Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Titanium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
85013Chests have #% increased Item Quantity
60018Red Beasts in your Maps have #% increased chance to be from The Deep
Red Beasts in your Maps have #% increased chance to be from The Wilds
Red Beasts in your Maps have #% increased chance to be from The Caverns
Red Beasts in your Maps have #% increased chance to be from The Sands
52013Voltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests in your Maps have #% chance to contain double Sulphite
12012#% chance on completing a Map influenced by a Conqueror of the Atlas
to gain double progress towards locating their Citadel
42013Your Maps have #% chance to contain a Vaal Side Area
40012Your Maps have #% chance to contain a Trial of Ascendancy
2011Your Maps contain an additional Magic Monster pack
2011Your Maps contain an additional pack with a Rare monster
5500120Your Maps have #% increased chance to contain Niko
Randomly encountered Masters in your Maps have #% increased chance to be Zana
Master Missions from completing your Maps have #% increased chance to be Zana
Your Maps have #% increased chance to contain Jun
Your Maps have #% increased chance to contain Alva
Your Maps have #% increased chance to contain Einhar
25012Your Maps have +#% chance to grant an Atlas Mission on Completion
50013Your Maps that contain capturable Beasts have #% chance to contain an additional Red Beast
12012#% chance to create a copy of Beasts Captured in your Maps
12012#% chance for Red Beasts in your Maps to be the less common of two varieties
50013Red Beasts in your Maps have #% chance to grant double Experience
50013#% increased Quantity of Items dropped in Incursions in your Maps
50013Incursion Architects in your Maps have #% chance to grant double Experience
17013Incursion Architects in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Rare Incursion Item
17013#% chance for Incursion Architects in your Maps to be Possessed by a Tormented Spirit
17013Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have #% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcements
50013Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have #% chance to grant double Experience
17013Immortal Syndicate Members Executed in your Maps have #% chance to gain an additional Rank
50013Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have #% chance to drop an additional Veiled Item
17013Sulphite Veins and Chests in your Maps have #% chance to be guarded by Sulphite-hoarding Monsters
5512Zana Missions in your Maps have # additional Map option
Zana Missions in your Maps have # additional Map options
11012#% to Quality of Maps offered by Kirac Missions in your Maps
86013#% increased Quantity of Items found in your Maps
210019Items found in your Maps have #% chance to be fully Linked
Items found in your Maps have #% chance to have the maximum number of Sockets
Items found in your Maps have #% chance to have a White Socket
3650110Weapons found in your Maps have #% chance to have #% Quality
Armour Items found in your Maps have #% chance to have #% Quality
Gems found in your Maps have #% chance to have #% Quality
Flasks found in your Maps have #% chance to have #% Quality
2011Final Map Boss in each Map drops an additional Basic Currency Item
35013Items found in your Conqueror Maps have #% increased chance to be Influenced
35013Maps have a #% chance to drop as a random Unique Map instead in your Maps
35013Monsters and Chests in your Maps have #% chance to drop Items with # to Item Level
70013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Divination Card
35013Map Bosses have #% chance to drop an additional Item with random Influence
87013#% increased Magic Monsters
87013#% increased number of Rare Monsters
10111% increased Experience gain
55513#% increased Pack size
100013#% increased Rarity of Items found in your Maps
55513#% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps
35013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Scarab
35013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Unique Item
70013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop additional Map Currency Items
35013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Talisman
70013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Essence
17013Final Map Boss in each Map have #% chance to drop an additional Map Item
35013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Sacrifice Fragment
35013Final Map Boss in each Map has #% chance to drop an additional Atlas Base Type
Titanium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone
Only the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
Socket this into a Citadel on your Atlas to increase the Tier of Maps and reveal hidden Maps in that Citadel's Region. You can only socket one Crimson, Viridian, Cobalt or Golden Watchstone into each Citadel.
Titanium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone AtlasUpgradeCraftable3_1 /7
Show Full Descriptions
DropLevel 1
BaseType Titanium Haewark Hamlet Watchstone
Class Atlas Upgrade Items
Tagswatchstone, watchstone_environment
ReferenceCommunity Wiki

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