Victario's Secrets
Act 3
Reward: Book of Skill, 1 Passive Skill Points, 2 Passive Respec Points
You have found a valuable Platinum Bust in the Sewers. Perhaps a savvy trader like Hargan will want it.
1Talk to Hargan about the Platinum Bust
You have found a valuable Platinum Bust in the Sewers. Perhaps a savvy trader like Hargan will want it.
  • Talk to Hargan

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: That's a pretty statuette indeed... If you don't mind, I might pop in there, now that you've done a bit of pest control. A nosey around for anything worth salvaging.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Ahuana Victario: Oh, you've heard of my father? I've never met him. My mother only rolled her eyes whenever I asked about him. She told me of him once, the night before she left on her final campaign. She said he spoke with a poet's grace and made myriad boastful promises, but his heart truly belonged to a dead woman. He remained in Sarn when she took our people home, so he must have died in the Cataclysm. I would very much like to know more about him.
  • Ahuana Victario: Oh, you've heard of my father? I've never met him. My mother only rolled her eyes whenever I asked about him. She told me of him once, the night before she left on her final campaign. She said he spoke with a poet's grace and made myriad boastful promises, but his heart truly belonged to a dead woman. He remained in Sarn when she took our people home, so he must have died in the Cataclysm. I would very much like to know more about him.
  • 2Talk to Hargan about the Platinum Bust
    You have found a valuable Platinum Bust in the Sewers. Perhaps a savvy trader like Hargan will want it.
  • Talk to Hargan

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: That's a pretty statuette indeed... If you don't mind, I might pop in there, now that you've done a bit of pest control. A nosey around for anything worth salvaging.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • 3Talk to Hargan about the Platinum Bust
    You have found a valuable Platinum Bust in the Sewers. Perhaps a savvy trader like Hargan will want it.
  • Talk to Hargan

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: That's a pretty statuette indeed... If you don't mind, I might pop in there, now that you've done a bit of pest control. A nosey around for anything worth salvaging.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • 4Find the three Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the three Platinum Busts scattered throughout the Sewers.
  • Find the three Platinum Busts

  • Area: The Sewers
  • Grigor Victario: Victario, a fellow warrior of words. He wrote many entreaties to the Ezomytes, begging our assistance in helping High Templar Voll depose Emperor Chitus.

    That was centuries ago. Victario's words held much power then. I imagine they still do.
  • Undertaker Arimor Emperor Chitus: Chitus could have led the Empire to greatness, had he not been viciously betrayed. He was a visionary! My line has worked tirelessly for three centuries to enact this—ah, you clever fox! You almost had me spilling my secrets! The solitude really must be getting to me. This old man'll never talk!
  • Undertaker Arimor Emperor Chitus: Chitus could have led the Empire to greatness, had he not been viciously betrayed. He was a visionary! My line has worked tirelessly for three centuries to enact this—ah, you clever fox! You almost had me spilling my secrets! The solitude really must be getting to me. This old man'll never talk!
  • 5Find the two remaining Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the two remaining Platinum Busts in the Sewers.
  • Find the two remaining Platinum Busts

  • Area: The Sewers
    6Find the two remaining Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the two remaining Platinum Busts in the Sewers.
  • Find the two remaining Platinum Busts

  • Area: The Sewers
    7Find the two remaining Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the two remaining Platinum Busts in the Sewers.
  • Find the two remaining Platinum Busts

  • Area: The Sewers
    8Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    9Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    10Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    11Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan
    Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    12Find the two remaining Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the two remaining Platinum Busts in the Sewers.
  • Find the two remaining Platinum Busts

  • Area: The Sewers
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: That's a pretty statuette indeed... If you don't mind, I might pop in there, now that you've done a bit of pest control. A nosey around for anything worth salvaging.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • 13Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    14Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    15Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan
    Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    16Find the two remaining Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the two remaining Platinum Busts in the Sewers.
  • Find the two remaining Platinum Busts

  • Area: The Sewers
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: That's a pretty statuette indeed... If you don't mind, I might pop in there, now that you've done a bit of pest control. A nosey around for anything worth salvaging.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • 17Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    18Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    19Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan
    Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    20Find the two remaining Platinum Busts
    Hargan wants you to find the two remaining Platinum Busts in the Sewers.
  • Find the Platinum Bust
  • Find the Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: That's a pretty statuette indeed... If you don't mind, I might pop in there, now that you've done a bit of pest control. A nosey around for anything worth salvaging.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: Two out of three busts, well, it's just not three, is it? Three's a tidy number. Victario's third and final refuge awaits you, my bold business partner.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • Hargan Victario's Holdfasts: The people's poet could hide his spoils from Chitus, but not from us, eh? I knew you was the exile for the job. I'm sure you've been more than compensated already from Victario's stockpiles, but here's a little extra, care of something I found under a dead man's bed. Why? Just because I like you.
  • 21Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    22Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    23Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan
    Deliver the Platinum Busts to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    24Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    25Deliver the Platinum Bust to Hargan
    Deliver the last Platinum Bust to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    26Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    27Deliver the Platinum Bust to Hargan
    Deliver the last Platinum Bust to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    28Find the third Platinum Bust
    Hargan wants you to find the last Platinum Bust in the Sewers.
  • Find the third Platinum Bust

  • Area: The Sewers
    29Deliver the Platinum Bust to Hargan
    Deliver the last Platinum Bust to Hargan in town.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    Quest Complete - You have delivered all three Platinum Busts to Hargan. Talk to him in town for a reward.
  • Talk to Hargan for your reward

  • Area: The Sarn Encampment
    Quest Complete - You have delivered all three Platinum Busts to Hargan and been rewarded with a Skill Book. Use it to gain {0}.
    32Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have delivered all three Platinum Busts to Hargan and been rewarded with {0}.

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