The Agnostic
Maximum Energy Shield is 0
While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 20% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life
Put your faith in intellect rather than mysticism.
The Agnostic Attr /5
NameShow Full Descriptions
TagsisKeystone: true isNotable: false isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
The Agnostic
Maximum Energy Shield is 0
While not on Full Life, Sacrifice 20% of Mana per Second to Recover that much Life
Put your faith in intellect rather than mysticism.
The Agnostic Attr /8
SourceTimeless Jewel
NameThe Agnostic
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
  • keystone_miracle_of_thaumaturgy Min: 0 Max: 0
  • Alternate Passive /5

    ChangesTo Random ModsChangesTo Random ModsChangesTo Random ModsXibaqua: Divine Flesh
    Ahuana: Immortal Ambition
    Doryani: Corrupted Soul

    Adds +2 StrAdds +4 StrAdds Random ModsKaom: Strength of Blood
    Rakiata: Tempered by War
    Akoya: Chainbreaker

    Adds +2 DexAdds +4 DexAdds Random ModsBalbala: The Traitor
    Asenath: Dance with Death
    Nasima: Second Sight

    ChangesTo +10 DevotionAdds +5 Devotion+5 Devotion or ChangesTo Random ModsMaxarius: Transcendence
    Dominus: Inner Conviction
    Avarius: Power of Purpose

    Remove Existing ModsRemove Existing ModsAdds or ChangesTo Random ModsCadiro: Supreme Decadence
    Victario: Supreme Grandstanding
    Caspiro: Supreme Ostentation

    Community Wiki


    The Agnostic

    The Agnostic is a Keystone passive skill that removes your energy shield and drains Mana per second to recover your Life while you are not at full life.

    This skill node is essential for the Mana before Life defensive technique, provided you have enough Mana recovery to maintain it.


    "Full Life" is used in the literal sense, rather than the "no Life left to recover" sense used by flasks. If you have any Life reserved, you will sacrifice Mana continuously even if your unreserved Life is full.

    Life Recovery Rate will affect the recovery of The Agnostic Keystone, but it will not affect the loss of mana at all


    The keystone is located in the center area, to the west of the Scion's starting point.

    Class Distance from start
    Scion 8
    Marauder 10
    Templar 10
    Duelist 14
    Witch 14
    Ranger 18
    Shadow 18

    This keystone can also be obtained from the tree by using a legacy Militant Faith jewel with modifier Carved to glorify (2000-10000) new faithful converted by High Templar Venarius.

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.