Keystone Passive /46
Minions Explode when reduced to Low Life, dealing 33% of their Life as Fire Damage to surrounding Enemies
Share Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges with nearby party members
Modifiers to Chance to Suppress Spell Damage instead apply to Chance to Dodge Spell Hits at 50% of their value
Maximum Chance to Dodge Spell Hits is 75%
Converts all Evasion Rating to Armour. Dexterity provides no bonus to Evasion Rating
Your hits can't be Evaded
Never deal Critical Strikes
Cannot Evade enemy Attacks
Cannot be Stunned
Maximum Life becomes 1, Immune to Chaos Damage
Spend Energy Shield before Mana for Skill Mana Costs
Energy Shield protects Mana instead of Life
50% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Removes all mana
10% more maximum Life
Skills Cost Life instead of Mana
Skills Reserve Life instead of Mana
All bonuses from an Equipped Shield apply to your Minions instead of you
30% more Spell Damage when on Low Life
Hits that deal Elemental Damage remove Exposure to those Elements and inflict Exposure to other Elements
Exposure inflicted this way applies -25% to Resistances
Strength's Damage bonus applies to Projectile Attack Damage as well as Melee Damage
Projectile Attack Hits deal up to 30% more Damage to targets at the start of their movement, dealing less Damage to targets as the projectile travels farther
Evasion Rating is Doubled against Projectile Attacks
25% less Evasion Rating against Melee Attacks
You can't deal Damage with Skills yourself
+1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
Leech Energy Shield instead of Life
Maximum total Energy Shield Recovery per second from Leech is doubled
Cannot Recharge Energy Shield
Life Leech from Melee Damage is Instant
Cannot Recover Life other than from Leech
Life Regeneration is applied to Energy Shield instead
50% of Physical, Cold and Lightning Damage Converted to Fire Damage
Deal no Non-Fire Damage
40% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
Skills that have dealt a Critical Strike in the past 8 seconds deal 40% more Elemental Damage with Hits and Ailments
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
Ailments never count as being from Critical Strikes
Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments is equal to Critical Strike Multiplier
Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
Non-Critical Strikes cannot inflict Ailments
(Ailments are Bleeding, Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, Sapped, and Poisoned)
You can inflict Bleeding on an Enemy up to 8 times
Your Bleeding does not deal extra Damage while the Enemy is moving and cannot be Aggravated
50% less Damage with Bleeding
-1 to maximum number of Summoned Totems
You can have an additional Brand Attached to an Enemy
Energy Shield Recharge is not interrupted by Damage if Recharge began Recently
40% less Energy Shield Recharge Rate
Your Warcries do not grant Buffs or Charges to You
100% more Warcry Duration
50% less Life Regeneration Rate
50% less maximum Total Life Recovery per Second from Leech
Energy Shield Recharge instead applies to Life
Chance to Block Attack Damage is doubled
Chance to Block Spell Damage is doubled
You take 65% of Damage from Blocked Hits
20% less Attack Damage taken if you haven't been Hit by an Attack Recently
10% more chance to Evade Attacks if you have been Hit by an Attack Recently
20% more Attack Damage taken if you have been Hit by an Attack Recently
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
Maximum Energy Shield is 0
While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 20% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life
Auras from your Skills can only affect you
Aura Skills have 1% more Aura Effect per 2% of maximum Mana they Reserve
40% more Mana Reservation of Aura Skills
100% chance to Defend with 200% of Armour
Maximum Damage Reduction for any Damage Type is 50%
(Armour is treated as this percentage of its actual value, only for calculating damage mitigation)
When your Hits Impale Enemies, also Impale other Enemies near them
Inflict 5 additional Impales on Enemies you Impale
For 5 seconds after you Impale Enemies, they cannot be Impaled again, and Impales cannot be Called from them
Your Hexes have infinite Duration
20% less Effect of your Curses
Dexterity provides no inherent bonus to Evasion Rating
+1% Chance to Suppress Spell Damage per 15 Dexterity
(50% of Damage from Suppressed Hits and Ailments they inflict is prevented)
Strength's Damage bonus applies to all Spell Damage as well
Intelligence provides no inherent bonus to Energy Shield
2% reduced Duration of Elemental Ailments on you per 15 Intelligence
(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped)
Cannot Recover Energy Shield to above Evasion Rating
Every 2 seconds, gain a Ghost Shroud, up to a maximum of 3
When Hit, lose a Ghost Shroud to Recover Energy Shield equal to 3% of your Evasion Rating
Cannot Recover Energy Shield to above Armour
3% of Physical Damage prevented from Hits Recently is Regenerated as Energy Shield per second
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
-10% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage
-10% to maximum Chance to Block Spell Damage
+2% Chance to Block Spell Damage for each 1% Overcapped Chance to Block Attack Damage
(Overcapped Chance to Block is the amount by which Uncapped Chance to Block is higher than Maximum Chance to Block)
(Uncapped Chance to Block is the value Chance to Block would have if ignoring Maximum Chance to Block)
Take 50% less Damage over Time if you've started taking Damage over Time in the past second
100% more Duration of Ailments on you
(Ailments are Bleeding, Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, Sapped, and Poisoned)
40% more Attack Damage if Accuracy Rating is higher than Maximum Life
Never deal Critical Strikes
Create Fungal Ground instead of Consecrated Ground
(Allies on your Consecrated Ground Regenerate a percentage of their Maximum Life per second, and Curses have 50% reduced effect on them)
(Allies on your Fungal Ground have +25% to Chaos Resistance. Enemies on your Fungal Ground have -10% to all Resistances.)
Damaging Retaliation Skills become Usable every sixth Hit from Enemies instead
Tinctures inflict Weeping Wounds instead of Mana Burn
Effects that interact with Mana Burn interact with Weeping Wounds instead
(Weeping Wounds cause you to lose 1% of your maximum Life per second per stack. Tinctures deactivate when you have 1 life remaining)
Timeless Jewel Keystone /15
Divine Flesh
All Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
50% of Elemental Damage taken as Chaos Damage
+5% to maximum Chaos Resistance
(Maximum Resistances cannot be raised above 90%)
Immortal Ambition
Energy Shield starts at zero
Cannot Recharge or Regenerate Energy Shield
Lose 5% of Energy Shield per second
Life Leech effects are not removed when Unreserved Life is Filled
Life Leech effects Recover Energy Shield instead while on Full Life
Corrupted Soul
50% of Non-Chaos Damage taken bypasses Energy Shield
Gain 15% of Maximum Life as Extra Maximum Energy Shield
Strength of Blood
Life Recovery from Non-Instant Leech is not applied
2% additional Physical Damage Reduction for every 3% Life Recovery per second from Leech
Tempered by War
50% of Cold and Lightning Damage taken as Fire Damage
50% less Cold Resistance
50% less Lightning Resistance
Mana Recovery from Regeneration is not applied
1 Rage Regenerated for every 25 Mana Regeneration per Second
Does not delay Inherent Loss of Rage
Skills Cost +3 Rage
The Traitor
Flasks Gain 4 Charges per empty Flask Slot every 5 seconds
Dance with Death
Can't use Helmets
Your Critical Strike Chance is Lucky
Your Damage with Critical Strikes is Lucky
Enemies' Damage with Critical Strikes against you is Lucky
(Lucky things are rolled twice and the best result used)
Second Sight
You are Blind
Blind does not affect your Light Radius
25% more Melee Critical Strike Chance while Blinded
(Being Blinded causes 20% less Accuracy Rating and Evasion Rating)
Armour applies to Fire, Cold and Lightning Damage taken from Hits instead of Physical Damage
-15% to all maximum Elemental Resistances
Inner Conviction
3% more Spell Damage per Power Charge
Gain Power Charges instead of Frenzy Charges
Power of Purpose
80% of Maximum Mana is Converted to twice that much Armour
Supreme Decadence
Life Recovery from Flasks also applies to Energy Shield
30% less Life Recovery from Flasks
(Life flask effects are still removed when unreserved life is filled)
Supreme Grandstanding
Nearby Allies and Enemies Share Charges with you
Enemies Hitting you have 10% chance to gain an Endurance,
Frenzy or Power Charge
Supreme Ostentation
Ignore Attribute Requirements
Gain no inherent bonuses from Attributes
Cluster Jewel Keystone /8
Every second, Consume a nearby Corpse to Recover 5% of Life and Mana
10% more Damage taken if you haven't Consumed a Corpse Recently
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
You can only have one Herald
50% more Effect of Herald Buffs on you
100% more Damage with Hits from Herald Skills
50% more Damage Over Time with Herald Skills
Minions from Herald Skills deal 25% more Damage
Your Aura Skills are Disabled
Gain 2 Grasping Vines each second while stationary
2% chance to deal Double Damage per Grasping Vine
1% less Damage taken per Grasping Vine
(Up to 10 Vines can grasp you, inflicting 8% less Movement Speed per Vine. Broken by moving)
Cannot Ignite, Chill, Freeze or Shock
Critical Strikes inflict Scorch, Brittle and Sapped
(Scorched Enemies have their Elemental Resistances lowered by up to 30%, based on the Fire Damage of the Hit, for 4 seconds)
(Hits have up to +6% Critical Strike Chance against Brittle Enemies, based on the Cold Damage of the Hit which inflicted Brittle, for 4 seconds)
(Sapped Enemies deal up to 20% less Damage, based on the Lightning Damage of the Hit, for 4 seconds)
Attack Projectiles always inflict Bleeding and Maim, and Knock Back Enemies
Projectiles cannot Pierce, Fork or Chain
(Bleeding deals Physical Damage over time, based on the base Physical Damage of the Skill. Damage is 200% higher while moving)
(Maimed enemies have 30% reduced Movement Speed)
+10% to all Elemental Resistances and maximum Elemental Resistances while affected by a Non-Vaal Guard Skill
20% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by a Non-Vaal Guard Skill
20% more Damage taken if a Non-Vaal Guard Buff was lost Recently
(Maximum Resistances cannot be raised above 90%)
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
You count as Dual Wielding while you are Unencumbered
40% more Attack Speed with Melee Skills while you are Unencumbered
Adds 14 to 20 Attack Physical Damage to Melee Skills per 10 Dexterity while you are Unencumbered
(You are Unencumbered while you have no Gloves, no Main Hand Item, and no Off Hand Item Equipped)
1% increased Fishing Line Strength

Community Wiki



A Keystone is a unique and powerful passive skill node that significantly impacts the way a character is played.


Interactions with unique items

Some unique items grant a keystone status without needing to have the keystone allocated in the passive tree. In these cases the status only applies once. If you allocate the keystone and use the unique it will be the same as if you had only done one.

Some unique items have stats which are similar to keystones. These effects are separate from the keystone and will be treated as two different modifiers. Uniques which add a keystone effect will have the exact name of the keystone in their effect list.


Stat removal

  • Stat: The stat in question.
  • Removed: The stat is removed by this keystone. Keystones that require this stat cease to function.
  • Targeted: The stat relies on or is improved by this keystone. If this stat is removed by another keystone, this keystone ceases to give its benefit.

In short, keystones in the Removed column block the benefits of other keystones in the Targeted column for that stat. Only stats for which there is a potential conflict have been listed.

Stat Removed Targeted
Evade Chance Unwavering Stance Arrow Dancing
Life Chaos Inoculation Blood Magic, Pain Attunement, Vaal Pact, Corrupted Soul
Life Regeneration Vaal Pact Zealot's Oath
Mana Blood Magic Mind Over Matter, Power of Purpose, The Agnostic
Critical Strike Chance Resolute Technique Elemental Overload, Perfect Agony, Dance with Death, Second Sight
Critical Strike Multiplier Elemental Overload Perfect Agony
Energy Shield The Agnostic Eldritch Battery, Eternal Youth, Ghost Reaver, Immortal Ambition, Wicked Ward, Zealot's Oath
Energy Shield Recharge Immortal Ambition Wicked Ward
Life Leech Recovery Strength of Blood Ghost Reaver


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