Shavronne Topic /13
SinAnd so it begins. My aetherial veins now run with dark ambition. Let's turn that trickle into a torrent. Let's harvest ourselves a Grand Inquisitor.

Just as Shavronne's spirit chose to return to comfortable climes, Maligaro's essence once again dwells in his very own Chamber of Sins. Though I hasten to add that Maligaro's sins are not my sins. I prefer transgressions of a more natural order than does he.

I'd carry you to Phrecia if I could, yet I expended too much of myself when I snatched you from the jaws of Kitava. You will need to find your own path, as will I. Make the journey, and please survive it. We two have much work left to do.
Shavronne's Revelation"Shavronne held Sanity in her right
hand and Revelation in her left.
Brutus chose the left hand."
- Kadavrus, Surgeon to the Umbra
Shavronne's WrappingsShavronne's apparel became ever more extravagant
as her body and soul became ever more corrupted.
Shavronne's PaceShavronne raced to Brutus' side,
her last hope against the Karui tide.
Shavronne's GambitThe Karui boats were closing the gap,
but Shavronne had laid for them one final trap.
Scold's Bridle"The sharper the pain, the sharper the mind.
A curious paradox."
- Shavronne of Umbra
Eldritch Knowledge"True Thaumaturgy can only be learned
by the brilliant or the mad."
- Shavronne of Umbra
Shavronne's Tome
Soul Cage Shavronne's Wrappings
Alternate Art Shavronnes Pace
The Thaumaturgist{"Mastery of thaumaturgy is like any other pursuit; it requires dedication and sacrifice. Sometimes several sacrifices."
- Shavronne of Umbra}
The Aesthete"Some see our mortal flesh as a limitation. I see it as an opportunity for vast, miraculous improvements."
- Shavronne of Umbra
The OfferingEternal beauty has a cost, one which Shavronne was happy to pay with the lives of others.
Shavronne FlavourText /47
The Thaumaturgist
{"Mastery of thaumaturgy is like any other pursuit; it requires dedication and sacrifice. Sometimes several sacrifices."
- Shavronne of Umbra}
The Aesthete
"Some see our mortal flesh as a limitation. I see it as an opportunity for vast, miraculous improvements."
- Shavronne of Umbra
The Offering
Eternal beauty has a cost, one which Shavronne was happy to pay with the lives of others.
You were imprisoned by your own vanity, Shavronne.
The world doesn't want your kind of 'beauty', Shavronne.
The world ill needs women like you, Shavronne. Beauty is so much more than skin deep.
Your reliance on mindless brawn was your undoing, Shavronne.
It seems those who don't learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat them.
Why would Piety go and cut us off from the interior? Thankfully, I don't have it in me to know what that witch thinks.

But I reckon you'll work it out, once you've lowered Shavronne's Barricade for us, of course.
You found a way to bring down Shavronne's Barricade? It's at times like these I recall I'm a man of action, not words. Should we encounter each other in the forest, the roast boar's on me, my friend.
Piety's raised Shavronne's Barricade? Not that I was likely to ever make the trip inland, but it was nice to have the dream.

Hang on a moment, got a stray thought seeking safe harbour. Piety's one to watch her own back, so she'd never cut off an escape route from possible trouble inland.

The cunning witch must be able to lower that barricade from the other side, somehow.
I've read about Shavronne of Umbra, and what she did to the Warden at Axiom. You did well to end Brutus' sorry existence.

But Shavronne's barricade, that's sad news indeed. There is little enough freedom in Wraeclast as it is, but to be stranded on that dismal coast... I pity the exiles to come.

Would I know how to lower the barricade? Afraid not. I was a bit distracted the last time I took the pass. Hungry goatmen to avoid on that side, Alira's thralls on this side.
Still the Karui barbarians advance upon us. Lioneye is dead, his legion slaughtered, along with every Eternal man, woman and child from Lioneye's Watch to the foot of our Axiom. Should the need arise we shall retreat through Prisoners Gate, raising my barricade behind us.

Yet our salvation is at hand. Foul times demand heroic deeds, and through my arts our Lord Brutus will arise anew to defend us. May the dry sands quench their thirst with Karui blood when our mighty Warden delivers his judgement upon them.
Our expedition made camp in the western forest while Piety took a few men through the pass to Axiom Prison. She was after the research notes of one Shavronne of Umbra, a witch who devoted herself to the study of transfiguration during the latter days of the Eternal Empire.

Piety returned alone and disturbingly happy with her findings. I've learned that when Piety is happy, misery is soon to follow for everyone else.
I came to Sarn looking for an answer. The question? How did the Eternal Empire die?

On a previous excursion I picked up a few notes from Axiom Prison, written by the witch, Shavronne of Umbra. They pointed to Sarn and Malachai as being the height of all things preternatural at the time.

Never did find out if Malachai was the instigator of the cataclysm, but I'd be damned surprised if he didn't play at least some part in it.
Dear Shavronne,

You have certainly had your work cut out for you with Lioneye's Legion. Do not concern yourself with Marceus' complaints. Our Emperor is fully aware of the General's fickle nature.

As to your need to accelerate the implantation process, I can recommend a quite simple alteration. Dip the gem in a boiling solution of six parts blood and one part thaumetic sulphite for no more than thirteen seconds. Any longer and you invite the crystal's wrath.

Once the gem is withdrawn from the solution, you have but a few seconds to install the gem in the prepared flesh and close the wound. Should the gem cool too much prior to implantation, it will become inert and your patient with it.

Trust in that bountiful talent of yours, Shavronne. My thoughts are with you.

The Black Core is near. If the Beast were in any way human, we could think of the Black Core as the Beast's heart. I'm not even going to try to explain to you what it really is.

Naturally, the Black Core is an 'invites only' party and we're not on the list. Yet I believe I have a way to correct that little oversight. Malachai gave up much of himself when he became the Beast's prime servant. Both in spirit and in flesh. Yet, in a moment of rare sentimentality, he kept a few pieces. Three vital organs, placed in the safe-keeping of his godless three; Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra and Doedre Darktongue. No doubt you've heard of them on your travels.

Bring me those organs and, I promise, I shall get us into the Black Core.
Malachai chose his three most loyal servants to guard those precious innards. His Godless Three. Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra, and Doedre Darktongue.

If the history books are accurate, High Templar Voll burned Maligaro and Doedre at the stake on his way to lay siege to Sarn. He didn't have to worry himself with Shavronne. Brutus had already sorted her out.

Yet slaves of nightmare seem to be shackled just as tightly to life as they are to the Beast. I, of course, am living proof of that.

Don't worry yourself with that little detail, though. Shackles are made to be unlocked.
Good! Two down, one to go.

You know, prior to meeting Maligaro, Shavronne and Doedre, I rather admired them. Their work, their accomplishments... sheer genius! As it turns out, genius is something better appreciated from afar.

So let's remove this one, last genius from the vicinity, shall we?
Malachai's apprentices. Shavronne of Umbra, Doedre Darktongue and Inquisitor Maligaro. You'll find no more devoted servants in all of Nightmare. In life, they were the three finest forgers of corruption in the Empire.

I'm inclined to agree with Malachai on this one. It would have been such a waste to let them languish in death.

Poor Deshret. Each had their wicked way with her, you see, their turn at trying to subsume Deshret into the collective corruption. Ingenious, they are. True artists. Had Deshret been in possession of an imagination, they might well have succeeded in creating a Ghast of her. Fortunately for us, Deshret never had such a faculty.
On this day, the eve of this Rapture's completion, I honour those who have passed and whose passion and knowledge have brought us to the brink of salvation.

Inquisitor Maligaro, a creative force without equal.

Shavronne of Umbra, an aesthete of transcendent sensibility.

Doedre Darktongue, an idol of fervor and dedication.

You taught me far more than I ever taught you, my students... my friends. We strove to make a greater world together and, in your memory, I shall make that world a reality.

Now you are simply gorgeous!
You will make such lovely material!
I shall preserve your beauty for eternity!
Wraeclast teems with the memories of a violent past. Although the flesh and minds of its original inhabitants are long-gone, their emotions - anger, fear, envy - remain in the artefacts they have left behind.

Doedre Darktongue, Marceus Lioneye, Shavronne of Umbra, Maligaro, Victario. If these names mean nothing to you now, they will soon. Keep an eye out for their long-lost possessions. Each holds the memory of failure, sadness and a desire for revenge.
Screams. Howls and booms of unholy intonation. The shriek and clank of some unfathomable apparatus and the pervading stench of scorched flesh and boiling blood. That's Axiom Prison now that our lady of Umbra has come home to roost.

As a poet, I have nothing against a little creativity. Yet while I might mould word and wonder, Shavronne's art tends towards the visceral. Flesh, bone and soul.

Artistic pursuit is the loftiest of callings, but in this instance, I believe some rigorous criticism is in order.
Axiom Prison has been fairly quiet since you saw fit to retire its warden. Afraid that's no longer the case.

Shavronne of Umbra, the very witch that made Brutus the man he was. I don't know if she's a ghost, a ghoul or some other death-scorning creature I've never heard of, but she's up there, tinkering away with her black arts and twisting nature around her bony old fingers.

Honestly, I don't care why she's come back or what cruelty she's brewing up there. She's a boil that needs lancing before the infection spreads.
Good work clearing another path through Axiom Prison. I'm starting to think those stories I've heard about you might be true.
Despite your best efforts, Beast Slayer, a splinter of hope remains. The very seed that brought my Beast into existence. The Dark Ember.

Never again shall it birth a life so magnificent as the Beast, yet a residue of that power still lingers. Enough to give us a fighting chance against the ravenous Kitava.

How do we obtain this Dark Ember? Three hearts were silenced, three hearts must sing again, one last time. In that final flickering of life, our saviour seed shall be born. All I need are three fine souls with which to stoke the flames.

Shavronne of Umbra. Inquisitor Maligaro. Doedre the Darktongue. Three spirits of near unfathomable resilience and vigour, freed with the Beast's final exhalation. So let us begin the harvest!

Shavronne has come home, to Axiom. We shall give her the warm welcome she sincerely deserves.
And so it begins. My aetherial veins now run with dark ambition. Let's turn that trickle into a torrent. Let's harvest ourselves a Grand Inquisitor.

Just as Shavronne's spirit chose to return to comfortable climes, Maligaro's essence once again dwells in his very own Chamber of Sins. Though I hasten to add that Maligaro's sins are not my sins. I prefer transgressions of a more natural order than does he.

I'd carry you to Phrecia if I could, yet I expended too much of myself when I snatched you from the jaws of Kitava. You will need to find your own path, as will I. Make the journey, and please survive it. We two have much work left to do.
If she is to be of any use to us, the Umbra's spirit must be wrenched from her mortal manifestation and lashed to our greater cause. That is your task.

For my part, I shall negotiate the terms of her cooperation. With a tragic kiss and lasting embrace, her essence shall pass into me as if she were sweet breath from the mouth of my lover.

It is a sacrosanct sacrifice for all involved. Thankfully for you, all I ask is that you do what you clearly do best. Kill.
Ambition is the bane of mortality. It was through ambition that we gods transcended the thick mud and thin blood of our mundane birthrights. Ambition that drove us to sustain our divine selves through the subjugation of others.

Shavronne's soul is made up of one part ambition and two parts raw, unbounded passion. Such a volatile spark shall burn briefly and brightly in even the most deadened of hearts.
Not you! Upon my life and my work, I shall not suffer this humiliation again!
This world is dull and ugly, an imperfect feast of sights, feelings and smells that repulse and depress. Yet amongst this deformity I have found my sublime calling. This world may be abominable, but to an extent, I can be its savior.

I have been gifted with a special sight. Before me lies a blueprint of perfection, a kind of hidden beauty within skin, muscles, tendons and organs. With a tempered hand and a sharpened blade, I will refashion, reshape and rebirth this world.

My obligation is immense, something that will, in all likelihood, consume my life. I cannot rest! My calling energises me. Such is an artist's curse and compulsion.
Shavronne assures me that my process will be relatively painless, and that my duties as warden can continue unhindered, but as my flesh swells and ruptures, I realise I am just another test subject. At least I can fulfill my duties to the Empire before my mind--
Shavronne assures me the process will be relatively painless and that my duties as warden can continue unhindered, but as my flesh swells and ruptures I realise I am just another test subject. At least I can fulfill my duties to the Empire before my mind--
Hey good lookin'. Huh. Most people recognise me. I'm Gianna. Worked a spell in the Chitus Theatre, back when you could leave your house without being followed by Templar secret police. I was Shavronne in {An Axiom Tragedy}. I played Dialla, the Gemling Queen, in {Purity Tales}, and the fair lady Merveil in {Daresso and Merveil}, for which I was very nearly nominated to receive a 'Tario.

No? Not a fan of the theatre, I suppose? That's-... That's fine. That act of my story has drawn to a close anyway, but I'm always looking for the next great role. Nothing's quite so thrilling as immersing oneself among the people, and seeing if you can, in fact, pass for the real deal.
What on Earth are you wearing? That gaudy old robe... Ah, I actually recognise it as Shavronne's. Her attire became more lurid and twisted as her mind grew more corrupted.
Shavronne's Revelation? Ha. Perhaps if Shavronne had truly seen the light, she wouldn't have been so easily slain.
Like all of Malachai's students, Shavronne was brilliant and adept in the art of deceit.
If you can keep up with the pace of Shavronne's accomplishments, you'll be well on your way to success.
Shavronne's Revelation
"Shavronne held Sanity in her right
hand and Revelation in her left.
Brutus chose the left hand."
- Kadavrus, Surgeon to the Umbra
Shavronne's Wrappings
Shavronne's apparel became ever more extravagant
as her body and soul became ever more corrupted.
Shavronne's Pace
Shavronne raced to Brutus' side,
her last hope against the Karui tide.
Scold's Bridle
"The sharper the pain, the sharper the mind.
A curious paradox."
- Shavronne of Umbra
Eldritch Knowledge
"True Thaumaturgy can only be learned
by the brilliant or the mad."
- Shavronne of Umbra
Shavronne's Gambit
The Karui boats were closing the gap,
but Shavronne had laid for them one final trap.
Shavronne Text Audio /3
Now you are simply gorgeous!
You will make such lovely material!
I shall preserve your beauty for eternity!