Eldritch Battery
Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs
Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life
50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate
What need have I for defence when my enemies

are reduced to ash and splinters?
Eldritch Battery Attr /5
NameShow Full Descriptions
TagsisKeystone: true isNotable: false isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Eldritch Battery Unique /3
Creates Consecrated Ground on Use
Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield during Effect
(25–50)% increased Duration
Eldritch Battery during Effect
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)
(Life flask effects are still removed when unreserved life is filled)
(140–180)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 30 to 40 Physical Damage
(60–80)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20–25)% to Cold Resistance
Your Physical Damage can Freeze
(Freeze lowers Enemy Action Speed to zero, preventing them from acting. Duration is based on the Cold Damage of the Hit)
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 25% increased Reservation Efficiency
Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
(180–220)% increased Energy Shield
10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
buff impl stat [0]
veiled mod seed [1,30000]
veiled mod type [2]
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)
Eldritch Battery
You have Eldritch Battery, allowing you to spend Energy Shield for Costs of Skills.
Attribute /5


CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1xOrb of Transmutation
Codekeystone eldritch battery
Codelife recovery from flasks also recovers energy shield
Eldritch Battery Unique /3
Creates Consecrated Ground on Use
Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield during Effect
(25–50)% increased Duration
Eldritch Battery during Effect
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)
(Life flask effects are still removed when unreserved life is filled)
(140–180)% increased Physical Damage
Adds 30 to 40 Physical Damage
(60–80)% increased Critical Strike Chance
+(20–25)% to Cold Resistance
Your Physical Damage can Freeze
(Freeze lowers Enemy Action Speed to zero, preventing them from acting. Duration is based on the Cold Damage of the Hit)
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
Socketed Gems have 25% increased Reservation Efficiency
Trigger Level 15 Feast of Flesh every 5 seconds
(180–220)% increased Energy Shield
10% chance for Energy Shield Recharge to start when you use a Skill
buff impl stat [0]
veiled mod seed [1,30000]
veiled mod type [2]
(Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs. Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life. 50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate)

Community Wiki


Eldritch Battery

Eldritch Battery (often referred to as EB) is a Keystone passive skill that makes energy shield protect mana instead of life.


Energy shield protects mana instead of life. All modifiers to energy shield apply normally but it is not affected by modifiers to mana or mana regeneration. Energy shield recharge and recovery through Zealot's Oath or Ghost Reaver function normally. Any reductions to mana (e.g. skill costs) will instead reduce energy shield by the same amount.

Taking life damage or spending energy shield on skill cost will not interrupt energy shield recharge.

With regards to skills like Blood Rage and Righteous Fire, Energy Shield is still counted in the degeneration applied to health.

Eldritch Battery also causes energy shields to no longer grant a chance to avoid stun.

Eldritch Battery does not protect mana against Chaos damage that is redirected to mana (ex. Mind Over Matter or The Ivory Tower ). Chaos Damage will apply directly to the underlying mana pool, and failing that, life pool. Non-Chaos damage types redirected to mana drain energy shield first, but also interrupt energy shield recharge, unlike spending mana on skill costs.


Eldritch Battery is a standalone keystone located on the upper right edge of the skill tree.

Class Distance from start
Templar 9
Witch 9
Scion 13
Marauder 16
Shadow 18
Duelist 23
Ranger 23

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