Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Conqueror Idol / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain an Abyss
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain an Abyss
200681Your Maps have +(3–5)% chance to contain an Abyss per 2% increased Pack Size
1500681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain Alva
1500681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain Alva
200681Your Maps have a (8–12)% chance to contain (6–10) additional Rogue Exiles
800681Your Maps have a (45–70)% chance to contain an additional Rogue Exile
1000681Your Maps have +(20–30)% chance to contain a Rogue Exile
1500681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain Einhar
1500681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain Einhar
1000681(45–70)% chance for your Maps to attract Beyond Demons
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain a Blight Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain a Blight Encounter
1600681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain Breaches
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain a Breach
400681Your Maps which contain Breaches have (1–2)% chance to contain ten additional Breaches
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
300681Maps found in your Maps have (3–5)% chance to have layers of Delirium
1500681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain Niko
1500681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain Niko
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Shrine
1000681Your Maps have +(20–30)% chance to contain a Shrine
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Imprisoned Monster
1000681Your Maps have +(20–30)% chance to contain an Imprisoned Monster
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Harbinger
1000681Your Maps have a (20–30)% chance to contain an additional Harbinger
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain The Sacred Grove
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain The Sacred Grove
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
1500681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain Jun
1500681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain Jun
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain a Legion Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain a Legion Encounter
500681(8–12)% chance on Completing your Maps to gain a free use of a random Map Crafting option
500681(3–4)% chance on Completing your Maps to gain a free use of a special Map Crafting option
2000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter
2000681Your Maps have +(45–70)% chance to contain Ritual Altars
1000681Your Maps have (224–280)% increased chance to contain Ritual Altars
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Strongbox
1000681Your Maps have +(20–30)% chance to contain a Strongbox
1000681Your Maps have +(20–30)% chance to be haunted by a Tormented Spirit
1000681Your Maps are haunted by an additional Tormented Spirit
1000681(4–6)% increased Quantity of Items found in your Maps
1000681(4–6)% increased Pack size
1000681(3–5)% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps per 5% Map Quality
1000681(2–3)% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps per Explicit Modifier
200681Abyss Jewels found in Abyssal Troves or dropped by Stygian Spires in your Maps have (15–25)% chance to be Corrupted and have 5 or 6 random Modifiers
400681Abyss Jewels dropped by Abyssal Troves or Stygian Spires in your Maps have a 1% Chance to be Rare and Corrupted
200681Abyss Pits in your Maps have (14–20)% chance to spawn 5 additional Rare Monsters
600681Abyssal Troves and Stygian Spires in your Maps have (0.03–0.05)% chance to drop an Abyss Scarab
200681Abysses in your Maps that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to 4 Pits if able
200681Abysses in your Maps that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths lead to at least 3 Pits if able
400681Abysses in your Maps spawn (8–12)% increased Monsters for each prior Pit in that Abyss
300681Killing resident Architects in your Maps adds their Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room
300681Incursions in your Maps contain a Vaal Flesh Merchant
300681Your Maps with Incursions always have four Incursions
300681Time gained from Kills is Doubled for Incursions in your Maps
300681Incursions in your Maps contain Cursed Treasures
1000681Wild Rogue Exiles in your Maps have (40–60)% chance to have additional Rewards
450681Beasts in your Maps are more likely to be less common varieties
300681Einhar remains in your Maps after his Mission is Complete
450681Yellow Beasts in your Maps have (12–18)% chance to be replaced with Red Beasts
300681Beasts in your Maps have a (15–20)% chance to break free
Beasts which break free in your Maps gain Bestial Rage
Defeating Beasts grants Hunters' Cunning per Bestial Rage on the defeated Beast
500681Slaying Enemies in your Maps has a (12–18)% increased chance to spawn a Beyond Portal
500681Gain Demonic Power on defeating a Beyond Boss in your Maps
800681Varieties of Items contained in (3–5) Blight Chests in your Maps are Lucky
400681Blight chests in your Maps have a (5–10)% chance to be openable again
400681Completing a Blight Encounter in your Maps grants all Players Blightreach
400681Blight Towers in your Maps can be Salvaged after the Blight Encounter
Higher Tier Towers grant better Salvaged Rewards
Salvaged Rewards are improved for each different Tower Type built during Encounter
400681Breach Bosses Defeated in your Maps have (3–5)% chance to drop a Breachstone
800681Breaches in your Maps contain (2–3) additional Clasped Hands
400681Breaches in your Maps have (2–3)% chance to contain Xesht-Ula, the Open Hand
400681Breach Boss' Clasped Hands in your Maps have (3–5)% chance to spawn a Breach Boss when opened
1000731Your Maps have (10–15)% chance to award double progress towards encountering The Searing Exarch
1000731Eldritch Embers found in your Maps influenced by The Searing Exarch have (10–15)% chance to be Duplicated
300681Delirium Encounters in your Maps have (8–12)% chance to generate three additional Reward types
800681(20–30)% increased Stack size of Simulacrum Splinters found in your Maps
300681Delirious Unique Monsters in your Maps have a (1–2)% chance to drop an additional Delirium Orb
300681Delirious Unique Monsters in your Maps have a (2–3)% chance to drop an additional Cluster Jewel
300681Voltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests in your Maps are guarded by Sulphite-hoarding Monsters
900681You Gain +(2–3)% to all maximum Elemental Resistances per stack of Sulphite Intoxication.
300681Voltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests found in your Maps contains Doomed Spirits
250681Shrines in your Maps are guarded by at least one Magic Pack
250681Shrines in your Maps grant a random additional Shrine Effect
500681Shrines in your Maps have (8–12)% chance to be a Covetous Shrine
500681Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have at least 1 Essence at the highest possible tier
500681Essences found in your Maps have (25–35)% chance to be a tier higher
500681Using Remnants of Corruption on Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps replaces all Essences with one of the Essences on the Imprisoned Monster
750681(80–120)% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
500681Expeditions in your Maps have +(1–2) Remnants
750681Your Maps contain (20–25)% increased number of Runic Monster Markers
1000681Currency Shards dropped by Harbingers in your Maps can drop as Currency Items instead
300681Plants Harvested in your Maps have (4–8)% chance to spawn duplicated Monsters
900681Harvested Plants in your Maps have (10–15)% chance to spawn an additional Monster
800681Lifeforce dropped by Harvest Monsters in your Maps has (10–15)% chance to be Duplicated
500681Blueprints that drop in your Maps have (10–15)% chance to be fully Revealed
500681Your Maps that contain Smuggler's Caches have a (4–6)% chance to contain 6 additional Smuggler's Caches
500681Smuggler's Caches in your Maps have (10–15)% increased chance to contain Blueprints for each Smuggler's Cache opened in the Map
500681Huck accompanies you on opening the first Smuggler's Cache in each of your Maps
750681Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps drop (100–200)% more
Items when Bargained with for Items
750681Completing your Maps grants (10–15) Intelligence for a random Immortal Syndicate Safehouse
800681Labyrinth Trials in your Maps have (20–25)% chance to award an Improved Offering to the Goddess
800681Legion Encounters in your Maps contain 2 additional Sergeants
400681Legion Encounters with a General in your Maps have both Generals
800681(0.5–0.75)% chance for Timeless Splinters to drop as Timeless Emblems instead in your Maps
750681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps grant rewards as though you completed an additional Round
500681Ultimatum Boss drops a full stack of a random Catalyst
750681Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps have (20–25)% chance to be duplicated
400681Your Maps with Ritual Altars always have four Ritual Altars
400681Ritual Altars in your Maps allow rerolling Favours an additional time
1200681Completing the final Ritual Altar in your Maps has (15–20)% chance to drop a Blood-filled Vessel
800681Map Device has (3–5)% chance not to consume Scarabs
800681Scarabs found in your Maps are more likely to be less common varieties
300681Strongboxes in your Maps are at least Rare
300681Strongboxes in your Maps are Corrupted
400681Strongboxes opened in your Maps have (5–9)% chance to be openable again
800781Synthesised Monsters in Synthesis Maps have (20–30)% increased Pack Size
1000731Monster Packs Influenced by The Eater of Worlds in your Maps have (25–35)% increased Pack Size
500681Tormented Spirits in your Maps are more likely to be less common varieties
800731Defeating a Map Boss while Witnessed by The Maven has (10–15)% chance to count as also Witnessing an additional random Map Boss
Conqueror Idol
8% increased Maps found in Area
Place this item into the Idol inventory at a Map Device to affect Maps you open. Idols are not consumed when opening Maps.
Conqueror Idol AtlasRelic2x2 /8
Show Full Descriptions
DropLevel 81
BaseType Conqueror Idol
Class Idols
FlagsAllocateToMapMaker, AlwaysAllocate, AlwaysShow
Tagsatlas_relic, atlas_relic_very_large
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
8% increased Maps found in Area
DomainsMapRelic (38)
GenerationTypeUnique (3)
Req. level1
  • map map item drop chance +% Min: 8 Max: 8 Global
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