Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Minor Idol / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain an Abyss
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain an Abyss
1500681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain Alva
1500681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain Alva
500681Your Maps have a (15–25)% chance to contain an additional Rogue Exile
1000681Your Maps have +(7–10)% chance to contain a Rogue Exile
500681Map Bosses have (6–10)% chance to be accompanied by two Rogue Exile Bodyguards
1000681Map Bosses have (2–3)% chance to be accompanied by two Rogue Exiles
1500681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain Einhar
1500681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain Einhar
1000681(15–25)% chance for your Maps to attract Beyond Demons
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Blight Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain a Blight Encounter
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain Breaches
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain a Breach
1000681Your Maps which contain Breaches have (15–25)% chance to contain an additional Breach
1000781Map Bosses have (40–60)% increased chance to drop a Conqueror Map
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
600681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain Niko
1500681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain Niko
300681Your White Tier Maps grant (100–150) additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion
300681Your Yellow Tier Maps grant (150–200) additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion
300681Your Red Tier Maps grant (200–250) additional Voltaxic Sulphite on Completion
1000681Your Maps have +(7–10)% chance to contain a Shrine
1000681Your Maps have a (35–50)% chance to contain an additional Shrine
1000681Your Maps have +(7–10)% chance to contain an Imprisoned Monster
1000681Your Maps have (35–50)% chance to contain an additional Imprisoned Monster
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
1000681Your Maps have a (35–50)% chance to contain an additional Harbinger
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain The Sacred Grove
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain The Sacred Grove
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
1000681(10–15)% increased Heist Contracts found in your Maps
1500681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain Jun
1500681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain Jun
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Legion Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain a Legion Encounter
1000681Tier 1-15 Maps found have (5–10)% chance to become 1 tier higher
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter
2000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain Ritual Altars
2000681Your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to contain Ritual Altars
1000681(5–10)% increased Scarabs found in your Maps
1000681Your Maps have +(35–50)% chance to contain a Strongbox
1000681Your Maps have a (35–50)% chance to be haunted by an additional Tormented Spirit
1000681Your Maps have +(7–10)% chance to be haunted by a Tormented Spirit
1000681(10–15)% increased Atlas Scouting Reports found in your Maps
1000681(2–3)% increased Maps found in Area
1000681Your Maps contain (3–5)% more Monster Packs consisting of difficult and rewarding Monsters
map chance to spawn t17 pack % [100]
1000681Abyssal Troves and Stygian Spires in your Maps have (15–25)% increased chance to contain or drop an Abyss Jewel
1000681Abyssal Troves and Stygian Spires in your Maps have (6–10)% chance to drop a Rare Item with an Abyssal Socket
1000681(300–350)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Abyssal Troves and Stygian Spires in your Maps
1500681Incursions in your Maps have (4–6)% increased Pack Size
500681(5–10)% chance to create a copy of Beasts Captured in your Maps
250681Red Beasts in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to be from The Deep
250681Red Beasts in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to be from The Wilds
250681Red Beasts in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to be from The Caverns
250681Red Beasts in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to be from The Sands
333681Beyond Demons in your Maps have (35–45)% increased chance to be followers of K'tash
333681Beyond Demons in your Maps have (35–45)% increased chance to be followers of Beidat
333681Beyond Demons in your Maps have (35–45)% increased chance to be followers of Ghorr
800681(15–20)% reduced Cost of Building and Upgrading Towers
1200681Blight Chests in your Maps have (15–25)% more chance to contain Blighted Maps
600681Breaches in your Maps spawn (15–20)% increased Magic Monsters
200681Chayula, Who Dreamt in your Maps has a (20–30)% chance to be Duplicated
200681Esh, Forked Thought in your Maps has a (20–30)% chance to be Duplicated
200681Uul-Netol, Unburdened Flesh in your Maps has a (20–30)% chance to be Duplicated
200681Xoph, Dark Embers in your Maps has a (20–30)% chance to be Duplicated
200681Tul, Creeping Avalanche in your Maps has a (20–30)% chance to be Duplicated
400681Breaches in your Maps have (35–45)% increased chance to contain a Breach Boss' Clasped Hand
1000731Monster Packs Influenced by The Searing Exarch in your Maps have (4–6)% increased Pack Size
200681Delirium Encounters in your Maps have (6–10)% chance to generate an additional Reward type
400681Delirium Encounters in your Maps are (35–50)% more likely to spawn Unique Bosses
500681Delirium Bosses in your Maps drop (20–30)% increased Simulacrum Splinters
400681Delirious Monsters Killed in your Maps provide (10–20)% increased Reward Progress
500681Delirium Monsters in your Maps have (5–10)% increased Pack Size
1500681Sulphite Veins and Chests in your Maps have (3–5)% chance to also contain an equal amount of Azurite
1000681(30–40)% increased Duration of Shrine Effects on Players in your Maps
500681Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have (40–60)% chance to drop an additional Rare Item with an Essence Modifier
500681Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have (8–12)% chance to have an additional Essence
1000681(15–20)% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
1000681(15–25)% increased Quantity of Expedition Logbooks dropped by Runic Monsters in your Maps
1000681Harbingers in your Maps have (20–30)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate
1100681Harvest Monsters in your Maps grant (70–90)% increased Experience
300681Harvest Crops in your Maps have (10–15)% reduced chance to grow Yellow Plants
300681Harvest Crops in your Maps have (10–15)% reduced chance to grow Blue Plants
300681Harvest Crops in your Maps have (10–15)% reduced chance to grow Purple Plants
800681Smuggler's Caches in your Maps have (35–45)% increased chance to drop Blueprints
400681Heist Contracts found in your Maps are (40–60)% more likely to require Lockpicking, Brute Force or Perception
400681Heist Contracts found in your Maps are (40–60)% more likely to require Demolition, Counter-Thaumaturgy or Trap Disarmament
400681Heist Contracts found in your Maps are (40–60)% more likely to require Agility, Deception or Engineering
1000681Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps are (40–60)% more likely to be accompanied by their Leader
1000681Immortal Syndicate Members Executed in your Maps have (40–60)% chance to gain an additional Rank
500681Legion Sergeants in your Maps have (6–10)% additional chance to have Rewards
750681Legion Encounters in your Maps are (25–35)% more likely to include a General
750681Legion Chests released from Stasis in your Maps release other Monsters and Chests with (35–50)% increased Range
600681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps have (15–20)% increased chance for
the final Round to include a Boss
200681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to
require you to protect the Altar
200681Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps have (20–30)% increased chance to be Unique Items
200681Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps have (20–30)% increased chance to be Jewellery
200681Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps have (20–30)% increased chance to be Currency Items
200681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to
require you to defeat waves of Enemies
200681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to
require you to Stand in the Stone Circles
200681Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps have (20–30)% increased chance to be Divination Cards
200681Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps have (20–30)% increased chance to be Gems
200681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to
only require you to Survive
400681Rerolling Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs (8–12)% reduced Tribute
800681Favours Deferred at Ritual Altars in your Maps reappear (20–30)% sooner
800681Unique Monsters slain at Ritual Altars in your Maps grant (40–60)% more Tribute
500681Unique Monsters in your Maps have (75–100)% increased chance to drop Scarabs
333681Strongboxes in your Maps have (50–70)% increased chance to be an Arcanist's Strongbox
333681Strongboxes in your Maps have (50–70)% increased chance to be a Cartographer's Strongbox
333681Strongboxes in your Maps have (50–70)% increased chance to be a Diviner's Strongbox
333681Strongboxes in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to be a Gemcutter's Strongbox
500731Your Maps have (4–6)% chance to award double progress towards encountering The Eater of Worlds
500731Eldritch Ichor found in your Maps influenced by The Eater of Worlds have (4–6)% chance to be Duplicated
1000681Tormented Spirits in your Maps have (40–60)% increased Duration
500681Items found in your Corrupted Maps have (1–2)% chance to be Corrupted
500681Vaal Side Areas in your Maps have (6–10)% chance to be an Alluring Vaal Side Area
500681Items dropped by Rare Monsters have (3–5)% chance to be Corrupted
400681(2–4)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Otherworldly Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
400681(2–4)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Delirious Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
400681(2–4)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Blighted Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
400681(6–10)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Comprehensive Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
400681(4–6)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Vaal Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
400681(3–5)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Operative's Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
400681(4–6)% chance for Scouting Reports to drop as Singular Scouting Reports instead in your Maps
Minor Idol
2% increased Maps found in Area
Place this item into the Idol inventory at a Map Device to affect Maps you open. Idols are not consumed when opening Maps.
Minor Idol AtlasRelic1x1 /8
Show Full Descriptions
DropLevel 68
BaseType Minor Idol
Class Idols
FlagsAllocateToMapMaker, AlwaysAllocate, AlwaysShow
Tagsatlas_relic, atlas_relic_small
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
2% increased Maps found in Area
DomainsMapRelic (38)
GenerationTypeUnique (3)
Req. level1
  • map map item drop chance +% Min: 2 Max: 2 Global
  • Unique /40
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Scarabs have 50% increased Effect on your Maps per empty Map Device slot
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    10% increased Pack size
    Only 1 Portal is opened to each of your Maps
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Corrupted Rare Maps and any Map Crafting options
    applying to them are modified unpredictably when opened
    Maps modified in this way have 1-3 additional random Map Modifiers
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Monsters in your Maps deal (25–30)% less Damage
    Monsters in your Maps have (40–50)% more Life
    (This modifier does not affect things that check the life of corpses)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Monsters in your Maps deal (20–25)% more Damage
    Monsters in your Maps have (25–30)% less Life
    (This modifier does not affect things that check the life of corpses)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Maps found have (200–220)% more chance to be Favoured Maps
    Non-Favoured Maps found in your Maps drop as Basic Currency Items instead
    (Basic Currency includes any currency that drops from non-league content)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Eater of Worlds have an additional Downside
    Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Eater of Worlds have (50–60)% increased Effect of Upsides
    atlas keystone eldritch gaze [1]
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Searing Exarch have (50–60)% chance to have an additional Upside
    Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Searing Exarch which have an additional Upside have (80–100)% increased Effect of Downsides
    atlas keystone wrath of the cosmos [1]
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Maps found cannot be your Favoured Maps
    Maps found in your Maps have +1% chance to have a special Implicit Modifier for each different Map you have Favoured
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    (200–250)% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
    (100–150)% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
    Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional (10–15)% of Life missing
    Number of Explosives is one
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Harvest Crops in your Maps contain only Tier 1 Plants
    Harvesting Crops in your Maps has a chance to upgrade the Tier of Plants of different colours
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Legion Encounters in your Maps have no Timer
    Breaking out Monsters and Chests that are in stasis progressively causes a Schism
    Legion Encounters in your Maps begin once the Schism has occurred
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Delirium Fog in your Maps never dissipates
    Delirium in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the mirror
    Simulacrum Splinters cannot be found in your Maps
    Delirium Orbs cannot be found in your Maps
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Cannot Reroll Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps
    Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in your Maps grant (100–150)% more Tribute
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps randomly cost between 90% less and 80% more
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Beyond Portals in your Maps cannot spawn Unique Bosses
    Beyond Portals in your Maps have (40–50)% less Merging Radius
    (Beyond Portals and Demons stop spawning after a Unique Beyond Boss is spawned)
    (Merging Radius is the distance at which Beyond Portals can merge with one another to spawn Beyond Demons)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Tormented Spirits in your Maps can Possess Players for 20 seconds
    Tormented Spirits in your Maps cannot Possess Monsters
    (Players can Touch up to 40 nearby normal or magic Monsters for each Tormented Spirit Possessing them)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Blight Monsters in your Maps take (65–75)% less Damage from Players and their Minions
    Blight Towers and their Minions in your Maps deal (300–400)% more Damage
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Modifiers to Quantity of Items found in your Maps instead apply to Rarity of Items found in your Maps at 300% of their value
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Vaal Side Areas in your Maps are no longer Corrupted
    (Currency items can be used on non-Corrupted Vaal Side Areas)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    The Maven casts Up the Stakes, summoning 1 to 3 additional Atlas Bosses
    when Witnessing Map Bosses
    The number of additional Bosses summoned is higher if there
    are fewer monsters remaining in the Map
    Modifiers to the Final Map Boss in each Map also apply to these summoned Bosses
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Fortune Favours the Brave applies an additional random Option
    100% more cost of the Fortune Favours the Brave Map Crafting Option
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Players cannot choose which Ultimatum Modifier is applied each Round
    Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps last up to 13 Rounds
    Cannot have a Boss in the final Round
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Ultimatum Monsters in your Maps apply Ruin with their special abilities
    Fail on reaching 7 Ruin
    Ultimatum Monsters and Modifiers in your Maps deal (50–60)% less Damage
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    If there are fewer than 50 monsters remaining in your Maps, Final Map Bosses
    are Empowered by Wildwood Wisps
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain the Sacred Grove
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Harvest Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Abysses
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Abyss Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Breaches
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Breach Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Expedition Encounters
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Expedition Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Legion Encounters
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Legion Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ultimatum Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Blight Encounters
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Blight Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Ritual Altars
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ritual Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Rogue's Markers, Contracts and Blueprints cannot be found in Your Maps
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Smuggler's Caches
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Your Maps have no chance to contain Mirrors of Delirium
    Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Delirium Scarabs
    Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
    be turned off through Atlas Passives
    (Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Each Legion in your Maps contains an additional War Hoard
    Legion Chests in your Maps contain an additional Random Reward
    Legion Encounters in your Maps have (-80–-60)% increased Duration
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    A Map Boss is granted a random Essence Modifier from any Imprisoned Monsters slain in your Maps
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Syndicate Members Obtain an additional Equipment Item when appearing in your Maps
    (30–50)% increased Intelligence gained from Immortal Syndicate targets encountered in your Maps
    Immortal Syndicate Leaders in your Maps drop an additional Veiled Item
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Delirium Reward Types in your Maps gain +1 to count on Map Completion
    Delirious Monsters Killed in your Maps provide (-30–-20)% increased Reward Progress
    2% increased Maps found in Area
    Ultimatum Modifiers in your Maps start a Tier higher if possible
    Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps get 3% reduced Radius each Round
    [3 Random Ultimatum Modifiers]

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.