Mind Over Matter
40% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life
While the mind endures, so too will the body.
Mind Over Matter Attr /5
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TagsisKeystone: true isNotable: false isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Mind Over Matter Unique /1
(300–400)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(100–150) to maximum Mana
Regenerate 1% of Mana per second
(40% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life)
Mind Over Matter Unique /1
(300–400)% increased Evasion and Energy Shield
+(100–150) to maximum Mana
Regenerate 1% of Mana per second
(40% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life)

Community Wiki


Mind Over Matter

Mind Over Matter (often referred to as MoM) is a Keystone passive skill that allows the character's Mana to absorb a portion of the damage dealt to life. It is an essential part of the Mana before Life defensive technique.


Main page: Mana before Life 30% of the damage that would be inflicted on the character's life is deducted from mana instead. If the character has insufficient mana, then the remainder of the damage will be taken from life.

Damage is applied to energy shield before life, and as a result there is no opportunity for any damage to be absorbed by mana. Mind Over Matter is therefore rendered useless in conjunction with the Chaos Inoculation keystone.

When the passive skill Eldritch Battery is allocated energy shield protects mana instead of life. This energy shield will absorb the converted non-chaos damage before it is applied on mana. Since chaos damage bypasses energy shield the chaos damage will then be applied directly on mana.

Mind Over Matter does not reduce total incoming damage or increase a player's actual life total, and so does not affect the threshold or effectiveness of stun and ailments applied to players.

Mana/Life ratio

For mana to not run out before life the unreserved mana should be at least 43% of unreserved life, granted that 30% of damage is taken from mana before life.

Derivation of the mana/life ratio

Let be the proportion of damage taken from mana before life. To completely remove all mana, the damage, , has to be:


To completely remove all life:


Solving equation (1) for :


(3) in (2) gives:


Solving (4) for :


The ratio leads to exactly all life and mana being removed from a one-shot. If the ratio is less, i.e. , then mana will have run out before all life is removed.

The table below show the necessary mana/life ratio required for varying amounts of Mind over Matter.

X mana/life ratio
0 0
10% 11%
20% 25%
30% 43%
40% 67%
50% 100%
60% 150%
70% 233%
80% 400%
90% 900%
100% ∞%


Mind Over Matter is a standalone keystone located on the inner layer of the transition area between Witch and Templar.

Class Distance from start
Witch 7
Templar 7
Scion 11
Shadow 16
Marauder 17
Ranger 21
Duelist 21

Base items

  • Shaper body armours can roll the prefix modifier (5-10%) of Damage is taken from Mana before Life at Item level 80+. This essentially allows for a body armour substitute for Cloak of Defiance, albeit without the Mind Over Matter Keystone and valuable Mana modifiers.

Unique items

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