1000684chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
1500683#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
1500683#% chance to Avoid being Stunned
1500686minionMinions have #% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Minions have #% Chance to Block Spell Damage
1500683#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
4000684damagephysicalReflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
1500683#% reduced Attribute Requirements
52996810resourcelifeRegenerate # Life per second
1000684resourcelifeminionMinions Regenerate #% of Life per second
1500683defences#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
1600688resourcemanaRegenerate # Mana per second
750683resourcelifeminionMinions Leech #% of Damage as Life
2000684attribute# to Dexterity
2000684attribute# to Intelligence
2000684#% increased Light Radius
1000682resourcemana#% increased maximum Mana
600683#% chance to Unnerve Enemies for # seconds on Hit
200682damagephysicalNearby Enemies take #% increased Physical Damage
200682damageelementalfireresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Fire Resistance
200682damageelementalcoldresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Cold Resistance
200682damageelementallightningresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Lightning Resistance
200682damagechaosresistanceNearby Enemies have #% to Chaos Resistance
60013attributegem# to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
# to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
# to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
Scourge Detrimental Prefix
Scourge Detrimental Suffix
4000684# Dexterity Requirement
4000684# Intelligence Requirement
2750684elementalfireresistance#% to Fire Resistance
2750684elementalcoldresistance#% to Cold Resistance
2750684elementallightningresistance#% to Lightning Resistance
2750684chaosresistance#% to Chaos Resistance
4000684resourcelife# to maximum Life
4000684#% reduced Global Defences
500682resourcelifeminionMinions have #% reduced maximum Life
500681(21–30)% chance to Curse you with Silence when Hit
4000684defences#% reduced Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield
500682#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
1600688Lose # Mana per Second
500681Cannot Leech Energy Shield
1000681resourcemana(15–18)% reduced maximum Mana
400682physical#% increased Physical Damage taken
400682elementalfire#% increased Fire Damage taken
400682elementalcold#% increased Cold Damage taken
400682elementallightning#% increased Lightning Damage taken
400682chaos#% increased Chaos Damage taken
500451defencesYou cannot Regenerate Energy Shield
500681damagephysicalNearby Enemies take 9% reduced Physical Damage
500681damageelementalfireresistanceNearby Enemies have +9% to Fire Resistance
500681damageelementalcoldresistanceNearby Enemies have +9% to Cold Resistance
500681damageelementallightningresistanceNearby Enemies have +9% to Lightning Resistance
500681damagechaosresistanceNearby Enemies have +9% to Chaos Resistance
1000682#% increased Damage taken while on Full Life
Vaal Orb Corrupted Implicit /23
111000Cannot be Blinded
1501000resource life elemental cold#% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life
1501000resource life elemental fire#% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life
1401000damage elemental fire#% increased Burning Damage
1401000elemental cold ailment#% increased Effect of Cold Ailments
111000resource lifeRegenerate #% of Life per second
1401000elemental lightning ailment#% increased Effect of Shock
111000elemental cold gem# to Level of Socketed Cold Gems
111000elemental fire gem# to Level of Socketed Fire Gems
111000elemental lightning gem# to Level of Socketed Lightning Gems
1501000resource life elemental lightning#% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life
1601000# to Maximum Power Charges
111000resource mana gemSocketed Skill Gems get a #% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
1201000gem# to Level of Socketed Duration Gems
1201000gem# to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
1201000aura gem# to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
1201000caster gem curse# to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
1201000gem# to Level of Socketed Trap or Mine Gems
1201000minion gem# to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
1201000gem# to Level of Socketed Warcry Gems
1201000gem# to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems
111000resource life#% increased maximum Life
111000defences#% increased maximum Energy Shield
Glimpse of Chaos Mods /13
Unique(15–25)% increased Area of Effect 10001
Unique(15–25)% increased Skill Effect Duration 10001
UniqueSocketed Skill Gems get a 80% Cost & Reservation Multiplier resource mana gem 10001
Unique(8–12)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate 5001
Unique(5–7)% increased Quantity of Items found drop 2001
UniqueSkills fire an additional Projectile 2001
Unique(10–15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills aura 10001
Unique(10–15)% increased Effect of your Curses caster curse 10001
Unique+2 to Level of Socketed Gems gem 5001
Unique+1 to Minimum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges 5001
UniqueNearby Enemies are Blinded 5001
UniqueNearby Enemies have Malediction 2001
UniqueNearby Enemies are Crushed 5001
Helmets Synthesis Implicit Corrupted /1
Item Classes
  • +(8–12)% to all Elemental Resistances if Corrupted
  • (2–3)% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
  • Helmets Synthesis Implicit
    5480resource life+# to maximum Life
    2150resource life#% increased maximum Life
    81600resource lifeRegenerate # Life per second
    #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    #% to Fire Resistance
    +#% to Fire Resistance
    #% to Cold Resistance
    +#% to Cold Resistance
    #% to Lightning Resistance
    +#% to Lightning Resistance
    #% increased Stun and Block Recovery
    +# to Accuracy Rating
    Triggered Spells deal #% increased Spell Damage
    +#% to Quality of Socketed Melee Gems
    +#% to Quality of Socketed Aura Gems
    +#% to Quality of Socketed Strength Gems
    +#% to Quality of Socketed Dexterity Gems
    +#% to Quality of Socketed Intelligence Gems
    +#% to Quality of Socketed AoE Gems
    +#% to Quality of Socketed Projectile Gems
    +#% to all Elemental Resistances if Corrupted
    176650resource mana+# to maximum Mana
    #% increased maximum Mana
    # to Total Mana Cost of Skills
    #% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
    # to Level of Socketed Gems
    #% chance to Avoid being Stunned
    #% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you
    #% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
    #% chance to Avoid being Frozen
    #% chance to Avoid being Shocked
    Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
    #% increased Elemental Damage
    +# to Strength
    #% increased Strength
    +# to Dexterity
    #% increased Dexterity
    +# to Intelligence
    +# to all Attributes
    #% increased Armour
    #% increased Evasion Rating
    #% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
    #% increased Energy Shield
    Socketed Skill Gems get a #% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
    Minions deal #% increased Damage
    Raised Zombies deal #% increased Damage
    Skeletons deal #% increased Damage
    Minions have #% increased maximum Life
    #% increased Mine Throwing Speed
    # to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
    # to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
    # to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
    # to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
    Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
    #% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
    36700elemental fire resistance#% to maximum Fire Resistance
    #% to maximum Cold Resistance
    #% to maximum Lightning Resistance
    #% to maximum Chaos Resistance
    #% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
    #% chance to Avoid Bleeding
    +# to Armour
    +# to Evasion Rating
    +# to maximum Energy Shield
    # Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
    #% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters
    #% increased Effect of Socketed Abyss Jewels
    10240chaos resistance+#% to Chaos Resistance
    27650elemental fire ailment#% chance to Ignite
    #% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
    #% chance to Avoid being Ignited
    #% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
    #% increased Movement Speed
    #% increased Rarity of Items found
    #% increased Quantity of Items found
    #% increased Light Radius
    5560damage elemental fire ailmentIgnites you inflict deal Damage #% faster
    #% Chance to Block Spell Damage
    11600elemental lightning ailment#% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
    #% increased Lightning Damage
    #% Chance to Block Attack Damage
    #% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
    # to Maximum Power Charges
    16560attack#% increased Global Accuracy Rating
    #% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
    Labyrinth Enchantment Helmet /1500
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ball Lightning Damage 125% increased Ball Lightning Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ball Lightning Damage 240% increased Ball Lightning Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Blades Damage 125% increased Frost Blades Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Blades Damage 240% increased Frost Blades Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Blades Projectile Speed 120% increased Frost Blades Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Blades Projectile Speed 230% increased Frost Blades Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Duration 1Summon Raging Spirit has 20% increased Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Duration 2Summon Raging Spirit has 30% increased Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Additional 1Summon Raging Spirit has 16% chance to summon an extra Minion100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Additional 2Summon Raging Spirit has 24% chance to summon an extra Minion100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Discharge Consume Charges 120% chance for Discharge to deal Damage without removing Charges100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Discharge Consume Charges 230% chance for Discharge to deal Damage without removing Charges100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Discharge Radius 1+0.3 metres to Discharge radius100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Discharge Radius 2+0.5 metres to Discharge radius100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Anger Reservation 1Anger has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Anger Reservation 2Anger has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Anger Reservation 1Anger has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Anger Reservation 2Anger has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless Labyrinth20% increased Lightning Trap Damage
    The Eternal Labyrinth30% increased Lightning Trap Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Damage 125% increased Infernal Cry Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Damage 240% increased Infernal Cry Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Damage 1Ancestral Protector Totem deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Damage 2Ancestral Protector Totem deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Warchief Damage 125% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Warchief Damage 240% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage100
    The Merciless Labyrinth25% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Damage
    The Eternal Labyrinth40% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Placement Speed 112% increased Ancestral Protector Totem Placement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Placement Speed 218% increased Ancestral Protector Totem Placement Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Resistances 1+24% to Ancestral Protector Totem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Resistances 2+36% to Ancestral Protector Totem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Attack Speed 1Ancestral Protector Totem grants 12% increased Attack Speed while Active100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Protector Attack Speed 2Ancestral Protector Totem grants 18% increased Attack Speed while Active100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Guardian Damage 1Animated Guardians deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Guardian Damage 2Animated Guardians deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Weapon Damage 1Animated Weapons deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Weapon Damage 2Animated Weapons deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Damage 125% increased Arc Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Damage 240% increased Arc Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Damage 125% increased Creeping Frost Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Damage 240% increased Creeping Frost Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Armageddon Brand Damage 1Armageddon Brand deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Armageddon Brand Damage 2Armageddon Brand deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bane Damage 1Bane deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bane Damage 2Bane deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Barrage Damage 125% increased Barrage Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Barrage Damage 240% increased Barrage Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bear Trap Damage 125% increased Bear Trap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bear Trap Damage 240% increased Bear Trap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Trap Damage 125% increased Blade Trap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Trap Damage 240% increased Blade Trap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Damage 125% increased Blade Vortex Spell Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Damage 240% increased Blade Vortex Spell Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Damage 125% increased Bladefall Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Damage 240% increased Bladefall Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blast Rain Damage 1Blast Rain deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blast Rain Damage 2Blast Rain deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blazing Salvo Damage 1Blazing Salvo deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blazing Salvo Damage 2Blazing Salvo deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blight Damage 125% increased Blight Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blight Damage 240% increased Blight Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blink Arrow Damage 1Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blink Arrow Damage 2Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Reap Damage 1Reap deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reap Damage 2Reap deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Damage 125% increased Burning Arrow Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Damage 240% increased Burning Arrow Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Damage 125% increased Caustic Arrow Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Damage 240% increased Caustic Arrow Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Flurry Damage 125% increased Blade Flurry Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Flurry Damage 240% increased Blade Flurry Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Damage 125% increased Charged Dash Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Damage 240% increased Charged Dash Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cleave Damage 125% increased Cleave Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cleave Damage 240% increased Cleave Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cold Snap Damage 125% increased Cold Snap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cold Snap Damage 240% increased Cold Snap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Consecrated Path Damage 1Consecrated Path deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Consecrated Path Damage 2Consecrated Path deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Contagion Damage 125% increased Contagion Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Contagion Damage 240% increased Contagion Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Corrupting Fever Damage 1Corrupting Fever deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Corrupting Fever Damage 2Corrupting Fever deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Conversion Trap Damage 1Converted Enemies have 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Conversion Trap Damage 2Converted Enemies have 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Crackling Lance Damage 1Crackling Lance deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Crackling Lance Damage 2Crackling Lance deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cyclone Damage 125% increased Cyclone Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cyclone Damage 240% increased Cyclone Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Detonate Dead Damage 125% increased Detonate Dead Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Detonate Dead Damage 240% increased Detonate Dead Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Discharge Damage 125% increased Discharge Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Discharge Damage 240% increased Discharge Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Divine Ire Damage 1Divine Ire deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Divine Ire Damage 2Divine Ire deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lacerate Damage 125% increased Lacerate Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lacerate Damage 240% increased Lacerate Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Damage 125% increased Double Strike Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Damage 240% increased Double Strike Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dual Strike Damage 125% increased Dual Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dual Strike Damage 240% increased Dual Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Damage 125% increased Earthquake Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Damage 240% increased Earthquake Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Hit Damage 1Elemental Hit deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Hit Damage 2Elemental Hit deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Essence Drain Damage 125% increased Essence Drain Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Essence Drain Damage 240% increased Essence Drain Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ethereal Knives Damage 125% increased Ethereal Knives Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ethereal Knives Damage 240% increased Ethereal Knives Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Damage 1Explosive Arrow deals 25% increased Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Damage 2Explosive Arrow deals 40% increased Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Concoction Damage 125% increased Explosive Concoction Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Concoction Damage 240% increased Explosive Concoction Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Exsanguinate Damage 1Exsanguinate deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Exsanguinate Damage 2Exsanguinate deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Eye of Winter Damage 125% increased Eye of Winter Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Eye of Winter Damage 240% increased Eye of Winter Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 1Pyroclast Mine deals 25% increased Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 2Pyroclast Mine deals 40% increased Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Firestorm Damage 125% increased Firestorm Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Firestorm Damage 240% increased Firestorm Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Trap Damage 125% increased Fire Trap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Trap Damage 240% increased Fire Trap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fireball Damage 125% increased Fireball Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fireball Damage 240% increased Fireball Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Scorching Ray Damage 125% increased Scorching Ray Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Scorching Ray Damage 240% increased Scorching Ray Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Dash Damage 125% increased Flame Dash Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Dash Damage 240% increased Flame Dash Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Surge Damage 125% increased Flame Surge Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Surge Damage 240% increased Flame Surge Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Damage 1Flamethrower Trap deals 25% increased Damage80
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Damage 2Flamethrower Trap deals 40% increased Damage80
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Damage 1Holy Flame Totem deals 25% increased Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Damage 2Holy Flame Totem deals 40% increased Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flameblast Damage 125% increased Flameblast Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flameblast Damage 240% increased Flameblast Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Wall Damage 1Flame Wall deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Wall Damage 2Flame Wall deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flicker Strike Damage 125% increased Flicker Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flicker Strike Damage 240% increased Flicker Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Forbidden Rite Damage 125% increased Forbidden Rite Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Forbidden Rite Damage 240% increased Forbidden Rite Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Freezing Pulse Damage 125% increased Freezing Pulse Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Freezing Pulse Damage 240% increased Freezing Pulse Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frenzy Damage 125% increased Frenzy Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frenzy Damage 240% increased Frenzy Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bolt Damage 125% increased Frostbolt Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bolt Damage 240% increased Frostbolt Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Damage 125% increased Frost Bomb Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Damage 240% increased Frost Bomb Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Cascade Damage 125% increased Glacial Cascade Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Cascade Damage 240% increased Glacial Cascade Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Hammer Damage 125% increased Glacial Hammer Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Hammer Damage 240% increased Glacial Hammer Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ground Slam Damage 125% increased Ground Slam Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ground Slam Damage 240% increased Ground Slam Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Heavy Strike Damage 125% increased Heavy Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Heavy Strike Damage 240% increased Heavy Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ash Damage 125% increased Herald of Ash Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ash Damage 240% increased Herald of Ash Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ice Damage 125% increased Herald of Ice Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ice Damage 240% increased Herald of Ice Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Thunder Damage 125% increased Herald of Thunder Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Thunder Damage 240% increased Herald of Thunder Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hexblast Damage 1Hexblast deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hexblast Damage 2Hexblast deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Holy Relic Damage 1Summoned Holy Relics deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Holy Relic Damage 2Summoned Holy Relics deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Crash Damage 125% increased Ice Crash Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Crash Damage 240% increased Ice Crash Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Damage 125% increased Ice Nova Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Damage 240% increased Ice Nova Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Damage 125% increased Ice Shot Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Damage 240% increased Ice Shot Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Damage 1Siphoning Trap deals 25% increased Damage67
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Damage 2Siphoning Trap deals 40% increased Damage67
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Damage 125% increased Ice Spear Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Damage 240% increased Ice Spear Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Damage 125% increased Ice Trap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Damage 240% increased Ice Trap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Damage 125% increased Incinerate Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Damage 240% increased Incinerate Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Damage 125% increased Infernal Blow Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Damage 240% increased Infernal Blow Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Blast Damage 125% increased Kinetic Blast Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Blast Damage 240% increased Kinetic Blast Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lancing Steel Damage 1Lancing Steel deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lancing Steel Damage 2Lancing Steel deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Leap Slam Damage 125% increased Leap Slam Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Leap Slam Damage 240% increased Leap Slam Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Arrow Damage 125% increased Lightning Arrow Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Arrow Damage 240% increased Lightning Arrow Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Strike Damage 125% increased Lightning Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Strike Damage 240% increased Lightning Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tendrils Damage 125% increased Lightning Tendrils Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tendrils Damage 240% increased Lightning Tendrils Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Damage 1Lightning Spire Trap deals 25% increased Damage60
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Damage 2Lightning Spire Trap deals 40% increased Damage60
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Damage 125% increased Lightning Trap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Damage 240% increased Lightning Trap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Warp Damage 125% increased Lightning Warp Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Warp Damage 240% increased Lightning Warp Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rolling Magma Damage 125% increased Rolling Magma Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rolling Magma Damage 240% increased Rolling Magma Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Manabond Damage 125% increased Manabond Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Manabond Damage 240% increased Manabond Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Mirror Arrow Damage 1Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Mirror Arrow Damage 2Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Shell Duration 1Molten Shell has 25% increased Skill Effect Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Shell Duration 2Molten Shell has 40% increased Skill Effect Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Shell Armour 1100% increased Molten Shell Buff Effect
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Shell Armour 2150% increased Molten Shell Buff Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Strike Damage 125% increased Molten Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Strike Damage 240% increased Molten Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Orb Of Storms Damage 1Orb of Storms deals 25% increased Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Orb Of Storms Damage 2Orb of Storms deals 40% increased Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Orb Of Storms Cast Speed 1Orb of Storms has 20% increased Cast Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Orb Of Storms Cast Speed 2Orb of Storms has 30% increased Cast Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Trap Damage 1Seismic Trap deals 25% increased Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Trap Damage 2Seismic Trap deals 40% increased Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Poisonous Concoction Damage 125% increased Poisonous Concoction Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Poisonous Concoction Damage 240% increased Poisonous Concoction Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Damage 125% increased Power Siphon Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Damage 240% increased Power Siphon Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Puncture Damage 125% increased Puncture Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Puncture Damage 240% increased Puncture Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purifying Flame Damage 1Purifying Flame deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purifying Flame Damage 2Purifying Flame deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Damage 125% increased Rain of Arrows Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Damage 240% increased Rain of Arrows Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Raise Spectre Damage 1Spectres have 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Raise Spectre Damage 2Spectres have 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Raise Zombie Damage 1Raised Zombies deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Raise Zombie Damage 2Raised Zombies deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 110% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 215% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Reave Damage 125% increased Reave Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reave Damage 240% increased Reave Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Reckoning Damage 125% increased Reckoning Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reckoning Damage 240% increased Reckoning Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Righteous Fire Damage 125% increased Righteous Fire Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Righteous Fire Damage 240% increased Righteous Fire Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Riposte Damage 125% increased Riposte Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Riposte Damage 240% increased Riposte Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Scourge Arrow Damage 1Scourge Arrow deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Scourge Arrow Damage 2Scourge Arrow deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Searing Bond Damage 125% increased Searing Bond Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Searing Bond Damage 240% increased Searing Bond Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Charge Damage 125% increased Shield Charge Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Charge Damage 240% increased Shield Charge Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shock Nova Damage 125% increased Shock Nova Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shock Nova Damage 240% increased Shock Nova Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Trap Damage 1Explosive Trap deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Trap Damage 2Explosive Trap deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Damage 1Sunder has 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Damage 2Sunder has 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shattering Steel Damage 1Shattering Steel deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shattering Steel Damage 2Shattering Steel deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shockwave Totem Damage 125% increased Shockwave Totem Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shockwave Totem Damage 240% increased Shockwave Totem Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Shot Damage 125% increased Galvanic Arrow Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Shot Damage 240% increased Galvanic Arrow Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Siege Ballista Damage 1Siege Ballista deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Siege Ballista Damage 2Siege Ballista deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dark Pact Damage 125% increased Dark Pact Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dark Pact Damage 240% increased Dark Pact Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dack Pact Cast Speed 18% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dack Pact Cast Speed 212% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dark Pact Area Of Effect 116% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dark Pact Area Of Effect 224% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Smite Damage 1Smite deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Smite Damage 2Smite deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Soulrend Damage 1Soulrend deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Soulrend Damage 2Soulrend deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Damage 125% increased Spark Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Damage 240% increased Spark Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Helix Damage 125% increased Spectral Helix Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Helix Damage 240% increased Spectral Helix Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Shield Throw Damage 125% increased Spectral Shield Throw Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Shield Throw Damage 240% increased Spectral Shield Throw Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Throw Damage 125% increased Spectral Throw Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Throw Damage 240% increased Spectral Throw Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Split Arrow Damage 125% increased Split Arrow Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Split Arrow Damage 240% increased Split Arrow Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Splitting Steel 1Splitting Steel deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Splitting Steel 2Splitting Steel deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Damage 125% increased Static Strike Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Damage 240% increased Static Strike Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Brand Damage 1Storm Brand deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Brand Damage 2Storm Brand deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Burst Damage 125% increased Storm Burst Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Burst Damage 240% increased Storm Burst Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Call Damage 125% increased Storm Call Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Call Damage 240% increased Storm Call Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sumon Chaos Golem Damage 1Chaos Golems deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sumon Chaos Golem Damage 2Chaos Golems deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Flame Golem Damage 1Flame Golems have 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Flame Golem Damage 2Flame Golems have 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Ice Golem Damage 1Ice Golems deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Ice Golem Damage 2Ice Golems deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Lightning Golem Damage 1Lightning Golems deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Lightning Golem Damage 2Lightning Golems deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Raging Spirit Damage 1Summoned Raging Spirits deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Raging Spirit Damage 2Summoned Raging Spirits deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skeletons Damage 1Skeletons deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skeletons Damage 2Skeletons deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Stone Golem Damage 1Stone Golems deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Stone Golem Damage 2Stone Golems deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Damage 125% increased Sweep Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Damage 240% increased Sweep Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tectonic Slam Damage 1Tectonic Slam deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tectonic Slam Damage 2Tectonic Slam deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tempest Shield Damage 125% increased Tempest Shield Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tempest Shield Damage 240% increased Tempest Shield Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Damage 125% increased Tornado Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Damage 240% increased Tornado Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Shot Damage 125% increased Tornado Shot Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Shot Damage 240% increased Tornado Shot Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Toxic Rain Damage 1Toxic Rain deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Toxic Rain Damage 2Toxic Rain deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vengeance Damage 125% increased Vengeance Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vengeance Damage 240% increased Vengeance Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vigilant Strike Damage 125% increased Vigilant Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vigilant Strike Damage 240% increased Vigilant Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Viper Strike Damage 125% increased Viper Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Viper Strike Damage 240% increased Viper Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage 125% increased Voltaxic Burst Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage 240% increased Voltaxic Burst Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex Damage 125% increased Vortex Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex Damage 240% increased Vortex Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hydrosphere Damage 1Hydrosphere deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hydrosphere Damage 2Hydrosphere deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wave Of Conviction Damage 1Wave of Conviction deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wave Of Conviction Damage 2Wave of Conviction deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Whirling Blades Damage 125% increased Whirling Blades Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Whirling Blades Damage 240% increased Whirling Blades Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wild Strike Damage 125% increased Wild Strike Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wild Strike Damage 240% increased Wild Strike Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Orb Damage 1Winter Orb deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Orb Damage 2Winter Orb deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Absolution Duration 120% increased Sentinel of Absolution Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Absolution Duration 230% increased Sentinel of Absolution Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Absolution Cast Speed 18% increased Absolution Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Absolution Cast Speed 212% increased Absolution Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Absolution Minion Area of Effect 1Summoned Sentinels of Absolution have 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Absolution Minion Area of Effect 2Summoned Sentinels of Absolution have 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 1Infernal Cry has 24% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 2Infernal Cry has 36% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Guardian Elemental Resistances 1+24% to Animated Guardian Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Guardian Elemental Resistances 2+36% to Animated Guardian Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Weapon Duration 120% increased Animate Weapon Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Weapon Duration 230% increased Animate Weapon Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Weapon Chance To Create Additional Copy 116% chance to create an additional Animate Weapon copy100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Animate Weapon Chance To Create Additional Copy 224% chance to create an additional Animate Weapon copy100
    The Merciless LabyrinthArc Chains an additional time
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1Arc Chains an additional time75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Shock Chance 1Arc has +20% chance to Shock100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Shock Chance 2Arc has +30% chance to Shock75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Damage Per Chain 1Arc deals 8% increased Damage for each time it has Chained100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arc Damage Per Chain 2Arc deals 12% increased Damage for each time it has Chained75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arcane Cloak Additional Mana Spent 1Arcane Cloak Spends an additional 10% of current Mana100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arcane Cloak Additional Mana Spent 2Arcane Cloak Spends an additional 15% of current Mana100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arcane Cloak Grants Life Regeneration 1Arcane Cloak grants Life Regeneration equal to 15% of Mana Spent per Second100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bane Area Of Effect 1Bane has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bane Area Of Effect 2Bane has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bane Linked Curse Effect 110% increased Effect of Curses applied by Bane
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bane Linked Curse Effect 210% increased Effect of Curses applied by Bane100
    The Merciless LabyrinthArmageddon Brand Repeat Frequency 1Armageddon Brand has 8% increased Activation Frequency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthArmageddon Brand Repeat Frequency 2Armageddon Brand has 12% increased Activation Frequency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthArmageddon Brand Attached Target Fire Penetration 1Armageddon Brand Damage Penetrates 8% of Branded Enemy's Fire Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthArmageddon Brand Attached Target Fire Penetration 2Armageddon Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Fire Resistance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestor Warchief Area Of Effect 116% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestor Warchief Area Of Effect 224% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestor Warchief Melee Damage 1Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 20% increased Melee Damage while Active100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestor Warchief Melee Damage 2Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 30% increased Melee Damage while Active100
    The Merciless Labyrinth8% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Area of Effect
    The Eternal Labyrinth12% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Area of Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthAncestral Blademaster Totem grants 3% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage while Active
    The Eternal LabyrinthAncestral Blademaster Totem grants 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage while Active
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Cry Exerted Attack Damage 1Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal 35% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Cry Exerted Attack Damage 2Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal 50% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ancestral Cry Minimum Power 1Ancestral Cry has a minimum of 10 Power100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arctic Armour Buff Effect 124% increased Arctic Armour Buff Effect
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arctic Armour Buff Effect 236% increased Arctic Armour Buff Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 1Arctic Armour has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 2Arctic Armour has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 1Arctic Armour has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 2Arctic Armour has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Duration 124% increased Creeping Frost Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Duration 236% increased Creeping Frost Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Area Of Effect 116% increased Creeping Frost Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Area Of Effect 224% increased Creeping Frost Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Creeping Frost Chilling Area Movement Velocity 1Creeping Frost's Chilling Area has 38% increased Movement Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Assassins Mark Curse Effect 120% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Assassins Mark Curse Effect 230% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Assassins Mark Duration 130% increased Assassin's Mark Duration
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Assassins Mark Duration 245% increased Assassin's Mark Duration
    The Merciless Labyrinth30% reduced Ball Lightning Projectile Speed
    The Eternal Labyrinth45% reduced Ball Lightning Projectile Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ball Lightning Area Of Effect 116% increased Ball Lightning Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ball Lightning Area Of Effect 224% increased Ball Lightning Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ball Lightning Additional Projectiles 1Ball Lightning fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Barrage Attack Speed 110% increased Barrage Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Barrage Attack Speed 215% increased Barrage Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthBarrage fires an additional Projectile
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Barrage Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Barrage fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect 110% increased Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect 215% increased Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Battlemage's Cry Additional ExertBattlemage's Cry Exerts 1 additional Attack100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bear Trap Cooldown Speed 1Bear Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bear Trap Cooldown Speed 2Bear Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bear Trap Damage Taken 1Enemies affected by Bear Trap take 5% increased Damage from Trap or Mine Hits100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bear Trap Damage Taken 2Enemies affected by Bear Trap take 10% increased Damage from Trap or Mine Hits100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Bladefall Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Bladefall Critical Strike Chance75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Area Of Effect 116% increased Bladefall Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Area Of Effect 224% increased Bladefall Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladefall Additional VolleyBladefall has an additional Volley75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Trap Area Of Effect 116% increased Blade Trap Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Trap Area Of Effect 224% increased Blade Trap Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Trap Additional RotationBlade Trap rotates +1 times100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Duration 120% increased Blade Vortex Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Duration 230% increased Blade Vortex Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Area Of Effect 116% increased Blade Vortex Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Area Of Effect 224% increased Blade Vortex Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Crit Multi Per Blade 1Blade Vortex has +2% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each blade75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Vortex Crit Multi Per Blade 2Blade Vortex has +3% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each blade75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blast Rain Area Of Effect 1Blast Rain has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blast Rain Area Of Effect 2Blast Rain has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blast Rain Additional Blast 1Blast Rain fires an additional Arrow
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blast Rain Additional Blast 2Blast Rain fires an additional Arrow100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blazing Salvo Num of Additional Projectiles 1Blazing Salvo fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blazing Salvo Spread Area 1Blazing Salvo Projectiles land in a 20% increased Area100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blazing Salvo Spread Area 2Blazing Salvo Projectiles land in a 30% increased Area100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blight Area Of Effect 116% increased Blight Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blight Area Of Effect 224% increased Blight Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blight Secondary Skill Duration 1Blight has 20% increased Hinder Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blight Secondary Skill Duration 2Blight has 30% increased Hinder Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blink Arrow Attack Speed 1Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 10% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blink Arrow Attack Speed 2Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 15% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blink Arrow Cooldown Speed 1Blink Arrow has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blink Arrow Cooldown Speed 2Blink Arrow has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blood Rage Attack Speed 1Blood Rage grants additional 8% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blood Rage Attack Speed 2Blood Rage grants additional 12% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blood Rage Frenzy On Kill 1Blood Rage grants additional 20% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blood Rage Frenzy On Kill 2Blood Rage grants additional 30% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Reap Area Of Effect 116% increased Reap Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reap Area Of Effect 224% increased Reap Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reap Maximum Blood Charges 1+1 to Maximum Blood Charges100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bone Offering Duration 130% increased Bone Offering Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bone Offering Duration 245% increased Bone Offering Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bone Offering Block Chance 1Bone Offering grants an additional +6% Chance to Block Attack Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bone Offering Block Chance 2Bone Offering grants an additional +9% Chance to Block Attack Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 1Burning Arrow has +20% chance to Ignite100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 2Burning Arrow has +30% chance to Ignite100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 110% of Burning Arrow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 215% of Burning Arrow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Duration 120% increased Caustic Arrow Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Duration 230% increased Caustic Arrow Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Area Of Effect 116% increased Caustic Arrow Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Area Of Effect 224% increased Caustic Arrow Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Wither On Hit 1Caustic Arrow has 14% chance to inflict Withered on Hit for 2 seconds base Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Caustic Arrow Wither On Hit 2Caustic Arrow has 20% chance to inflict Withered on Hit for 2 seconds base Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Chaos Golem Percent Additional Physical Damage Reduction 175% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Chaos Golems100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Chaos Golem Percent Additional Physical Damage Reduction 2100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Chaos Golems100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances 1+24% to Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances 2+36% to Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Flurry Area Of Effect 116% increased Blade Flurry Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Flurry Area Of Effect 224% increased Blade Flurry Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Flurry Maximum Stage 1+1 to maximum Blade Flurry stages
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Flurry Maximum Stage 1+1 to maximum Blade Flurry stages100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 1Charged Dash has +0.4 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 2Charged Dash has +0.6 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 1Charged Dash has +0.4 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 2Charged Dash has +0.6 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Movement Speed 1Charged Dash has 10% more Movement Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Charged Dash Movement Speed 2Charged Dash has 15% more Movement Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 1Clarity has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 2Clarity has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 1Clarity has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 2Clarity has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cleave Attack Speed 110% increased Cleave Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cleave Attack Speed 215% increased Cleave Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cleave Area Of Effect 116% increased Cleave Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cleave Area Of Effect 224% increased Cleave Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cold Snap Cooldown Speed 1Cold Snap has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cold Snap Cooldown Speed 2Cold Snap has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cold Snap Area Of Effect 116% increased Cold Snap Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cold Snap Area Of Effect 224% increased Cold Snap Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Conductivity Curse Effect 110% increased Conductivity Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Conductivity Curse Effect 215% increased Conductivity Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Conductivity Duration 130% increased Conductivity Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Conductivity Duration 245% increased Conductivity Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Consecrated Path Range 1Consecrated Path has 10% increased teleport range100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Consecrated Path Range 2Consecrated Path has 15% increased teleport range100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Contagion Duration 120% increased Contagion Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Contagion Duration 230% increased Contagion Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Contagion Radius 116% increased Contagion Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Contagion Radius 224% increased Contagion Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Consecrated Path Area Of Effect 1Consecrated Path has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Consecrated Path Area Of Effect 2Consecrated Path has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Corrupting Fever Duration 120% increased Corrupting Fever Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Corrupting Fever Duration 230% increased Corrupting Fever Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Corrupting Fever Additional Corrupted Blood 1Corrupting Fever has +50% chance to inflict an additional Corrupted Blood Debuff100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Conversion Trap Cooldown Speed 1Conversion Trap 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Conversion Trap Cooldown Speed 2Conversion Trap 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Convocation Cooldown Speed 1Convocation has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Convocation Cooldown Speed 2Convocation has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Convocation Life Regeneration 124% increased Convocation Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Convocation Life Regeneration 236% increased Convocation Buff Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Crackling Lance Cast Speed 1Crackling Lance has 8% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Crackling Lance Cast Speed 2Crackling Lance has 16% increased Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Crackling Lance Beam Angle 1Crackling Lance has 24% increased branching angle100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Crackling Lance Beam Angle 2Crackling Lance has 36% increased branching angle100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cyclone Attack Speed 110% increased Cyclone Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cyclone Attack Speed 215% increased Cyclone Attack Speed100
    The Merciless Labyrinth8% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed
    The Eternal Labyrinth12% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed
    The Merciless Labyrinth16% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect
    The Eternal Labyrinth24% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Decoy Totem Life 140% increased Decoy Totem Life100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Decoy Totem Life 260% increased Decoy Totem Life100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Decoy Totem Area Of Effect 116% increased Decoy Totem Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Decoy Totem Area Of Effect 224% increased Decoy Totem Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Desecrate Duration 120% increased Desecrate Duration
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Desecrate Duration 230% increased Desecrate Duration
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Desecrate Additional Corpse 1Desecrate Spawns 2 additional corpses100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Desecrate Additional Corpse 2Desecrate Spawns 3 additional corpses100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Despair Duration 130% increased Despair Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Despair Duration 245% increased Despair Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Despair Effect 110% increased Despair Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Despair Effect 215% increased Despair Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Determination Mana Reservation 1Determination has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Determination Mana Reservation 2Determination has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Determination Mana Reservation 1Determination has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Determination Mana Reservation 2Determination has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Detonate Dead Percent Chance To Detonate Additional Corpse 1Detonate Dead has a 30% chance to detonate an additional corpse100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Detonate Dead Percent Chance To Detonate Additional Corpse 2Detonate Dead has a 45% chance to detonate an additional corpse100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Detonate Dead Area Of Effect 116% increased Detonate Dead Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Detonate Dead Area Of Effect 224% increased Detonate Dead Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Destructive Link Duration 120% increased Destructive Link Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Destructive Link Duration 230% increased Destructive Link Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Devouring Totem Percent Chance To Consume Additional Corpse 1Devouring Totem has 40% Chance to Consume an additional corpse100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Devouring Totem Percent Chance To Consume Additional Corpse 2Devouring Totem has 60% Chance to Consume an additional corpse100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Devouring Totem Leech Per Second 124% increased Devouring Totem Leech per second100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Devouring Totem Leech Per Second 236% increased Devouring Totem Leech per second100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 1Discipline has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 2Discipline has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 1Discipline has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 2Discipline has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Divine Ire Beam Width 1Divine Ire's beam has 10% increased width100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Divine Ire Beam Width 2Divine Ire's beam has 15% increased width100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Divine Ire Number Of Additional Nearby Enemies To Zap 1Divine Ire Damages an additional nearby Enemy when gaining Stages100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Divine Ire Number Of Additional Nearby Enemies To Zap 2Divine Ire Damages 2 additional nearby Enemies when gaining Stages100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dominating Blow Duration 120% increased Sentinel of Dominance Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dominating Blow Duration 230% increased Sentinel of Dominance Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthSummoned Sentinels of Dominance deal 20% increased Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthSummoned Sentinels of Dominance deal 30% increased Damage
    The Merciless Labyrinth24% increased Dominating Blow Damage
    The Eternal Labyrinth36% increased Dominating Blow Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dominating Blow Additional Magic 1Dominating Blow can summon 2 additional Magic Sentinels of Dominance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dominating Blow Additional Magic 2Dominating Blow can summon 3 additional Magic Sentinels of Dominance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dominating Blow Additional Rare 1Dominating Blow can summon an additional Rare Sentinel of Dominance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Slash Critical Strikes 140% increased Lacerate Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Slash Critical Strikes 260% increased Lacerate Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Slash Area Of Effect 116% increased Lacerate Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Slash Area Of Effect 224% increased Lacerate Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Slash Added Phys To Bleeding 1Lacerate deals (4–8) to (10–15) added Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Slash Added Phys To Bleeding 2Lacerate deals (14–18) to (20–25) added Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Attack Speed 110% increased Double Strike Attack Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Attack Speed 215% increased Double Strike Attack Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Double Strike Critical Strike Chance75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Double Strike Critical Strike Chance75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Double Damage Vs Bleeding 1Double Strike has a 10% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Double Strike Double Damage Vs Bleeding 2Double Strike has a 15% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dread Banner Effect 1Dread Banner has 25% increased Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dread Banner Effect 2Dread Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dual Strike Attack Speed 110% increased Dual Strike Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dual Strike Attack Speed 215% increased Dual Strike Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Duration 120% reduced Earthquake Duration
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Duration 230% reduced Earthquake Duration
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Area Of Effect 116% increased Earthquake Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Area Of Effect 224% increased Earthquake Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Damage per 0.1s Duration 1Earthquake deals 5% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthquake Damage per 0.1s Duration 2Earthquake deals 8% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Hit Attack Speed 110% increased Elemental Hit Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Hit Attack Speed 215% increased Elemental Hit Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Hit Chance To Freeze Shock Ignite 1Elemental Hit has +20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Hit Chance To Freeze Shock Ignite 2Elemental Hit has +30% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Weakness Curse Effect 110% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Weakness Curse Effect 215% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Weakness Duration 130% increased Elemental Weakness Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Elemental Weakness Duration 245% increased Elemental Weakness Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 1Enduring Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 2Enduring Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 1Enduring Cry has 24% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 2Enduring Cry has 36% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Enduring Cry Additional Endurance Charge 1Enduring Cry grants 1 additional Endurance Charge to you and Allied Players100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Energy Blade Attack Speed 1Energy Blades have 10% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Energy Blade Attack Speed 2Energy Blades have 15% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Energy Blade Lightning Penetration 1Attacks with Energy Blades Penetrate 8% Lightning Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Energy Blade Lightning Penetration 2Attacks with Energy Blades Penetrate 12% Lightning Resistance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Enfeeble Curse Effect 110% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Enfeeble Curse Effect 215% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Enfeeble Duration 130% increased Enfeeble Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Enfeeble Duration 245% increased Enfeeble Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed 120% increased Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed 230% increased Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ethereal Knives Projectiles Fire in Circle 1Ethereal Knives fires Projectiles in a circle75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ethereal Knives Number Of Targets To Pierce 1Ethereal Knives Pierces an additional Target
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Area Of Effect 1Explosive Arrow has 16% increased Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Area Of Effect 2Explosive Arrow has 24% increased Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Attack Speed 1Explosive Arrow has 10% increased Attack Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Attack Speed 2Explosive Arrow has 15% increased Attack Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Concoction Area Of Effect 116% increased Explosive Concoction Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Concoction Area Of Effect 224% increased Explosive Concoction Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Concoction Flask Charges 1Explosive Concoction uses 8% reduced Flask Charges100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Concoction Flask Charges 2Explosive Concoction uses 12% reduced Flask Charges100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Exsanguinate Duration 120% increased Exsanguinate Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Exsanguinate Duration 230% increased Exsanguinate Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Exsanguinate Additional Chain Chance 1Exsanguinate has a 25% chance to Chain an additional time100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Eye of Winter Projectile Speed 120% increased Eye of Winter Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Eye of Winter Projectile Speed 230% increased Eye of Winter Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Eye of Winter Shard Frequency 1Eye of Winter fires Shard projectiles with 8% increased Frequency during flight100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Eye of Winter Shard Frequency 2Eye of Winter fires Shard projectiles with 12% increased Frequency during flight100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fireball Cast Speed 18% increased Fireball Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fireball Cast Speed 212% increased Fireball Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fireball Ignite Chance 1Fireball has +20% chance to Ignite100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fireball Ignite Chance 2Fireball has +30% chance to Ignite100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Beam Cast Speed 18% increased Scorching Ray Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Beam Cast Speed 212% increased Scorching Ray Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Beam Length 110% increased Scorching Ray beam length100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Beam Length 215% increased Scorching Ray beam length100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 1Pyroclast Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 2Pyroclast Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Additional Projectiles 1Pyroclast Mine fires an additional Projectile
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Additional Projectiles 2Pyroclast Mine fires 2 additional Projectiles
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Firestorm Duration 120% increased Firestorm Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Firestorm Duration 230% increased Firestorm Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Firestorm Explosion Area Of Effect 116% increased Firestorm explosion Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Firestorm Explosion Area Of Effect 224% increased Firestorm explosion Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Trap Burning Damage 140% increased Fire Trap Burning Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Trap Burning Damage 260% increased Fire Trap Burning Damage100
    The Merciless Labyrinth20% increased Fire Trap Damage
    The Eternal Labyrinth30% increased Fire Trap Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration 130% increased Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration 245% increased Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flameblast Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Flameblast Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flameblast Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Flameblast Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flameblast Area Of Effect 116% increased Flameblast Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flameblast Area Of Effect 224% increased Flameblast Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Dash Cooldown Speed 1Flame Dash has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Dash Cooldown Speed 2Flame Dash has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Golem Elemental Resistances 1+24% increased Flame Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Golem Elemental Resistances 2+36% increased Flame Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Golem Granted Buff Effect 1100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Flame Golems100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Golem Granted Buff Effect 2150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Flame Golems100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Surge Vs Burning Enemies 140% increased Flame Surge Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Surge Vs Burning Enemies 260% increased Flame Surge Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed 18% increased Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed 212% increased Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Cooldown Speed 1Flamethrower Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate80
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Cooldown Speed 2Flamethrower Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate80
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Duration 1Flamethrower Trap has 20% increased Skill Effect Duration80
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Trap Duration 2Flamethrower Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration80
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Additional Flamethrowers 1Flamethrower Trap has an additional Flame60
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flamethrower Additional Flamethrowers 2Flamethrower Trap has 2 additional Flames60
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Holy Flame Totem fires an additional Projectile75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Num Of Additional Projectiles 2Holy Flame Totem fires 2 additional Projectiles75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Projectile Speed 1Holy Flame Totem has 20% increased Projectile Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Projectile Speed 2Holy Flame Totem has 30% increased Projectile Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 1Consecrated Ground from Holy Flame Totem applies 6% increased Damage taken to Enemies75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Totem Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 2Consecrated Ground from Holy Flame Totem applies 9% increased Damage taken to Enemies75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Wall Added Damage 1Flame Wall grants 19 to 28 Added Fire Damage to Projectiles100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Wall Added Damage 2Flame Wall grants 31 to 47 Added Fire Damage to Projectiles100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Wall Count 1+1 to maximum number of Flame Walls100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flammability Curse Effect 110% increased Flammability Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flammability Curse Effect 215% increased Flammability Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flammability Duration 130% increased Flammability Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flammability Duration 245% increased Flammability Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh Offering Duration 130% increased Flesh Offering Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh Offering Duration 245% increased Flesh Offering Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh Offering Attack Speed 1Flesh Offering grants an additional 14% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh Offering Attack Speed 2Flesh Offering grants an additional 21% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bolt Cast Speed 110% increased Frostbolt Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bolt Cast Speed 215% increased Frostbolt Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bolt Freeze Chance 1Frostbolt has +10% chance to Freeze100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bolt Freeze Chance 2Frostbolt has +15% chance to Freeze100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spirit Offering Duration 130% increased Spirit Offering Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spirit Offering Duration 245% increased Spirit Offering Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spirit Offering Critical Strike Multiplier 1Spirit Offering grants +8% to Critical Strike Multiplier100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spirit Offering Critical Strike Multiplier 2Spirit Offering grants +12% to Critical Strike Multiplier100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Link Duration 120% increased Flame Link Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flame Link Duration 230% increased Flame Link Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flicker Strike Cooldown Speed 1Flicker Strike has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flicker Strike Cooldown Speed 2Flicker Strike has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flicker Strike Damage Per Frenzy Charge 16% increased Flicker Strike Damage per Frenzy Charge100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flicker Strike Damage Per Frenzy Charge 29% increased Flicker Strike Damage per Frenzy Charge100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed 120% increased Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed 230% increased Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Forbidden Rite Additional ProjectileForbidden Rite fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 1Icicle Mine has 8% increased Throwing Speed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 2Icicle Mine has 12% increased Throwing Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 18% increased Icicle Mine Throwing Speed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 212% increased Icicle Mine Throwing Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Freezing Pulse Cast Speed 18% increased Freezing Pulse Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Freezing Pulse Cast Speed 212% increased Freezing Pulse Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed 120% increased Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed 230% increased Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frenzy Percent Chance To Gain Additional Frenzy Charge 120% Chance on Frenzy to gain an additional Frenzy Charge100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frenzy Percent Chance To Gain Additional Frenzy Charge 230% Chance on Frenzy to gain an additional Frenzy Charge100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frenzy Damage Per Frenzy Charge 16% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frenzy Damage Per Frenzy Charge 29% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frostbite Curse Effect 110% increased Frostbite Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frostbite Curse Effect 215% increased Frostbite Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frostbite Duration 130% increased Frostbite Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frostbite Duration 245% increased Frostbite Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Cooldown Speed 1Frost Bomb has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Cooldown Speed 2Frost Bomb has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Area Of Effect 116% increased Frost Bomb Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Area Of Effect 224% increased Frost Bomb Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Increased Duration 1Frost Bomb has 20% increased Debuff Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Bomb Increased Duration 2Frost Bomb has 30% increased Debuff Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Shield Cooldown Count 1Frost Shield has +1 Cooldown Use100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Shield Health per Stage 1Frost Shield has +125 to maximum Life per Stage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Shield Health per Stage 2Frost Shield has +180 to maximum Life per Stage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Wall Cooldown Speed 1Frost Wall has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Wall Cooldown Speed 2Frost Wall has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Wall Duration 124% increased Frost Wall Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Wall Duration 236% increased Frost Wall Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment General's Cry Cooldown Speed 1General's Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment General's Cry Cooldown Speed 2General's Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment General's Cry Additional Mirage Warrior 1General's Cry has +1 to maximum number of Mirage Warriors100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Cascade Area Of Effect 116% increased Glacial Cascade Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Cascade Area Of Effect 224% increased Glacial Cascade Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Cascade Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold 1Glacial Cascade gains 6% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Cascade Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold 2Glacial Cascade gains 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Hammer Freeze Chance 1Glacial Hammer has +20% chance to Freeze100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Hammer Freeze Chance 2Glacial Hammer has +30% chance to Freeze100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Hammer Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 110% of Glacial Hammer Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Glacial Hammer Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 215% of Glacial Hammer Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Grace Mana Reservation 1Grace has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Grace Mana Reservation 2Grace has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Grace Mana Reservation 1Grace has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Grace Mana Reservation 2Grace has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ground Slam Area Of Effect 116% increased Ground Slam Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ground Slam Area Of Effect 224% increased Ground Slam Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ground Slam Angle 1Ground Slam has a 16% increased angle100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ground Slam Angle 2Ground Slam has a 24% increased angle100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Haste Mana Reservation 1Haste has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Haste Mana Reservation 2Haste has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Haste Mana Reservation 1Haste has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Haste Mana Reservation 2Haste has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 1Hatred has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 2Hatred has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 1Hatred has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 2Hatred has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Heavy Strike Attack Speed 110% increased Heavy Strike Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Heavy Strike Attack Speed 215% increased Heavy Strike Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Heavy Strike Double Damage 1Heavy Strike has a 8% chance to deal Double Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Heavy Strike Double Damage 2Heavy Strike has a 12% chance to deal Double Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 1Herald of Agony has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 2Herald of Agony has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 1Herald of Agony has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 2Herald of Agony has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Agony Num Of Secondary Projectiles 1Summoned Agony Crawler fires 2 additional Projectiles100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 1Herald of Ash has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 2Herald of Ash has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 1Herald of Ash has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 2Herald of Ash has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 1Herald of Ice has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 2Herald of Ice has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 1Herald of Ice has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 2Herald of Ice has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 1Herald of Purity has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 2Herald of Purity has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 1Herald of Purity has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 2Herald of Purity has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Purity Additional Minion 1+1 to maximum number of Sentinels of Purity100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 1Herald of Thunder has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 2Herald of Thunder has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 1Herald of Thunder has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 2Herald of Thunder has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hexblast Area Of Effect 1Hexblast has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hexblast Area Of Effect 2Hexblast has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hexblast Chance to not Consume Hex 1Hexblast has +10% chance to remove a Hex100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hexblast Chance to not Consume Hex 2Hexblast has +15% chance to remove a Hex100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Holy Relic Area Of Effect 1Summoned Holy Relics have 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Holy Relic Area Of Effect 2Summoned Holy Relics have 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Holy Relic Buff Effect 1Summoned Holy Relics have 40% increased Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Holy Relic Buff Effect 2Summoned Holy Relics have 60% increased Buff Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Crash Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 110% of Ice Crash Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Crash Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 215% of Ice Crash Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Crash Area Of Effect 116% increased Ice Crash Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Crash Area Of Effect 224% increased Ice Crash Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Golem Elemental Resistances 1+24% to Ice Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Golem Elemental Resistances 2+36% to Ice Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Golem Grants Percent Additional Critical Strike Chance And Accuracy 1100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Ice Golems100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Golem Grants Percent Additional Critical Strike Chance And Accuracy 2150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Ice Golems100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Freeze Chance 1Ice Nova has +20% chance to Freeze75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Freeze Chance 2Ice Nova has +30% chance to Freeze75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Area Of Effect 116% increased Ice Nova Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Area Of Effect 224% increased Ice Nova Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Minimum Chill 1Chills from Ice Nova Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least 6%75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Nova Minimum Chill 2Chills from Ice Nova Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least 8%75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Damage 124% increased Ice Shot Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Damage 236% increased Ice Shot Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Area Of Effect 116% increased Ice Shot Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Area Of Effect 224% increased Ice Shot Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Cone Angle 1Ice Shot has 30% increased Area of Effect angle100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Shot Cone Angle 2Ice Shot has 60% increased Area of Effect angle100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Duration 1Siphoning Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration67
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Duration 2Siphoning Trap has 45% increased Skill Effect Duration67
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Damage Taken 1Siphoning Trap's beam to you grants 1% reduced Damage taken for each other beam67
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Chill Effect 1Siphoning Trap has 25% increased Chill Effect67
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Siphon Trap Chill Effect 2Siphoning Trap has 40% increased Chill Effect67
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Critical Strike 110% Chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike with Ice Spear100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Critical Strike 215% Chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike with Ice Spear75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Second Form Critical Strike Chance 1200% increased Ice Spear Critical Strike Chance in second form100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Second Form Critical Strike Chance 2300% increased Ice Spear Critical Strike Chance in second form75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Additional Projectile 1Ice Spear fires an additional Projectile75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Distance Before Form Change 1Ice Spear travels 20% reduced distance before changing forms100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Spear Distance Before Form Change 2Ice Spear travels 30% reduced distance before changing forms75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Cooldown Speed 120% increased Ice Trap Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Cooldown Speed 230% increased Ice Trap Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Area Of Effect 116% increased Ice Trap Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Area Of Effect 224% increased Ice Trap Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Cold Penetration 1Ice Trap Damage Penetrates 6% Cold Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ice Trap Cold Penetration 2Ice Trap Damage Penetrates 10% Cold Resistance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Immortal Call Percent Chance To Not Consume Endurance Charges 1Immortal Call has 20% increased Buff Duration per Endurance Charge removed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Immortal Call Percent Chance To Not Consume Endurance Charges 2Immortal Call has 30% increased Buff Duration per Endurance Charge removed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Immortal Call Duration 124% increased Immortal Call Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Immortal Call Duration 236% increased Immortal Call Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Damage Per Stage 116% increased Incinerate Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Damage Per Stage 224% increased Incinerate Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Projectile Speed 120% increased Incinerate Damage
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Projectile Speed 230% increased Incinerate Damage
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Area Of Effect 1Incinerate has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Area Of Effect 2Incinerate has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Maximum Stages 1Incinerate has +1 to maximum stages100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Maximum Stages 2Incinerate has +2 to maximum stages100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Incinerate Damage Per Stage 310% increased Incinerate Damage for each stage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 110% of Infernal Blow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 215% of Infernal Blow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Area Of Effect 116% increased Infernal Blow Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Area Of Effect 224% increased Infernal Blow Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Increased Damage Per Stack 1Infernal Blow Debuff deals an additional 3% of Damage per Charge75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Blow Increased Damage Per Stack 2Infernal Blow Debuff deals an additional 5% of Damage per Charge75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 1Infernal Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 2Infernal Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Infernal Cry Combust Area Of Effect 1Combust has 30% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Intimidating Cry Cooldown Speed 1Intimidating Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Intimidating Cry Cooldown Speed 2Intimidating Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Intimidating Cry Area Of Effect 1Intimidating Cry has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Intimidating Cry Area Of Effect 2Intimidating Cry has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Intuitive Link Duration 120% increased Intuitive Link Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Intuitive Link Duration 230% increased Intuitive Link Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Blast Area Of Effect 116% increased Kinetic Blast Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Blast Area Of Effect 224% increased Kinetic Blast Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Blast Explosions 1Kinetic Blast has a 50% chance for an additional explosion100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Blast Explosions 2Kinetic Blast has a 75% chance for an additional explosion100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lancing Steel Chance To Not Consume Shards 1Lancing Steel has 20% chance to count as consuming Steel Shards without Consuming them100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lancing Steel Chance To Not Consume Shards 2Lancing Steel has 30% chance to count as consuming Steel Shards without Consuming them100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lancing Steel Number of Additional Projectiles 1Lancing Steel fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Leap Slam Attack Speed 110% increased Leap Slam Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Leap Slam Attack Speed 215% increased Leap Slam Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Leap Slam Area Of Effect 116% increased Leap Slam Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Leap Slam Area Of Effect 224% increased Leap Slam Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Arrow Area Of Effect 116% increased Lightning Arrow Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Arrow Area Of Effect 224% increased Lightning Arrow Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Arrow Extra Targets 1Lightning Arrow hits 1 additional Enemy100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Arrow Extra Targets 2Lightning Arrow hits 2 additional Enemies100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Golem Granted Buff Effect 1100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Lightning Golems100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Golem Granted Buff Effect 2150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Lightning Golems100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances 1+24% to Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances 2+36% to Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Lightning Strike fires an additional Projectile100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 2Lightning Strike fires 2 additional Projectiles100
    The Merciless Labyrinthlightning strike additional pierce per 10 old [20]
    The Eternal Labyrinthlightning strike additional pierce per 10 old [30]
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Strike Additional Pierce 1Lightning Strike pierces 2 additional Targets100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Strike Additional Pierce 2Lightning Strike pierces 3 additional Targets100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tendrils Area Of Effect 116% increased Lightning Tendrils Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tendrils Area Of Effect 224% increased Lightning Tendrils Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance 140% increased Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance 260% increased Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Throwing Speed 18% increased Lightning Spire Trap Throwing Speed60
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Throwing Speed 212% increased Lightning Spire Trap Throwing Speed60
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Duration 1Lightning Spire Trap has 20% increased Skill Effect Duration60
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Duration 2Lightning Spire Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration60
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Cooldown Speed 1Lightning Spire Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate60
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Cooldown Speed 2Lightning Spire Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate60
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Tower Trap Additional Beams 1Lightning Spire Trap strikes an additional area60
    The Merciless Labyrinthlightning trap additional pierce per 10 old [20]
    The Eternal Labyrinthlightning trap additional pierce per 10 old [30]
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Additional Pierce 1Lightning Trap pierces 2 additional Targets100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Additional Pierce 2Lightning Trap pierces 3 additional Targets100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Penetration 1Lightning Trap Damage Penetrates 6% Lightning Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Penetration 2Lightning Trap Damage Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Shock Effect 125% increased Lightning Trap Lightning Ailment Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Trap Shock Effect 240% increased Lightning Trap Lightning Ailment Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Warp Cast Speed 18% increased Lightning Warp Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Warp Cast Speed 212% increased Lightning Warp Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Warp Duration 120% reduced Lightning Warp Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Warp Duration 230% reduced Lightning Warp Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rolling Magma Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1Rolling Magma Chains an additional time
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rolling Magma Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 2Rolling Magma Chains an additional time100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rolling Magma Area Of Effect 116% increased Rolling Magma Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rolling Magma Area Of Effect 224% increased Rolling Magma Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 1Malevolence has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 2Malevolence has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 1Malevolence has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 2Malevolence has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Manabond Area Of Effect 116% increased Manabond Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Manabond Area Of Effect 224% increased Manabond Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Manabond Low Mana Lightning Penetration 1Manabond Penetrates 8% Lightning Resistance while on Low Mana100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Manabond Low Mana Lightning Penetration 2Manabond Penetrates 12% Lightning Resistance while on Low Mana100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Mirror Arrow Attack Speed 1Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones have 10% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Mirror Arrow Attack Speed 2Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones have 15% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Mirror Arrow Cooldown Speed 1Mirror Arrow has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Mirror Arrow Cooldown Speed 2Mirror Arrow has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Molten Strike fires an additional Projectile100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 2Molten Strike fires 2 additional Projectiles100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Strike Area Of Effect 116% increased Molten Strike Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Molten Strike Area Of Effect 224% increased Molten Strike Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Phase Run Percent Chance To Not Consume Frenzy Charges 120% chance for Phase Run to increase Duration without removing Frenzy Charges100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Phase Run Percent Chance To Not Consume Frenzy Charges 230% chance for Phase Run to increase Duration without removing Frenzy Charges100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Phase Run Duration 124% increased Phase Run Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Phase Run Duration 236% increased Phase Run Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Trap Duration 1Seismic Trap has 20% increased Skill Effect Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Trap Duration 2Seismic Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Cooldown Speed 1Seismic Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Cooldown Speed 2Seismic Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Physical Cascade Additional Cascades 1Seismic Trap releases an additional Wave75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 1Petrified Blood has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 2Petrified Blood has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 1Petrified Blood has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 2Petrified Blood has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Poachers Mark Curse Effect 120% increased Poacher's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Poachers Mark Curse Effect 230% increased Poacher's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Poachers Mark Duration 130% increased Poacher's Mark Duration
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Poachers Mark Duration 245% increased Poacher's Mark Duration
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Poisonous Concoction Area Of Effect 116% increased Poisonous Concoction Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Poisonous Concoction Area Of Effect 224% increased Poisonous Concoction Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Poisonous Concoction Flask Charges 1Poisonous Concoction uses 8% reduced Flask Charges100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Poisonous Concoction Flask Charges 2Poisonous Concoction uses 12% reduced Flask Charges100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Kill 130% Chance to gain an additional Power Charge on Kill with Power Siphon75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Kill 245% Chance to gain an additional Power Charge on Kill with Power Siphon75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Attack Speed 110% increased Power Siphon Attack Speed75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Attack Speed 215% increased Power Siphon Attack Speed75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Additional Projectiles 1Power Siphon fires at up to 1 additional target75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Power Siphon Additional Projectiles 2Power Siphon fires at up to 2 additional targets75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pride Mana Reservation 1Pride has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pride Mana Reservation 2Pride has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pride Mana Reservation 1Pride has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pride Mana Reservation 2Pride has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Precision Mana Reservation 1Precision has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Precision Mana Reservation 2Precision has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Precision Mana Reservation 1Precision has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Precision Mana Reservation 2Precision has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Projectile Weakness Curse Effect 1Sniper's Mark has 10% increased Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Projectile Weakness Curse Effect 2Sniper's Mark has 15% increased Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Projectile Weakness Duration 1Sniper's Mark has 30% increased Duration
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Projectile Weakness Duration 2Sniper's Mark has 45% increased Duration
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Protective Link Duration 120% increased Protective Link Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Protective Link Duration 230% increased Protective Link Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Puncture Duration 130% increased Puncture Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Puncture Duration 245% increased Puncture Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Puncture Maim On Hit Percent Chance 120% Chance for Puncture to Maim on hit100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Puncture Maim On Hit Percent Chance 230% Chance for Puncture to Maim on hit100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Punishment Curse Effect 110% increased Punishment Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Punishment Curse Effect 215% increased Punishment Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Punishment Duration 130% increased Punishment Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Punishment Duration 245% increased Punishment Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purifying Flame Area Of Effect When Targeting Consecrated Ground 1Purifying Flame has 20% increased Area of Effect if targeting Consecrated Ground100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purifying Flame Area Of Effect When Targeting Consecrated Ground 2Purifying Flame has 30% increased Area of Effect if targeting Consecrated Ground100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purifying Flame Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 1Consecrated Ground from Purifying Flame applies 6% increased Damage taken to Enemies100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purifying Flame Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 2Consecrated Ground from Purifying Flame applies 9% increased Damage taken to Enemies100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 1Purity of Elements has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 2Purity of Elements has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 1Purity of Elements has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 2Purity of Elements has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 1Purity of Fire has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 2Purity of Fire has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 1Purity of Fire has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 2Purity of Fire has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 1Purity of Ice has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 2Purity of Ice has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 1Purity of Ice has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 2Purity of Ice has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 1Purity of Lightning has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 2Purity of Lightning has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 1Purity of Lightning has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 2Purity of Lightning has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Attack Speed 110% increased Rain of Arrows Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Attack Speed 215% increased Rain of Arrows Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Area Of Effect 116% increased Rain of Arrows Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Area Of Effect 224% increased Rain of Arrows Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Repeat Count 1Rain of Arrows has 10% chance to fire an additional sequence of arrows100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rain Of Arrows Repeat Count 2Rain of Arrows has 15% chance to fire an additional sequence of arrows100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 110% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 215% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rallying Cry Additional Exert 1Rallying Cry Exerts 1 additional Attack100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Reave Area Of Effect 116% increased Reave Radius100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reave Area Of Effect 224% increased Reave Radius100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Reckoning Cooldown Speed 1Reckoning has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Reckoning Cooldown Speed 2Reckoning has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rejuvination Totem Percent Life Regeneration Added As Mana Regeneration 1Rejuvenation Totem also grants Mana Regeneration equal to 10% of its Life Regeneration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rejuvination Totem Percent Life Regeneration Added As Mana Regeneration 2Rejuvenation Totem also grants Mana Regeneration equal to 15% of its Life Regeneration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rejuvination Totem Life Regeneration 130% increased Rejuvenation Totem Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rejuvination Totem Life Regeneration 245% increased Rejuvenation Totem Aura Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Righteous Fire Area Of Effect 116% increased Righteous Fire Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Righteous Fire Area Of Effect 224% increased Righteous Fire Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Righteous Fire Spell Damage 1Righteous Fire grants 20% increased Spell Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Righteous Fire Spell Damage 2Righteous Fire grants 30% increased Spell Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Riposte Cooldown Speed 1Riposte has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Riposte Cooldown Speed 2Riposte has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Scourge Arrow Chance To Poison 1Scourge Arrow has 6% chance to Poison per Stage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Scourge Arrow Chance To Poison 2Scourge Arrow has 8% chance to Poison per Stage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Scourge Arrow Additional Spore 1Scourge Arrow creates +1 Spore Pod100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed 140% increased Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed 260% increased Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances 124% increased Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances 236% increased Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Seismic Cry Exerted Attack Damage 1Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 35% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Seismic Cry Exerted Attack Damage 2Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 50% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Seismic Cry Minimum Power 1Seismic Cry has a minimum of 10 Power100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Charge Attack Speed 110% increased Shield Charge Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Charge Attack Speed 215% increased Shield Charge Attack Speed100
    16% increased Shield Charge Damage per Enemy Hit
    19% increased Shield Charge Damage per Enemy Hit
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shock Nova Larger Ring Damage 1Shock Nova ring deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shock Nova Larger Ring Damage 2Shock Nova ring deals 60% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shock Nova Area Of Effect 116% increased Shock Nova Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shock Nova Area Of Effect 224% increased Shock Nova Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sigil of Power Upgrade Cost 1Sigil of Power requires 10% reduced Mana Spent to gain a Stage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sigil of Power Upgrade Cost 2Sigil of Power requires 20% reduced Mana Spent to gain a Stage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sigil of Power Critical Strike Chance 1Sigil of Power's Buff also grants 20% increased Critical Strike Chance per Stage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sigil of Power Critical Strike Chance 2Sigil of Power's Buff also grants 30% increased Critical Strike Chance per Stage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Smite Additional Target Chance 1Smite has a 10% chance for lightning to strike another target100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Smite Additional Target Chance 2Smite has a 15% chance for lightning to strike another target100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Smite Aura Effect 1Smite has 20% increased Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Smite Aura Effect 2Smite has 30% increased Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Snipe Maximum Stacks+1 to maximum Snipe Stages100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Snipe Attack Speed 110% increased Attack Speed with Snipe100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Snipe Attack Speed 215% increased Attack Speed with Snipe100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Snipe Stun Avoidance 135% chance to Avoid being Stunned while Channelling Snipe100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Snipe Stun Avoidance 250% chance to Avoid being Stunned while Channelling Snipe100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Helix Projectile Speed 120% increased Spectral Helix Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Helix Projectile Speed 230% increased Spectral Helix Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Helix Extra RotationSpectral Helix Projectile spirals through +1 rotations100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Soulrend Applies Hinder Movement Speed 1Soulrend also Hinders Enemies when applying its Debuff, with 25% reduced Movement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Soulrend Applies Hinder Movement Speed 2Soulrend also Hinders Enemies when applying its Debuff, with 40% reduced Movement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Soulrend Number Of Additional Projectiles 1Soulrend fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthStorm Brand Additional Chain Chance 1Storm Brand has a 12% chance to Chain an additional time100
    The Eternal LabyrinthStorm Brand Additional Chain Chance 2Storm Brand has a 18% chance to Chain an additional time100
    The Merciless LabyrinthStorm Brand Attached Target Lightning Penetration 1Storm Brand Damage Penetrates 8% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthStorm Brand Attached Target Lightning Penetration 2Storm Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistance100
    The Merciless Labyrinth30% chance to Ignore Stuns while Casting Storm Burst
    The Eternal Labyrinth45% chance to Ignore Stuns while Casting Storm Burst
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Burst Area Of Effect 116% increased Storm Burst Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Burst Area Of Effect 224% increased Storm Burst Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthStorm Burst has a 15% chance to create an additional Orb
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Burst Additional Object Chance 1Storm Burst has a 10% chance to create an additional Orb100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Burst Additional Object Chance 2Storm Burst has a 15% chance to create an additional Orb100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Attack Speed 1Sunder has 10% increased Attack Speed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Attack Speed 2Sunder has 15% increased Attack Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Radius 1Sunder has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Radius 2Sunder has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Wave Speed 1Sunder has 15% reduced delay between Areas in the Wave100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sunder Wave Speed 2Sunder has 20% reduced delay between Areas in the Wave100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shattering Steel Fortify On Hit Close Range 1Hits at Close Range with Shattering Steel Fortify100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shattering Steel Chance to Not Consume Shards 1Shattering Steel has 20% chance to not consume Steel Shards100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shattering Steel Chance to Not Consume Shards 2Shattering Steel has 30% chance to not consume Steel Shards100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shockwave Totem Cast Speed 110% increased Shockwave Totem Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shockwave Totem Cast Speed 215% increased Shockwave Totem Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shockwave Totem Radius 116% increased Shockwave Totem Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shockwave Totem Radius 224% increased Shockwave Totem Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Trap Radius 1Explosive Trap has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Trap Radius 2Explosive Trap has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Trap Secondary Explosions 1Explosive Trap causes an additional smaller explosion100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Trap Secondary Explosions 2Explosive Trap causes 2 additional smaller explosions100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Shot Physical Damage Percent To Add As Lightning Damage 110% of Galvanic Arrow Physical Damage gained as extra Lightning Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Shot Physical Damage Percent To Add As Lightning Damage 215% of Galvanic Arrow Physical Damage gained as extra Lightning Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Shot Radius 116% increased Galvanic Arrow Area of Effect
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Shot Radius 224% increased Galvanic Arrow Area of Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Splitting Steel Area 1Splitting Steel has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Splitting Steel Area 2Splitting Steel has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Splitting Steel Chance to Not Consume Shard 1Splitting Steel has 20% chance to not consume Steel Shards100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Splitting Steel Chance to Not Consume Shard 2Splitting Steel has 30% chance to not consume Steel Shards100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Arrow Projectile Speed 1Galvanic Arrow has 20% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Arrow Projectile Speed 2Galvanic Arrow has 30% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Siege Ballista Attack Speed 1Siege Ballista has 10% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Siege Ballista Attack Speed 2Siege Ballista has 15% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Siege Ballista Totem Placement Speed 1Siege Ballista has 30% increased Totem Placement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Siege Ballista Totem Placement Speed 2Siege Ballista has 45% increased Totem Placement Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Essence Drain Duration 120% increased Essence Drain Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Essence Drain Duration 230% increased Essence Drain Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Smoke Mine Duration 120% increased Smoke Mine Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Smoke Mine Duration 230% increased Smoke Mine Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Smoke Mine Movement Speed 1Smoke Mine grants additional 20% increased Movement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Smoke Mine Movement Speed 2Smoke Mine grants additional 30% increased Movement Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Soul Link Duration 120% increased Soul Link Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Soul Link Duration 230% increased Soul Link Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Spark fires 2 additional Projectiles100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Num Of Additional Projectiles 2Spark fires 3 additional Projectiles100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Projectile Fire in Circle 1Spark fires Projectiles in a circle100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Projectile Speed 120% increased Spark Projectile Speed
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spark Projectile Speed 230% increased Spark Projectile Speed
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed 120% increased Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed 230% increased Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Shield Throw Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Spectral Shield Throw fires 2 additional Shard Projectiles100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Shield Throw Num Of Additional Projectiles 2Spectral Shield Throw fires 3 additional Shard Projectiles100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration 120% reduced Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration 230% reduced Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Speed 120% increased Spectral Throw Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Speed 230% increased Spectral Throw Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectre Attack And Cast Speed 1Spectres have 8% increased Attack and Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectre Attack And Cast Speed 2Spectres have 12% increased Attack and Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spectre Elemental Resistances 1+24% to Raised Spectre Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spectre Elemental Resistances 2+36% to Raised Spectre Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Split Arrow Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Split Arrow fires 2 additional Projectiles100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Split Arrow Num Of Additional Projectiles 2Split Arrow fires 3 additional Projectiles100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Duration 130% increased Static Strike Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Duration 245% increased Static Strike Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Area Of Effect 116% increased Static Strike Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Area Of Effect 224% increased Static Strike Area of Effect75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Maximum Beam Targets 1Static Strike has +1 maximum Beam Targets75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Static Strike Maximum Beam Targets 2Static Strike has +2 maximum Beam Targets75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stone Golem Elemental Resistances 1+24% to Stone Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stone Golem Elemental Resistances 2+36% to Stone Golem Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stone Golem Granted Buff Effect 1100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Stone Golems100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stone Golem Granted Buff Effect 2150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Stone Golems100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Call Duration 120% reduced Storm Call Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Call Duration 230% reduced Storm Call Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Call Area Of Effect 116% increased Storm Call Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Call Area Of Effect 224% increased Storm Call Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Orb of Storms Area Of Effect 116% increased Orb of Storms Area of Effect75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Orb of Storms Area Of Effect 224% increased Orb of Storms Area of Effect75
    The Merciless Labyrinth20% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons
    The Eternal Labyrinth40% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skeletons Additional Warrior Skeletons 120% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skeletons Additional Warrior Skeletons 240% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 1Sweep has a 20% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 2Sweep has a 30% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 1Sweep has a 20% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 2Sweep has a 30% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Area Of Effect 116% increased Sweep Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Sweep Area Of Effect 224% increased Sweep Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tectonic Slam Area Of Effect 1Tectonic Slam has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tectonic Slam Area Of Effect 2Tectonic Slam has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthTectonic Slam has +13% fissure branching chance
    The Eternal LabyrinthTectonic Slam has +20% fissure branching chance
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tectonic Slam Chance For Side Crack 1Tectonic Slam has +12% fissure branching chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tectonic Slam Chance For Side Crack 2Tectonic Slam has +20% fissure branching chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tempest Shield Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1Tempest Shield chains an additional 2 times100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tempest Shield Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 2Tempest Shield chains an additional 3 times100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Temporal Chains Curse Effect 110% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Temporal Chains Curse Effect 215% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Temporal Chains Duration 130% increased Temporal Chains Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Temporal Chains Duration 245% increased Temporal Chains Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Temporal Rift Cooldown 1Temporal Rift has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Temporal Rift Cooldown 2Temporal Rift has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Area Of Effect 116% increased Tornado Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Area Of Effect 224% increased Tornado Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Movement Speed 1Tornado has 20% increased Movement Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Movement Speed 2Tornado has 30% increased Movement Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Shot Num Of Secondary Projectiles 1Tornado Shot fires an additional secondary Projectile
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Tornado Shot Num Of Secondary Projectiles 2Tornado Shot fires an additional secondary Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Toxic Rain Physical Added As Chaos 1Toxic Rain gains 6% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Toxic Rain Physical Added As Chaos 2Toxic Rain gains 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Toxic Rain Num Of Additional Projectiles 1Toxic Rain fires 1 additional Arrow100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vampiric Link Duration 120% increased Vampiric Link Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vampiric Link Duration 230% increased Vampiric Link Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vengeance Cooldown Speed 1Vengeance has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vengeance Cooldown Speed 2Vengeance has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vigilant Strike Fortify Duration 1Vigilant Strike has 30% increased Fortification Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vigilant Strike Fortify Duration 2Vigilant Strike has 45% increased Fortification Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance 160% increased Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance 290% increased Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Viper Strike Poison Duration 120% increased Viper Strike Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Viper Strike Poison Duration 230% increased Viper Strike Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 1Vitality has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 2Vitality has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 1Vitality has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 2Vitality has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Void Sphere Cooldown 1Void Sphere has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Void Sphere Cooldown 2Void Sphere has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Void Sphere Damage Taken 1Enemies in Void Sphere's range take up to 6% increased Damage, based on distance from the Void Sphere100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Void Sphere Damage Taken 2Enemies in Void Sphere's range take up to 10% increased Damage, based on distance from the Void Sphere100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Void Sphere Pulse Rate 1Void Sphere has 12% increased Pulse Frequency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Void Sphere Pulse Rate 2Void Sphere has 18% increased Pulse Frequency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Voltaxic Burst Area Of Effect 116% increased Voltaxic Burst Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Voltaxic Burst Area Of Effect 224% increased Voltaxic Burst Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage per 0.1s Duration 1Voltaxic Burst deals 2% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds of Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage per 0.1s Duration 2Voltaxic Burst deals 3% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds of Duration100
    The Merciless Labyrinth16% increased Vortex Area of Effect
    The Eternal Labyrinth24% increased Vortex Area of Effect
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex Duration 120% increased Vortex Duration75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex Duration 230% increased Vortex Duration75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex AoE On Frostbolt 1Vortex has 30% increased Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex AoE On Frostbolt 2Vortex has 45% increased Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex Cooldown Recovery 1Vortex has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate75
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vortex Cooldown Recovery 2Vortex has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate75
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vulnerability Curse Effect 110% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vulnerability Curse Effect 215% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Vulnerability Duration 130% increased Vulnerability Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Vulnerability Duration 245% increased Vulnerability Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hydrosphere Pulse Frequency 1Hydrosphere has 20% increased Pulse Frequency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hydrosphere Pulse Frequency 2Hydrosphere has 30% increased Pulse Frequency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Hydrosphere Exposure Amount 1Enemies Drenched by Hydrosphere have Cold and Lightning Exposure, applying -4% to Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Hydrosphere Exposure Amount 2Enemies Drenched by Hydrosphere have Cold and Lightning Exposure, applying -6% to Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment War Banner Effect 1War Banner has 25% increased Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment War Banner Effect 2War Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Warlords Mark Curse Effect 120% increased Warlord's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Warlords Mark Curse Effect 230% increased Warlord's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Warlords Mark Duration 130% increased Warlord's Mark Duration
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Warlords Mark Duration 245% increased Warlord's Mark Duration
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wave Of Conviction Additional Enemy Resistance 1Wave of Conviction's Exposure applies an extra -4% to Elemental Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wave Of Conviction Additional Enemy Resistance 2Wave of Conviction's Exposure applies an extra -6% to Elemental Resistance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wave Of Conviction Duration 1Wave of Conviction has 20% increased Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wave Of Conviction Duration 2Wave of Conviction has 30% increased Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Whirling Blades Attack Speed 110% increased Whirling Blades Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Whirling Blades Attack Speed 215% increased Whirling Blades Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wild Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1Wild Strike's Beam Chains an additional 4 times100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wild Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 2Wild Strike's Beam Chains an additional 6 times100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wild Strike Area Of Effect 124% increased Wild Strike Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wild Strike Area Of Effect 236% increased Wild Strike Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Fury Additional Max Number Of Stages 1Winter Orb has +2 Maximum Stages100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Fury Area Of Effect Per Stage 1Winter Orb has 2% increased Area of Effect per Stage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frost Fury Area Of Effect Per Stage 2Winter Orb has 3% increased Area of Effect per Stage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wither Duration 1Wither has 24% increased Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wither Duration 2Wither has 36% increased Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wither Area Of Effect 1Wither has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wither Area Of Effect 2Wither has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 1Wrath has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 2Wrath has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 1Wrath has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 2Wrath has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Zombie Attack Speed 1Raised Zombies have 10% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Zombie Attack Speed 2Raised Zombies have 15% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Zombie Elemental Resistances 1Raised Zombies have +24% to Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Zombie Elemental Resistances 2Raised Zombies have +36% to Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 1Zealotry has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 2Zealotry has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 1Zealotry has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 2Zealotry has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Orbs 1Volatile Dead Consumes up to 1 additional corpse
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Orbs 2Volatile Dead Consumes up to 1 additional corpse
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Orbs 3Volatile Dead Consumes up to 1 additional corpse100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Damage 125% increased Volatile Dead Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Damage 240% increased Volatile Dead Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Cast Speed 18% increased Volatile Dead Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volatile Dead Cast Speed 212% increased Volatile Dead Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Unearth Corpse Level 1Unearth Spawns corpses with +3 Level100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Unearth Corpse Level 2Unearth Spawns corpses with +5 Level100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Unearth Damage 125% increased Unearth Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Unearth Damage 240% increased Unearth Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Unearth Cast Speed 18% increased Unearth Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Unearth Cast Speed 212% increased Unearth Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cremation Maximum Geysers 1Cremation can have up to 1 additional Geyser at a time100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cremation Damage 125% increased Cremation Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cremation Damage 240% increased Cremation Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cremation Cast Speed 18% increased Cremation Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cremation Cast Speed 212% increased Cremation Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Body Swap Damage 125% increased Bodyswap Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Body Swap Damage 240% increased Bodyswap Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Body Swap Cast Speed 18% increased Bodyswap Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Body Swap Cast Speed 212% increased Bodyswap Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Steelskin Additional Physical Damage Reduction 1Steelskin grants 8% additional Physical Damage Reduction100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Steelskin Additional Physical Damage Reduction 2Steelskin grants 12% additional Physical Damage Reduction100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Steelskin Damage Limit 1Steelskin Buff can take 30% increased amount of Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Steelskin Damage Limit 2Steelskin Buff can take 45% increased amount of Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dash Travel Distance 1Dash travels 65% increased distance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dash Travel Distance 2Dash travels 100% increased distance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Dash Cooldown Count 1Dash has +1 Cooldown Use100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Dash Cooldown Count 2Dash has +2 Cooldown Uses100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladestorm Maximum Number Of Storms Allowed 1+1 to Maximum number of Bladestorms at a time100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bladestorm Sandstorm Speed 1Sand Bladestorms move with 50% increased speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladestorm Sandstorm Speed 2Sand Bladestorms move with 75% increased speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Bladestorm Damage 1Bladestorm deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Bladestorm Damage 2Bladestorm deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blood and Sand Buff Effect 1Blood and Sand has 25% increased Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blood and Sand Buff Effect 2Blood and Sand has 40% increased Buff Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Perforate Number Of Spikes 1Perforate creates +1 Spike100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Perforate Number Of Spikes 2Perforate creates +2 Spikes100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Perforate Area Of Effect 1Perforate has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Perforate Area Of Effect 2Perforate has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Perforate Damage 1Perforate deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Perforate Damage 2Perforate deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frostblink Cooldown Speed 1Frostblink has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frostblink Cooldown Speed 2Frostblink has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frostblink Travel Distance 1Frostblink has 50% increased maximum travel distance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frostblink Travel Distance 2Frostblink has 75% increased maximum travel distance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 1Flesh and Stone has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 2Flesh and Stone has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 1Flesh and Stone has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 2Flesh and Stone has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Chain Hook Gain Rage On Hit Chance 1Chain Hook grants 1 Rage if it Hits Enemies100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Chain Hook Gain Rage On Hit Chance 2Chain Hook grants 1 Rage if it Hits Enemies100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Chain Hook Cone Radius Per 12 Rage 1Chain Hook has +0.1 metres to radius per 12 Rage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Chain Hook Damage 1Chain Hook deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Chain Hook Damage 2Chain Hook deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Berserk Rage Loss 1Berserk has 25% reduced Rage loss per second100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Berserk Rage Loss 2Berserk has 40% reduced Rage loss per second100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Berserk Effect 1Berserk has 20% increased Buff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Berserk Effect 2Berserk has 30% increased Buff Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stormblast Mine Damage 1Stormblast Mine deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stormblast Mine Damage 2Stormblast Mine deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stormblast Mine Throwing Speed 1Stormblast Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stormblast Mine Throwing Speed 2Stormblast Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stormblast Mine Aura Effect 1Stormblast Mine has 20% increased Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stormblast Mine Aura Effect 2Stormblast Mine has 40% increased Aura Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Damage 1Icicle Mine deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Damage 2Icicle Mine deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 1Icicle Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle MineThrowing Speed 2Icicle Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Critical Multiplier 1Icicle Mine has +20% to Critical Strike Multiplier100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Icicle Mine Critical Multiplier 2Icicle Mine has +30% to Critical Strike Multiplier100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 1Pyroclast Mine deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 2Pyroclast Mine deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 1Pyroclast Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 2Pyroclast Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthPyroclast Mine fires an additional Projectile
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pyroclast Mine Additional Projectiles 1Pyroclast Mine fires an additional Projectile100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cobra Lash Damage 1Cobra Lash deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cobra Lash Damage 2Cobra Lash deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cobra Lash Projectile Speed 1Cobra Lash has 20% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cobra Lash Projectile Speed 2Cobra Lash has 30% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Cobra Lash Number Of Additional Chains 1Cobra Lash Chains 2 additional times100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Cobra Lash Number Of Additional Chains 2Cobra Lash Chains 3 additional times100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Withering Step Wither Stacks1Withering Step inflicts 2 additional Withered Debuffs100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Withering Step Wither Stacks 2Withering Step inflicts 3 additional Withered Debuffs100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Withering Step Elusive Effect 1Withering Step has 20% increased Elusive Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Withering Step Elusive Effect 2Withering Step has 30% increased Elusive Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Venom Gyre Damage 1Venom Gyre deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Venom Gyre Damage 2Venom Gyre deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Venom Gyre Withering On Hit Chance 1Venom Gyre has a 12% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Venom Gyre Withering On Hit Chance 2Venom Gyre has a 20% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Venom Gyre Chance To Retain Projectile On Release 1Venom Gyre has a 15% chance to keep each caught Projectile fired with Whirling Blades
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Venom Gyre Chance To Retain Projectile On Release 2Venom Gyre has a 25% chance to keep each caught Projectile fired with Whirling Blades100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Plague Bearer Poison Dot Multiplier While Aura Active 1Plague Bearer Buff grants +12% to Poison Damage over Time Multiplier while Infecting100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Plague Bearer Poison Dot Multiplier While Aura Active 2Plague Bearer Buff grants +20% to Poison Damage over Time Multiplier while Infecting100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Plague Bearer Stored Poison Damage To Deal Per Second 1Plague Bearer deals Damage based on an additional 3% of Plague Value100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Plague Bearer Stored Poison Damage To Deal Per Second 2Plague Bearer deals Damage based on an additional 5% of Plague Value100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pestilent Strike Damage 1Pestilent Strike deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pestilent Strike Damage 2Pestilent Strike deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pestilent Strike Duration 1Pestilent Strike has 25% increased Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pestilent Strike Duration 2Pestilent Strike has 40% increased Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Pestilent Strike Area Of Effect 1Pestilent Strike has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Pestilent Strike Area Of Effect 2Pestilent Strike has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Carrion Golem Damage 1Summoned Carrion Golems deal 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Carrion Golem Damage 2Summoned Carrion Golems deal 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Carrion Golem Granted Buff Effect 1100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Carrion Golems100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Carrion Golem Granted Buff Effect 2150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Carrion Golems100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Carrion Golem Elemental Resistances 1Summoned Carrion Golems have +24% to all Elemental Resistances100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Carrion Golem Elemental Resistances 2Summoned Carrion Golems have +36% to all Elemental Resistances100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skitterbots Area Of Effect 1Summoned Skitterbots have 60% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skitterbots Area Of Effect 2Summoned Skitterbots have 90% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 1Summon Skitterbots has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 2Summon Skitterbots has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 1Summon Skitterbots has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 2Summon Skitterbots has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Artillery Ballista Fire Penetration 1Artillery Ballista Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Artillery Ballista Fire Penetration 2Artillery Ballista Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Artillery Ballista Additional Arrows 1Artillery Ballista fires an additional Arrow100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Artillery Ballista Additional Arrows 2Artillery Ballista fires 2 additional Arrows100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Artillery Ballista Cross Pattern 1Artillery Ballista Projectiles fall in two perpendicular lines instead100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Ballista Additional Arrows 1Shrapnel Ballista fires an additional Arrow100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Ballista Extra Pierces 1Shrapnel Ballista Pierces 4 additional Targets100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Ballista Extra Pierces 2Shrapnel Ballista Pierces 6 additional Targets100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Ballista Projectile Speed 1Shrapnel Ballista has 20% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shrapnel Ballista Projectile Speed 2Shrapnel Ballista has 30% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Bolt Attack Speed 1Kinetic Bolt has 10% increased Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Bolt Attack Speed 2Kinetic Bolt has 15% increased Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Bolt Projectile Speed 1Kinetic Bolt has 20% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Bolt Projectile Speed 2Kinetic Bolt has 30% increased Projectile Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Bolt Extra Bounces 1Kinetic Bolt changes direction 1 additional time100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Kinetic Bolt Extra Bounces 2Kinetic Bolt changes direction 2 additional times100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Blast Area of Effect 1Blade Blast has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Blast Area of Effect 2Blade Blast has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Blast Detonation Area 1Blade Blast detonates other Lingering Blades within an 50% increased Area100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Blast Detonation Area 2Blade Blast detonates other Lingering Blades within an 75% increased Area100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Blast Damage 1Blade Blast deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Blade Blast Damage 2Blade Blast deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stormbind Area of Effect 1Stormbind has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stormbind Area of Effect 2Stormbind has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Stormbind Damage 1Stormbind deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Stormbind Damage 2Stormbind deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rune Blast Teleport 1Rune Blast teleports you to the detonated Rune if you have not detonated Runes in the past 1 second100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rune Blast Teleport 2Rune Blast teleports you to the detonated Rune if you have not detonated Runes in the past 1.5 seconds100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spellslinger Reservation 120% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spellslinger Reservation 230% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spellslinger Reservation 120% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spellslinger Reservation 230% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Spellslinger Cooldown Recovery 1Skills Supported by Spellslinger have 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Spellslinger Cooldown Recovery 2Skills Supported by Spellslinger have 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Brand Damage 1Wintertide Brand deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Brand Damage 2Wintertide Brand deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Brand Stages 1Wintertide Brand has +2 to maximum Stages100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Brand Stages 2Wintertide Brand has +4 to maximum Stages100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Brand Chill Efffect 1Wintertide Brand has 25% increased Chill Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Winter Brand Chill Efffect 2Wintertide Brand has 40% increased Chill Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Penance Brand Damage 1Penance Brand deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Penance Brand Damage 2Penance Brand deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Penance Brand Cast Speed 1Penance Brand has 8% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Penance Brand Cast Speed 2Penance Brand has 12% increased Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Penance Brand Radius 1Penance Brand has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Penance Brand Radius 2Penance Brand has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Earthshatter Damage 1Earthshatter deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthshatter Damage 2Earthshatter deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Earthshatter Radius 1Earthshatter has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthshatter Radius 2Earthshatter has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Earthshatter Additional Spike 1Earthshatter creates +1 fissures100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Arcanist Brand Cast Speed 1Arcanist Brand has 8% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arcanist Brand Cast Speed 2Arcanist Brand has 12% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Arcanist Brand Unnerve 1Spells Triggered by Arcanist Brand Unnerve enemies on Hit for 4 seconds100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Defiance Banner Aura Effect 1Defiance Banner has 25% increased Aura Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Defiance Banner Aura Effect 2Defiance Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Rain Damage 125% increased Storm Rain Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Rain Damage 240% increased Storm Rain Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Rain Frequency 1Storm Rain has 25% increased Beam frequency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Rain Frequency 2Storm Rain has 40% increased Beam frequency100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Storm Rain Additional Arrow 1Storm Rain fires an additional Arrow100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rage Vortex Damage 125% increased Rage Vortex Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rage Vortex Damage 240% increased Rage Vortex Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rage Vortex Area of Effect 116% increased Rage Vortex Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rage Vortex Area of Effect 224% increased Rage Vortex Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Rage Vortex Rage Sacrificed 1Rage Vortex Sacrifices +3% of Rage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Rage Vortex Rage Sacrificed 2Rage Vortex Sacrifices +5% of Rage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Crush Damage 125% increased Shield Crush Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Crush Damage 240% increased Shield Crush Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Crush Attack Speed 110% increased Shield Crush Attack Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Crush Attack Speed 215% increased Shield Crush Attack Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Crush Central Cone Area 1Shield Crush central wave has 16% more Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Shield Crush Central Cone Area 2Shield Crush central wave has 24% more Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Reaper Damage 1Summoned Reaper deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Reaper Damage 2Summoned Reaper deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Reaper Physical Damage over time Multiplier 1Summoned Reaper has +12% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summoned Reaper Physical Damage over time Multiplier 2Summoned Reaper has +20% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery 120% increased Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery 230% increased Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Boneshatter Damage 125% increased Boneshatter Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Boneshatter Damage 240% increased Boneshatter Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Boneshatter Stun Duration 125% increased Boneshatter Stun Duration100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Boneshatter Stun Duration 240% increased Boneshatter Stun Duration100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Boneshatter Chance for Additional Trauma 1Boneshatter has 16% chance to grant +1 Trauma100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Boneshatter Chance for Additional Trauma 2Boneshatter has 24% chance to grant +1 Trauma100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ambush Cooldown Recovery 120% increased Ambush Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ambush Cooldown Recovery 230% increased Ambush Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ambush Critical Strike Multiplier 1Attacks Exerted by Ambush have +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ambush Critical Strike Multiplier 2Attacks Exerted by Ambush have +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Field Damage 1Galvanic Field deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Field Damage 2Galvanic Field deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Field Cast Speed 1Galvanic Field has 8% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Field Cast Speed 2Galvanic Field has 12% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Galvanic Field Additional Chain 1Galvanic Field Chains an additional time100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Conduit Damage 1Lightning Conduit deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Conduit Damage 2Lightning Conduit deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Conduit Cast Speed 1Lightning Conduit has 8% increased Cast Speed100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Conduit Cast Speed 2Lightning Conduit has 12% increased Cast Speed100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Conduit Area of Effect 1Lightning Conduit has 16% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Lightning Conduit Area of Effect 2Lightning Conduit has 24% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect 120% increased Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect 230% increased Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Volcanic Fissure Damage 1Volcanic Fissure deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volcanic Fissure Damage 2Volcanic Fissure deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Volcanic Fissure Additional Projectiles 1Volcanic Fissure fires an additional Projectile100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volcanic Fissure Additional Projectiles 2Volcanic Fissure fires 2 additional Projectiles100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Volcanic Fissure Fissure Speed 1Volcanic Fissure travels 60% faster100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Volcanic Fissure Fissure Speed 2Volcanic Fissure travels 80% faster100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frozen Sweep Damage 1Frozen Sweep deals 25% increased Damage100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frozen Sweep Damage 2Frozen Sweep deals 40% increased Damage100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frozen Legion Cooldown Recovery 1Frozen Legion has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frozen Legion Cooldown Recovery 2Frozen Legion has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Frozen Legion Additional Cooldown 1Frozen Legion has +1 Cooldown Use100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Frozen Legion Additional Cooldown 2Frozen Legion has +2 Cooldown Uses100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ensnaring Arrow Debuff Effect 1Ensnaring Arrow has 20% increased Debuff Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ensnaring Arrow Debuff Effect 2Ensnaring Arrow has 30% increased Debuff Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Ensnaring Arrow Area Of Effect 1Ensnaring Arrow has 60% increased Area of Effect100
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Ensnaring Arrow Area Of Effect 2Ensnaring Arrow has 90% increased Area of Effect100
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 1Burning Arrow has +16% chance to Ignite
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 2Burning Arrow has +24% chance to Ignite
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Increased Duration 1Explosive Arrow has 25% increased Duration50
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Increased Duration 2Explosive Arrow has 40% increased Duration50
    The Merciless LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Reduced Duration 1Explosive Arrow has 20% reduced Duration50
    The Eternal LabyrinthEnchantment Explosive Arrow Reduced Duration 2Explosive Arrow has 30% reduced Duration50
    The Searing Exarch Implicit
    15759300caster speed#% increased Cast Speed
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Cast Speed
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Cast Speed
    15759300caster critical#% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
    457527900damage elemental fire casterAdds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Fire Damage to Spells
    Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Cold Damage to Spells
    Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells
    15759300damage physical casterAdds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Physical Damage to Spells
    15759300damage chaos casterAdds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Adds # to # Chaos Damage to Spells
    607522320#% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life
    #% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life
    #% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life
    #% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life
    1357525110caster curse#% increased Flammability Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Flammability Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Flammability Curse Effect
    #% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Frostbite Curse Effect
    #% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Conductivity Curse Effect
    #% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect
    #% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect
    #% increased Despair Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Despair Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Despair Curse Effect
    #% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect
    #% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect
    #% increased Punishment Curse Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Punishment Curse Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Punishment Curse Effect
    15756510#% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks
    15755580elemental lightning resistance#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% to maximum Lightning Resistance
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% to maximum Lightning Resistance
    15759300damage#% increased Damage per Power Charge
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Damage per Power Charge
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Damage per Power Charge
    15759300resource life minionMinions have #% increased maximum Life
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased maximum Life
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased maximum Life
    6756000speed minionMinions have #% increased Movement Speed
    9753300speed minionWhile a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased Movement Speed
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Minions have #% increased Movement Speed
    15754650#% increased Area of Effect
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Area of Effect
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Area of Effect
    The Eater of Worlds Implicit
    15759300defences#% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate
    15759300#% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots
    15756510damage elemental fireDamage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
    15756510damage elemental coldDamage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
    15756510damage elemental lightningDamage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Damage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
    15756510ailment#% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies
    15756510ailment#% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
    607518600physical elemental fire#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Fire Damage
    #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Cold Damage
    #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage
    #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage
    15753720resource mana#% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
    15756510elemental fire ailment#% chance to Ignite
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% chance to Ignite
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% chance to Ignite
    15756510elemental cold ailment#% chance to Freeze
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% chance to Freeze
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% chance to Freeze
    15756510elemental lightning ailment#% chance to Shock
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% chance to Shock
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% chance to Shock
    15756510elemental fire ailment#% reduced Ignite Duration on you
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Ignite Duration on you
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Ignite Duration on you
    15756510elemental cold ailment#% reduced Freeze Duration on you
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Freeze Duration on you
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Freeze Duration on you
    15756510elemental lightning ailment#% reduced Effect of Shock on you
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% reduced Effect of Shock on you
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% reduced Effect of Shock on you
    15759300resource mana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
    15756510Enemies you've Hit Recently have #% reduced Life Regeneration rate
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have #% reduced Life Regeneration rate
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, Enemies you've Hit Recently have #% reduced Life Regeneration rate
    15759300resource mana#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge
    15759300damage attack#% increased Attack Damage
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Attack Damage
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Attack Damage
    15759300damage caster#% increased Spell Damage
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Damage
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Spell Damage
    15752790#% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
    While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
    While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, #% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you
    The Searing Exarch Spread
    8% increased Cast Speed8910111213
    8% increased Cast Speed (Unique)1314151617
    8% increased Cast Speed (Pinnacle)18192021
    (28–30)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance28-3031-3334-3637-3940-4243-45
    (28–30)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance (Unique)43-4546-4849-5152-5455-57
    (28–30)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance (Pinnacle)58-6061-6364-6667-69
    Adds (2–4) to (34–36) Lightning Damage to Spells34-36, 2-437-40, 2-441-44, 2-445-48, 2-550-53, 2-554-59, 2-6
    Adds (2–4) to (34–36) Lightning Damage to Spells (Unique)50-53, 2-554-59, 2-660-64, 3-666-70, 3-772-78, 3-8
    Adds (2–4) to (34–36) Lightning Damage to Spells (Pinnacle)72-78, 3-883-90, 4-896-103, 4-10110-119, 5-11
    Adds (8–10) to (15–18) Physical Damage to Spells15-18, 8-1017-20, 8-1119-22, 9-1221-24, 10-1323-26, 11-1525-29, 13-16
    Adds (8–10) to (15–18) Physical Damage to Spells (Unique)23-26, 11-1525-29, 13-1628-32, 13-1831-35, 15-1933-39, 16-22
    Adds (8–10) to (15–18) Physical Damage to Spells (Pinnacle)33-39, 16-2239-44, 19-2545-51, 22-2851-59, 25-33
    Adds (7–10) to (15–17) Chaos Damage to Spells15-17, 7-1016-19, 8-1018-20, 9-1120-23, 10-1321-25, 10-1424-27, 11-15
    Adds (7–10) to (15–17) Chaos Damage to Spells (Unique)21-25, 10-1424-27, 11-1526-30, 13-1629-33, 14-1832-36, 15-20
    Adds (7–10) to (15–17) Chaos Damage to Spells (Pinnacle)32-36, 15-2036-41, 18-2341-48, 20-2747-55, 23-31
    (7–8)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life7-89-1011-1213-1415-1617-18
    (7–8)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life (Unique)15-1617-1819-2021-2223-24
    (7–8)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life (Pinnacle)23-2425-2627-2829-30
    10% increased Punishment Curse Effect101112131415
    10% increased Punishment Curse Effect (Unique)1516171819
    10% increased Punishment Curse Effect (Pinnacle)20212223
    (19–20)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks-20--19-22--21-24--23-26--25-28--27-30--29
    (19–20)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks (Unique)-28--27-30--29-32--31-34--33-36--35
    (19–20)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks (Pinnacle)-36--35-38--37-40--39-42--41
    +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance111122
    +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance (Unique)22233
    +1% to maximum Lightning Resistance (Pinnacle)3344
    4% increased Damage per Power Charge445566
    4% increased Damage per Power Charge (Unique)56677
    4% increased Damage per Power Charge (Pinnacle)7788
    Minions have (14–16)% increased maximum Life14-1617-1920-2223-2526-2728-29
    Minions have (14–16)% increased maximum Life (Unique)23-2526-2829-3132-3334-35
    Minions have (14–16)% increased maximum Life (Pinnacle)32-3435-3738-3940-41
    Minions have (11–12)% increased Movement Speed11-1213-1415-1617-1819-2021-22
    Minions have (11–12)% increased Movement Speed (Unique)16-1819-2122-2425-2627-28
    Minions have (11–12)% increased Movement Speed (Pinnacle)25-2728-3031-3233-34
    (7–8)% increased Area of Effect7-89-1011-1213-1415-1617-18
    (7–8)% increased Area of Effect (Unique)15-1617-1819-2021-2223-24
    (7–8)% increased Area of Effect (Pinnacle)23-2425-2627-2829-30
    The Eater of Worlds Spread
    21% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate212223242526
    21% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate (Unique)2526272829
    21% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate (Pinnacle)29303132
    (33–35)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots33-3536-3839-4142-4445-4748-50
    (33–35)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots (Unique)45-4748-5051-5354-5758-61
    (33–35)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots (Pinnacle)57-5960-6263-6667-70
    Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance445566
    Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance (Unique)67788
    Damage Penetrates 4% Fire Resistance (Pinnacle)991010
    Damage Penetrates 4% Cold Resistance445566
    Damage Penetrates 4% Cold Resistance (Unique)67788
    Damage Penetrates 4% Cold Resistance (Pinnacle)991010
    Damage Penetrates 4% Lightning Resistance445566
    Damage Penetrates 4% Lightning Resistance (Unique)67788
    Damage Penetrates 4% Lightning Resistance (Pinnacle)991010
    (13–14)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies13-1415-1617-1819-2021-2223-24
    (13–14)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies (Unique)21-2223-2425-2627-2829-30
    (13–14)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies (Pinnacle)29-3031-3233-3435-36
    (14–16)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments14-1617-1920-2223-2526-2728-29
    (14–16)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments (Unique)23-2526-2829-3132-3334-35
    (14–16)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments (Pinnacle)32-3435-3738-3940-41
    6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage667788
    6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage (Unique)8991010
    6% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage (Pinnacle)11111212
    7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills789101112
    7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills (Unique)1112131415
    7% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills (Pinnacle)15161718
    5% chance to Ignite51015202530
    5% chance to Ignite (Unique)2025303540
    5% chance to Ignite (Pinnacle)35404550
    5% chance to Freeze51015202530
    5% chance to Freeze (Unique)2025303540
    5% chance to Freeze (Pinnacle)35404550
    5% chance to Shock51015202530
    5% chance to Shock (Unique)2025303540
    5% chance to Shock (Pinnacle)35404550
    (33–35)% reduced Ignite Duration on you33-3536-3839-4142-4445-4748-50
    (33–35)% reduced Ignite Duration on you (Unique)45-4748-5051-5354-5758-61
    (33–35)% reduced Ignite Duration on you (Pinnacle)57-5960-6263-6667-70
    (33–35)% reduced Freeze Duration on you33-3536-3839-4142-4445-4748-50
    (33–35)% reduced Freeze Duration on you (Unique)45-4748-5051-5354-5758-61
    (33–35)% reduced Freeze Duration on you (Pinnacle)57-5960-6263-6667-70
    (33–35)% reduced Effect of Shock on you-35--33-38--36-41--39-44--42-47--45-50--48
    (33–35)% reduced Effect of Shock on you (Unique)-47--45-50--48-53--51-57--54-61--58
    (33–35)% reduced Effect of Shock on you (Pinnacle)-59--57-62--60-66--63-70--67
    (19–21)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate19-2122-2425-2728-3031-3334-36
    (19–21)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate (Unique)34-3637-3940-4243-4546-48
    (19–21)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate (Pinnacle)49-5152-5455-5758-60
    Enemies you've Hit Recently have (65–67)% reduced Life Regeneration rate-67--65-70--68-73--71-76--74-79--77-82--80
    Enemies you've Hit Recently have (65–67)% reduced Life Regeneration rate (Unique)-79--77-82--80-85--83-88--86-91--89
    Enemies you've Hit Recently have (65–67)% reduced Life Regeneration rate (Pinnacle)-91--89-94--92-97--95-100--98
    5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge555566
    5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge (Unique)66677
    5% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge (Pinnacle)7788
    (14–16)% increased Attack Damage14-1617-1920-2223-2526-2728-29
    (14–16)% increased Attack Damage (Unique)29-3132-3435-3738-3940-41
    (14–16)% increased Attack Damage (Pinnacle)44-4647-4950-5152-53
    (14–16)% increased Spell Damage14-1617-1920-2223-2526-2728-29
    (14–16)% increased Spell Damage (Unique)29-3132-3435-3738-3940-41
    (14–16)% increased Spell Damage (Pinnacle)44-4647-4950-5152-53
    (6–7)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you6-78-910-1112-1314-1516-17
    (6–7)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you (Unique)14-1516-1718-1920-2122-23
    (6–7)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you (Pinnacle)22-2324-2526-2728-29

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.