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Elder Guardians

The Elder Guardians are four map bosses from the War for the Atlas storyline, who each drop a different map fragment that is required to fight The Elder. They are the guardians of the The Elder.


Name The Eradicator The Constrictor The Purifier The Enslaver
Map Icon
Map Mod Map is occupied by The Eradicator
Area is influenced by The Elder
Map is occupied by The Constrictor
Area is influenced by The Elder
Map is occupied by The Purifier
Area is influenced by The Elder
Map is occupied by The Enslaver
Area is influenced by The Elder
Main Drop Fragment of Eradication Fragment of Constriction Fragment of Purification Fragment of Enslavement


A Elder-influenced map of Tier 14 or higher can be occupied by one of the Guardians. The map boss is replaced with the Guardian. Approaching the map boss will spawn a portal leading to the Guardian's arena, chosen at random out of three possible arenas for each Guardian. They will be affected by the map's modifiers.

The boss fight is split into three phases. At 2/3 and 1/3 health remaining, the arena switches locations. Each arena contains different stage hazards.

Upon slaying the boss, they will drop a Map fragment. Open a complete set of fragments in the map device can open portals to fight The Elder.


  • Defeating an Elder Guardian does not count towards map completion.[confirmation needed]


Elder Guardians are the side-bosses that aid The Elder, akin to Shaper Guardian. During War for the Atlas and Betrayal expansions, in order to beat Uber Elder, the player need to spread Elder influence to Shaper Guardian Maps (which at that time on the Atlas at the centre) first to convert them to Elder Guardian Maps (the base map is still the Shaper Guardian Map) and beat all 4 of them to convert The Shaper's Realm into Uber Elder variant of the area.

However, due to the introduction of Conquerors of the Atlas expansion, such end-game lore is rewritten by the game developer. Instead of the player as the protagonist to beat the Elder, Shaper and their guardians , another group of NPC / exiles, known as Elderslayers / Conquerors beat the Elder instead. Elderslayers themselves also turn into new villain in the expansion. To fill the plot hole that how the player can still enter and play the Elder Guardian Map (Shaper Guardian Map as well), new Zana voiceline was added:

You must think me a fool for taking so long to understand just how mad the Elderslayers have become, but... you don't know what we were up against. 
Look, I'm going to show you a memory of a battle against one of the Elder's guardians. Perhaps then you'll see why it wasn't so clear.

- Zana

The next annual expansion, Echoes of the Atlas, add The Maven as new end-game boss, which she has the ability to clone bosses to her crucible. A new atlas region, The Uncharted Realms, was added to the game as well. Elder Guardians is the objective of Maven's Invitation: The Twisted.

These new lore explain the in-game reappearance of Elder Guardian as map boss, which the atlas and the Maven has ability to clone it.

See also

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