僅限: 1
範圍: 中 (1200)
增加 (10–15)% 攻擊傷害
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把爪時雙持打擊增加 (10–15)% 攻擊速度
持 1 把爪時雙持打擊增加 (10–15)% 攻擊速度
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把匕首時雙持打擊 +(20–30)% 暴擊加成
持 1 把匕首時雙持打擊 +(20–30)% 暴擊加成
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把斧時雙持打擊擊中威嚇敵人 4 秒
持 1 把斧時雙持打擊擊中威嚇敵人 4 秒
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把錘時雙持打擊對附近目標造成擴散傷害
持 1 把錘時雙持打擊對附近目標造成擴散傷害
(被威嚇的敵人增加 10% 承受的攻擊傷害)
Might and Influence

強權之勢 Attr /9
增加 (10–15)% 攻擊傷害
local jewel effect base radius [1200]
Family | PassiveJewelGrantsRadius |
Domains | Jewel (10) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | damage attack |
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把斧時雙持打擊擊中威嚇敵人 4 秒
Family | PassiveJewelGrantsRadius |
Domains | Jewel (10) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack |
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把爪時雙持打擊增加 (10–15)% 攻擊速度
Family | PassiveJewelGrantsRadius |
Domains | Jewel (10) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack speed |
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把匕首時雙持打擊 +(20–30)% 暴擊加成
Family | PassiveJewelGrantsRadius |
Domains | Jewel (10) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | damage attack critical |
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把錘時雙持打擊對附近目標造成擴散傷害
Family | PassiveJewelGrantsRadius |
Domains | Jewel (10) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack |
若範圍內含 40 敏捷,
持 1 把劍時雙持打擊增加 (20–30)% 命中值
Family | PassiveJewelGrantsRadius |
Domains | Jewel (10) |
GenerationType | 傳奇 (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | attack |
Patchnotes /1
Title | 描述 |
20200623 版本 3.11.0 |
"w": 1,
"h": 1,
"icon": "https://web.poecdn.com/gen/image/WzI1LDE0LHsiZiI6IjJESXRlbXMvSmV3ZWxzL0R1YWxTdHJpa2VUaHJlc2hvbGQiLCJ3IjoxLCJoIjoxLCJzY2FsZSI6MX1d/5b9cbffbf2/DualStrikeThreshold.png",
"league": "Standard",
"name": "Might and Influence",
"typeLine": "Viridian Jewel",
"baseType": "Viridian Jewel",
"ilvl": 74,
"properties": [
"name": "Limited to",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0
"name": "Radius",
"values": [
"displayMode": 0,
"type": 25
"explicitMods": [
"11% increased Global Physical Damage",
"With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has a 20% chance\nto deal Double Damage with the Main-Hand Weapon",
"With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike deals Off-Hand Splash Damage\nto surrounding targets"
"descrText": "Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.",
"flavourText": [
"Emperor Chitus could offer you a gift with one hand,\r",
"and drive a blade into your back with the other.\r",
"His blend of brutality and charisma cultured a potent \r",
"mixture of fear and admiration among the masses."
"frameType": 3,
"extended": {
"mods": {
"explicit": [
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_3765671129",
"min": 20,
"max": 20
"hash": "explicit.stat_3603019813",
"min": 1,
"max": 1
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": [
"hash": "explicit.stat_1310194496",
"min": 10,
"max": 15
"name": "",
"tier": "",
"level": 1,
"magnitudes": null
"hashes": {
"explicit": [
"text": "Item Class: Jewels
Rarity: Unique
Might and Influence
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Medium
Item Level: 74
11% increased Global Physical Damage
With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has a 20% chance\nto deal Double Damage with the Main-Hand Weapon
With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike deals Off-Hand Splash Damage\nto surrounding targets
Emperor Chitus could offer you a gift with one hand,
and drive a blade into your back with the other.
His blend of brutality and charisma cultured a potent
mixture of fear and admiration among the masses.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Note: ~price 1 alch
" } }
Rarity: Unique
Might and Influence
Viridian Jewel
Limited to: 1
Radius: Medium
Item Level: 74
11% increased Global Physical Damage
With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike has a 20% chance\nto deal Double Damage with the Main-Hand Weapon
With at least 40 Dexterity in Radius, Dual Strike deals Off-Hand Splash Damage\nto surrounding targets
Emperor Chitus could offer you a gift with one hand,
and drive a blade into your back with the other.
His blend of brutality and charisma cultured a potent
mixture of fear and admiration among the masses.
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Note: ~price 1 alch
" } }
Might and Influence Mods /5
Pre/Suf | 名字 | 比重 | 等級 |
傳奇 | 若範圍內含 40 敏捷, 持 1 把斧時雙持打擊擊中威嚇敵人 4 秒 攻擊 | 1000 | 1 |
傳奇 | 若範圍內含 40 敏捷, 持 1 把劍時雙持打擊增加 (20–30)% 命中值 攻擊 | 1000 | 1 |
傳奇 | 若範圍內含 40 敏捷, 持 1 把錘時雙持打擊對附近目標造成擴散傷害 攻擊 | 1000 | 1 |
傳奇 | 若範圍內含 40 敏捷, 持 1 把匕首時雙持打擊 +(20–30)% 暴擊加成 傷害 攻擊 暴擊 | 1000 | 1 |
傳奇 | 若範圍內含 40 敏捷, 持 1 把爪時雙持打擊增加 (10–15)% 攻擊速度 攻擊 速度 | 1000 | 1 |
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Might and Influence
Version history
Version | Changes |
3.20.0 |
3.11.0 |
2.6.0 |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.