Helmets Unique /108
+(75–100) to Armour
+(25–50) to maximum Life
(15–20)% increased Area of Effect
Unwavering Stance
(Cannot Evade enemy Attacks. Cannot be Stunned)
(Onslaught grants 20% increased Attack, Cast, and Movement Speed)
+2 to Level of Socketed Minion Gems
Minions have (10–20)% increased maximum Life
Half of your Strength is added to your Minions
+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies per 500 Strength
With at least 1000 Strength, (1.5–2)% of Damage dealt by your Raised Zombies is Leeched to you as Life
24% reduced maximum Life
Regenerate (200–250) Life per second
100% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Reserves 8% of Life
Nearby Enemy Monsters have at least 8% of Life Reserved
+(60–80) to maximum Life
(25–35)% increased Warcry Speed
Nearby corpses Explode when you Warcry, dealing (5–10)% of their Life as Physical Damage
Warcry Skills have (25–35)% increased Area of Effect
(30–40)% increased Fire Damage
(100–120)% increased Armour
+(50–70) to maximum Life
+30% to Cold Resistance
100% chance to Avoid being Chilled or Frozen if you have used a Fire Skill Recently
+(20–25) to all Attributes
Adds 40 to 60 Physical Damage to Attacks
+(100–125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
(100–120)% increased Armour
(40–50)% increased Physical Damage taken
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
Can have a second Enchantment Modifier
+(20–30) to all Attributes
(60–80)% increased Armour
Fire Resistance is 75%
(50–55)% reduced Cold Resistance
(50–55)% reduced Lightning Resistance
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
+(20–25) to all Attributes
Adds 40 to 75 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 30 to 65 Cold Damage to Attacks
Adds 10 to 130 Lightning Damage to Attacks
+(100–125)% to Melee Critical Strike Multiplier
(100–120)% increased Armour
(40–50)% increased Elemental Damage taken
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
(80–120)% increased Armour
-30% to Fire Resistance
(-200–-100) Fire Damage taken from Hits
Armour is increased by Overcapped Fire Resistance
(Overcapped Resistance is the amount by whch Uncapped Resistance is higher than Maximum Resistance)
(Uncapped Resistance is the value Resistance would have if ignoring Maximum Resistance)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Infernal Legion
+(60–100) to maximum Life
-30% to Fire Resistance
Minion Life is increased by their Overcapped Fire Resistance
(Overcapped Resistance is the amount by whch Uncapped Resistance is higher than Maximum Resistance)
Socketed Warcry Skills have +1 Cooldown Use
(80–120)% increased Armour
+(50–70) to maximum Life
When you Attack, take (15–20)% of Life as Physical Damage for
each Warcry Exerting the Attack
each Warcry Exerting the Attack
Skills deal (10–15)% more Damage for each Warcry Exerting them
(50–80)% increased Armour
Attacks have 15% chance to cause Bleeding
50% reduced Light Radius
+4% to Damage over Time Multiplier for Bleeding per Frenzy Charge
Bleeding you inflict deals Damage 4% faster per Frenzy Charge
(20–30)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Critical Strike at Close Range
(Bleeding deals Physical Damage over time, based on the base Physical Damage of the Skill. Damage is 200% higher while moving)
(They will deal the same total damage over a shorter duration)
(Close Range is up to 2 metres)
+(30–50) to Evasion Rating
10% increased Rarity of Items found
+(30–40)% to all Elemental Resistances
Reflects 4 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
Adds 15 to 25 Cold Damage to Attacks
70% increased Evasion Rating
+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance
Cannot be Shocked
You can be Touched by Tormented Spirits
(80–100)% increased Evasion Rating
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20–30)% to Fire Resistance
+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance
Gain 1% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage per 1% Chill Effect on Enemy
Gain 30% of Cold Damage as Extra Fire Damage against Frozen Enemies
(80–100)% increased Evasion Rating
60% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance
+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance
Gain 1% of Lightning Damage as Extra Cold Damage per 2% Shock Effect on Enemy
+(20–25)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
(60–100)% increased Evasion Rating
(20–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
Recover (100–200) Life when you Suppress Spell Damage
(50% of Damage from Suppressed Hits and Ailments they inflict is prevented)
(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped)
15% increased Attack Speed
(60–75)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
150% increased Evasion Rating
(20–25)% increased Rarity of Items found
10% increased Movement Speed
10% reduced Character Size
+(50–70) to Dexterity
50% reduced Damage when on Low Life
10% increased Attack Speed
25% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
(100–130)% increased Evasion Rating
+(80–100) to maximum Life
150% increased Global Evasion Rating when on Low Life
(You are on Low Life if you have 50% of your Maximum Life or less)
(60–80)% increased Evasion Rating
+(40–60) to maximum Life
+(30–40)% to Lightning Resistance
(10–15)% increased Movement Speed
Can have a second Enchantment Modifier
+(20–30) to all Attributes
(60–80)% increased Evasion Rating
(50–55)% reduced Fire Resistance
Cold Resistance is 75%
(50–55)% reduced Lightning Resistance
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
+2 to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
(80–100)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance
25% chance to Avoid being Chilled
Cannot be Frozen
16% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
Grants Level 30 Snipe Skill
Socketed Non-Channelling Bow Skills are Triggered by Snipe
Socketed Triggered Bow Skills gain a 0.05 second Cooldown
Socketed Triggered Bow Skills gain a 0.05 second Cooldown
+(350–500) to Accuracy Rating
+(350–500) to Evasion Rating
+2 to maximum Snipe Stages
+(14–20)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage while Channelling
(50% of Damage from Suppressed Hits and Ailments they inflict is prevented)
+4 to Level of Socketed Herald Gems
(80–100)% increased Evasion Rating
+(20–30)% to Chaos Resistance
25% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
16% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
You cannot be Hindered
+(800–1000) to Accuracy Rating
(100–120)% increased Evasion Rating
+(50–80) to maximum Life
1% increased Projectile Attack Damage per 200 Accuracy Rating
+(150–225) to maximum Energy Shield
Reflects 5 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
+25 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
(You are on Low Life if you have 50% of your Maximum Life or less)
(30% more Spell Damage when on Low Life)
Trigger a Socketed Spell when you Attack with a Bow, with a 0.3 second Cooldown
(30–60)% increased Spell Damage
(10–15)% increased Attack Speed
+(30–50) to maximum Energy Shield
30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
Has no Attribute Requirements
Increases and Reductions to Light Radius also apply to Area of Effect at 50% of their value
Increases and Reductions to Light Radius also apply to Damage
(15–25)% increased Light Radius
Deal no Chaos Damage
local unique tabula rasa no requirement or energy shield [1]
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
+(30–50) to maximum Energy Shield
Summoned Raging Spirits deal (175–250)% increased Damage
75% reduced Maximum number of Summoned Raging Spirits
Summoned Raging Spirits' Hits always Ignite
Summoned Raging Spirits' Melee Strikes deal Fire-only Splash
Damage to Surrounding Targets
Damage to Surrounding Targets
(20–30)% reduced Cast Speed
(80–130)% increased Energy Shield
Non-critical strikes deal 80% less Damage
Spell Skills always deal Critical Strikes on final Repeat
Spell Skills cannot deal Critical Strikes except on final Repeat
Has 4 Abyssal Sockets
(120–150)% increased Energy Shield
+(1–2) to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
+1 to maximum number of Spectres per Socketed Ghastly Eye Jewel
You cannot have Non-Spectre Minions
(Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)
+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
+(20–30) to Intelligence
+(100–120) to maximum Energy Shield
Curse Skills have (30–50)% increased Skill Effect Duration
Adds 37 to 71 Chaos Damage for each Curse on the Enemy
(60–80)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance
(200–250)% increased Energy Shield
+(50–70) to maximum Life
Unaffected by Poison
(10–20)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life
(Debuffs you are Unaffected by can still be placed on you, but will not actually apply their effect)
(Only Damage from Hits can be Recouped, over 4 seconds following the Hit)
(300–350)% increased Energy Shield
+(50–70) to maximum Mana
(10–20)% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you Kill an Enemy
(30–40)% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate
+(20–30) to Strength
+(20–30) to maximum Mana
5% increased Experience gain
+10% to all Elemental Resistances
(10–20)% increased Elemental Damage
Adds (16–21) to (31–36) Chaos Damage to Spells
(220–250)% increased Energy Shield
10% chance to gain a Power Charge on hitting an Enemy affected by a Spider's Web
(6–10)% chance to Poison per Power Charge
(15–20)% increased Damage with Poison per Power Charge
Aspect of the Spider inflicts Spider's Webs and Hinder every 0.5 Seconds instead
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 25% increased Reservation Efficiency
Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
(180–220)% increased Energy Shield
10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
buff impl stat [0]
veiled mod seed [1,30000]
veiled mod type [2]
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)

(8–10)% increased Cast Speed
(200–250)% increased Energy Shield
Ignore Stuns while Casting
Base Spell Critical Strike Chance of Spells is equal to that of Main Hand Weapon
Cannot deal Critical Strikes with Attacks
(240–280)% increased Energy Shield
+(30–40)% to Fire Resistance
(30–40)% increased Elemental Damage
(25–50)% chance to Scorch Enemies
Cannot inflict Ignite
(Scorched Enemies have their Elemental Resistances lowered by up to 30%, based on the Fire Damage of the Hit, for 4 seconds)
(240–280)% increased Energy Shield
+(30–40)% to Cold Resistance
(30–40)% increased Elemental Damage
(25–50)% chance to inflict Brittle
Cannot inflict Freeze or Chill
(Hits have up to +6% Critical Strike Chance against Brittle Enemies, based on the Cold Damage of the Hit which inflicted Brittle, for 4 seconds)
(240–280)% increased Energy Shield
+(30–40)% to Lightning Resistance
(30–40)% increased Elemental Damage
(25–50)% chance to Sap Enemies
Cannot inflict Shock
(Sapped Enemies deal up to 20% less Damage, based on the Lightning Damage of the Hit, for 4 seconds)
Can have a second Enchantment Modifier
+(20–30) to all Attributes
(60–80)% increased Energy Shield
(50–55)% reduced Fire Resistance
(50–55)% reduced Cold Resistance
Lightning Resistance is 75%
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
+(300–500) to Accuracy Rating
(200–250)% increased Energy Shield
(20–30)% increased Elemental Damage with Attack Skills
Increases and Reductions to Cast Speed apply to Attack Speed
Ancestral Bond
(You can't deal Damage with Skills yourself. +1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Concentrated Effect
+50% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier
50% increased Energy Shield
50% reduced Energy Shield Recharge Rate
+(25–75) to maximum Mana
(80–100)% increased Spell Damage
15% reduced Cast Speed
+(30–60) to maximum Mana
Your Skills deal you 400% of Mana Spent on Upfront Skill Mana Costs as Physical Damage
(Upfront Costs are all Costs that are not paid per-second)
Has 1 Abyssal Socket
(6–8)% increased maximum Life
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge every second
You lose all Spirit Charges when taking a Savage Hit
Recover (2–3)% of Life when you lose a Spirit Charge
Recover (2–3)% of Energy Shield when you lose a Spirit Charge
(Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)
(A Hit that removes at least 15% of Maximum Life is a Savage Hit)
Has 2 Abyssal Sockets
(6–8)% increased maximum Life
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge every second
You lose all Spirit Charges when taking a Savage Hit
Recover (2–3)% of Life when you lose a Spirit Charge
Recover (2–3)% of Energy Shield when you lose a Spirit Charge
(Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)
(A Hit that removes at least 15% of Maximum Life is a Savage Hit)
+(300–350) to Accuracy Rating
(120–150)% increased Energy Shield
-30% to Fire Resistance
(0.4–0.8)% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
(0.2–0.4)% of Attack Damage Leeched as Mana
Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage also apply to Attacks at 150% of their value
(Leeched Life is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)
(Leeched Mana is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)
Trigger Level 10 Shock Ground when Hit
Adds 1 to (60–80) Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks
(130–170)% increased Energy Shield
+(25–35)% to Lightning Resistance
Curse Enemies which Hit you with a random Hex, ignoring Curse Limit
Trigger Level 10 Void Gaze when you use a Skill
(150–180)% increased Energy Shield
+(50–80) to maximum Mana
50% increased Stun and Block Recovery
Gain (5–8)% of Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage
(150–180)% increased Energy Shield
(6–10)% increased maximum Mana
Non-instant Mana Recovery from Flasks is also Recovered as Life
(50–60)% increased Cost of Skills for each 200 total Mana Spent Recently
(20–25)% increased Spell Damage for each 200 total Mana you have Spent Recently, up to 2000%
Recover (8–10)% of Life when you use a Mana Flask
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
(60–100)% increased Armour and Evasion
Reflects 100 Cold Damage to Melee Attackers
Reflects 100 Fire Damage to Melee Attackers
Reflects 100 Lightning Damage to Melee Attackers
When an Enemy Hit deals Elemental Damage to you, their Resistance to those Elements becomes zero for 4 seconds
+(20–30) to Strength
+(20–30) to Dexterity
+(200–300) to Armour
Cannot Leech when on Low Life
Skills which Exert an Attack have (20–40)% chance to not count that Attack
(Leeched Life is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)
(You are on Low Life if you have 50% of your Maximum Life or less)
(60–80)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(10–20)% to all Elemental Resistances
Minions have +25% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Minions have +25% Chance to Block Spell Damage
Minions Recover 10% of their Life when they Block
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
(5–15)% increased Strength
(5–15)% increased Dexterity
(5–15)% increased Intelligence
(100–150)% increased Armour
40% reduced Light Radius
(150–200)% increased Armour and Evasion
(30–50)% increased Projectile Speed
(30–50)% increased Projectile Damage
Projectiles cannot collide with Enemies in Close Range
Far Shot
(Close Range is up to 2 metres)
(Projectile Attack Hits deal 20% less Damage to targets at the start of their movement, dealing up to 60% more Damage to targets as the projectile travels farther)
Has 1 Socket
+(5–8) to Level of Socketed Gems
+(30–50)% to Quality of Socketed Gems
Socketed Skills deal Double Damage
(100–150)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(30–50) to Intelligence
(80–120)% increased Armour and Evasion
+1 to Level of all Minion Skill Gems
25% increased Light Radius
Minions have the same maximum number of Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
Minions count as having the same number of
Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as you
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Melee Physical Damage
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Faster Attacks
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 30 Blind
6% Chance to Block Attack Damage
Adds 20 to 30 Physical Damage to Attacks
(200–300)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(200–300) to maximum Life
20% chance to gain an Endurance Charge when you Block
Can't use Chest armour
Extra gore
+(50–65) to Dexterity
10% reduced Global Physical Damage
16% increased Attack Speed
(150–200)% increased Armour and Evasion
+(15–25)% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Movement Speed
Mercury Footprints
+2 to Level of Socketed Gems
Adds 1 to 30 Lightning Damage to Spells and Attacks
(100–150)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
(10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found
(10–20)% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
(20–22)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
40% reduced Light Radius
Reflects 1 to (180–220) Lightning Damage to Attackers on Block
(18–22)% increased Global Defences
Elemental Resistances are Zero
(Armour, Evasion Rating and Energy Shield are the standard Defences)
(20–22)% increased Stun and Block Recovery
40% reduced Light Radius
Reflects 1 to (180–220) Lightning Damage to Attackers on Block
Defences are Zero
(18–22)% increased Elemental Resistances
(Armour, Evasion Rating and Energy Shield are the standard Defences)
+(100–120) to maximum Mana
Gain (10–15)% of Maximum Mana as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
(10–20)% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana
Enemies Cannot Leech Mana From you
Cannot Leech Mana
(Only Damage from Hits can be Recouped, over 4 seconds following the Hit)
50% chance to Trigger Socketed Spells when you Spend at least 100 Mana on an
Upfront Cost to Use or Trigger a Skill, with a 0.1 second Cooldown
Upfront Cost to Use or Trigger a Skill, with a 0.1 second Cooldown
15% reduced Cast Speed
(70–80)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(30–50) to maximum Mana
(Upfront Costs are all Costs that are not paid per-second)
+(30–50) to Strength
(80–120)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Gain (7–10) Rage after Spending a total of 200 Mana
Rage grants Spell Damage instead of Attack Damage
(Every Rage grants 1% more Attack Damage. Maximum Rage is 30. Lose 10 Rage per second if you have not been Hit or gained Rage in the last 2 seconds)
(120–150)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(20–30)% to Fire Resistance
+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance
+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance
+(20–30)% to Chaos Resistance
+1 to maximum number of Summoned Holy Relics
Has 1 Abyssal Socket
Trigger Level 20 Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge
+(10–15)% to all Elemental Resistances
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge on Kill
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge
(Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)
Has 2 Abyssal Sockets
Trigger Level 20 Spirit Burst when you Use a Skill while you have a Spirit Charge
+(10–15)% to all Elemental Resistances
+1 to Maximum Spirit Charges per Abyss Jewel affecting you
Gain a Spirit Charge on Kill
Gain 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of each Element per Spirit Charge
(Only Abyss Jewels can be Socketed in Abyssal Sockets)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level (1–10) (1–164)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level (25–35) (1–164)
+(25–30) to all Attributes
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
(4–6)% Chance to Block Spell Damage
(140–180)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
(4–7)% increased maximum Life
Cannot lose Crab Barriers if you have lost Crab Barriers Recently
+3% Chance to Block Attack Damage while you have at least 5 Crab Barriers
+5% Chance to Block Attack Damage while you have at least 10 Crab Barriers
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
(140–220)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(30–60) to maximum Energy Shield
+(80–100) to maximum Life
Cannot gain Energy Shield
Regenerate 50 Life per second if you have at least 500 Maximum Energy Shield
Regenerate 100 Life per second if you have at least 1000 Maximum Energy Shield
Regenerate 150 Life per second if you have at least 1500 Maximum Energy Shield
Your Energy Shield starts at zero
+(40–50) to Intelligence
+(160–180) to maximum Energy Shield
Strength provides no bonus to Maximum Life
Intelligence provides no inherent bonus to Maximum Mana
+1 to Maximum Life per 2 Intelligence
Cannot gain Energy Shield
Regenerate 1% of Life per second per 500 Maximum Energy Shield
Your Energy Shield starts at zero
Has 1 Socket
+(50–175) to maximum Life
You and Nearby Allies have 64 to 96 added Fire Damage per Red Socket
You and Nearby Allies have 56 to 88 added Cold Damage per Green Socket
You and Nearby Allies have 16 to 144 added Lightning Damage per Blue Socket
You and Nearby Allies have 47 to 61 added Chaos Damage per White Socket
-10% to All Resistances
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(25–30) to all Attributes
(150–200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Nearby Allies have 1% Chance to Block Attack Damage per 100 Strength you have
Nearby Allies have +(6–8)% to Critical Strike Multiplier per 100 Dexterity you have
Nearby Allies have (2–4)% increased Cast Speed per 100 Intelligence you have
2% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills per 250 total Attributes
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
Socketed Gems are supported by Level 20 Cast on Death
+(10–15) to all Attributes
20% increased Damage when on Low Life
(60–100)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(50–70) to maximum Energy Shield
20% reduced Mana Regeneration Rate
+(43–61)% to Chaos Resistance
(You are on Low Life if you have 50% of your Maximum Life or less)
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
(240–300)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(80–100) to maximum Life
+3% to maximum Cold Resistance
Cannot be Frozen
+1500 Armour while stationary
15% chance to create Chilled Ground when Hit with an Attack
(You are Chilled while standing in Chilled Ground)
(Maximum Resistances cannot be raised above 90%)
+(20–40) to Dexterity
(10–15)% increased Skill Effect Duration
2% increased Minion Attack Speed per 50 Dexterity
2% increased Minion Movement Speed per 50 Dexterity
Minions' Hits can only Kill Ignited Enemies
333% increased Armour and Energy Shield
(9–21)% increased maximum Life, Mana and Global Energy Shield
Transfiguration of Soul
Transfiguration of Body
Transfiguration of Mind
(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Energy Shield
also apply to Spell Damage at 30% of their value)
also apply to Spell Damage at 30% of their value)
(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Life also apply to Attack Damage at 30% of their value)
(Increases and Reductions to Maximum Mana also apply to Damage at 30% of their value)
+(260–300) to Armour
+(26–32)% to Fire Resistance
+(8–16)% to Chaos Resistance
20% increased Light Radius
(8–12)% increased Maximum Life if no Equipped Items are Corrupted
Regenerate 400 Life per second if no Equipped Items are Corrupted
(Flasks and Jewels are not Equipped)
Adds (13–17) to (29–37) Chaos Damage
+(150–200) to maximum Energy Shield
+(32–40)% to Cold Resistance
+(15–20)% to Lightning Resistance
Regenerate 400 Energy Shield per second if all Equipped items are Corrupted
Regenerate 35 Mana per second if all Equipped Items are Corrupted
(Flasks and Jewels are not Equipped)
+(15–20) to all Attributes
(60–140)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(60–70) to maximum Life
-1 to Maximum Power Charges
Gain (8–12)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage while at maximum Power Charges
You take 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes while you have no Power Charges
(Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
+(130–160) to maximum Energy Shield
+(150–200) to maximum Mana
(30–40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(20–30)% to Fire Resistance
20% reduced Reservation Efficiency of Skills
1% increased Armour per 50 Reserved Mana
+(1–2) to Level of Socketed Gems
(120–160)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
+(15–25)% to all Elemental Resistances
Damage of Enemies Hitting you is Unlucky while you have a Magic Ring Equipped
You are Hexproof if you have a Magic Ring in right slot
Take no Extra Damage from Critical Strikes if you have a Magic Ring in left slot
(Unlucky things are rolled twice and the worst result used)
+23 to maximum Life
(10–15)% reduced Mine Throwing Speed
Mines have (40–50)% increased Detonation Speed
Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Dexterity
Skills which throw Mines throw up to 1 additional Mine if you have at least 800 Intelligence
(Throwing Mines takes 10% more time for each additional Mine thrown)
+20 to Strength
+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance
Spells have a 20% chance to deal Double Damage
(Removes all mana. 10% more maximum Life. Skills Cost Life instead of Mana. Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana)
+(20–30) to Dexterity
25% reduced Damage
+(60–100) to maximum Life
+(60–100) to maximum Mana
You and nearby allies gain 50% increased Damage
+(20–30) to Dexterity
+(60–100) to maximum Life
+(60–100) to maximum Mana
60% reduced Mana Regeneration Rate
You and nearby Allies have 30% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
+(26–30)% to all Elemental Resistances
Your Cold Damage can Ignite but not Freeze or Chill
Your Lightning Damage can Freeze but not Shock
Your Fire Damage can Shock but not Ignite
(Shock increases Damage taken by up to 50%, depending on the amount of Lightning Damage in the hit, for 2 seconds)
(Ignite deals Fire Damage over time, based on the base Fire Damage of the Skill, for 4 seconds)
(Freeze lowers Enemy Action Speed to zero, preventing them from acting. Duration is based on the Cold Damage of the Hit)
(350–400)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+5% Chance to Block Spell Damage per Power Charge
(3–5)% increased Elemental Damage per Power charge
Gain a Power Charge every Second if you haven't lost Power Charges Recently
Lose all Power Charges when you Block
Trigger Level 1 Create Lesser Shrine when you Kill an Enemy
(120–150)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(30–45) to maximum Energy Shield
+(60–80) to maximum Life
+(30–40)% to Cold Resistance
75% increased Effect of Shrine Buffs on you
50% increased Duration of Shrine Effects on you
(Create Lesser Shrine has an initial Cooldown before it can Trigger)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Ice Bite
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Innervate
Grants Summon Harbinger of Storms Skill
+(100–150) to Evasion Rating
+(40–60) to maximum Energy Shield
+(60–80) to maximum Life
+(10–15)% to all Elemental Resistances
(400–500)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(20–40)% to Fire Resistance
+(20–40)% to Cold Resistance
25% chance to inflict Cold Exposure on Hit
25% chance to inflict Fire Exposure on Hit
Nearby Enemies have 50% increased Fire and Cold Resistances
(Cold Exposure applies -10% to Cold Resistance for 4 seconds)
(Fire Exposure applies -10% to Fire Resistance for 4 seconds)
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Ice Bite
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Innervate
Grants Summon Greater Harbinger of Storms Skill
+(100–150) to Evasion Rating
+(40–60) to maximum Energy Shield
+(60–80) to maximum Life
+(10–15)% to all Elemental Resistances
(150–200)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(60–80) to maximum Life
(0.4–0.8)% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
Reflects 100 to 150 Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
100% of Damage you Reflect to Enemies when Hit is leeched as Life
(Leeched Life is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)
Grants Level 20 Petrification Statue Skill
(200–250)% increased Energy Shield
+(60–80) to maximum Life
(5–10)% increased Attack and Cast Speed
5% additional Physical Damage Reduction while moving
5% reduced Elemental Damage taken while stationary
+100 Strength Requirement
(20–25)% increased Warcry Speed
Life Leech from Exerted Attacks is instant
Non-Exerted Attacks deal no Damage
(230–260)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(15–20) to maximum Energy Shield
(20–30)% increased maximum Mana
10% chance to Shock
+20% chance to be Shocked
30% of Lightning Damage is taken from Mana before Life
Attack Skills have Added Lightning Damage equal to 6% of maximum Mana
Lose 3% of Mana when you use an Attack Skill
(Shock increases Damage taken by up to 50%, depending on the amount of Lightning Damage in the hit, for 2 seconds)
(Shock increases Damage taken by 15%, for 2 seconds)
Grants Level 20 Aspect of the Cat Skill
(180–220)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(25–35)% to Cold Resistance
+1% to Critical Strike Chance while affected by Aspect of the Cat
Critical Strikes have (10–20)% chance to Blind Enemies while you have Cat's Stealth
(40–50)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies
(Ailments that deal Damage are Bleeding, Ignited, and Poisoned)
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 50% reduced Mana Cost
(245–280)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(30–40) to maximum Energy Shield
+(24–30)% to Chaos Resistance
Enemies Cannot Leech Mana From you
(140–180)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(25–40)% to Critical Strike Multiplier if Dexterity is higher than Intelligence
15% increased Dexterity if Strength is higher than Intelligence
1% increased Elemental Damage per 10 Dexterity
+2 to Maximum Life per 10 Intelligence
Can be modified while Corrupted
(30–40)% increased maximum Life and reduced Fire Resistance
(30–40)% increased maximum Mana and reduced Cold Resistance
(30–40)% increased Global maximum Energy Shield and reduced Lightning Resistance
Chaos Resistance is Zero
+2 to Level of Socketed Curse Gems
Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 22 Blasphemy
Socketed Curse Gems have 30% increased Reservation Efficiency
(90–110)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(40–50) to maximum Energy Shield
Minions deal (15–20)% increased Damage
Grants Level 20 Death Wish Skill
+(45–65) to maximum Life
(20–30)% reduced Mana Cost of Minion Skills
Minions are Aggressive
(Aggressive minions have their targeting range raised to a minimum value)
Minions deal (15–20)% increased Damage
(150–200)% increased Armour and Energy Shield
Minions have (20–40)% reduced maximum Life
Minions have (15–25)% increased Movement Speed
Minions have 50% increased Critical Strike Chance per Maximum Power Charge you have
Minions can hear the whispers for 5 seconds after they deal a Critical Strike
(Minions which hear the whispers take 20% of their maximum life as chaos damage per second, have 50% increased attack speed and damage, and do not listen to you)
+(20–30) to Intelligence
(25–35)% increased Ward
(40–60)% faster Restoration of Ward
(15–25)% increased Light Radius
Increases and Reductions to Maximum Energy Shield instead apply to Ward
Never deal Critical Strikes
(Gain Added Spell Damage equal to the Damage of your Main Hand Weapon)
Helmets Item /96
Iron Hat
Armour: 9–13
Requires 9 Str
Cone Helmet
Armour: 38–50
Requires Level 7, 21 Str
Barbute Helmet
Armour: 92–115
Requires Level 18, 42 Str
Close Helmet
Armour: 130–150
Requires Level 26, 58 Str
Gladiator Helmet
Armour: 174–195
Requires Level 35, 75 Str
Reaver Helmet
Armour: 198–233
Requires Level 40, 85 Str
Siege Helmet
Armour: 237–272
Requires Level 48, 101 Str
Samnite Helmet
Armour: 276–325
Requires Level 55, 114 Str
Ezomyte Burgonet
Armour: 346–381
Requires Level 60, 138 Str
Royal Burgonet
Armour: 377–434
Requires Level 65, 148 Str
Eternal Burgonet
Armour: 373–429
Requires Level 69, 138 Str
General's Helmet
Armour: 431–496
Requires Level 73, 170 Str
Conqueror's Helmet
Armour: 501–576
Requires Level 78, 194 Str
Giantslayer Helmet
Armour: 582–669
Requires Level 84, 224 Str
Leather Cap
Evasion Rating: 19–27
Requires Level 3, 13 Dex
Evasion Rating: 53–69
Requires Level 10, 27 Dex
Leather Hood
Evasion Rating: 101–127
Requires Level 20, 46 Dex
Wolf Pelt
Evasion Rating: 150–172
Requires Level 30, 66 Dex
Hunter Hood
Evasion Rating: 203–227
Requires Level 41, 87 Dex
Noble Tricorne
Evasion Rating: 232–266
Requires Level 47, 99 Dex
Ursine Pelt
Evasion Rating: 276–325
Requires Level 55, 114 Dex
Silken Hood
Evasion Rating: 346–381
Requires Level 60, 138 Dex
Sinner Tricorne
Evasion Rating: 369–425
Requires Level 64, 138 Dex
Lion Pelt
Evasion Rating: 380–437
Requires Level 70, 150 Dex
Dire Pelt
Evasion Rating: 431–496
Requires Level 73, 170 Dex
Grizzly Pelt
Evasion Rating: 501–576
Requires Level 78, 194 Dex
Majestic Pelt
Evasion Rating: 582–669
Requires Level 84, 224 Dex
Vine Circlet
Energy Shield: 7–10
Requires Level 3, 13 Int
Iron Circlet
Energy Shield: 12–15
Requires Level 8, 23 Int
Torture Cage
Energy Shield: 20–25
Requires Level 17, 40 Int
Tribal Circlet
Energy Shield: 28–33
Requires Level 26, 58 Int
Bone Circlet
Energy Shield: 36–40
Requires Level 34, 73 Int
Lunaris Circlet
Energy Shield: 41–48
Requires Level 39, 83 Int
Steel Circlet
Energy Shield: 49–55
Requires Level 48, 101 Int
Necromancer Circlet
Energy Shield: 55–64
Requires Level 54, 112 Int
Solaris Circlet
Energy Shield: 60–68
Requires Level 59, 122 Int
Mind Cage
Energy Shield: 73–84
Requires Level 65, 138 Int
Hubris Circlet
Energy Shield: 80–92
Requires Level 69, 154 Int
Moonlit Circlet
Energy Shield: 87–100
Requires Level 73, 170 Int
Sunfire Circlet
Energy Shield: 101–116
Requires Level 78, 194 Int
Lich's Circlet
Energy Shield: 117–134
Requires Level 84, 224 Int
Battered Helm
Armour: 13–18
Evasion Rating: 13–18
Requires Level 4, 8 Str, 8 Dex
Armour: 37–48
Evasion Rating: 37–48
Requires Level 13, 18 Str, 18 Dex
Visored Sallet
Armour: 64–80
Evasion Rating: 64–80
Requires Level 23, 28 Str, 28 Dex
Gilded Sallet
Armour: 90–97
Evasion Rating: 90–97
Requires Level 33, 38 Str, 38 Dex
Secutor Helm
Armour: 98–116
Evasion Rating: 98–116
Requires Level 36, 42 Str, 42 Dex
Fencer Helm
Armour: 117–134
Evasion Rating: 117–134
Requires Level 43, 49 Str, 49 Dex
Lacquered Helmet
Armour: 138–155
Evasion Rating: 138–155
Requires Level 51, 57 Str, 57 Dex
Fluted Bascinet
Armour: 160–189
Evasion Rating: 160–189
Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 Dex
Pig-Faced Bascinet
Armour: 229–263
Evasion Rating: 159–183
Requires Level 63, 85 Str, 62 Dex
Nightmare Bascinet
Armour: 162–187
Evasion Rating: 233–268
Requires Level 67, 62 Str, 85 Dex
Knight Helm
Armour: 268–308
Evasion Rating: 268–308
Requires Level 73, 101 Str, 101 Dex
Conquest Helmet
Armour: 308–355
Evasion Rating: 308–355
Requires Level 78, 116 Str, 116 Dex
Haunted Bascinet
Armour: 355–409
Evasion Rating: 355–409
Requires Level 84, 132 Str, 132 Dex
Sorrow Mask
Armour: 42–49
Evasion Rating: 42–49
Requires Level 15, 20 Str, 20 Dex
+2% to maximum Chaos Resistance
-15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
You are Crushed
-15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
You are Crushed
Atonement Mask
Armour: 122–140
Evasion Rating: 122–140
Requires Level 45, 51 Str, 51 Dex
+3% to maximum Chaos Resistance
-15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
You are Crushed
-15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
You are Crushed
Penitent Mask
Armour: 185–212
Evasion Rating: 185–212
Requires Level 75, 79 Str, 79 Dex
+4% to maximum Chaos Resistance
-15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
You are Crushed
-15% additional Physical Damage Reduction
You are Crushed
Rusted Coif
Armour: 16–22
Energy Shield: 5–7
Requires Level 5, 9 Str, 9 Int
Soldier Helmet
Armour: 34–45
Energy Shield: 8–11
Requires Level 12, 16 Str, 16 Int
Great Helmet
Armour: 61–76
Energy Shield: 14–17
Requires Level 22, 27 Str, 27 Int
Crusader Helmet
Armour: 85–95
Energy Shield: 18–20
Requires Level 31, 36 Str, 36 Int
Aventail Helmet
Armour: 101–119
Energy Shield: 21–25
Requires Level 37, 42 Str, 42 Int
Zealot Helmet
Armour: 119–137
Energy Shield: 25–29
Requires Level 44, 50 Str, 50 Int
Great Crown
Armour: 143–161
Energy Shield: 29–33
Requires Level 53, 59 Str, 59 Int
Magistrate Crown
Armour: 160–189
Energy Shield: 33–39
Requires Level 58, 64 Str, 64 Int
Prophet Crown
Armour: 224–258
Energy Shield: 32–37
Requires Level 63, 85 Str, 62 Int
Praetor Crown
Armour: 161–185
Energy Shield: 51–58
Requires Level 68, 62 Str, 91 Int
Faithful Helmet
Armour: 268–308
Energy Shield: 54–62
Requires Level 73, 101 Str, 101 Int
Paladin Crown
Armour: 308–355
Energy Shield: 62–71
Requires Level 78, 116 Str, 116 Int
Divine Crown
Armour: 355–409
Energy Shield: 71–82
Requires Level 84, 132 Str, 132 Int
Imp Crown
Armour: 42–49
Energy Shield: 10–12
Requires Level 15, 20 Str, 20 Int
-1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
Demon Crown
Armour: 122–140
Energy Shield: 25–29
Requires Level 45, 51 Str, 51 Int
-1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
+1 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
Archdemon Crown
Armour: 185–212
Energy Shield: 38–43
Requires Level 75, 79 Str, 79 Int
-2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
+2 to Level of Socketed Skill Gems
Scare Mask
Evasion Rating: 13–18
Energy Shield: 4–6
Requires Level 4, 8 Dex, 8 Int
Plague Mask
Evasion Rating: 29–38
Energy Shield: 7–10
Requires Level 10, 14 Dex, 14 Int
Iron Mask
Evasion Rating: 48–60
Energy Shield: 11–14
Requires Level 17, 21 Dex, 21 Int
Festival Mask
Evasion Rating: 77–88
Energy Shield: 17–19
Requires Level 28, 33 Dex, 33 Int
Golden Mask
Evasion Rating: 96–103
Energy Shield: 20–22
Requires Level 35, 40 Dex, 40 Int
Raven Mask
Evasion Rating: 104–119
Energy Shield: 22–25
Requires Level 38, 44 Dex, 44 Int
Callous Mask
Evasion Rating: 122–137
Energy Shield: 25–28
Requires Level 45, 51 Dex, 51 Int
Regicide Mask
Evasion Rating: 141–158
Energy Shield: 29–32
Requires Level 52, 58 Dex, 58 Int
Harlequin Mask
Evasion Rating: 157–185
Energy Shield: 32–38
Requires Level 57, 64 Dex, 64 Int
Vaal Mask
Evasion Rating: 207–239
Energy Shield: 37–43
Requires Level 62, 79 Dex, 72 Int
Deicide Mask
Evasion Rating: 190–219
Energy Shield: 47–54
Requires Level 67, 73 Dex, 88 Int
Jester Mask
Evasion Rating: 268–308
Energy Shield: 54–62
Requires Level 73, 101 Dex, 101 Int
Ancient Mask
Evasion Rating: 308–355
Energy Shield: 62–71
Requires Level 78, 116 Dex, 116 Int
Torturer's Mask
Evasion Rating: 355–409
Energy Shield: 71–82
Requires Level 84, 132 Dex, 132 Int
Gale Crown
Evasion Rating: 42–49
Energy Shield: 10–12
Requires Level 15, 20 Dex, 20 Int
Adds (3–4) to (5–6) Cold Damage
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value
Winter Crown
Evasion Rating: 122–140
Energy Shield: 25–29
Requires Level 45, 51 Dex, 51 Int
Adds (15–20) to (28–35) Cold Damage
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value
Blizzard Crown
Evasion Rating: 185–212
Energy Shield: 38–43
Requires Level 75, 79 Dex, 79 Int
Adds (75–85) to (115–128) Cold Damage
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value
Your Hits treat Cold Resistance as 10% higher than actual value
Golden Wreath
Requires Level 12
+(16–24) to all Attributes
Golden Visage
Requires Level 12
+(8–16)% to all Elemental Resistances
Bone Helmet
Armour: 197–227
Energy Shield: 40–46
Requires Level 73, 76 Str, 76 Int
Minions deal (15–20)% increased Damage
Runic Helm
Ward: 41–47
Requires Level 25, 30 Str, 30 Dex, 30 Int
Runic Crest
Ward: 97–112
Requires Level 49, 55 Str, 55 Dex, 55 Int
Runic Crown
Ward: 164–189
Requires Level 68, 66 Str, 66 Dex, 66 Int
Helmets Synthesis Implicit Corrupted /1
Item Classes | Mods |
Helmets |
Helmets Synthesis Implicit
5480resource life+# to maximum Life
2150resource life#% increased maximum Life
81600resource lifeRegenerate # Life per second
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
#% to Fire Resistance
+#% to Fire Resistance
#% to Cold Resistance
+#% to Cold Resistance
#% to Lightning Resistance
+#% to Lightning Resistance
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
+# to Accuracy Rating
Triggered Spells deal #% increased Spell Damage
+#% to Quality of Socketed Melee Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Aura Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Strength Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Dexterity Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Intelligence Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed AoE Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Projectile Gems
+#% to all Elemental Resistances if Corrupted
#% increased Mana Regeneration Rate
#% to Fire Resistance
+#% to Fire Resistance
#% to Cold Resistance
+#% to Cold Resistance
#% to Lightning Resistance
+#% to Lightning Resistance
#% increased Stun and Block Recovery
+# to Accuracy Rating
Triggered Spells deal #% increased Spell Damage
+#% to Quality of Socketed Melee Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Aura Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Strength Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Dexterity Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Intelligence Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed AoE Gems
+#% to Quality of Socketed Projectile Gems
+#% to all Elemental Resistances if Corrupted
176650resource mana+# to maximum Mana
#% increased maximum Mana
# to Total Mana Cost of Skills
#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
# to Level of Socketed Gems
#% chance to Avoid being Stunned
#% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you
#% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Avoid being Frozen
#% chance to Avoid being Shocked
Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
#% increased Elemental Damage
+# to Strength
#% increased Strength
+# to Dexterity
#% increased Dexterity
+# to Intelligence
+# to all Attributes
#% increased Armour
#% increased Evasion Rating
#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
#% increased Energy Shield
Socketed Skill Gems get a #% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
Minions deal #% increased Damage
Raised Zombies deal #% increased Damage
Skeletons deal #% increased Damage
Minions have #% increased maximum Life
#% increased Mine Throwing Speed
# to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
# to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
# to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
# to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
#% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
#% increased maximum Mana
# to Total Mana Cost of Skills
#% reduced Mana Cost of Skills
# to Level of Socketed Gems
#% chance to Avoid being Stunned
#% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you
#% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Avoid being Frozen
#% chance to Avoid being Shocked
Gain #% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage
#% increased Elemental Damage
+# to Strength
#% increased Strength
+# to Dexterity
#% increased Dexterity
+# to Intelligence
+# to all Attributes
#% increased Armour
#% increased Evasion Rating
#% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments
#% increased Energy Shield
Socketed Skill Gems get a #% Cost & Reservation Multiplier
Minions deal #% increased Damage
Raised Zombies deal #% increased Damage
Skeletons deal #% increased Damage
Minions have #% increased maximum Life
#% increased Mine Throwing Speed
# to Level of Socketed Aura Gems
# to Level of Socketed Strength Gems
# to Level of Socketed Dexterity Gems
# to Level of Socketed Intelligence Gems
Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers
#% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul on Kill
36700elemental fire resistance#% to maximum Fire Resistance
#% to maximum Cold Resistance
#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
#% to maximum Chaos Resistance
#% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
#% chance to Avoid Bleeding
+# to Armour
+# to Evasion Rating
+# to maximum Energy Shield
# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters
#% increased Effect of Socketed Abyss Jewels
#% to maximum Cold Resistance
#% to maximum Lightning Resistance
#% to maximum Chaos Resistance
#% chance to Avoid being Poisoned
#% chance to Avoid Bleeding
+# to Armour
+# to Evasion Rating
+# to maximum Energy Shield
# Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits
#% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters
#% increased Effect of Socketed Abyss Jewels
10240chaos resistance+#% to Chaos Resistance
27650elemental fire ailment#% chance to Ignite
#% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Avoid being Ignited
#% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
#% increased Movement Speed
#% increased Rarity of Items found
#% increased Quantity of Items found
#% increased Light Radius
#% increased Ignite Duration on Enemies
#% chance to Avoid being Ignited
#% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
#% increased Movement Speed
#% increased Rarity of Items found
#% increased Quantity of Items found
#% increased Light Radius
5560damage elemental fire ailmentIgnites you inflict deal Damage #% faster
#% Chance to Block Spell Damage
#% Chance to Block Spell Damage
11600elemental lightning ailment#% increased Shock Duration on Enemies
#% increased Lightning Damage
#% Chance to Block Attack Damage
#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
# to Maximum Power Charges
#% increased Lightning Damage
#% Chance to Block Attack Damage
#% chance to gain a Power Charge on Kill
# to Maximum Power Charges
16560attack#% increased Global Accuracy Rating
#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
#% chance to Suppress Spell Damage
Helmet Crafting Bench /177
Mod | Require | Unlock |
Two Sockets | 1x ![]() | The Grand Arena |
Three Sockets | 3x ![]() | The Grand Arena |
Four Sockets | 10x ![]() | The Grand Arena |
Five Sockets | 70x ![]() | Arachnid Tomb Map |
Six Sockets | 350x ![]() | Pier Map |
Two Linked Sockets | 1x ![]() | Kaom's Stronghold |
Three Linked Sockets | 3x ![]() | Kaom's Stronghold |
Four Linked Sockets | 5x ![]() | Kaom's Stronghold |
Five Linked Sockets | 150x ![]() | Infested Valley Map |
Six Linked Sockets | 1500x ![]() | Lighthouse Map |
At Least One Red Socket | 4x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Red Sockets | 25x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Three Red Sockets | 120x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least One Green Socket | 4x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Green Sockets | 25x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Three Green Sockets | 120x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least One Blue Socket | 4x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Blue Sockets | 25x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Three Blue Sockets | 120x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least One Red and One Green Socket | 15x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least One Red and One Blue Socket | 15x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least One Green and One Blue Socket | 15x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Red and One Green Socket | 100x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Red and One Blue Socket | 100x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Green and One Red Socket | 100x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Green and One Blue Socket | 100x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Blue and One Green Socket | 100x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
At Least Two Blue and One Red Socket | 100x ![]() | The Mines Level 1 |
+(15–25) to maximum Life | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(16–20)% to Fire Resistance | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(16–20)% to Cold Resistance | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(16–20)% to Lightning Resistance | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(15–20) to Strength | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(15–20) to Dexterity | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(15–20) to Intelligence | 1x ![]() | Default |
Remove Crafted Mods | 1x ![]() | Default |
+(21–28)% to Fire Resistance | 1x ![]() | The Belly of the Beast Level 2 |
+(29–35)% to Fire Resistance | 3x ![]() | Doedre's Cesspool |
+(21–28)% to Cold Resistance | 1x ![]() | The Belly of the Beast Level 2 |
+(29–35)% to Cold Resistance | 3x ![]() | Doedre's Cesspool |
+(21–28)% to Lightning Resistance | 1x ![]() | The Belly of the Beast Level 2 |
+(29–35)% to Lightning Resistance | 3x ![]() | Doedre's Cesspool |
+(10–12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances | 6x ![]() | Labyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison |
+(13–16)% to Fire and Cold Resistances | 1x ![]() | Cruel Aspirant's Trial |
+(17–20)% to Fire and Cold Resistances | 3x ![]() | Merciless Aspirant's Trial |
+(10–12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances | 6x ![]() | Labyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison |
+(13–16)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances | 1x ![]() | Cruel Aspirant's Trial |
+(17–20)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances | 3x ![]() | Merciless Aspirant's Trial |
+(10–12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances | 6x ![]() | Labyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison |
+(13–16)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances | 1x ![]() | Cruel Aspirant's Trial |
+(17–20)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances | 3x ![]() | Merciless Aspirant's Trial |
+(21–25) to Strength | 2x ![]() | The Western Forest |
+(26–30) to Strength | 2x ![]() | Graveyard Map |
+(21–25) to Dexterity | 2x ![]() | The Western Forest |
+(26–30) to Dexterity | 2x ![]() | Graveyard Map |
+(21–25) to Intelligence | 2x ![]() | The Western Forest |
+(26–30) to Intelligence | 2x ![]() | Graveyard Map |
+(6–9) to all Attributes | 3x ![]() | Labyrinth Trial in The Imperial Gardens |
+(10–13) to all Attributes | 6x ![]() | Labyrinth Trial in The Tunnel |
+(26–40) to maximum Life | 6x ![]() | The Beacon |
+(41–55) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | The Feeding Trough |
+(56–70) to maximum Life | 4x ![]() | Fungal Hollow Map |
+(25–34) to maximum Mana | 3x ![]() | Default |
+(35–44) to maximum Mana | 6x ![]() | The Beacon |
+(45–54) to maximum Mana | 2x ![]() | The Feeding Trough |
+(91–120) to Accuracy Rating | 4x ![]() | The Reliquary |
+(121–150) to Accuracy Rating | 2x ![]() | The Desecrated Chambers |
+(151–220) to Accuracy Rating | 2x ![]() | Courtyard Map |
(26–35)% increased Armour | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
(41–50)% increased Armour | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(56–74)% increased Armour | 2x ![]() | Ancient City Map |
+(50–75) to Armour | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
+(100–150) to Armour | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(26–35)% increased Evasion Rating | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
(41–50)% increased Evasion Rating | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(56–74)% increased Evasion Rating | 2x ![]() | Ancient City Map |
+(50–75) to Evasion Rating | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
+(100–150) to Evasion Rating | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(26–35)% increased Energy Shield | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
(41–50)% increased Energy Shield | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(56–74)% increased Energy Shield | 2x ![]() | Ancient City Map |
+(17–22) to maximum Energy Shield | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
+(35–45) to maximum Energy Shield | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(26–35)% increased Armour and Evasion | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
(41–50)% increased Armour and Evasion | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(56–74)% increased Armour and Evasion | 2x ![]() | Ancient City Map |
(26–35)% increased Armour and Energy Shield | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
(41–50)% increased Armour and Energy Shield | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(56–74)% increased Armour and Energy Shield | 2x ![]() | Ancient City Map |
(26–35)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield | 4x ![]() | The Crematorium |
(41–50)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield | 1x ![]() | The Karui Fortress |
(56–74)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield | 2x ![]() | Ancient City Map |
(15–20)% chance to Avoid being Stunned | 1x ![]() | The Ascent |
(21–25)% chance to Avoid being Stunned | 2x ![]() | Malformation Map |
(5–6)% increased Life Regeneration rate | 2x ![]() | Dungeon Map |
(7–8)% increased Life Regeneration rate | 4x ![]() | Underground Sea Map |
+(3–4)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage | 2x ![]() | Dungeon Map |
+(5–6)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage | 4x ![]() | Underground Sea Map |
(9–11)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate | 2x ![]() | Dungeon Map |
(12–14)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate | 4x ![]() | Underground Sea Map |
Light Radius is based on Energy Shield instead of Life | 4x ![]() | Dig Map |
Remove Enchantments | 3x ![]() | Default |
(11–15)% reduced Effect of Freeze on you | 4x ![]() | The Ascent |
(16–20)% reduced Effect of Freeze on you | 2x ![]() | Malformation Map |
(12–14)% increased Armour and Evasion +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Armour and Evasion +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Armour and Evasion +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(12–14)% increased Armour and Energy Shield +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Armour and Energy Shield +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Armour and Energy Shield +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(12–14)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(12–14)% increased Armour +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Armour +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Armour +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(12–14)% increased Evasion Rating +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Evasion Rating +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Evasion Rating +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(12–14)% increased Energy Shield +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Energy Shield +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Energy Shield +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(12–14)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield +(10–11) to maximum Life | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–17)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield +(12–13) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(18–21)% increased Armour, Evasion and Energy Shield +(14–16) to maximum Life | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(10–15) to Strength and Dexterity | 6x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(16–20) to Strength and Dexterity | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(21–25) to Strength and Dexterity | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(10–15) to Dexterity and Intelligence | 6x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(16–20) to Dexterity and Intelligence | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(21–25) to Dexterity and Intelligence | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(10–15) to Strength and Intelligence | 6x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(16–20) to Strength and Intelligence | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(21–25) to Strength and Intelligence | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+1 to maximum number of Raised Zombies +1 to maximum number of Skeletons | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(6–7)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(8–9)% chance to Avoid Elemental Damage from Hits during Soul Gain Prevention | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+1 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems (8–10)% increased Area of Effect | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+1 to Level of Socketed Projectile Gems Projectiles Pierce an additional Target | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+1 to Level of Socketed Melee Gems +0.2 metres to Melee Strike Range | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(28–33) to maximum Life Regenerate 2 Mana per second | 6x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(34–40) to maximum Life Regenerate 3 Mana per second | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(41–45) to maximum Life Regenerate 4 Mana per second | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(28–33) to maximum Mana Regenerate 15 Life per second | 6x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(34–40) to maximum Mana Regenerate 20 Life per second | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(41–45) to maximum Mana Regenerate 25 Life per second | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(16–18)% increased Evasion Rating while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(19–22)% increased Evasion Rating while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(23–25)% increased Evasion Rating while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
8% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(9–10)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(11–12)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(16–20)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(21–25)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(26–30)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
Trigger Socketed Spells when you Focus, with a 0.25 second Cooldown grant focus skill [1] | 3x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(36–40)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(41–45)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Slain Rare or Unique Enemies | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(10–14)% increased Warcry Buff Effect | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(15–18)% increased Warcry Buff Effect | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(9–10)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(11–12)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(13–15)% to Fire and Chaos Resistances | 3x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(9–10)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(11–12)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(13–15)% to Lightning and Chaos Resistances | 3x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(9–10)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances | 8x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(11–12)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances | 2x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
+(13–15)% to Cold and Chaos Resistances | 3x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(7–8)% increased Mine Throwing Speed | 6x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(9–10)% increased Mine Throwing Speed | 3x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
(11–12)% increased Mine Throwing Speed | 4x ![]() | Betrayal Unveil |
Prefixes Cannot Be Changed | 2x ![]() | The Coward's Trial |
Suffixes Cannot Be Changed | 2x ![]() | Oba's Cursed Trove |
Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers | 2x ![]() | The Putrid Cloister |
Cannot roll Attack Modifiers | 1x ![]() | Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den |
Cannot roll Caster Modifiers | 1x ![]() | Whakawairua Tuahu |
Labyrinth Enchantment Helmet /1500
Level | Name | Mod | Weight |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ball Lightning Damage 1 | 25% increased Ball Lightning Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ball Lightning Damage 2 | 40% increased Ball Lightning Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Blades Damage 1 | 25% increased Frost Blades Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Blades Damage 2 | 40% increased Frost Blades Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Blades Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Frost Blades Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Blades Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Frost Blades Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Duration 1 | Summon Raging Spirit has 20% increased Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Duration 2 | Summon Raging Spirit has 30% increased Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Additional 1 | Summon Raging Spirit has 16% chance to summon an extra Minion | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Raging Spirit Additional 2 | Summon Raging Spirit has 24% chance to summon an extra Minion | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Discharge Consume Charges 1 | 20% chance for Discharge to deal Damage without removing Charges | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Discharge Consume Charges 2 | 30% chance for Discharge to deal Damage without removing Charges | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Discharge Radius 1 | +0.3 metres to Discharge radius | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Discharge Radius 2 | +0.5 metres to Discharge radius | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Anger Reservation 1 | Anger has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Anger Reservation 2 | Anger has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Anger Reservation 1 | Anger has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Anger Reservation 2 | Anger has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 20% increased Lightning Trap Damage | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 30% increased Lightning Trap Damage | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Damage 1 | 25% increased Infernal Cry Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Damage 2 | 40% increased Infernal Cry Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Damage 1 | Ancestral Protector Totem deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Damage 2 | Ancestral Protector Totem deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Warchief Damage 1 | 25% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Warchief Damage 2 | 40% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 25% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Damage | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 40% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Damage | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Placement Speed 1 | 12% increased Ancestral Protector Totem Placement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Placement Speed 2 | 18% increased Ancestral Protector Totem Placement Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Resistances 1 | +24% to Ancestral Protector Totem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Resistances 2 | +36% to Ancestral Protector Totem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Attack Speed 1 | Ancestral Protector Totem grants 12% increased Attack Speed while Active | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Protector Attack Speed 2 | Ancestral Protector Totem grants 18% increased Attack Speed while Active | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Guardian Damage 1 | Animated Guardians deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Guardian Damage 2 | Animated Guardians deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Weapon Damage 1 | Animated Weapons deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Weapon Damage 2 | Animated Weapons deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Damage 1 | 25% increased Arc Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Damage 2 | 40% increased Arc Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Damage 1 | 25% increased Creeping Frost Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Damage 2 | 40% increased Creeping Frost Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Armageddon Brand Damage 1 | Armageddon Brand deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Armageddon Brand Damage 2 | Armageddon Brand deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bane Damage 1 | Bane deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bane Damage 2 | Bane deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Barrage Damage 1 | 25% increased Barrage Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Barrage Damage 2 | 40% increased Barrage Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bear Trap Damage 1 | 25% increased Bear Trap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bear Trap Damage 2 | 40% increased Bear Trap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Trap Damage 1 | 25% increased Blade Trap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Trap Damage 2 | 40% increased Blade Trap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Damage 1 | 25% increased Blade Vortex Spell Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Damage 2 | 40% increased Blade Vortex Spell Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Damage 1 | 25% increased Bladefall Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Damage 2 | 40% increased Bladefall Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blast Rain Damage 1 | Blast Rain deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blast Rain Damage 2 | Blast Rain deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blazing Salvo Damage 1 | Blazing Salvo deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blazing Salvo Damage 2 | Blazing Salvo deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blight Damage 1 | 25% increased Blight Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blight Damage 2 | 40% increased Blight Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blink Arrow Damage 1 | Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blink Arrow Damage 2 | Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Reap Damage 1 | Reap deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reap Damage 2 | Reap deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Damage 1 | 25% increased Burning Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Damage 2 | 40% increased Burning Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Damage 1 | 25% increased Caustic Arrow Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Damage 2 | 40% increased Caustic Arrow Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Flurry Damage 1 | 25% increased Blade Flurry Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Flurry Damage 2 | 40% increased Blade Flurry Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Damage 1 | 25% increased Charged Dash Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Damage 2 | 40% increased Charged Dash Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cleave Damage 1 | 25% increased Cleave Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cleave Damage 2 | 40% increased Cleave Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cold Snap Damage 1 | 25% increased Cold Snap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cold Snap Damage 2 | 40% increased Cold Snap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Consecrated Path Damage 1 | Consecrated Path deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Consecrated Path Damage 2 | Consecrated Path deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Contagion Damage 1 | 25% increased Contagion Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Contagion Damage 2 | 40% increased Contagion Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Corrupting Fever Damage 1 | Corrupting Fever deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Corrupting Fever Damage 2 | Corrupting Fever deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Conversion Trap Damage 1 | Converted Enemies have 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Conversion Trap Damage 2 | Converted Enemies have 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Crackling Lance Damage 1 | Crackling Lance deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Crackling Lance Damage 2 | Crackling Lance deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cyclone Damage 1 | 25% increased Cyclone Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cyclone Damage 2 | 40% increased Cyclone Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Detonate Dead Damage 1 | 25% increased Detonate Dead Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Detonate Dead Damage 2 | 40% increased Detonate Dead Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Discharge Damage 1 | 25% increased Discharge Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Discharge Damage 2 | 40% increased Discharge Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Divine Ire Damage 1 | Divine Ire deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Divine Ire Damage 2 | Divine Ire deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lacerate Damage 1 | 25% increased Lacerate Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lacerate Damage 2 | 40% increased Lacerate Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Double Strike Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Double Strike Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dual Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Dual Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dual Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Dual Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Damage 1 | 25% increased Earthquake Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Damage 2 | 40% increased Earthquake Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Hit Damage 1 | Elemental Hit deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Hit Damage 2 | Elemental Hit deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Essence Drain Damage 1 | 25% increased Essence Drain Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Essence Drain Damage 2 | 40% increased Essence Drain Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ethereal Knives Damage 1 | 25% increased Ethereal Knives Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ethereal Knives Damage 2 | 40% increased Ethereal Knives Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Damage 1 | Explosive Arrow deals 25% increased Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Damage 2 | Explosive Arrow deals 40% increased Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Concoction Damage 1 | 25% increased Explosive Concoction Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Concoction Damage 2 | 40% increased Explosive Concoction Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Exsanguinate Damage 1 | Exsanguinate deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Exsanguinate Damage 2 | Exsanguinate deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Eye of Winter Damage 1 | 25% increased Eye of Winter Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Eye of Winter Damage 2 | 40% increased Eye of Winter Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 1 | Pyroclast Mine deals 25% increased Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 2 | Pyroclast Mine deals 40% increased Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Firestorm Damage 1 | 25% increased Firestorm Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Firestorm Damage 2 | 40% increased Firestorm Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Trap Damage 1 | 25% increased Fire Trap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Trap Damage 2 | 40% increased Fire Trap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fireball Damage 1 | 25% increased Fireball Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fireball Damage 2 | 40% increased Fireball Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Scorching Ray Damage 1 | 25% increased Scorching Ray Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Scorching Ray Damage 2 | 40% increased Scorching Ray Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Dash Damage 1 | 25% increased Flame Dash Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Dash Damage 2 | 40% increased Flame Dash Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Surge Damage 1 | 25% increased Flame Surge Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Surge Damage 2 | 40% increased Flame Surge Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Damage 1 | Flamethrower Trap deals 25% increased Damage | 80 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Damage 2 | Flamethrower Trap deals 40% increased Damage | 80 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Damage 1 | Holy Flame Totem deals 25% increased Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Damage 2 | Holy Flame Totem deals 40% increased Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flameblast Damage 1 | 25% increased Flameblast Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flameblast Damage 2 | 40% increased Flameblast Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Wall Damage 1 | Flame Wall deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Wall Damage 2 | Flame Wall deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flicker Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Flicker Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flicker Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Flicker Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Forbidden Rite Damage 1 | 25% increased Forbidden Rite Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Forbidden Rite Damage 2 | 40% increased Forbidden Rite Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Freezing Pulse Damage 1 | 25% increased Freezing Pulse Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Freezing Pulse Damage 2 | 40% increased Freezing Pulse Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frenzy Damage 1 | 25% increased Frenzy Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frenzy Damage 2 | 40% increased Frenzy Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bolt Damage 1 | 25% increased Frostbolt Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bolt Damage 2 | 40% increased Frostbolt Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Damage 1 | 25% increased Frost Bomb Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Damage 2 | 40% increased Frost Bomb Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Cascade Damage 1 | 25% increased Glacial Cascade Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Cascade Damage 2 | 40% increased Glacial Cascade Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Hammer Damage 1 | 25% increased Glacial Hammer Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Hammer Damage 2 | 40% increased Glacial Hammer Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ground Slam Damage 1 | 25% increased Ground Slam Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ground Slam Damage 2 | 40% increased Ground Slam Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Heavy Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Heavy Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Heavy Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Heavy Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ash Damage 1 | 25% increased Herald of Ash Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ash Damage 2 | 40% increased Herald of Ash Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ice Damage 1 | 25% increased Herald of Ice Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ice Damage 2 | 40% increased Herald of Ice Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Thunder Damage 1 | 25% increased Herald of Thunder Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Thunder Damage 2 | 40% increased Herald of Thunder Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hexblast Damage 1 | Hexblast deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hexblast Damage 2 | Hexblast deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Holy Relic Damage 1 | Summoned Holy Relics deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Holy Relic Damage 2 | Summoned Holy Relics deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Crash Damage 1 | 25% increased Ice Crash Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Crash Damage 2 | 40% increased Ice Crash Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Damage 1 | 25% increased Ice Nova Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Damage 2 | 40% increased Ice Nova Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Damage 1 | 25% increased Ice Shot Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Damage 2 | 40% increased Ice Shot Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Damage 1 | Siphoning Trap deals 25% increased Damage | 67 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Damage 2 | Siphoning Trap deals 40% increased Damage | 67 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Damage 1 | 25% increased Ice Spear Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Damage 2 | 40% increased Ice Spear Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Damage 1 | 25% increased Ice Trap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Damage 2 | 40% increased Ice Trap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Damage 1 | 25% increased Incinerate Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Damage 2 | 40% increased Incinerate Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Damage 1 | 25% increased Infernal Blow Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Damage 2 | 40% increased Infernal Blow Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Blast Damage 1 | 25% increased Kinetic Blast Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Blast Damage 2 | 40% increased Kinetic Blast Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lancing Steel Damage 1 | Lancing Steel deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lancing Steel Damage 2 | Lancing Steel deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Leap Slam Damage 1 | 25% increased Leap Slam Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Leap Slam Damage 2 | 40% increased Leap Slam Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Arrow Damage 1 | 25% increased Lightning Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Arrow Damage 2 | 40% increased Lightning Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Lightning Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Lightning Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tendrils Damage 1 | 25% increased Lightning Tendrils Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tendrils Damage 2 | 40% increased Lightning Tendrils Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Damage 1 | Lightning Spire Trap deals 25% increased Damage | 60 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Damage 2 | Lightning Spire Trap deals 40% increased Damage | 60 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Damage 1 | 25% increased Lightning Trap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Damage 2 | 40% increased Lightning Trap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Warp Damage 1 | 25% increased Lightning Warp Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Warp Damage 2 | 40% increased Lightning Warp Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rolling Magma Damage 1 | 25% increased Rolling Magma Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rolling Magma Damage 2 | 40% increased Rolling Magma Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Manabond Damage 1 | 25% increased Manabond Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Manabond Damage 2 | 40% increased Manabond Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Mirror Arrow Damage 1 | Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Mirror Arrow Damage 2 | Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Shell Duration 1 | Molten Shell has 25% increased Skill Effect Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Shell Duration 2 | Molten Shell has 40% increased Skill Effect Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Shell Armour 1 | 100% increased Molten Shell Buff Effect | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Shell Armour 2 | 150% increased Molten Shell Buff Effect | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Molten Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Molten Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb Of Storms Damage 1 | Orb of Storms deals 25% increased Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb Of Storms Damage 2 | Orb of Storms deals 40% increased Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb Of Storms Cast Speed 1 | Orb of Storms has 20% increased Cast Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb Of Storms Cast Speed 2 | Orb of Storms has 30% increased Cast Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Trap Damage 1 | Seismic Trap deals 25% increased Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Trap Damage 2 | Seismic Trap deals 40% increased Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Poisonous Concoction Damage 1 | 25% increased Poisonous Concoction Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Poisonous Concoction Damage 2 | 40% increased Poisonous Concoction Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Damage 1 | 25% increased Power Siphon Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Damage 2 | 40% increased Power Siphon Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Puncture Damage 1 | 25% increased Puncture Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Puncture Damage 2 | 40% increased Puncture Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purifying Flame Damage 1 | Purifying Flame deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purifying Flame Damage 2 | Purifying Flame deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Damage 1 | 25% increased Rain of Arrows Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Damage 2 | 40% increased Rain of Arrows Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Raise Spectre Damage 1 | Spectres have 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Raise Spectre Damage 2 | Spectres have 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Raise Zombie Damage 1 | Raised Zombies deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Raise Zombie Damage 2 | Raised Zombies deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 1 | 10% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 2 | 15% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Reave Damage 1 | 25% increased Reave Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reave Damage 2 | 40% increased Reave Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Reckoning Damage 1 | 25% increased Reckoning Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reckoning Damage 2 | 40% increased Reckoning Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Righteous Fire Damage 1 | 25% increased Righteous Fire Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Righteous Fire Damage 2 | 40% increased Righteous Fire Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Riposte Damage 1 | 25% increased Riposte Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Riposte Damage 2 | 40% increased Riposte Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Scourge Arrow Damage 1 | Scourge Arrow deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Scourge Arrow Damage 2 | Scourge Arrow deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Searing Bond Damage 1 | 25% increased Searing Bond Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Searing Bond Damage 2 | 40% increased Searing Bond Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Charge Damage 1 | 25% increased Shield Charge Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Charge Damage 2 | 40% increased Shield Charge Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shock Nova Damage 1 | 25% increased Shock Nova Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shock Nova Damage 2 | 40% increased Shock Nova Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Trap Damage 1 | Explosive Trap deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Trap Damage 2 | Explosive Trap deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Damage 1 | Sunder has 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Damage 2 | Sunder has 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shattering Steel Damage 1 | Shattering Steel deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shattering Steel Damage 2 | Shattering Steel deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shockwave Totem Damage 1 | 25% increased Shockwave Totem Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shockwave Totem Damage 2 | 40% increased Shockwave Totem Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Shot Damage 1 | 25% increased Galvanic Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Shot Damage 2 | 40% increased Galvanic Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Siege Ballista Damage 1 | Siege Ballista deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Siege Ballista Damage 2 | Siege Ballista deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dark Pact Damage 1 | 25% increased Dark Pact Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dark Pact Damage 2 | 40% increased Dark Pact Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dack Pact Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dack Pact Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dark Pact Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dark Pact Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Smite Damage 1 | Smite deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Smite Damage 2 | Smite deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Soulrend Damage 1 | Soulrend deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Soulrend Damage 2 | Soulrend deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Damage 1 | 25% increased Spark Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Damage 2 | 40% increased Spark Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Helix Damage 1 | 25% increased Spectral Helix Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Helix Damage 2 | 40% increased Spectral Helix Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Shield Throw Damage 1 | 25% increased Spectral Shield Throw Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Shield Throw Damage 2 | 40% increased Spectral Shield Throw Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Throw Damage 1 | 25% increased Spectral Throw Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Throw Damage 2 | 40% increased Spectral Throw Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Split Arrow Damage 1 | 25% increased Split Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Split Arrow Damage 2 | 40% increased Split Arrow Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Splitting Steel 1 | Splitting Steel deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Splitting Steel 2 | Splitting Steel deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Static Strike Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Static Strike Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Brand Damage 1 | Storm Brand deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Brand Damage 2 | Storm Brand deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Burst Damage 1 | 25% increased Storm Burst Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Burst Damage 2 | 40% increased Storm Burst Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Call Damage 1 | 25% increased Storm Call Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Call Damage 2 | 40% increased Storm Call Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sumon Chaos Golem Damage 1 | Chaos Golems deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sumon Chaos Golem Damage 2 | Chaos Golems deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Flame Golem Damage 1 | Flame Golems have 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Flame Golem Damage 2 | Flame Golems have 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Ice Golem Damage 1 | Ice Golems deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Ice Golem Damage 2 | Ice Golems deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Lightning Golem Damage 1 | Lightning Golems deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Lightning Golem Damage 2 | Lightning Golems deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Raging Spirit Damage 1 | Summoned Raging Spirits deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Raging Spirit Damage 2 | Summoned Raging Spirits deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skeletons Damage 1 | Skeletons deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skeletons Damage 2 | Skeletons deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Stone Golem Damage 1 | Stone Golems deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Stone Golem Damage 2 | Stone Golems deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Damage 1 | 25% increased Sweep Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Damage 2 | 40% increased Sweep Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tectonic Slam Damage 1 | Tectonic Slam deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tectonic Slam Damage 2 | Tectonic Slam deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tempest Shield Damage 1 | 25% increased Tempest Shield Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tempest Shield Damage 2 | 40% increased Tempest Shield Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Damage 1 | 25% increased Tornado Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Damage 2 | 40% increased Tornado Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Shot Damage 1 | 25% increased Tornado Shot Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Shot Damage 2 | 40% increased Tornado Shot Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Toxic Rain Damage 1 | Toxic Rain deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Toxic Rain Damage 2 | Toxic Rain deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vengeance Damage 1 | 25% increased Vengeance Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vengeance Damage 2 | 40% increased Vengeance Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vigilant Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Vigilant Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vigilant Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Vigilant Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Viper Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Viper Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Viper Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Viper Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage 1 | 25% increased Voltaxic Burst Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage 2 | 40% increased Voltaxic Burst Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex Damage 1 | 25% increased Vortex Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex Damage 2 | 40% increased Vortex Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hydrosphere Damage 1 | Hydrosphere deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hydrosphere Damage 2 | Hydrosphere deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wave Of Conviction Damage 1 | Wave of Conviction deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wave Of Conviction Damage 2 | Wave of Conviction deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Whirling Blades Damage 1 | 25% increased Whirling Blades Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Whirling Blades Damage 2 | 40% increased Whirling Blades Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wild Strike Damage 1 | 25% increased Wild Strike Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wild Strike Damage 2 | 40% increased Wild Strike Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Orb Damage 1 | Winter Orb deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Orb Damage 2 | Winter Orb deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Absolution Duration 1 | 20% increased Sentinel of Absolution Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Absolution Duration 2 | 30% increased Sentinel of Absolution Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Absolution Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Absolution Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Absolution Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Absolution Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Absolution Minion Area of Effect 1 | Summoned Sentinels of Absolution have 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Absolution Minion Area of Effect 2 | Summoned Sentinels of Absolution have 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 1 | Infernal Cry has 24% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 2 | Infernal Cry has 36% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Guardian Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% to Animated Guardian Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Guardian Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% to Animated Guardian Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Weapon Duration 1 | 20% increased Animate Weapon Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Weapon Duration 2 | 30% increased Animate Weapon Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Weapon Chance To Create Additional Copy 1 | 16% chance to create an additional Animate Weapon copy | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Animate Weapon Chance To Create Additional Copy 2 | 24% chance to create an additional Animate Weapon copy | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Arc Chains an additional time | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1 | Arc Chains an additional time | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Shock Chance 1 | Arc has +20% chance to Shock | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Shock Chance 2 | Arc has +30% chance to Shock | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Damage Per Chain 1 | Arc deals 8% increased Damage for each time it has Chained | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arc Damage Per Chain 2 | Arc deals 12% increased Damage for each time it has Chained | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arcane Cloak Additional Mana Spent 1 | Arcane Cloak Spends an additional 10% of current Mana | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arcane Cloak Additional Mana Spent 2 | Arcane Cloak Spends an additional 15% of current Mana | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arcane Cloak Grants Life Regeneration 1 | Arcane Cloak grants Life Regeneration equal to 15% of Mana Spent per Second | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bane Area Of Effect 1 | Bane has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bane Area Of Effect 2 | Bane has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bane Linked Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Effect of Curses applied by Bane | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bane Linked Curse Effect 2 | 10% increased Effect of Curses applied by Bane | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Armageddon Brand Repeat Frequency 1 | Armageddon Brand has 8% increased Activation Frequency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Armageddon Brand Repeat Frequency 2 | Armageddon Brand has 12% increased Activation Frequency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Armageddon Brand Attached Target Fire Penetration 1 | Armageddon Brand Damage Penetrates 8% of Branded Enemy's Fire Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Armageddon Brand Attached Target Fire Penetration 2 | Armageddon Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Fire Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestor Warchief Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestor Warchief Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ancestral Warchief Totem Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestor Warchief Melee Damage 1 | Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 20% increased Melee Damage while Active | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestor Warchief Melee Damage 2 | Ancestral Warchief Totem grants 30% increased Melee Damage while Active | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 8% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Area of Effect | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 12% increased Ancestral Blademaster Totem Area of Effect | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Ancestral Blademaster Totem grants 3% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage while Active | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | Ancestral Blademaster Totem grants 5% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage while Active | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Cry Exerted Attack Damage 1 | Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal 35% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Cry Exerted Attack Damage 2 | Attacks Exerted by Ancestral Cry deal 50% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ancestral Cry Minimum Power 1 | Ancestral Cry has a minimum of 10 Power | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arctic Armour Buff Effect 1 | 24% increased Arctic Armour Buff Effect | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arctic Armour Buff Effect 2 | 36% increased Arctic Armour Buff Effect | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 1 | Arctic Armour has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 2 | Arctic Armour has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 1 | Arctic Armour has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arctic Armour Mana Reservation 2 | Arctic Armour has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Duration 1 | 24% increased Creeping Frost Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Duration 2 | 36% increased Creeping Frost Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Creeping Frost Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Creeping Frost Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Creeping Frost Chilling Area Movement Velocity 1 | Creeping Frost's Chilling Area has 38% increased Movement Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Assassins Mark Curse Effect 1 | 20% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Assassins Mark Curse Effect 2 | 30% increased Assassin's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Assassins Mark Duration 1 | 30% increased Assassin's Mark Duration | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Assassins Mark Duration 2 | 45% increased Assassin's Mark Duration | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 30% reduced Ball Lightning Projectile Speed | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 45% reduced Ball Lightning Projectile Speed | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ball Lightning Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ball Lightning Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ball Lightning Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ball Lightning Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ball Lightning Additional Projectiles 1 | Ball Lightning fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Barrage Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Barrage Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Barrage Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Barrage Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Barrage fires an additional Projectile | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Barrage Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Barrage fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect 1 | 10% increased Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect 2 | 15% increased Battlemage's Cry Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Battlemage's Cry Additional Exert | Battlemage's Cry Exerts 1 additional Attack | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bear Trap Cooldown Speed 1 | Bear Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bear Trap Cooldown Speed 2 | Bear Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bear Trap Damage Taken 1 | Enemies affected by Bear Trap take 5% increased Damage from Trap or Mine Hits | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bear Trap Damage Taken 2 | Enemies affected by Bear Trap take 10% increased Damage from Trap or Mine Hits | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Bladefall Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Bladefall Critical Strike Chance | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Bladefall Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Bladefall Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladefall Additional Volley | Bladefall has an additional Volley | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Trap Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Blade Trap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Trap Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Blade Trap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Trap Additional Rotation | Blade Trap rotates +1 times | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Duration 1 | 20% increased Blade Vortex Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Duration 2 | 30% increased Blade Vortex Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Blade Vortex Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Blade Vortex Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Crit Multi Per Blade 1 | Blade Vortex has +2% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each blade | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Vortex Crit Multi Per Blade 2 | Blade Vortex has +3% to Critical Strike Multiplier for each blade | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blast Rain Area Of Effect 1 | Blast Rain has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blast Rain Area Of Effect 2 | Blast Rain has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blast Rain Additional Blast 1 | Blast Rain fires an additional Arrow | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blast Rain Additional Blast 2 | Blast Rain fires an additional Arrow | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blazing Salvo Num of Additional Projectiles 1 | Blazing Salvo fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blazing Salvo Spread Area 1 | Blazing Salvo Projectiles land in a 20% increased Area | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blazing Salvo Spread Area 2 | Blazing Salvo Projectiles land in a 30% increased Area | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blight Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Blight Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blight Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Blight Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blight Secondary Skill Duration 1 | Blight has 20% increased Hinder Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blight Secondary Skill Duration 2 | Blight has 30% increased Hinder Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blink Arrow Attack Speed 1 | Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 10% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blink Arrow Attack Speed 2 | Blink Arrow and Blink Arrow Clones have 15% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blink Arrow Cooldown Speed 1 | Blink Arrow has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blink Arrow Cooldown Speed 2 | Blink Arrow has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blood Rage Attack Speed 1 | Blood Rage grants additional 8% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blood Rage Attack Speed 2 | Blood Rage grants additional 12% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blood Rage Frenzy On Kill 1 | Blood Rage grants additional 20% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blood Rage Frenzy On Kill 2 | Blood Rage grants additional 30% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Reap Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Reap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reap Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Reap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reap Maximum Blood Charges 1 | +1 to Maximum Blood Charges | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bone Offering Duration 1 | 30% increased Bone Offering Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bone Offering Duration 2 | 45% increased Bone Offering Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bone Offering Block Chance 1 | Bone Offering grants an additional +6% Chance to Block Attack Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bone Offering Block Chance 2 | Bone Offering grants an additional +9% Chance to Block Attack Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 1 | Burning Arrow has +20% chance to Ignite | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 2 | Burning Arrow has +30% chance to Ignite | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 1 | 10% of Burning Arrow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 2 | 15% of Burning Arrow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Duration 1 | 20% increased Caustic Arrow Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Duration 2 | 30% increased Caustic Arrow Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Caustic Arrow Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Caustic Arrow Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Wither On Hit 1 | Caustic Arrow has 14% chance to inflict Withered on Hit for 2 seconds base Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Caustic Arrow Wither On Hit 2 | Caustic Arrow has 20% chance to inflict Withered on Hit for 2 seconds base Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Chaos Golem Percent Additional Physical Damage Reduction 1 | 75% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Chaos Golems | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Chaos Golem Percent Additional Physical Damage Reduction 2 | 100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Chaos Golems | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% to Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% to Chaos Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
1 | |||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Flurry Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Blade Flurry Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Flurry Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Blade Flurry Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Flurry Maximum Stage 1 | +1 to maximum Blade Flurry stages | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Flurry Maximum Stage 1 | +1 to maximum Blade Flurry stages | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 1 | Charged Dash has +0.4 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 2 | Charged Dash has +0.6 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 1 | Charged Dash has +0.4 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Radius Final Explosion 2 | Charged Dash has +0.6 metres to radius of each Wave's last damage Area | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Movement Speed 1 | Charged Dash has 10% more Movement Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Charged Dash Movement Speed 2 | Charged Dash has 15% more Movement Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 1 | Clarity has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 2 | Clarity has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 1 | Clarity has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Clarity Mana Reservation 2 | Clarity has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cleave Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Cleave Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cleave Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Cleave Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cleave Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Cleave Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cleave Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Cleave Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cold Snap Cooldown Speed 1 | Cold Snap has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cold Snap Cooldown Speed 2 | Cold Snap has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cold Snap Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Cold Snap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cold Snap Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Cold Snap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Conductivity Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Conductivity Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Conductivity Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Conductivity Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Conductivity Duration 1 | 30% increased Conductivity Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Conductivity Duration 2 | 45% increased Conductivity Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Consecrated Path Range 1 | Consecrated Path has 10% increased teleport range | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Consecrated Path Range 2 | Consecrated Path has 15% increased teleport range | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Contagion Duration 1 | 20% increased Contagion Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Contagion Duration 2 | 30% increased Contagion Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Contagion Radius 1 | 16% increased Contagion Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Contagion Radius 2 | 24% increased Contagion Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Consecrated Path Area Of Effect 1 | Consecrated Path has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Consecrated Path Area Of Effect 2 | Consecrated Path has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Corrupting Fever Duration 1 | 20% increased Corrupting Fever Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Corrupting Fever Duration 2 | 30% increased Corrupting Fever Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Corrupting Fever Additional Corrupted Blood 1 | Corrupting Fever has +50% chance to inflict an additional Corrupted Blood Debuff | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Conversion Trap Cooldown Speed 1 | Conversion Trap 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Conversion Trap Cooldown Speed 2 | Conversion Trap 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Convocation Cooldown Speed 1 | Convocation has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Convocation Cooldown Speed 2 | Convocation has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Convocation Life Regeneration 1 | 24% increased Convocation Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Convocation Life Regeneration 2 | 36% increased Convocation Buff Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Crackling Lance Cast Speed 1 | Crackling Lance has 8% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Crackling Lance Cast Speed 2 | Crackling Lance has 16% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Crackling Lance Beam Angle 1 | Crackling Lance has 24% increased branching angle | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Crackling Lance Beam Angle 2 | Crackling Lance has 36% increased branching angle | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cyclone Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Cyclone Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cyclone Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Cyclone Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 8% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 12% increased Dark Pact Cast Speed | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | 16% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 24% increased Dark Pact Area of Effect | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Decoy Totem Life 1 | 40% increased Decoy Totem Life | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Decoy Totem Life 2 | 60% increased Decoy Totem Life | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Decoy Totem Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Decoy Totem Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Decoy Totem Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Decoy Totem Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Desecrate Duration 1 | 20% increased Desecrate Duration | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Desecrate Duration 2 | 30% increased Desecrate Duration | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Desecrate Additional Corpse 1 | Desecrate Spawns 2 additional corpses | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Desecrate Additional Corpse 2 | Desecrate Spawns 3 additional corpses | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Despair Duration 1 | 30% increased Despair Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Despair Duration 2 | 45% increased Despair Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Despair Effect 1 | 10% increased Despair Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Despair Effect 2 | 15% increased Despair Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Determination Mana Reservation 1 | Determination has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Determination Mana Reservation 2 | Determination has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Determination Mana Reservation 1 | Determination has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Determination Mana Reservation 2 | Determination has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Detonate Dead Percent Chance To Detonate Additional Corpse 1 | Detonate Dead has a 30% chance to detonate an additional corpse | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Detonate Dead Percent Chance To Detonate Additional Corpse 2 | Detonate Dead has a 45% chance to detonate an additional corpse | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Detonate Dead Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Detonate Dead Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Detonate Dead Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Detonate Dead Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Destructive Link Duration 1 | 20% increased Destructive Link Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Destructive Link Duration 2 | 30% increased Destructive Link Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Devouring Totem Percent Chance To Consume Additional Corpse 1 | Devouring Totem has 40% Chance to Consume an additional corpse | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Devouring Totem Percent Chance To Consume Additional Corpse 2 | Devouring Totem has 60% Chance to Consume an additional corpse | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Devouring Totem Leech Per Second 1 | 24% increased Devouring Totem Leech per second | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Devouring Totem Leech Per Second 2 | 36% increased Devouring Totem Leech per second | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 1 | Discipline has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 2 | Discipline has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 1 | Discipline has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Discipline Mana Reservation 2 | Discipline has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Divine Ire Beam Width 1 | Divine Ire's beam has 10% increased width | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Divine Ire Beam Width 2 | Divine Ire's beam has 15% increased width | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Divine Ire Number Of Additional Nearby Enemies To Zap 1 | Divine Ire Damages an additional nearby Enemy when gaining Stages | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Divine Ire Number Of Additional Nearby Enemies To Zap 2 | Divine Ire Damages 2 additional nearby Enemies when gaining Stages | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dominating Blow Duration 1 | 20% increased Sentinel of Dominance Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dominating Blow Duration 2 | 30% increased Sentinel of Dominance Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Summoned Sentinels of Dominance deal 20% increased Damage | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | Summoned Sentinels of Dominance deal 30% increased Damage | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | 24% increased Dominating Blow Damage | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 36% increased Dominating Blow Damage | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dominating Blow Additional Magic 1 | Dominating Blow can summon 2 additional Magic Sentinels of Dominance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dominating Blow Additional Magic 2 | Dominating Blow can summon 3 additional Magic Sentinels of Dominance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dominating Blow Additional Rare 1 | Dominating Blow can summon an additional Rare Sentinel of Dominance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Slash Critical Strikes 1 | 40% increased Lacerate Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Slash Critical Strikes 2 | 60% increased Lacerate Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Slash Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Lacerate Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Slash Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Lacerate Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Slash Added Phys To Bleeding 1 | Lacerate deals (4–8) to (10–15) added Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Slash Added Phys To Bleeding 2 | Lacerate deals (14–18) to (20–25) added Physical Damage against Bleeding Enemies | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Double Strike Attack Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Double Strike Attack Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Double Strike Critical Strike Chance | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Double Strike Critical Strike Chance | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Double Damage Vs Bleeding 1 | Double Strike has a 10% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Double Strike Double Damage Vs Bleeding 2 | Double Strike has a 15% chance to deal Double Damage to Bleeding Enemies | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dread Banner Effect 1 | Dread Banner has 25% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dread Banner Effect 2 | Dread Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dual Strike Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Dual Strike Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dual Strike Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Dual Strike Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Dual Strike Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Duration 1 | 20% reduced Earthquake Duration | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Duration 2 | 30% reduced Earthquake Duration | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Earthquake Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Earthquake Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Damage per 0.1s Duration 1 | Earthquake deals 5% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthquake Damage per 0.1s Duration 2 | Earthquake deals 8% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Hit Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Elemental Hit Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Hit Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Elemental Hit Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Hit Chance To Freeze Shock Ignite 1 | Elemental Hit has +20% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Hit Chance To Freeze Shock Ignite 2 | Elemental Hit has +30% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Weakness Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Weakness Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Elemental Weakness Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Weakness Duration 1 | 30% increased Elemental Weakness Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Elemental Weakness Duration 2 | 45% increased Elemental Weakness Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 1 | Enduring Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 2 | Enduring Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 1 | Enduring Cry has 24% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Enduring Cry Cooldown Speed 2 | Enduring Cry has 36% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Enduring Cry Additional Endurance Charge 1 | Enduring Cry grants 1 additional Endurance Charge to you and Allied Players | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Energy Blade Attack Speed 1 | Energy Blades have 10% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Energy Blade Attack Speed 2 | Energy Blades have 15% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Energy Blade Lightning Penetration 1 | Attacks with Energy Blades Penetrate 8% Lightning Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Energy Blade Lightning Penetration 2 | Attacks with Energy Blades Penetrate 12% Lightning Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Enfeeble Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Enfeeble Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Enfeeble Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Enfeeble Duration 1 | 30% increased Enfeeble Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Enfeeble Duration 2 | 45% increased Enfeeble Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Ethereal Knives Projectile Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ethereal Knives Projectiles Fire in Circle 1 | Ethereal Knives fires Projectiles in a circle | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ethereal Knives Number Of Targets To Pierce 1 | Ethereal Knives Pierces an additional Target | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Area Of Effect 1 | Explosive Arrow has 16% increased Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Area Of Effect 2 | Explosive Arrow has 24% increased Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Attack Speed 1 | Explosive Arrow has 10% increased Attack Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Attack Speed 2 | Explosive Arrow has 15% increased Attack Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Concoction Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Explosive Concoction Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Concoction Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Explosive Concoction Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Concoction Flask Charges 1 | Explosive Concoction uses 8% reduced Flask Charges | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Concoction Flask Charges 2 | Explosive Concoction uses 12% reduced Flask Charges | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Exsanguinate Duration 1 | 20% increased Exsanguinate Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Exsanguinate Duration 2 | 30% increased Exsanguinate Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Exsanguinate Additional Chain Chance 1 | Exsanguinate has a 25% chance to Chain an additional time | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Eye of Winter Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Eye of Winter Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Eye of Winter Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Eye of Winter Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Eye of Winter Shard Frequency 1 | Eye of Winter fires Shard projectiles with 8% increased Frequency during flight | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Eye of Winter Shard Frequency 2 | Eye of Winter fires Shard projectiles with 12% increased Frequency during flight | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fireball Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Fireball Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fireball Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Fireball Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fireball Ignite Chance 1 | Fireball has +20% chance to Ignite | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fireball Ignite Chance 2 | Fireball has +30% chance to Ignite | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Beam Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Scorching Ray Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Beam Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Scorching Ray Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Beam Length 1 | 10% increased Scorching Ray beam length | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Beam Length 2 | 15% increased Scorching Ray beam length | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 1 | Pyroclast Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 2 | Pyroclast Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Additional Projectiles 1 | Pyroclast Mine fires an additional Projectile | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Additional Projectiles 2 | Pyroclast Mine fires 2 additional Projectiles | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Firestorm Duration 1 | 20% increased Firestorm Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Firestorm Duration 2 | 30% increased Firestorm Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Firestorm Explosion Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Firestorm explosion Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Firestorm Explosion Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Firestorm explosion Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Trap Burning Damage 1 | 40% increased Fire Trap Burning Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Trap Burning Damage 2 | 60% increased Fire Trap Burning Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 20% increased Fire Trap Damage | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 30% increased Fire Trap Damage | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration 1 | 30% increased Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration 2 | 45% increased Fire Trap Burning Ground Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flameblast Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Flameblast Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flameblast Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Flameblast Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flameblast Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Flameblast Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flameblast Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Flameblast Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Dash Cooldown Speed 1 | Flame Dash has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Dash Cooldown Speed 2 | Flame Dash has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Golem Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% increased Flame Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Golem Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% increased Flame Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Golem Granted Buff Effect 1 | 100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Flame Golems | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Golem Granted Buff Effect 2 | 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Flame Golems | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Flame Surge Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Surge Vs Burning Enemies 1 | 40% increased Flame Surge Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Surge Vs Burning Enemies 2 | 60% increased Flame Surge Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed 1 | 8% increased Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed 2 | 12% increased Flamethrower Trap Throwing Speed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Cooldown Speed 1 | Flamethrower Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 80 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Cooldown Speed 2 | Flamethrower Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 80 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Duration 1 | Flamethrower Trap has 20% increased Skill Effect Duration | 80 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Trap Duration 2 | Flamethrower Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration | 80 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Additional Flamethrowers 1 | Flamethrower Trap has an additional Flame | 60 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flamethrower Additional Flamethrowers 2 | Flamethrower Trap has 2 additional Flames | 60 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Holy Flame Totem fires an additional Projectile | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Num Of Additional Projectiles 2 | Holy Flame Totem fires 2 additional Projectiles | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Projectile Speed 1 | Holy Flame Totem has 20% increased Projectile Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Projectile Speed 2 | Holy Flame Totem has 30% increased Projectile Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 1 | Consecrated Ground from Holy Flame Totem applies 6% increased Damage taken to Enemies | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Totem Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 2 | Consecrated Ground from Holy Flame Totem applies 9% increased Damage taken to Enemies | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Wall Added Damage 1 | Flame Wall grants 19 to 28 Added Fire Damage to Projectiles | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Wall Added Damage 2 | Flame Wall grants 31 to 47 Added Fire Damage to Projectiles | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Wall Count 1 | +1 to maximum number of Flame Walls | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flammability Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Flammability Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flammability Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Flammability Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flammability Duration 1 | 30% increased Flammability Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flammability Duration 2 | 45% increased Flammability Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh Offering Duration 1 | 30% increased Flesh Offering Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh Offering Duration 2 | 45% increased Flesh Offering Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh Offering Attack Speed 1 | Flesh Offering grants an additional 14% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh Offering Attack Speed 2 | Flesh Offering grants an additional 21% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bolt Cast Speed 1 | 10% increased Frostbolt Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bolt Cast Speed 2 | 15% increased Frostbolt Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bolt Freeze Chance 1 | Frostbolt has +10% chance to Freeze | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bolt Freeze Chance 2 | Frostbolt has +15% chance to Freeze | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spirit Offering Duration 1 | 30% increased Spirit Offering Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spirit Offering Duration 2 | 45% increased Spirit Offering Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spirit Offering Critical Strike Multiplier 1 | Spirit Offering grants +8% to Critical Strike Multiplier | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spirit Offering Critical Strike Multiplier 2 | Spirit Offering grants +12% to Critical Strike Multiplier | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Link Duration 1 | 20% increased Flame Link Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flame Link Duration 2 | 30% increased Flame Link Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flicker Strike Cooldown Speed 1 | Flicker Strike has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flicker Strike Cooldown Speed 2 | Flicker Strike has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flicker Strike Damage Per Frenzy Charge 1 | 6% increased Flicker Strike Damage per Frenzy Charge | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flicker Strike Damage Per Frenzy Charge 2 | 9% increased Flicker Strike Damage per Frenzy Charge | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Forbidden Rite Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Forbidden Rite Additional Projectile | Forbidden Rite fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 1 | Icicle Mine has 8% increased Throwing Speed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 2 | Icicle Mine has 12% increased Throwing Speed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 1 | 8% increased Icicle Mine Throwing Speed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 2 | 12% increased Icicle Mine Throwing Speed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Freezing Pulse Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Freezing Pulse Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Freezing Pulse Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Freezing Pulse Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Freezing Pulse Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frenzy Percent Chance To Gain Additional Frenzy Charge 1 | 20% Chance on Frenzy to gain an additional Frenzy Charge | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frenzy Percent Chance To Gain Additional Frenzy Charge 2 | 30% Chance on Frenzy to gain an additional Frenzy Charge | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frenzy Damage Per Frenzy Charge 1 | 6% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frenzy Damage Per Frenzy Charge 2 | 9% increased Frenzy Damage per Frenzy Charge | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostbite Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Frostbite Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostbite Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Frostbite Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostbite Duration 1 | 30% increased Frostbite Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostbite Duration 2 | 45% increased Frostbite Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Cooldown Speed 1 | Frost Bomb has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Cooldown Speed 2 | Frost Bomb has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Frost Bomb Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Frost Bomb Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Increased Duration 1 | Frost Bomb has 20% increased Debuff Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Bomb Increased Duration 2 | Frost Bomb has 30% increased Debuff Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Shield Cooldown Count 1 | Frost Shield has +1 Cooldown Use | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Shield Health per Stage 1 | Frost Shield has +125 to maximum Life per Stage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Shield Health per Stage 2 | Frost Shield has +180 to maximum Life per Stage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Wall Cooldown Speed 1 | Frost Wall has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Wall Cooldown Speed 2 | Frost Wall has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Wall Duration 1 | 24% increased Frost Wall Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Wall Duration 2 | 36% increased Frost Wall Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment General's Cry Cooldown Speed 1 | General's Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment General's Cry Cooldown Speed 2 | General's Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment General's Cry Additional Mirage Warrior 1 | General's Cry has +1 to maximum number of Mirage Warriors | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Cascade Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Glacial Cascade Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Cascade Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Glacial Cascade Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Cascade Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold 1 | Glacial Cascade gains 6% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Cascade Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold 2 | Glacial Cascade gains 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Hammer Freeze Chance 1 | Glacial Hammer has +20% chance to Freeze | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Hammer Freeze Chance 2 | Glacial Hammer has +30% chance to Freeze | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Hammer Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 1 | 10% of Glacial Hammer Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Glacial Hammer Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 2 | 15% of Glacial Hammer Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Grace Mana Reservation 1 | Grace has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Grace Mana Reservation 2 | Grace has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Grace Mana Reservation 1 | Grace has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Grace Mana Reservation 2 | Grace has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ground Slam Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ground Slam Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ground Slam Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ground Slam Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ground Slam Angle 1 | Ground Slam has a 16% increased angle | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ground Slam Angle 2 | Ground Slam has a 24% increased angle | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Haste Mana Reservation 1 | Haste has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Haste Mana Reservation 2 | Haste has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Haste Mana Reservation 1 | Haste has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Haste Mana Reservation 2 | Haste has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 1 | Hatred has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 2 | Hatred has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 1 | Hatred has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hatred Mana Reservation 2 | Hatred has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Heavy Strike Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Heavy Strike Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Heavy Strike Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Heavy Strike Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Heavy Strike Double Damage 1 | Heavy Strike has a 8% chance to deal Double Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Heavy Strike Double Damage 2 | Heavy Strike has a 12% chance to deal Double Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Agony has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Agony has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Agony has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Agony Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Agony has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Agony Num Of Secondary Projectiles 1 | Summoned Agony Crawler fires 2 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Ash has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Ash has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Ash has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ash Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Ash has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Ice has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Ice has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Ice has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Ice Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Ice has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Purity has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Purity has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Purity has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Purity Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Purity has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Purity Additional Minion 1 | +1 to maximum number of Sentinels of Purity | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Thunder has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Thunder has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 1 | Herald of Thunder has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Herald Of Thunder Mana Reservation 2 | Herald of Thunder has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hexblast Area Of Effect 1 | Hexblast has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hexblast Area Of Effect 2 | Hexblast has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hexblast Chance to not Consume Hex 1 | Hexblast has +10% chance to remove a Hex | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hexblast Chance to not Consume Hex 2 | Hexblast has +15% chance to remove a Hex | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Holy Relic Area Of Effect 1 | Summoned Holy Relics have 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Holy Relic Area Of Effect 2 | Summoned Holy Relics have 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Holy Relic Buff Effect 1 | Summoned Holy Relics have 40% increased Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Holy Relic Buff Effect 2 | Summoned Holy Relics have 60% increased Buff Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Crash Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 1 | 10% of Ice Crash Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Crash Physical Damage Percent To Add As Cold Damage 2 | 15% of Ice Crash Physical Damage gained as Extra Cold Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Crash Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ice Crash Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Crash Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ice Crash Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Golem Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% to Ice Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Golem Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% to Ice Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Golem Grants Percent Additional Critical Strike Chance And Accuracy 1 | 100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Ice Golems | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Golem Grants Percent Additional Critical Strike Chance And Accuracy 2 | 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Ice Golems | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Freeze Chance 1 | Ice Nova has +20% chance to Freeze | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Freeze Chance 2 | Ice Nova has +30% chance to Freeze | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ice Nova Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ice Nova Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Minimum Chill 1 | Chills from Ice Nova Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least 6% | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Nova Minimum Chill 2 | Chills from Ice Nova Hits always reduce Action Speed by at least 8% | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Damage 1 | 24% increased Ice Shot Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Damage 2 | 36% increased Ice Shot Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ice Shot Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ice Shot Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Cone Angle 1 | Ice Shot has 30% increased Area of Effect angle | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Shot Cone Angle 2 | Ice Shot has 60% increased Area of Effect angle | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Duration 1 | Siphoning Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration | 67 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Duration 2 | Siphoning Trap has 45% increased Skill Effect Duration | 67 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Damage Taken 1 | Siphoning Trap's beam to you grants 1% reduced Damage taken for each other beam | 67 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Chill Effect 1 | Siphoning Trap has 25% increased Chill Effect | 67 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Siphon Trap Chill Effect 2 | Siphoning Trap has 40% increased Chill Effect | 67 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Critical Strike 1 | 10% Chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike with Ice Spear | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Critical Strike 2 | 15% Chance to gain a Power Charge on Critical Strike with Ice Spear | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Second Form Critical Strike Chance 1 | 200% increased Ice Spear Critical Strike Chance in second form | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Second Form Critical Strike Chance 2 | 300% increased Ice Spear Critical Strike Chance in second form | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Additional Projectile 1 | Ice Spear fires an additional Projectile | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Distance Before Form Change 1 | Ice Spear travels 20% reduced distance before changing forms | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Spear Distance Before Form Change 2 | Ice Spear travels 30% reduced distance before changing forms | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Cooldown Speed 1 | 20% increased Ice Trap Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Cooldown Speed 2 | 30% increased Ice Trap Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Ice Trap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Ice Trap Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Cold Penetration 1 | Ice Trap Damage Penetrates 6% Cold Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ice Trap Cold Penetration 2 | Ice Trap Damage Penetrates 10% Cold Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Immortal Call Percent Chance To Not Consume Endurance Charges 1 | Immortal Call has 20% increased Buff Duration per Endurance Charge removed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Immortal Call Percent Chance To Not Consume Endurance Charges 2 | Immortal Call has 30% increased Buff Duration per Endurance Charge removed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Immortal Call Duration 1 | 24% increased Immortal Call Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Immortal Call Duration 2 | 36% increased Immortal Call Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Damage Per Stage 1 | 16% increased Incinerate Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Damage Per Stage 2 | 24% increased Incinerate Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Incinerate Damage | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Incinerate Damage | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Area Of Effect 1 | Incinerate has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Area Of Effect 2 | Incinerate has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Maximum Stages 1 | Incinerate has +1 to maximum stages | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Maximum Stages 2 | Incinerate has +2 to maximum stages | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Incinerate Damage Per Stage 3 | 10% increased Incinerate Damage for each stage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 1 | 10% of Infernal Blow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Physical Damage Percent To Add As Fire Damage 2 | 15% of Infernal Blow Physical Damage gained as Extra Fire Damage | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Infernal Blow Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Infernal Blow Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Increased Damage Per Stack 1 | Infernal Blow Debuff deals an additional 3% of Damage per Charge | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Blow Increased Damage Per Stack 2 | Infernal Blow Debuff deals an additional 5% of Damage per Charge | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 1 | Infernal Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Cooldown Speed 2 | Infernal Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Infernal Cry Combust Area Of Effect 1 | Combust has 30% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Intimidating Cry Cooldown Speed 1 | Intimidating Cry has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Intimidating Cry Cooldown Speed 2 | Intimidating Cry has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Intimidating Cry Area Of Effect 1 | Intimidating Cry has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Intimidating Cry Area Of Effect 2 | Intimidating Cry has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Intuitive Link Duration 1 | 20% increased Intuitive Link Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Intuitive Link Duration 2 | 30% increased Intuitive Link Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Blast Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Kinetic Blast Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Blast Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Kinetic Blast Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Blast Explosions 1 | Kinetic Blast has a 50% chance for an additional explosion | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Blast Explosions 2 | Kinetic Blast has a 75% chance for an additional explosion | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lancing Steel Chance To Not Consume Shards 1 | Lancing Steel has 20% chance to count as consuming Steel Shards without Consuming them | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lancing Steel Chance To Not Consume Shards 2 | Lancing Steel has 30% chance to count as consuming Steel Shards without Consuming them | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lancing Steel Number of Additional Projectiles 1 | Lancing Steel fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Leap Slam Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Leap Slam Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Leap Slam Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Leap Slam Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Leap Slam Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Leap Slam Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Leap Slam Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Leap Slam Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Arrow Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Lightning Arrow Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Arrow Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Lightning Arrow Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Arrow Extra Targets 1 | Lightning Arrow hits 1 additional Enemy | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Arrow Extra Targets 2 | Lightning Arrow hits 2 additional Enemies | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Golem Granted Buff Effect 1 | 100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Lightning Golems | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Golem Granted Buff Effect 2 | 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Lightning Golems | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% to Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% to Lightning Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Lightning Strike fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 2 | Lightning Strike fires 2 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | lightning strike additional pierce per 10 old [20] | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | lightning strike additional pierce per 10 old [30] | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Strike Additional Pierce 1 | Lightning Strike pierces 2 additional Targets | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Strike Additional Pierce 2 | Lightning Strike pierces 3 additional Targets | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tendrils Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Lightning Tendrils Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tendrils Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Lightning Tendrils Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance 1 | 40% increased Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance 2 | 60% increased Lightning Tendrils Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Throwing Speed 1 | 8% increased Lightning Spire Trap Throwing Speed | 60 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Throwing Speed 2 | 12% increased Lightning Spire Trap Throwing Speed | 60 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Duration 1 | Lightning Spire Trap has 20% increased Skill Effect Duration | 60 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Duration 2 | Lightning Spire Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration | 60 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Cooldown Speed 1 | Lightning Spire Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 60 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Cooldown Speed 2 | Lightning Spire Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 60 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Tower Trap Additional Beams 1 | Lightning Spire Trap strikes an additional area | 60 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | lightning trap additional pierce per 10 old [20] | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | lightning trap additional pierce per 10 old [30] | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Additional Pierce 1 | Lightning Trap pierces 2 additional Targets | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Additional Pierce 2 | Lightning Trap pierces 3 additional Targets | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Penetration 1 | Lightning Trap Damage Penetrates 6% Lightning Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Penetration 2 | Lightning Trap Damage Penetrates 10% Lightning Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Shock Effect 1 | 25% increased Lightning Trap Lightning Ailment Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Trap Shock Effect 2 | 40% increased Lightning Trap Lightning Ailment Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Warp Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Lightning Warp Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Warp Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Lightning Warp Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Warp Duration 1 | 20% reduced Lightning Warp Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Warp Duration 2 | 30% reduced Lightning Warp Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rolling Magma Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1 | Rolling Magma Chains an additional time | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rolling Magma Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 2 | Rolling Magma Chains an additional time | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rolling Magma Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Rolling Magma Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rolling Magma Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Rolling Magma Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 1 | Malevolence has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 2 | Malevolence has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 1 | Malevolence has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Malevolence Mana Reservation 2 | Malevolence has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Manabond Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Manabond Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Manabond Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Manabond Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Manabond Low Mana Lightning Penetration 1 | Manabond Penetrates 8% Lightning Resistance while on Low Mana | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Manabond Low Mana Lightning Penetration 2 | Manabond Penetrates 12% Lightning Resistance while on Low Mana | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Mirror Arrow Attack Speed 1 | Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones have 10% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Mirror Arrow Attack Speed 2 | Mirror Arrow and Mirror Arrow Clones have 15% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Mirror Arrow Cooldown Speed 1 | Mirror Arrow has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Mirror Arrow Cooldown Speed 2 | Mirror Arrow has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Molten Strike fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles 2 | Molten Strike fires 2 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Strike Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Molten Strike Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Molten Strike Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Molten Strike Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Phase Run Percent Chance To Not Consume Frenzy Charges 1 | 20% chance for Phase Run to increase Duration without removing Frenzy Charges | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Phase Run Percent Chance To Not Consume Frenzy Charges 2 | 30% chance for Phase Run to increase Duration without removing Frenzy Charges | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Phase Run Duration 1 | 24% increased Phase Run Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Phase Run Duration 2 | 36% increased Phase Run Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Trap Duration 1 | Seismic Trap has 20% increased Skill Effect Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Trap Duration 2 | Seismic Trap has 30% increased Skill Effect Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Cooldown Speed 1 | Seismic Trap has 10% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Cooldown Speed 2 | Seismic Trap has 15% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Physical Cascade Additional Cascades 1 | Seismic Trap releases an additional Wave | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 1 | Petrified Blood has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 2 | Petrified Blood has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 1 | Petrified Blood has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Petrified Blood Reservation 2 | Petrified Blood has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Poachers Mark Curse Effect 1 | 20% increased Poacher's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Poachers Mark Curse Effect 2 | 30% increased Poacher's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Poachers Mark Duration 1 | 30% increased Poacher's Mark Duration | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Poachers Mark Duration 2 | 45% increased Poacher's Mark Duration | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Poisonous Concoction Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Poisonous Concoction Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Poisonous Concoction Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Poisonous Concoction Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Poisonous Concoction Flask Charges 1 | Poisonous Concoction uses 8% reduced Flask Charges | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Poisonous Concoction Flask Charges 2 | Poisonous Concoction uses 12% reduced Flask Charges | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Kill 1 | 30% Chance to gain an additional Power Charge on Kill with Power Siphon | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Percent Chance To Gain Power Charge On Kill 2 | 45% Chance to gain an additional Power Charge on Kill with Power Siphon | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Power Siphon Attack Speed | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Power Siphon Attack Speed | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Additional Projectiles 1 | Power Siphon fires at up to 1 additional target | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Power Siphon Additional Projectiles 2 | Power Siphon fires at up to 2 additional targets | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pride Mana Reservation 1 | Pride has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pride Mana Reservation 2 | Pride has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pride Mana Reservation 1 | Pride has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pride Mana Reservation 2 | Pride has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Precision Mana Reservation 1 | Precision has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Precision Mana Reservation 2 | Precision has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Precision Mana Reservation 1 | Precision has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Precision Mana Reservation 2 | Precision has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Projectile Weakness Curse Effect 1 | Sniper's Mark has 10% increased Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Projectile Weakness Curse Effect 2 | Sniper's Mark has 15% increased Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Projectile Weakness Duration 1 | Sniper's Mark has 30% increased Duration | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Projectile Weakness Duration 2 | Sniper's Mark has 45% increased Duration | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Protective Link Duration 1 | 20% increased Protective Link Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Protective Link Duration 2 | 30% increased Protective Link Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Puncture Duration 1 | 30% increased Puncture Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Puncture Duration 2 | 45% increased Puncture Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Puncture Maim On Hit Percent Chance 1 | 20% Chance for Puncture to Maim on hit | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Puncture Maim On Hit Percent Chance 2 | 30% Chance for Puncture to Maim on hit | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Punishment Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Punishment Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Punishment Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Punishment Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Punishment Duration 1 | 30% increased Punishment Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Punishment Duration 2 | 45% increased Punishment Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purifying Flame Area Of Effect When Targeting Consecrated Ground 1 | Purifying Flame has 20% increased Area of Effect if targeting Consecrated Ground | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purifying Flame Area Of Effect When Targeting Consecrated Ground 2 | Purifying Flame has 30% increased Area of Effect if targeting Consecrated Ground | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purifying Flame Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 1 | Consecrated Ground from Purifying Flame applies 6% increased Damage taken to Enemies | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purifying Flame Consecrated Ground Enemy Damage Taken 2 | Consecrated Ground from Purifying Flame applies 9% increased Damage taken to Enemies | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Elements has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Elements has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Elements has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Elements Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Elements has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Fire has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Fire has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Fire has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Fire Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Fire has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Ice has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Ice has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Ice has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Ice Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Ice has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Lightning has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Lightning has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 1 | Purity of Lightning has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Purity Of Lightning Mana Reservation 2 | Purity of Lightning has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Rain of Arrows Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Rain of Arrows Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Rain of Arrows Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Rain of Arrows Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Repeat Count 1 | Rain of Arrows has 10% chance to fire an additional sequence of arrows | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rain Of Arrows Repeat Count 2 | Rain of Arrows has 15% chance to fire an additional sequence of arrows | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 1 | 10% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rallying Cry Buff Effect 2 | 15% increased Rallying Cry Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rallying Cry Additional Exert 1 | Rallying Cry Exerts 1 additional Attack | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Reave Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Reave Radius | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reave Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Reave Radius | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Reckoning Cooldown Speed 1 | Reckoning has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Reckoning Cooldown Speed 2 | Reckoning has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rejuvination Totem Percent Life Regeneration Added As Mana Regeneration 1 | Rejuvenation Totem also grants Mana Regeneration equal to 10% of its Life Regeneration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rejuvination Totem Percent Life Regeneration Added As Mana Regeneration 2 | Rejuvenation Totem also grants Mana Regeneration equal to 15% of its Life Regeneration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rejuvination Totem Life Regeneration 1 | 30% increased Rejuvenation Totem Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rejuvination Totem Life Regeneration 2 | 45% increased Rejuvenation Totem Aura Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Righteous Fire Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Righteous Fire Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Righteous Fire Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Righteous Fire Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Righteous Fire Spell Damage 1 | Righteous Fire grants 20% increased Spell Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Righteous Fire Spell Damage 2 | Righteous Fire grants 30% increased Spell Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Riposte Cooldown Speed 1 | Riposte has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Riposte Cooldown Speed 2 | Riposte has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Scourge Arrow Chance To Poison 1 | Scourge Arrow has 6% chance to Poison per Stage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Scourge Arrow Chance To Poison 2 | Scourge Arrow has 8% chance to Poison per Stage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Scourge Arrow Additional Spore 1 | Scourge Arrow creates +1 Spore Pod | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed 1 | 40% increased Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed 2 | 60% increased Searing Bond Totem Placement Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances 1 | 24% increased Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances 2 | 36% increased Searing Bond Totem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Seismic Cry Exerted Attack Damage 1 | Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 35% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Seismic Cry Exerted Attack Damage 2 | Attacks Exerted by Seismic Cry deal 50% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Seismic Cry Minimum Power 1 | Seismic Cry has a minimum of 10 Power | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Charge Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Shield Charge Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Charge Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Shield Charge Attack Speed | 100 |
1 | 6% increased Shield Charge Damage per Enemy Hit | ||
1 | 9% increased Shield Charge Damage per Enemy Hit | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shock Nova Larger Ring Damage 1 | Shock Nova ring deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shock Nova Larger Ring Damage 2 | Shock Nova ring deals 60% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shock Nova Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Shock Nova Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shock Nova Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Shock Nova Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sigil of Power Upgrade Cost 1 | Sigil of Power requires 10% reduced Mana Spent to gain a Stage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sigil of Power Upgrade Cost 2 | Sigil of Power requires 20% reduced Mana Spent to gain a Stage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sigil of Power Critical Strike Chance 1 | Sigil of Power's Buff also grants 20% increased Critical Strike Chance per Stage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sigil of Power Critical Strike Chance 2 | Sigil of Power's Buff also grants 30% increased Critical Strike Chance per Stage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Smite Additional Target Chance 1 | Smite has a 10% chance for lightning to strike another target | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Smite Additional Target Chance 2 | Smite has a 15% chance for lightning to strike another target | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Smite Aura Effect 1 | Smite has 20% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Smite Aura Effect 2 | Smite has 30% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Snipe Maximum Stacks | +1 to maximum Snipe Stages | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Snipe Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Attack Speed with Snipe | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Snipe Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Attack Speed with Snipe | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Snipe Stun Avoidance 1 | 35% chance to Avoid being Stunned while Channelling Snipe | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Snipe Stun Avoidance 2 | 50% chance to Avoid being Stunned while Channelling Snipe | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Helix Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Spectral Helix Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Helix Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Spectral Helix Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Helix Extra Rotation | Spectral Helix Projectile spirals through +1 rotations | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Soulrend Applies Hinder Movement Speed 1 | Soulrend also Hinders Enemies when applying its Debuff, with 25% reduced Movement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Soulrend Applies Hinder Movement Speed 2 | Soulrend also Hinders Enemies when applying its Debuff, with 40% reduced Movement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Soulrend Number Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Soulrend fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Storm Brand Additional Chain Chance 1 | Storm Brand has a 12% chance to Chain an additional time | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Storm Brand Additional Chain Chance 2 | Storm Brand has a 18% chance to Chain an additional time | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Storm Brand Attached Target Lightning Penetration 1 | Storm Brand Damage Penetrates 8% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Storm Brand Attached Target Lightning Penetration 2 | Storm Brand Damage Penetrates 12% of Branded Enemy's Lightning Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 30% chance to Ignore Stuns while Casting Storm Burst | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 45% chance to Ignore Stuns while Casting Storm Burst | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Burst Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Storm Burst Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Burst Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Storm Burst Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Storm Burst has a 15% chance to create an additional Orb | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Burst Additional Object Chance 1 | Storm Burst has a 10% chance to create an additional Orb | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Burst Additional Object Chance 2 | Storm Burst has a 15% chance to create an additional Orb | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Attack Speed 1 | Sunder has 10% increased Attack Speed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Attack Speed 2 | Sunder has 15% increased Attack Speed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Radius 1 | Sunder has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Radius 2 | Sunder has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Wave Speed 1 | Sunder has 15% reduced delay between Areas in the Wave | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sunder Wave Speed 2 | Sunder has 20% reduced delay between Areas in the Wave | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shattering Steel Fortify On Hit Close Range 1 | Hits at Close Range with Shattering Steel Fortify | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shattering Steel Chance to Not Consume Shards 1 | Shattering Steel has 20% chance to not consume Steel Shards | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shattering Steel Chance to Not Consume Shards 2 | Shattering Steel has 30% chance to not consume Steel Shards | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shockwave Totem Cast Speed 1 | 10% increased Shockwave Totem Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shockwave Totem Cast Speed 2 | 15% increased Shockwave Totem Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shockwave Totem Radius 1 | 16% increased Shockwave Totem Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shockwave Totem Radius 2 | 24% increased Shockwave Totem Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Trap Radius 1 | Explosive Trap has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Trap Radius 2 | Explosive Trap has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Trap Secondary Explosions 1 | Explosive Trap causes an additional smaller explosion | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Trap Secondary Explosions 2 | Explosive Trap causes 2 additional smaller explosions | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Shot Physical Damage Percent To Add As Lightning Damage 1 | 10% of Galvanic Arrow Physical Damage gained as extra Lightning Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Shot Physical Damage Percent To Add As Lightning Damage 2 | 15% of Galvanic Arrow Physical Damage gained as extra Lightning Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Shot Radius 1 | 16% increased Galvanic Arrow Area of Effect | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Shot Radius 2 | 24% increased Galvanic Arrow Area of Effect | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Splitting Steel Area 1 | Splitting Steel has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Splitting Steel Area 2 | Splitting Steel has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Splitting Steel Chance to Not Consume Shard 1 | Splitting Steel has 20% chance to not consume Steel Shards | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Splitting Steel Chance to Not Consume Shard 2 | Splitting Steel has 30% chance to not consume Steel Shards | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Arrow Projectile Speed 1 | Galvanic Arrow has 20% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Arrow Projectile Speed 2 | Galvanic Arrow has 30% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Siege Ballista Attack Speed 1 | Siege Ballista has 10% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Siege Ballista Attack Speed 2 | Siege Ballista has 15% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Siege Ballista Totem Placement Speed 1 | Siege Ballista has 30% increased Totem Placement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Siege Ballista Totem Placement Speed 2 | Siege Ballista has 45% increased Totem Placement Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Essence Drain Duration 1 | 20% increased Essence Drain Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Essence Drain Duration 2 | 30% increased Essence Drain Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Smoke Mine Duration 1 | 20% increased Smoke Mine Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Smoke Mine Duration 2 | 30% increased Smoke Mine Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Smoke Mine Movement Speed 1 | Smoke Mine grants additional 20% increased Movement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Smoke Mine Movement Speed 2 | Smoke Mine grants additional 30% increased Movement Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Soul Link Duration 1 | 20% increased Soul Link Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Soul Link Duration 2 | 30% increased Soul Link Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Spark fires 2 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Num Of Additional Projectiles 2 | Spark fires 3 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Projectile Fire in Circle 1 | Spark fires Projectiles in a circle | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Spark Projectile Speed | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spark Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Spark Projectile Speed | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Spectral Shield Throw Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Shield Throw Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Spectral Shield Throw fires 2 additional Shard Projectiles | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Shield Throw Num Of Additional Projectiles 2 | Spectral Shield Throw fires 3 additional Shard Projectiles | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration 1 | 20% reduced Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration 2 | 30% reduced Spectral Throw Projectile Deceleration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Speed 1 | 20% increased Spectral Throw Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectral Throw Projectile Speed 2 | 30% increased Spectral Throw Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectre Attack And Cast Speed 1 | Spectres have 8% increased Attack and Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectre Attack And Cast Speed 2 | Spectres have 12% increased Attack and Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectre Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% to Raised Spectre Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spectre Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% to Raised Spectre Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Split Arrow Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Split Arrow Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Split Arrow fires 2 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Split Arrow Num Of Additional Projectiles 2 | Split Arrow fires 3 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Duration 1 | 30% increased Static Strike Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Duration 2 | 45% increased Static Strike Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Static Strike Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Static Strike Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Maximum Beam Targets 1 | Static Strike has +1 maximum Beam Targets | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Static Strike Maximum Beam Targets 2 | Static Strike has +2 maximum Beam Targets | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stone Golem Elemental Resistances 1 | +24% to Stone Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stone Golem Elemental Resistances 2 | +36% to Stone Golem Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stone Golem Granted Buff Effect 1 | 100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Stone Golems | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stone Golem Granted Buff Effect 2 | 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Stone Golems | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Call Duration 1 | 20% reduced Storm Call Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Call Duration 2 | 30% reduced Storm Call Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Call Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Storm Call Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Call Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Storm Call Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Orb of Storms Critical Strike Chance | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb of Storms Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Orb of Storms Area of Effect | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Orb of Storms Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Orb of Storms Area of Effect | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 20% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 40% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skeletons Additional Warrior Skeletons 1 | 20% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skeletons Additional Warrior Skeletons 2 | 40% chance to Summon an additional Skeleton with Summon Skeletons | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 1 | Sweep has a 20% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 2 | Sweep has a 30% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 1 | Sweep has a 20% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Endurance Charge on Hit Chance 2 | Sweep has a 30% chance to grant an Endurance Charge on Hit | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Sweep Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Sweep Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Sweep Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tectonic Slam Area Of Effect 1 | Tectonic Slam has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tectonic Slam Area Of Effect 2 | Tectonic Slam has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Tectonic Slam has +13% fissure branching chance | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | Tectonic Slam has +20% fissure branching chance | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tectonic Slam Chance For Side Crack 1 | Tectonic Slam has +12% fissure branching chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tectonic Slam Chance For Side Crack 2 | Tectonic Slam has +20% fissure branching chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tempest Shield Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1 | Tempest Shield chains an additional 2 times | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tempest Shield Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 2 | Tempest Shield chains an additional 3 times | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Temporal Chains Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Temporal Chains Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Temporal Chains Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Temporal Chains Duration 1 | 30% increased Temporal Chains Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Temporal Chains Duration 2 | 45% increased Temporal Chains Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Temporal Rift Cooldown 1 | Temporal Rift has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Temporal Rift Cooldown 2 | Temporal Rift has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Tornado Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Tornado Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Movement Speed 1 | Tornado has 20% increased Movement Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Movement Speed 2 | Tornado has 30% increased Movement Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Tornado Shot Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Shot Num Of Secondary Projectiles 1 | Tornado Shot fires an additional secondary Projectile | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Tornado Shot Num Of Secondary Projectiles 2 | Tornado Shot fires an additional secondary Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Toxic Rain Physical Added As Chaos 1 | Toxic Rain gains 6% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Toxic Rain Physical Added As Chaos 2 | Toxic Rain gains 10% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Toxic Rain Num Of Additional Projectiles 1 | Toxic Rain fires 1 additional Arrow | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vampiric Link Duration 1 | 20% increased Vampiric Link Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vampiric Link Duration 2 | 30% increased Vampiric Link Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vengeance Cooldown Speed 1 | Vengeance has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vengeance Cooldown Speed 2 | Vengeance has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vigilant Strike Fortify Duration 1 | Vigilant Strike has 30% increased Fortification Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vigilant Strike Fortify Duration 2 | Vigilant Strike has 45% increased Fortification Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance 1 | 60% increased Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance 2 | 90% increased Viper Strike Critical Strike Chance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Viper Strike Poison Duration 1 | 20% increased Viper Strike Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Viper Strike Poison Duration 2 | 30% increased Viper Strike Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 1 | Vitality has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 2 | Vitality has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 1 | Vitality has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vitality Mana Reservation 2 | Vitality has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Void Sphere Cooldown 1 | Void Sphere has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Void Sphere Cooldown 2 | Void Sphere has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Void Sphere Damage Taken 1 | Enemies in Void Sphere's range take up to 6% increased Damage, based on distance from the Void Sphere | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Void Sphere Damage Taken 2 | Enemies in Void Sphere's range take up to 10% increased Damage, based on distance from the Void Sphere | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Void Sphere Pulse Rate 1 | Void Sphere has 12% increased Pulse Frequency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Void Sphere Pulse Rate 2 | Void Sphere has 18% increased Pulse Frequency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Voltaxic Burst Area Of Effect 1 | 16% increased Voltaxic Burst Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Voltaxic Burst Area Of Effect 2 | 24% increased Voltaxic Burst Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage per 0.1s Duration 1 | Voltaxic Burst deals 2% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds of Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Voltaxic Burst Damage per 0.1s Duration 2 | Voltaxic Burst deals 3% increased Damage per 0.1 seconds of Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | 16% increased Vortex Area of Effect | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | 24% increased Vortex Area of Effect | ||
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex Duration 1 | 20% increased Vortex Duration | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex Duration 2 | 30% increased Vortex Duration | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex AoE On Frostbolt 1 | Vortex has 30% increased Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex AoE On Frostbolt 2 | Vortex has 45% increased Area of Effect when Cast on Frostbolt | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex Cooldown Recovery 1 | Vortex has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 75 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vortex Cooldown Recovery 2 | Vortex has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 75 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vulnerability Curse Effect 1 | 10% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vulnerability Curse Effect 2 | 15% increased Vulnerability Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Vulnerability Duration 1 | 30% increased Vulnerability Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Vulnerability Duration 2 | 45% increased Vulnerability Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hydrosphere Pulse Frequency 1 | Hydrosphere has 20% increased Pulse Frequency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hydrosphere Pulse Frequency 2 | Hydrosphere has 30% increased Pulse Frequency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Hydrosphere Exposure Amount 1 | Enemies Drenched by Hydrosphere have Cold and Lightning Exposure, applying -4% to Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Hydrosphere Exposure Amount 2 | Enemies Drenched by Hydrosphere have Cold and Lightning Exposure, applying -6% to Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment War Banner Effect 1 | War Banner has 25% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment War Banner Effect 2 | War Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Warlords Mark Curse Effect 1 | 20% increased Warlord's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Warlords Mark Curse Effect 2 | 30% increased Warlord's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Warlords Mark Duration 1 | 30% increased Warlord's Mark Duration | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Warlords Mark Duration 2 | 45% increased Warlord's Mark Duration | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wave Of Conviction Additional Enemy Resistance 1 | Wave of Conviction's Exposure applies an extra -4% to Elemental Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wave Of Conviction Additional Enemy Resistance 2 | Wave of Conviction's Exposure applies an extra -6% to Elemental Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wave Of Conviction Duration 1 | Wave of Conviction has 20% increased Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wave Of Conviction Duration 2 | Wave of Conviction has 30% increased Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Whirling Blades Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Whirling Blades Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Whirling Blades Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Whirling Blades Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wild Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 1 | Wild Strike's Beam Chains an additional 4 times | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wild Strike Num Of Additional Projectiles In Chain 2 | Wild Strike's Beam Chains an additional 6 times | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wild Strike Area Of Effect 1 | 24% increased Wild Strike Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wild Strike Area Of Effect 2 | 36% increased Wild Strike Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Fury Additional Max Number Of Stages 1 | Winter Orb has +2 Maximum Stages | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Fury Area Of Effect Per Stage 1 | Winter Orb has 2% increased Area of Effect per Stage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frost Fury Area Of Effect Per Stage 2 | Winter Orb has 3% increased Area of Effect per Stage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wither Duration 1 | Wither has 24% increased Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wither Duration 2 | Wither has 36% increased Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wither Area Of Effect 1 | Wither has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wither Area Of Effect 2 | Wither has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 1 | Wrath has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 2 | Wrath has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 1 | Wrath has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Wrath Mana Reservation 2 | Wrath has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Zombie Attack Speed 1 | Raised Zombies have 10% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Zombie Attack Speed 2 | Raised Zombies have 15% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Zombie Elemental Resistances 1 | Raised Zombies have +24% to Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Zombie Elemental Resistances 2 | Raised Zombies have +36% to Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 1 | Zealotry has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 2 | Zealotry has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 1 | Zealotry has 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Zealotry Mana Reservation 2 | Zealotry has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Orbs 1 | Volatile Dead Consumes up to 1 additional corpse | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Orbs 2 | Volatile Dead Consumes up to 1 additional corpse | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Orbs 3 | Volatile Dead Consumes up to 1 additional corpse | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Damage 1 | 25% increased Volatile Dead Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Damage 2 | 40% increased Volatile Dead Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Volatile Dead Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volatile Dead Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Volatile Dead Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Unearth Corpse Level 1 | Unearth Spawns corpses with +3 Level | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Unearth Corpse Level 2 | Unearth Spawns corpses with +5 Level | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Unearth Damage 1 | 25% increased Unearth Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Unearth Damage 2 | 40% increased Unearth Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Unearth Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Unearth Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Unearth Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Unearth Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cremation Maximum Geysers 1 | Cremation can have up to 1 additional Geyser at a time | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cremation Damage 1 | 25% increased Cremation Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cremation Damage 2 | 40% increased Cremation Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cremation Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Cremation Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cremation Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Cremation Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Body Swap Damage 1 | 25% increased Bodyswap Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Body Swap Damage 2 | 40% increased Bodyswap Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Body Swap Cast Speed 1 | 8% increased Bodyswap Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Body Swap Cast Speed 2 | 12% increased Bodyswap Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Steelskin Additional Physical Damage Reduction 1 | Steelskin grants 8% additional Physical Damage Reduction | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Steelskin Additional Physical Damage Reduction 2 | Steelskin grants 12% additional Physical Damage Reduction | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Steelskin Damage Limit 1 | Steelskin Buff can take 30% increased amount of Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Steelskin Damage Limit 2 | Steelskin Buff can take 45% increased amount of Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dash Travel Distance 1 | Dash travels 65% increased distance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dash Travel Distance 2 | Dash travels 100% increased distance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Dash Cooldown Count 1 | Dash has +1 Cooldown Use | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Dash Cooldown Count 2 | Dash has +2 Cooldown Uses | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladestorm Maximum Number Of Storms Allowed 1 | +1 to Maximum number of Bladestorms at a time | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladestorm Sandstorm Speed 1 | Sand Bladestorms move with 50% increased speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladestorm Sandstorm Speed 2 | Sand Bladestorms move with 75% increased speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladestorm Damage 1 | Bladestorm deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Bladestorm Damage 2 | Bladestorm deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blood and Sand Buff Effect 1 | Blood and Sand has 25% increased Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blood and Sand Buff Effect 2 | Blood and Sand has 40% increased Buff Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Perforate Number Of Spikes 1 | Perforate creates +1 Spike | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Perforate Number Of Spikes 2 | Perforate creates +2 Spikes | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Perforate Area Of Effect 1 | Perforate has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Perforate Area Of Effect 2 | Perforate has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Perforate Damage 1 | Perforate deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Perforate Damage 2 | Perforate deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostblink Cooldown Speed 1 | Frostblink has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostblink Cooldown Speed 2 | Frostblink has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostblink Travel Distance 1 | Frostblink has 50% increased maximum travel distance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frostblink Travel Distance 2 | Frostblink has 75% increased maximum travel distance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 1 | Flesh and Stone has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 2 | Flesh and Stone has 60% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 1 | Flesh and Stone has 50% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Flesh and Stone Mana Reservation 2 | Flesh and Stone has 75% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Chain Hook Gain Rage On Hit Chance 1 | Chain Hook grants 1 Rage if it Hits Enemies | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Chain Hook Gain Rage On Hit Chance 2 | Chain Hook grants 1 Rage if it Hits Enemies | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Chain Hook Cone Radius Per 12 Rage 1 | Chain Hook has +0.1 metres to radius per 12 Rage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Chain Hook Damage 1 | Chain Hook deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Chain Hook Damage 2 | Chain Hook deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Berserk Rage Loss 1 | Berserk has 25% reduced Rage loss per second | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Berserk Rage Loss 2 | Berserk has 40% reduced Rage loss per second | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Berserk Effect 1 | Berserk has 20% increased Buff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Berserk Effect 2 | Berserk has 30% increased Buff Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormblast Mine Damage 1 | Stormblast Mine deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormblast Mine Damage 2 | Stormblast Mine deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormblast Mine Throwing Speed 1 | Stormblast Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormblast Mine Throwing Speed 2 | Stormblast Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormblast Mine Aura Effect 1 | Stormblast Mine has 20% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormblast Mine Aura Effect 2 | Stormblast Mine has 40% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Damage 1 | Icicle Mine deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Damage 2 | Icicle Mine deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Throwing Speed 1 | Icicle Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle MineThrowing Speed 2 | Icicle Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Critical Multiplier 1 | Icicle Mine has +20% to Critical Strike Multiplier | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Icicle Mine Critical Multiplier 2 | Icicle Mine has +30% to Critical Strike Multiplier | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 1 | Pyroclast Mine deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Damage 2 | Pyroclast Mine deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 1 | Pyroclast Mine has 10% increased Throwing Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Throwing Speed 2 | Pyroclast Mine has 15% increased Throwing Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Pyroclast Mine fires an additional Projectile | ||
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pyroclast Mine Additional Projectiles 1 | Pyroclast Mine fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cobra Lash Damage 1 | Cobra Lash deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cobra Lash Damage 2 | Cobra Lash deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cobra Lash Projectile Speed 1 | Cobra Lash has 20% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cobra Lash Projectile Speed 2 | Cobra Lash has 30% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Cobra Lash Number Of Additional Chains 1 | Cobra Lash Chains 2 additional times | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Cobra Lash Number Of Additional Chains 2 | Cobra Lash Chains 3 additional times | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Withering Step Wither Stacks1 | Withering Step inflicts 2 additional Withered Debuffs | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Withering Step Wither Stacks 2 | Withering Step inflicts 3 additional Withered Debuffs | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Withering Step Elusive Effect 1 | Withering Step has 20% increased Elusive Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Withering Step Elusive Effect 2 | Withering Step has 30% increased Elusive Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Venom Gyre Damage 1 | Venom Gyre deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Venom Gyre Damage 2 | Venom Gyre deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Venom Gyre Withering On Hit Chance 1 | Venom Gyre has a 12% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Venom Gyre Withering On Hit Chance 2 | Venom Gyre has a 20% chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Venom Gyre Chance To Retain Projectile On Release 1 | Venom Gyre has a 15% chance to keep each caught Projectile fired with Whirling Blades | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Venom Gyre Chance To Retain Projectile On Release 2 | Venom Gyre has a 25% chance to keep each caught Projectile fired with Whirling Blades | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Plague Bearer Poison Dot Multiplier While Aura Active 1 | Plague Bearer Buff grants +12% to Poison Damage over Time Multiplier while Infecting | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Plague Bearer Poison Dot Multiplier While Aura Active 2 | Plague Bearer Buff grants +20% to Poison Damage over Time Multiplier while Infecting | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Plague Bearer Stored Poison Damage To Deal Per Second 1 | Plague Bearer deals Damage based on an additional 3% of Plague Value | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Plague Bearer Stored Poison Damage To Deal Per Second 2 | Plague Bearer deals Damage based on an additional 5% of Plague Value | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pestilent Strike Damage 1 | Pestilent Strike deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pestilent Strike Damage 2 | Pestilent Strike deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pestilent Strike Duration 1 | Pestilent Strike has 25% increased Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pestilent Strike Duration 2 | Pestilent Strike has 40% increased Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Pestilent Strike Area Of Effect 1 | Pestilent Strike has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Pestilent Strike Area Of Effect 2 | Pestilent Strike has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Carrion Golem Damage 1 | Summoned Carrion Golems deal 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Carrion Golem Damage 2 | Summoned Carrion Golems deal 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Carrion Golem Granted Buff Effect 1 | 100% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Carrion Golems | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Carrion Golem Granted Buff Effect 2 | 150% increased Effect of the Buff granted by your Carrion Golems | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Carrion Golem Elemental Resistances 1 | Summoned Carrion Golems have +24% to all Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Carrion Golem Elemental Resistances 2 | Summoned Carrion Golems have +36% to all Elemental Resistances | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skitterbots Area Of Effect 1 | Summoned Skitterbots have 60% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skitterbots Area Of Effect 2 | Summoned Skitterbots have 90% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 1 | Summon Skitterbots has 28% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 2 | Summon Skitterbots has 40% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 1 | Summon Skitterbots has 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Skitterbots Mana Reservation 2 | Summon Skitterbots has 45% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Artillery Ballista Fire Penetration 1 | Artillery Ballista Damage Penetrates 6% Fire Resistance | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Artillery Ballista Fire Penetration 2 | Artillery Ballista Damage Penetrates 10% Fire Resistance | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Artillery Ballista Additional Arrows 1 | Artillery Ballista fires an additional Arrow | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Artillery Ballista Additional Arrows 2 | Artillery Ballista fires 2 additional Arrows | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Artillery Ballista Cross Pattern 1 | Artillery Ballista Projectiles fall in two perpendicular lines instead | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Ballista Additional Arrows 1 | Shrapnel Ballista fires an additional Arrow | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Ballista Extra Pierces 1 | Shrapnel Ballista Pierces 4 additional Targets | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Ballista Extra Pierces 2 | Shrapnel Ballista Pierces 6 additional Targets | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Ballista Projectile Speed 1 | Shrapnel Ballista has 20% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shrapnel Ballista Projectile Speed 2 | Shrapnel Ballista has 30% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Bolt Attack Speed 1 | Kinetic Bolt has 10% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Bolt Attack Speed 2 | Kinetic Bolt has 15% increased Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Bolt Projectile Speed 1 | Kinetic Bolt has 20% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Bolt Projectile Speed 2 | Kinetic Bolt has 30% increased Projectile Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Bolt Extra Bounces 1 | Kinetic Bolt changes direction 1 additional time | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Kinetic Bolt Extra Bounces 2 | Kinetic Bolt changes direction 2 additional times | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Blast Area of Effect 1 | Blade Blast has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Blast Area of Effect 2 | Blade Blast has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Blast Detonation Area 1 | Blade Blast detonates other Lingering Blades within an 50% increased Area | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Blast Detonation Area 2 | Blade Blast detonates other Lingering Blades within an 75% increased Area | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Blast Damage 1 | Blade Blast deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Blade Blast Damage 2 | Blade Blast deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormbind Area of Effect 1 | Stormbind has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormbind Area of Effect 2 | Stormbind has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormbind Damage 1 | Stormbind deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Stormbind Damage 2 | Stormbind deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rune Blast Teleport 1 | Rune Blast teleports you to the detonated Rune if you have not detonated Runes in the past 1 second | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rune Blast Teleport 2 | Rune Blast teleports you to the detonated Rune if you have not detonated Runes in the past 1.5 seconds | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spellslinger Reservation 1 | 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spellslinger Reservation 2 | 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spellslinger Reservation 1 | 20% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spellslinger Reservation 2 | 30% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills Supported by Spellslinger | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Spellslinger Cooldown Recovery 1 | Skills Supported by Spellslinger have 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Spellslinger Cooldown Recovery 2 | Skills Supported by Spellslinger have 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Brand Damage 1 | Wintertide Brand deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Brand Damage 2 | Wintertide Brand deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Brand Stages 1 | Wintertide Brand has +2 to maximum Stages | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Brand Stages 2 | Wintertide Brand has +4 to maximum Stages | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Brand Chill Efffect 1 | Wintertide Brand has 25% increased Chill Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Winter Brand Chill Efffect 2 | Wintertide Brand has 40% increased Chill Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Penance Brand Damage 1 | Penance Brand deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Penance Brand Damage 2 | Penance Brand deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Penance Brand Cast Speed 1 | Penance Brand has 8% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Penance Brand Cast Speed 2 | Penance Brand has 12% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Penance Brand Radius 1 | Penance Brand has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Penance Brand Radius 2 | Penance Brand has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthshatter Damage 1 | Earthshatter deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthshatter Damage 2 | Earthshatter deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthshatter Radius 1 | Earthshatter has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthshatter Radius 2 | Earthshatter has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Earthshatter Additional Spike 1 | Earthshatter creates +1 fissures | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Arcanist Brand Cast Speed 1 | Arcanist Brand has 8% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arcanist Brand Cast Speed 2 | Arcanist Brand has 12% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Arcanist Brand Unnerve 1 | Spells Triggered by Arcanist Brand Unnerve enemies on Hit for 4 seconds | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Defiance Banner Aura Effect 1 | Defiance Banner has 25% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Defiance Banner Aura Effect 2 | Defiance Banner has 40% increased Aura Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Rain Damage 1 | 25% increased Storm Rain Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Rain Damage 2 | 40% increased Storm Rain Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Rain Frequency 1 | Storm Rain has 25% increased Beam frequency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Rain Frequency 2 | Storm Rain has 40% increased Beam frequency | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Storm Rain Additional Arrow 1 | Storm Rain fires an additional Arrow | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rage Vortex Damage 1 | 25% increased Rage Vortex Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rage Vortex Damage 2 | 40% increased Rage Vortex Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rage Vortex Area of Effect 1 | 16% increased Rage Vortex Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rage Vortex Area of Effect 2 | 24% increased Rage Vortex Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Rage Vortex Rage Sacrificed 1 | Rage Vortex Sacrifices +3% of Rage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Rage Vortex Rage Sacrificed 2 | Rage Vortex Sacrifices +5% of Rage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Crush Damage 1 | 25% increased Shield Crush Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Crush Damage 2 | 40% increased Shield Crush Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Crush Attack Speed 1 | 10% increased Shield Crush Attack Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Crush Attack Speed 2 | 15% increased Shield Crush Attack Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Crush Central Cone Area 1 | Shield Crush central wave has 16% more Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Shield Crush Central Cone Area 2 | Shield Crush central wave has 24% more Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Reaper Damage 1 | Summoned Reaper deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Reaper Damage 2 | Summoned Reaper deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Reaper Physical Damage over time Multiplier 1 | Summoned Reaper has +12% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summoned Reaper Physical Damage over time Multiplier 2 | Summoned Reaper has +20% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery 1 | 20% increased Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery 2 | 30% increased Summon Reaper Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Boneshatter Damage 1 | 25% increased Boneshatter Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Boneshatter Damage 2 | 40% increased Boneshatter Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Boneshatter Stun Duration 1 | 25% increased Boneshatter Stun Duration | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Boneshatter Stun Duration 2 | 40% increased Boneshatter Stun Duration | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Boneshatter Chance for Additional Trauma 1 | Boneshatter has 16% chance to grant +1 Trauma | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Boneshatter Chance for Additional Trauma 2 | Boneshatter has 24% chance to grant +1 Trauma | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ambush Cooldown Recovery 1 | 20% increased Ambush Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ambush Cooldown Recovery 2 | 30% increased Ambush Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ambush Critical Strike Multiplier 1 | Attacks Exerted by Ambush have +25% to Critical Strike Multiplier | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ambush Critical Strike Multiplier 2 | Attacks Exerted by Ambush have +40% to Critical Strike Multiplier | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Field Damage 1 | Galvanic Field deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Field Damage 2 | Galvanic Field deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Field Cast Speed 1 | Galvanic Field has 8% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Field Cast Speed 2 | Galvanic Field has 12% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Galvanic Field Additional Chain 1 | Galvanic Field Chains an additional time | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Conduit Damage 1 | Lightning Conduit deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Conduit Damage 2 | Lightning Conduit deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Conduit Cast Speed 1 | Lightning Conduit has 8% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Conduit Cast Speed 2 | Lightning Conduit has 12% increased Cast Speed | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Conduit Area of Effect 1 | Lightning Conduit has 16% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Lightning Conduit Area of Effect 2 | Lightning Conduit has 24% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect 1 | 20% increased Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect 2 | 30% increased Alchemist's Mark Curse Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Volcanic Fissure Damage 1 | Volcanic Fissure deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volcanic Fissure Damage 2 | Volcanic Fissure deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Volcanic Fissure Additional Projectiles 1 | Volcanic Fissure fires an additional Projectile | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volcanic Fissure Additional Projectiles 2 | Volcanic Fissure fires 2 additional Projectiles | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Volcanic Fissure Fissure Speed 1 | Volcanic Fissure travels 60% faster | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Volcanic Fissure Fissure Speed 2 | Volcanic Fissure travels 80% faster | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frozen Sweep Damage 1 | Frozen Sweep deals 25% increased Damage | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frozen Sweep Damage 2 | Frozen Sweep deals 40% increased Damage | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frozen Legion Cooldown Recovery 1 | Frozen Legion has 20% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frozen Legion Cooldown Recovery 2 | Frozen Legion has 30% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Frozen Legion Additional Cooldown 1 | Frozen Legion has +1 Cooldown Use | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Frozen Legion Additional Cooldown 2 | Frozen Legion has +2 Cooldown Uses | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ensnaring Arrow Debuff Effect 1 | Ensnaring Arrow has 20% increased Debuff Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ensnaring Arrow Debuff Effect 2 | Ensnaring Arrow has 30% increased Debuff Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Ensnaring Arrow Area Of Effect 1 | Ensnaring Arrow has 60% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Ensnaring Arrow Area Of Effect 2 | Ensnaring Arrow has 90% increased Area of Effect | 100 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 1 | Burning Arrow has +16% chance to Ignite | |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Burning Arrow Ignite Chance 2 | Burning Arrow has +24% chance to Ignite | |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Increased Duration 1 | Explosive Arrow has 25% increased Duration | 50 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Increased Duration 2 | Explosive Arrow has 40% increased Duration | 50 |
The Merciless Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Reduced Duration 1 | Explosive Arrow has 20% reduced Duration | 50 |
The Eternal Labyrinth | Enchantment Explosive Arrow Reduced Duration 2 | Explosive Arrow has 30% reduced Duration | 50 |
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