Ondar Topic /3
NPC | Name |
Ondar's Clasp | A single lightning strike fells a man. A single knife stroke fells an empire. |
Weight of the Empire | Ondar not only betrayed his emperor, He betrayed his friend. And in his dying moments, Chitus ensured, That Ondar felt the full weight of his guilt. |
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Ondar FlavourText /824
name | flavour |
EramirOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | You disappear into that Vaal ruin and now the sky, the light, the very land limps as a leper. Somehow, whether through deliberate act or accident, you've caused this. Now we all suffer your consequences. Different good, different bad... we now know upon which side the coin has fallen. |
EramirOnDarkAltar NPCTextAudio | So this altar you've found... it's a small pyramid, missing its apex? Must be Vaal in origin. And there's only one artefact that I've ever laid eyes on that could be the missing apex. Alira, Kraityn and Oak... they stayed with us for a short time, while recovering from the ordeals of the Siren Coast. Thick as thieves they were, until they discovered something: a small pyramid crafted in a Vaalish style. It had the power to enhance one's innate strengths. They fought over it, sundered the apex in trine... took a piece each, and fled. If you're determined to unlock that altar, then I think your key lies with the Lords of Larceny. |
YeenaOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | I dreamed this. A vast creature, a thing of shadow. I saw it escape from a black prison and climb a man-crafted mountain, drifting up its four, sheer sides like the mist that reaches for the clouds. It gathered at the peak of that mountain and ate the heart from the sun. You smell of that black mist and... something else. Guilt. That is it, yes. Guilt is a strong illness. It gnaws at the spirit until there is nothing left, until you are one of the walking corpses. |
GreustOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | Nothing like this happens until you are here. Bring back the light, or you will find my spear in your throat. |
SilkOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | What has happened? Did the world not rise from its sleep? How do we wake it up? Please... what should we do?! |
OakOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | Come to shelter from this strange weather, have you? This storm of the unreal. My usual guests knock instead of slaughtering my doormen... but you're not 'usual', are you? |
KraitynOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | The world gets all bent out of shape, and suddenly here you are. Doesn't take a genius to add that one up. I'm the kind that cleans up his own messes. What kind are you? |
AliraOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | You come to me in dark times, exile. No... dark isn't the right word for what's befallen my forest. Twisted it is, in every sense of the word. |
HelenaOnDarkness NPCTextAudio | There's one bright spot in this darkness you've released. At least it was you who did it. And you can undo it, I know it. Had it been Piety, we'd likely never see the sun again. |
LibraryGaribaldi1 NPCTextAudio | {Book 1: Embers of Insurrection} "He soared to power on the smoke of burning witches". So the surviving Gemlings whispered of Voll of Thebrus, as he donned the Imperial crown on the 2nd Sacrato of Phreci, 1334 IC. But in truth, he was never the sort of man to set a girl alight for merely reading a palm or remedying a bout of the clap. Righteous and devoted to both faith and country, High Templar Voll struck little hardship in gathering others to his godly cause: Sarn's own Lord Mayor Ondar and Victario, the People's Poet; Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia; Governor Kastov of Stridevolf; and Commander Adus of Highgate. Together, these Warriors of Purity forged an uprising against the Gemling thaumatocracy that Voll hoped would "snatch this empire from the claws of devilry and return it to humanity". { - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire} |
LibraryGaribaldi5 NPCTextAudio | {Book 5: The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!} On the last day of Divini 1333 IC, High Templar Voll laid siege to Sarn, his ranks swelled by Ezomyte, Karui and Maraketh rebels under the respective leaderships of Thane Rigwald, Hyrri of Ngamakanui and Sekhema Deshret. Emperor Chitus rallied his freshly minted Gemling Legionnaires and, for a time, looked set to execute an effective defence of the capital. But his efforts were cut short by his closest advisor and friend, Lord Mayor Ondar. During the celebration of the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, Ondar struck Chitus down with blades tainted with the most virulent of poisons. Yet the emperor's inhuman constitution served him to the very last. Taking up his axe, Chitus cleaved Ondar in twain before expiring himself, in a visceral and calamitous display of thaumaturgy. Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate, and his gemling consort, Lady Dialla, were captured by Victario Nevalius' citizen revolutionaries shortly thereafter. With their leadership either dead or detained, the gemling aristocracy of Sarn had no choice but to offer the city's surrender. Voll and his Army of Purity marched through the gates of the capital and the following day, the High Templar was crowned Emperor Voll the First. { - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire} |
DiallaOnDaresso NPCTextAudio | The Sword King. Before my time. Beyond my time. Where is time, anyway, when you need it? Never stands still, that's the problem! Except if you are Daresso. Petrified with love he is. A love he doesn't realise is long, long, long... gone. |
ZanaMissionDarkshrine NPCTextAudio | I've discovered the presence of a strange shrine in this map. Normally such things wouldn't concern me, but if one of my former allies were to discover it, it could pose a problem for us later. Get there before they do, and make sure they can't use it. |
OyunOnDaresso NPCTextAudio | Daresso? Yes, Petarus has spoken of him. The disturbing question is this: How does a man who, by all accounts, has been dead for over a hundred years end up as a Nightmare monarch in the bowels of Highgate? Unlike Kaom, there is utterly no trace of his passing, and we have scouted every footstep of this mountain and its surrounds. There is no other entrance. No physical entrance. Deshret, and now this... Daresso. Yes, most disturbing. |
PetarusVanjaOnDaresso NPCTextAudio | Petarus: Daresso? He's down there, inside the mountain? Vanja: Are we talking about {the} Daresso? The Sword King? Petarus: Seems like it. But... how did he get in there? He left Oriath about a century and a half ago, hoping to find a cure for his lady, Merveil. He would have had to fight his way through the Maraketh, but... Oyun's never mentioned anything of the sort. Vanja: Maybe he didn't go in alive. Petarus: What do you mean? Vanja: We live in a land where the dead walk and {things} like Dialla live for centuries. Petarus: You think he died somewhere else and then the Beast got hold of him? Vanja: Could be. Petarus: Well, if the Beast can do that, then... what bloody good was Deshret's Seal? Vanja: Exactly. |
PetarusVanjaOnDaressoDead NPCTextAudio | Petarus: You killed the Sword King? Vanja: Daresso wasn't {actually} alive, Petarus. Petarus: Daresso must have thought he was alive. Vanja: True. Thinking and being... a bit of a blurred line here in Wraeclast. Petarus: Exactly. |
TasuniOnDaresso NPCTextAudio | Nightmare is not without sophistication. In life, Daresso was tortured by frustration and shame. In death, Nightmare has erased his past and forged a dream world in which Daresso would remain contented and loved. What if Nightmare could do that for all of us? Would we really wish to destroy it then? |
TasuniOnDaressoDead NPCTextAudio | Daresso was always a good man at heart, chained to an eternity of love and triumph. You set him free. |
SinOnDarkEmber NPCTextAudio | The Ember is a seed... the black core of the Beast's heart. It is the pure, undiluted essence of corruption. Everything my pet once was, all of its power, the stupefying effect it had on us gods, it all dwells within this Dark Ember. With this we shall lay Kitava to waste. The once starved god shall fill his gut and pass on into oblivion. Kitava will fall and the Ember shall disperse into nothing more than ash dancing across the cobbled rooftops of Oriath. |
SinOnDarkEmberA10 NPCTextAudio | You needn't fret, the Dark Ember is still safely in my possession and will remain so until our final confrontation with Kitava. That carnivorous blasphemy will fall like a log cut from the darkest of forests, and we shall watch him burn as Oriath, and the rest of this world breathes a sigh of relief. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Let's make this a team defense match! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | A running battle? Glorious! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Let's get this one over with. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | A right toss-up. This was meant to be quick and clean! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I feel like jumping in. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Well, we certainly can't let this place fall. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Come on old chap, put those Ancestors to work! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Don't scratch me, Tora... well, until we're done, that is. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Let's see if you can earn an honourable kill, Vorici. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Ha, Guff, I'll go high, you go low! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | May the best man win, Thane. That is where we agree. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | I've been itching for a good fight! Mind if I jump in? |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | I'm going to mix this one up a bit. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | A moving target! I love a challenge. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | I am not a fan of what goes on here. Time for a ruckus. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Free for all! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I promise there's nothing personal about this. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | You'll have to earn this kill, ol' stabby. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Guff. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Show me some of that Redblade swagger! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Let me see some of that Mutewind cunning. |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Oh, I can't miss this! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | I'll hold this base against all forces. |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | You're responsible for the consequences! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | You are aware we need to do our jobs, right? |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Daresso's arse, you can't be serious! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Always enjoy a bloody good tussle! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | You knew what this was, Tora. I never made any promises! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | I'm sorry, what? And no! Absolutely not! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Why me? |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Keep trying, Riker. You'll never measure up! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | This fight just got interesting! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | We'll certainly lock this down now. |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Your chances are shrinking, exile. |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Not the prettiest job, but not one I'm willing to lose! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | The challenge of your life, exile! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Come on Leo, show me that Redmane style! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Now I'm the one on top, Tora! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | Show them some Brinerot lightning! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Unleash that Redblade fire! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Freeze them in terror, Mutewind! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | You there. Look alive, rouse to battle! |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Vagan, are you so desperate to win? |
VaganSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Surely you want the thrill of a free for all, warrior! |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Warrior, how do you stand for this? |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | I was hoping to avoid clashing with the warrior here. |
VaganReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Come on, warrior, you don't need help! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | We will push the invader back together! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | We cannot lose this cargo! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Strength in numbers, friend! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | The Ancestors forgive. The Syndicate does not. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I lend you my strength, ally. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate fights as one! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Stop wasting time, Leo. We have more important tasks. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Talamoana, holy man. Did your god not show up? |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Talamoana, son of stone. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Rin, let me show you how a Karui fights. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | You put too much faith in your gadgetry, Riker. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Ancestors, guide us to victory. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | I have come to claim what is mine. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | Your failure will be my finest hour. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | You will all be buried down here. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | I will bring you all into Hinekora's domain. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | Let's see if my attacks draw out that god of yours, holy man. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | I am sorry huntress, but we must be enemies this day. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Exile, know that when that creature dies, it will not go to Hinekora. It will go nowhere at all. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Your spirit will be the plaything of the Ancestors, slavemaster. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | You go too far, Aisling. Violence is a necessity, not an idle pastime. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Hinekora demands many sacrifices this day. Consider it an honour. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Scoundrel! I will break you, too! |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | I am not yet dead, vulture! |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | You have just buried yourself. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | I will show you no mercy, traitor. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I think my gods are stronger than yours, crusader. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I won't need my ancestors' aid for this one, abomination. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | You will answer to the Ancestors, Gravicius - with screams. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | The dead belong to Hinekora, defiler. I will send you to her. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | So be it. Karui jade will cleave you just as easily as this exile. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Steel yourself. For Tukohama! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Ancestors, witness this! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Feel the walls tremble with our combined might! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Can you hear it, exile? Hinekora is calling your name. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Tora, I'd no sooner taunt a wolf than give you an order. Just remember: I'm the alpha. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Assassin! Do not forget who is in charge. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | I protect all my men, even ones that aren't. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | A Karui in command over Gravicius. Hinekora is laughing. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Direct your gadgetry as I command, Maloney, and those traps of yours might just accomplish something. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | To face a Karui's men is to face the Karui. |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | You're better than this, Karui! |
HakuSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Have you come to your senses at last, Karui? |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Witness the Syndicate's treachery, Karui. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | The Karui will make this much harder. |
HakuReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | They clearly don't trust you, Karui. |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | It serves the domain! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | So jealous, It is, but it is not for It! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Put away its happy kin, quickly! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | It is here to help with the surgery! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | It is going to fix It. Don't struggle. |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Lord of this domain, command It! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | It That Boasts dances and squawks but accomplishes nothing... |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | It That Once Glittered needs a friend, doesn't It? |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | It That Bashes needs its help! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | It fights for love! It fights for its Queen! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | It That Dismembers is a monster just like It! It likes It. |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | It came to fight! It came to cut, to impale, to rend! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | It wants this domain... It needs it! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | It takes the toys. It doesn't get any. |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | It undoes its hard work! It is an enemy of It! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | It hears the Lords telling It to kill! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | It That Protects will soon meet its ancestors... |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | It will take its other arm! And leg! And face! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | It wants the face of It That Boasts. Give It its face? |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | It That Is Hairy calls It weak. It is not weak. It will prove it. |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | It will show its Queen love! Slashing, piercing, biting love! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | All Its look the same. It will impale all of them! |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Get out, get out, get out! |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | It will make It into splinters. |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | It is bad, very bad, misbehaving! |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | It is confused. It That Arrived is not meant to kill It That Fled. |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | It doesn't want to go nowhere! It wants to go somewhere! |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | The Red Pyre...! It will show It That Prays. |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Lies! Nature yearns for It That Fled with grasping fingers! |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | It That Dismembers is not going to like what It reveals... |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | It still has emotions... hurting, writhing, hungry emotions... |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | It likes It and hates It, why can't It get along? |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | It comes to aid It That Fights! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Faster, faster! Fast as It fled! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Quicker, quicker! Many pieces! Many splinters! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Many organs for It to hold and whisper to... |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | It is the Lord of the Many with such joy and violence! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | It That Glows must do what It commands! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | It That Laughs will be absorbed in the new order! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Lord of the Many, It is, and It tells It what to do now! It must kill Its and bring It bone splinters! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Its Queen must now recognize its Lord! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | It That Disassembles will have a special place in its domain now that It is in charge. |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate knows no limits, no law. Look at what they fight with! |
ItThatFledSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Have you had enough of your new family, creature? |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | That poor creature doesn't even understand. |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | This is not your hive, creature. Begone! |
ItThatFledReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate... helping that creature...? |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Let this siege be savage. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | First Ones, protect this caravan! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | I'll help defend this disgusting place only because I must. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | I try never to miss a good ambush! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I never back down from a fight! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Strength in numbers is still strength! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | The First Ones have called me to your aid, wild one. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Cannah let you die, Grenn. I might need a ship back home someday! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | You're no Emperor, Janus, but my line will assist you again regardless. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Let us prove that the Syndicate has the might to make right. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Gadgets won't do the trick, Maloney. Allow me to lend ya some raw might. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | I want to see a proper siege! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | I think I'll send these souls to the First Ones rather than the Lifegiver. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | This horrible place deserves to fall! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Even the mightiest warrior will fall against overwhelming numbers. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | I'm more than just 'Ezomyte,' Janus. I'll show ya. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I don't know what the hell you are, but I much prefer the exile. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | The strongest deserve to rise, but you're too dumb to count. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | An Eternal General stood against the Ezomyte clans once before. Recall how that ended? |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Violence should be a test, Cameria, not a pastime. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Only the strongest deserve to rise. |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | I welcome your challenge! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | And I thought today would be boring. |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | When a situation gets complicated, I tend to resort to violence. |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Don't ya see? We're in the middle of a test of strength here! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Big words big guy, but can you back them up? |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | We have about as much claim over these lands as your ilk, Eternal! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | You've got your shot, creature. Show me that otherworldly might of yours. |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Aye and your skin will make a fine new cloak, Redblade! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Then I guess it stops with me, eh? |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | You better hope you have the strength to follow through, traitor! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Let's see just how much this exile can handle, eh? |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | This caravan is better protected than you thought! |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | I won't let knowledge of my involvement here just walk out alive. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Ohh, exile, you've quite the test now. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Let's try my way for this one, Tora. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | It's the Ezomyte in charge of the Perandus this time, eh Janus? |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Serve me well, Redblade. When I'm at the top, I won't forget it. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | Support my rise through the ranks, Mutewind, and I'll use my power to get you what you truly desire. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Aye, you're certainly strong, Cameria, but! I'm stronger. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | As I am the strongest, I claim my right to lead this fight. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | You are nothing but a wild animal, Thane. |
JorginSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte, test your strength against your own allies! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Ezomyte, they don't care about your code! |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | We'll take your test of strength, Ezomyte, and surpass you. |
JorginReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | It's not a true test of strength now, is it, Ezomyte? |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Keep 'em busy. Don't let them escape! |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | You should've just minded your own business! |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | You aren't leaving here alive. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | You're only delaying the inevitable, exile. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I've been looking for someone to kill. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Shall we carve some fountains of blood to wet this thirsty ground, Vorici? |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Show me what beautiful cruelty your kind are capable of, demon! |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | What I can do, dear General, will make you question your faith. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | The quickest way to this woman's heart, Korell, is by carving out another's. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | So clumsy, Cameria, but I love your enthusiasm. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Watch carefully. You might learn a thing or two. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Sorry exile. End of the road. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Now that everyone's here, the real fun can begin. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | Not so fast. I'm taking over. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | When this is over, there won't be any bodies left to revive. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Sorry, but I'm the only one leaving here alive. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I think I'll preserve your skin, Haku. Wouldn't want to waste those tattoos. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Your scars are so beautiful, Redmane. Allow me to add a few. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | You're simply too hideous to live, aberration. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Such a large canvas to work upon, Hillock. I must thank you in advance. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | You had your chance to impress me, Cameria. You didn't. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Don't you know? You should never anger an assassin. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Spineless, slimy coward. I'll paint the walls red with your blood. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Ah, I've been looking for a reason to kill you. Thanks. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | So be it. You can join the other cadavers. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | I'm gonna tear you apart and feed you to the wolves. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | None of my subjects have ever objected, Vorici. Neither will you. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | At least I wait until they're dead to defile the body. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Then why just witness? Be my next muse. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Ha! Jealous? |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | At least you recognize greatness when you see it. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Even I feel ill at the thought of what I plan to do to you. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | I love watching the hope fade from your eyes. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Did you really think it would be that easy? |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | And just like that, your fate is sealed. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Don't be sad, exile. Your death will be very entertaining. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | I think you've secretly hoped to have me in charge, assassin. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Don't fail me, demon. You know what I do to failures. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | I think you know my orders already, Gravicius. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Is that sweat I smell, Korell? Can you not handle your own heat? |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | My turn to lead the dance, Cameria. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | Far too many moving parts. Let's start removing 'em. |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Have you no conscience, assassin? |
AislingSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Have you finally snapped, Aisling? |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | I can't say you don't deserve this, Aisling. |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Aisling, keep your corpse-art far from us! |
AislingReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Why do you put up with this coddling, Aisling? |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Weren't planning to have a party without me, were you? |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Oh good! Still plenty of fun to be had. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | This does bring back some wonderful memories. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Guess who! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | This? This is personal, exile. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I usually prefer to do this alone, but for you I'll make an exception. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Show me what kind of goodies that hook can rip out of a man, freak. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Save some for me, big man. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I should help, huh? |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Let me see how you move, Rin... |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | A delicate flower like yourself shouldn't be fightin' all alone... |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | It's my turn to rip the exile limb from limb! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | This party needs a bit of... chaos! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | I feel like seizing some property. Don't care what... or whose... |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Now why would we want to go and destroy a funhouse like this? |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Eenie, meenie, miney, mo... you! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I'm taking that hook. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | I'm going to tear you open just to see what you're made of, freak. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Gravicius, I've had enough of your lectures! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | I'll make a flesh sculpture in your style - out of you! An homage. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | I'll rip that mask off - along with your head! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | I don't really care who I'm ripping apart, as long as limbs go flying. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | I'm gonna smear you across the walls for this. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | I'll make sure we run you over on the return trip. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Well I guess we'll just clean up your corpse, too. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Need to team up with the exile? No bloody balls. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | What, fun's not reason enough? |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Since when do you ask permission? |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | I wish you'd stayed dead. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | We're more alike than you think, Mutewind. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I couldn't care about impressing you, Aisling. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Just more limbs to add to my pile. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | I love it when my minions decide to share. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Nobody messes with the Syndicate and keeps their head. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Let me show you how to do ripping and killing proper. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | This ragdoll is mine! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | What's a crusade without the slaughtering of infidels? |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | They said I'm in charge here, Vagan. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | Hey Janus, I'm the boss now! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | I'll take the lead on this dance, my little flower. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Riker! I'm leading now! You do what I say! |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | Those who stand in my way will be ripped limb from limb. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | One as cruel as you does not deserve to breathe, Cameria. |
CameriaSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Dismember indiscriminately, ogre! |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Some beasts should be betrayed. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | This battlefield is about to get bloodier. |
CameriaReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate's trying to restrain your baser impulses, ogre. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Tag me in, mate! |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Stick together! What a ruckus. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Why's this bloody invader still alive? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Seriously? You got the jump and you still need backup? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Yes! Finally, a brawl! |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Been dyin' to slap each other around a bit. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Need a hand sweetie? I've only got the one. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Not so easy when it's a fair fight, is it Vorici? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I'm here to blow a little wind into your sails, mate! |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | You weren't going to leave me out of this brawl, were you, Thane? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Leave some for me this time ya big bloody bastard. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | What bloody ruckus have you got us into?! |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Mates, you're all screwed. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | Let's turn this into a free for all. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Never take your eyes off the brawler. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Hook's dying to tear into some sinew and I don't much care whose. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | Sorry huntress, but time's come to put you down. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Vagan, this beating's for old-time's sake. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Look at me! Now I'm a bloody backstabbing ponce. Not very fair, eh, Vorici? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Back in the day I'd've given my left arm to take a swing at a Perandus. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Everyone loves an underdog, Hillock. And you're never the underdog. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | This ain't my first battle royale, mates. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Cage match then, is it? |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Great, another body I'll have to lug around. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | So much for this place being secret. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Free for all brawl! |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Oh, how bloody kind. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I mean, I get why you'd want a new face. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Taking it to the spleen, maybe. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Somehow I don't think you're hitting on me. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Go on, then. Just try it. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | This defense has become a bloody siege. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Looks like you could use another hand. Just the one though. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Let's get this handled and get out. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Gotta swing the odds in our favour. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | I know you're bloody dangerous, Haku, so let's aim that intensity in the right direction. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Care to get swept up in my crusade, old man? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | I've got my eye on victory, Vagan. Let's do this. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | It seems I'm your captain, Guff! |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Just keep swinging, Hillock. |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | The champ is here! What, no roaring crowd? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Gladiator, where do your loyalties truly lie? |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | You should be leading the Syndicate, arena master! |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | No respect, gladiator. Not from them. |
LeoReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Arena master, why do you step into the fight yourself? |
LeoSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Leo. You used to fight with honour. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Take heart, crusader! God aids our defense! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | We must protect these sorely needed supplies together! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | A holy crusade is still a war, and war comes with necessary evils. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Sometimes, crusading is bloody work. Let's get it done. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Strength in faith, and strength in numbers. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I will not fail the cause! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | I'm here to save your sorry arse, Vagan. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Couldn't buy your way out of this one, could you. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | God helps even the most nauseatingly ugly of creatures. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | The bigger they are, the more help they need. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | General Gravicius, your reinforcements are here. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Worry not, crusader! Your saviour has arrived. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Iniquity breeds in safety. This keep must be cleansed. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | I'll not stand idly by and let you fail our brethren! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Wickedness and sin. That's all I see here. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | God has called for a purge! None of you are without sin. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | Sorry, friend, but God's got another plan for this fight! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | You've earned a special place in God's heart, Vorici. Let me send you there. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | You're no part of God's plan. What ghastly thing made you? |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | You may be a fellow Templar, but your unhallowed crusade is yours alone. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | One thing I learned from the Templars: never trust a man in a mask. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Funny thing about the crusades. They start focused, but end up consuming all. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Only a fool brings a fight to God's doorstep. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | For the crusade, I'll defend this to the death. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | It seems we are all sinners, here. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | I'll smite all comers! |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | God is everywhere, warrior. Even in you. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I think you've been spending too much time wearing black and sitting alone in the dark, Vorici. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Power is a false idol, Janus. It has led you astray. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Not at all. Let us see who He sides with, false Templar. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | And in the way I shall remain! |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Good thing I'm in a smiting mood! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | We shall stand impregnable. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Fight with renewed vigor, crusaders! |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | We do what we must for the greater good. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Exile, you leave us no choice. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Can my God borrow you from Hinekora for this fight, honored warrior? |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Will you answer the call, Vorici? |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | About time your family fought in a war, rather than just fund them, Janus. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Crusaders take all shapes, I suppose. Can you follow orders, Hillock? |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Great emperors have become trapped by their own machines, Riker. Take care not to make the same mistake. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | Let's get this crusade in shape. |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Elreon, have you become so blind to the light? |
ElreonSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Did your God send you to us, holy man? |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | You're too good for the Syndicate, holy man. |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Be careful! The crusader fights with conviction! |
ElreonReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | They're keeping a close eye on you, holy man. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | This den is ours, Exile. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | We are no helpless prey! |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | This cycle of life and death needs time to finish. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Wolves hunt in packs for a reason. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | On the prowl! |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | You should know better than to wander into strange dens. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Shall we wait for your God, Elreon, or shall we snare this Exile ourselves? |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Oh, Vagan, it's you... shall we fight together? |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Prove your worth, unnatural one. Let's take down this Exile. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Allow me to help you channel a bit of that Ezomyte savagery, Thane. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Some prey must be caught with carefully laid traps. Are you ready, Riker? |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Let's put this animal down. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | This failing den needs to be rooted out. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | You've forgotten nature's most important lesson. Protect your resources! |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Nothing about this place is natural! |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Sometimes rabid animals must be culled. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | You know why you deserve my arrows, Vagan. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | You're not above the natural order, Vorici. I shall remind you. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Nature rejects you, thing! |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Killing might be for a purpose. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Care for a clash, Riker? |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | All of you must be put down. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | This won't end well for you. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Your place is with the pack... or in the dirt. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | You're undercutting the success of our entire organisation! |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | I've more than enough arrows for all. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | When you're bleeding out in the dirt, remember this was your decision. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Really? What do you think happens to wild animals that lose a limb? |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Small consolation, Vagan. Tiny. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | I saw your approach, Guff - I just didn't care. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I will never let you catch me, brute. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | This world existed long before Man or gods and it will live on long after you are dust. |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Then let the chase begin! |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | It seems only Nature itself is trustworthy. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Enrage the pack, face the alpha. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | This hunt has only just begun. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | We shall surely succeed. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Careful. A cornered animal is twice as dangerous. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Be ready to use that hook, Leo. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Do as I say, Vagan, and I might not stick you with an arrow. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | You might not follow the rules of Nature, thing, but you'll follow mine if you want to survive. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Let's try my way for this one, Thane. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | We'll use your traps for this hunt, Riker. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | I'm leading this hunt now. |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Tora, this is not natural! Don't you see? |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Have you chosen to follow your own path once more, Tora? |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Tora, why are you working with them and not us? |
ToraReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | How can you take orders from them, Tora? |
ToraSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyFour NPCTextAudio | Tora, our conflict is not with you! |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You can't weave a tapestry with just one thread. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | We can't let our cargo fall into the hands of a malcontent. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | No loose threads. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Let's keep this professional. Quick and clean. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Need to keep the skills sharp. It's nothing personal. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Show me the might of those Ancestors you won't shut up about. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | You might be uncouth and unclean, Tora, but I like the way you hunt. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Vagan, show some civility. Kill them quickly. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I've half a mind to slay you myself, Gravicius - but not today. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Show me what you're capable of, Aisling. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Let's kill this selfish malcontent. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Did you think it would be that simple, Exile? |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | All my loose threads boxed in. How convenient. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | Bad apples must be plucked and disposed of. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | My, my, what a mess this is. You know I hate a mess. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | No. Loose. Threads. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | If it's any consolation, Leo, I don't expect you to die without a fight. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Your faith-blind eyes have deceived you, old man. Don't worry, I'll pluck them out for you. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Consider this the Brotherhood collecting on an old debt, Perandus. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Please beg for your life, Gravicius, so that I can have the pleasure of refusing you. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | You make a mockery of man's finest moment, Aisling. The dead deserve respect. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | How fortunate, all my loose threads in one place! |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You selfish malcontent. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | You're late. You know how I hate tardiness. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Another loose thread needing to be snipped. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | You were next on my list anyway. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Fair? I'd have to give you one of my arms for this to be fair. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I think I'll pass. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | What's more natural than the cycle of life and death? I'm just helping things along. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | I told you to stop calling me that. Now I'll make you stop. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Oh, death's not my weapon, General. It's my closest ally. Allow me to introduce you! |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | You'll find me a most disagreeable mark. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | What beautiful violence we will weave together. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Come, noble ally. Let us cut this misfit down together. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | A partner of such enlightenment. How pleasant. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Elegance and sophistication. Try to enjoy this, Exile. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Crusade all you like, Elreon, just follow my orders. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | I think I can rely on you to do some cutting, yes? |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | This time you're working for an assassin. I do love irony. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Your orders are simple, Cameria. Kill them all. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | This situation needs a bit less cutting and a bit more intellect. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | Looks like this situation's in need of some cutting intellect. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Dishonourable, I'd expect nothing less from you Vorici. |
VoriciSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | You're so skilled at murder, assassin. Why limit yourself? |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | An assassin betrayed by his masters. Inevitable. |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | What kind of cowardice is this, assassin? |
VoriciReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Eyes sharp! Assassin on the scene! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | This is gonna be just like that scrap in Pondium, I can already feel it. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | This cargo's moving like a... drunk sloth! I'm jumpin' in! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Ooze the raggabrash 'at ran this place?! Cleaning it up'll take forever! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Move over, ya doaty fopdoodle. Guff'll take care of this! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I'm bored, and pirates don't do well with boredom. Let's scrap! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Guff'll throw in with ya, gaffer. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Need a hand? Of course ya do. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Alright! Let's break some bones, ya freaky git. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Course ye need me help ya meatheaded wanker. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Oh, ya need a big boy's help don't ya, lassie? |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Oi oi! Well, your captain has arrived. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | So your big spooky mask didn't scare 'em off Riker? What a bloody surprise. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Gotta throw a wrench in the works here. Sorry. I got aims. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | I told ye this day would come, ya warthog-faced buffoon! Oh, hello, Exile. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Someone is getting a beating, believe me! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Add one blustering bloodthirsty Brinerot to the mix! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | All that time spent surveying the land, Tora, and the real threat was comin' from the seas! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Ah, I could never be mad at ya Janus. This is nothing personal. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Ogham ain't gonna miss ya, Thane, and neither will I. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Say yer prayers, ya sulfur-smellin' sack o' shite. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Ya didn't see this one comin', did ya, ya hoity-toity trollop? |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Guff here is makin' a play, so have at ya! |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Oh, Exile, this one's bum's out the window. They're right crazy. |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Piss off and boil yer head! |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate needs this done, and you're gonna foozle the whole affair! |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Ah, well, ya know what they say: a numpty a day keeps victory away. |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Ahem. Vagan. |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Then you're about to sink... like an anchor, ya plenary whiffle-whaffle! |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Wow! Bordering on potomania with that one. Or pyromania, I forget which. Off your hide, either way. |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Oh and I'd find a way to drag you down with me, ya bloody scobberlotcher. |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Agh, why are ya pickin' on Guff? |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | It's the one-two punch of doom! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Now, we'll get the job done for sure. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Aw, quicker now, the gaffer's here! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | This one's knicked for sure now. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | I command who? Ha-ku! That's you! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Oi Janus, guess what? I'm the baaawss! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | Ha hah! A Brinerot captainin' a Redblade. Today's the day! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Don't shoot me, but I do enjoy lording over a Mutewind. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Riker, if you goof here, you are showing me what's under that mask. |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | It's Guff to friends, Captain to the rest! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Brinerot, show the Syndicate you're still your own man! |
GuffSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Villainous scoundrel. Slink back to the seas, Brinerot. |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Brinerot, you've been betrayed! |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Since when does a Brinerot accept help? |
GuffReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | You dare face us head on, Brinerot? |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | This property belongs to the Perandus, interloper! And the Syndicate. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | How dare you attack my... our path to wealth. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | What a dreadful mess. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | This was meant to be done by now! |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Gods, boredom will drive a man to do just about anything. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | These grounds do not belong to you! |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | I've come to rescue you, savage. Thank me later. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Tora, your mark still walks. This is a problem! |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | You debauched overgrown toddler! Why does the Exile yet live? |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | I shouldn't have to do your job for you, assassin. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Here we are, Thane, fighting side by side, just as our ancestors did in the Labyrinth. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Typical. Just typical! Try not to cock this up. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Our territory needs better management. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | This transport needs to be... redirected. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Such is my disdain for you, that I came down here. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Bad news, I'm afraid. The Exile's no longer the primary target. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I respect your conviction, Elreon, but our goals are at odds. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Sorry, Guff, but you're out. Too untrustworthy. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | You're braindead, Hillock. It's time your body caught up. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Gravicius, let me remind you just what the Perandus name means. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Shame you can't go back to Ogham, Ezomyte. You don't belong here. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | I'm quite sorry, but the political landscape has changed. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You moron. You should be defending me! |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | When the Lifegiver hears about this, you're done. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Fine. We'll handle your corpse, too. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | This was supposed to be quick and easy. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I'm more than happy to defend my family's name. Try me. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | What? We're on the same team! |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Please don't splash whatever it is you're dripping with on me. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Then perhaps you should do something that will help me remember your name. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | You I can handle myself. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | You should know better than to stand in the way of a Perandus. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | A Perandus never abandons good land. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | We lose the carts, you lose your head. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Someone has some explaining to do. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | How do you mess an ambush up this badly? |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Do as I say, Karui, and we can keep the Eternal One out of this. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | If my robes get ruined, Tora, you're squarely to blame. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | The Brotherhood of Silence has always served my family well. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Simple Hillock, all you had to do was bash what I said. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Gravicius! You're the Sentari to my Chitus. You know what to do! |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | You know how this goes. Do what you're told and you'll be rewarded. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | A vile devil of lies and greed betrays his own. |
JanusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Janus... You-... You-...! You are going to pay for what you did to my- to OUR family. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Nothing you don't deserve, Janus. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Be careful how you help Janus... He may stab you in the back too. |
JanusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Janus! I'm going to enjoy killing you. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | I'll help kill the little invaders! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | They're not your things little Exile! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Mash the little invaders into GOO! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Kill them dead! Hahahaha! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I'ma hurt you for fun. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I'll protect you! I'll protect the family! Rip little Exile heads off! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | I'll help you smite. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Arrows? I hate arrows. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I'll help you stab. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | I'll help you tear. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | I'll help you, scary lady. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | I'll help you bash. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | You all hurt me. I'll hurt you all! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | These are my things now, stupid. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | Gonna kill all of you down here. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Ha! You stupid idiot, you fell into my trap. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I'm gonna get you, wild one! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | You talk too much Vagan. I'm gonna shut that pretty little mouth. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Pretty Rin, I'm coming for ya! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Can I bash you, Cameria? |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Scary little Aisling... you're mine now. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Bash Exile, bash Syndicate. Bash whoever. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You're in my house though, stupid. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | I'll kill you too! I'll break all of you to CRUMBS! |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Gonna keep your body. You're not gonna wake up again. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | I'll paint with you later. A big red smear. Hahaha! |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I'm gonna use your body to test my blades. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Hate pirates! Salty, smelly, rotten bunch. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Yeah? Well you're gonna be DEAD-dead! |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Hey! Who are you calling dumb? Me? Hey! |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I'll snap off every limb that touches me, bitch. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Then I'll bash you too. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Don't get in the way. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | You protect the things! I'll bash the little Exile. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | The bashing will be legendary! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Grind the Exile's bones into snuff. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Bash good, Leo, and I'll make you another hook. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Keep them arrows away from me. Point 'em at the Exile! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | Little man with his blades, you stab what I say. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | I am the strongest here, little Thane. I command. |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | My turn to choose what we rip apart! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | You know what I want. Bash. Bash! BASH! |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Brute, wouldn't it be more fun to bash everyone? |
HillockSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | You should have stayed dead, brute. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | The brute clearly doesn't care. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | A brute with backup is twice as fearsome. |
HillockReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Brute, you take on more than you can handle. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | These grounds will not be defiled! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Do your work. Protect the cargo! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | The work of the chosen must not be delayed. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | God's judgement is swift and final. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Worry not Exile, your doom is certain! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Time for me to clean up yet another of your messes, Karui. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | The crusade never ends, brother. Allow me to aid you. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Protect the noble bloodline! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Cameria, remember your lessons. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | My new God appreciates your cruelty. I offer aid. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Time for me to clean up yet another of your messes. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | This sanctuary will not fall as long as I remain standing. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Walls under the command of a fool are no more than sand shaped by a child. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | If the Syndicate wanted this cargo stolen, they certainly chose their defender well. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | The best way to take down multiple enemies is to strike when they are fighting each other! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | This victory shall be mine. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | I shall put you in your place, Karui. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Can you feel God's disappointment in you, heretic? |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | This world was made to be bent to Man's will. As were you, little girl! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | You think death is your weapon alone, boy, but you are dearly mistaken. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | I wish you had listened, Cameria. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | You've had your chance. Now a real leader must step in. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Luckily I have the skill to destroy all comers! |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | This cargo will not be yours, traitor! |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Careful, traitor, lest you end up a test subject at our next lab. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Just more souls to deliver to God! |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | I think not. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | God becomes what we want him to be, and thus we can do no wrong in his name. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Mercy is not in me, assassin. Neither given, nor receivable. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | I know full well the golden blood of your line of traitors! |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Sentari was a fool. If I had been there, the Ezomytes would have been cut down to the last man. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Disappointing, but not unexpected. Let my final lesson begin! |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Be quiet. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | Now we cannot fail! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | This cargo will not be yours, Exile! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | You'll never succeed now, Exile. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | You are doomed now, Exile! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | And so you find yourself in your destined role, Karui: under my command! |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | God promised immortality, Elreon, but the Eternal One delivered. This is my crusade now. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | You were born a weapon, Hillock, and I will wield you on behalf of the Syndicate. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | It is good that you believe 'might makes right,' Thane. That means we agree I should be in charge here. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Bend your carving to the will of warfare, Aisling. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | This is my crusade to lead now. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | The General is a renowned monster. This is no surprise. |
GraviciusSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Has death taught you nothing, General? |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Good, yes, good. Turn against the General. |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | The little General needs aid, does he? |
GraviciusReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | Exile, take out the General before he can rally these fools to order! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Hold your head high, friend. Help is here. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Don't dally. Duty calls! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Eradicate the explorers, then seal this sanctum. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Let's hasten this hatchet job! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Inspire me with your ichors. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Each cog must turn if the machine is to work. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Careful around my traps, Leo, lest you lose the other limb! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Only a Perandus could appreciate the complexity of my machinations. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Hillock! I'll hem them in, you bash 'em! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Show 'em what Ogham men can do, Jorgin! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Korell, we're even after this. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | A bear trap requires at least two jaws. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | Time to reorganize some of the gears in this diabolic machine. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | Such inefficiency cannot go unaddressed. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate seeks to shroud its secrets, even from us. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | Do you never pause to question the machine? |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | Nothing against you, crusader, you're just in the way. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Tora! Time for another round! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Mind or might, Vagan? I wonder which will win. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | I wonder what you could offer me to spare your life, Perandus. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | How much can fury make up for skill, Redblade? |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Despise the machinist, not the machine. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | My defense plans already included your betrayal. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Really? Here? Now? You could have chosen your move so much better. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | This is neither the time nor the place. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | How can I get anything done with the constant infighting? |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | And I've learned never to trust a former Templar. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Wouldn't have it any other way, old friend. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | It's a fine free-floating gear, this Syndicate. Round and round we go, getting nowhere. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | We'll match wits, Rin, but don't be surprised at the outcome. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | The mask isn't for my protection. It's for yours, Cameria. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | If you want to kill me, you'll have to catch me. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | The cogs turn, crushing exiles between their teeth. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | Power shields itself rather wonderfully, wouldn't you say? |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | I doubt even our dear leader truly knows what happened here. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | If the gears clash, apply more force. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Flair is what marks the difference between artistry and mere competence. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate has your back, Vagan. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | You simply cannot stay out of trouble, can you Janus? |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Can you take orders, Hillock? |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Do what you do Cameria. No orders needed. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | It seems tactics and cunning are sorely needed here. |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Help us smash the machine you despise so much, rogue! |
RikerSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Humanity has left you, Riker. What is left to fight for? |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | You don't seem surprised, rogue. |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | All part of your machinations, rogue? |
RikerReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | The rogue eyes a new step in his plan. Let us disappoint him! |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | Allow me to lend my flame to this battle. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | There will be no theft on my watch. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | This will go quicker with fire. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | Let's up the heat. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Start running now and you might just escape my flames. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Those that face the smoke end up finding the fire. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | It seems your God has forsaken you, old man. Lucky for you, I have not. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Fight hard, Brinerot, or the Eternal One will hear of your weakness. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I admire you, Gravicius. Do not let me down. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Today we are allies, Mutewind. Do not waste this opportunity. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Solitude does not suit you, Laffrey. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Together, we will annihilate you Exile, and scatter your ashes to the wind. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | You're an incompetent defender, and I am here to prove it. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | I will not let you send our efforts up in smoke. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | I'm here to clear this place out, present company included. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | I will leave nothing here but scorched earth. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | A simple burning is not sufficient for you, Brinerot. You will be incinerated. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | Your fur will make wonderful kindling, bear-man. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Oh, Mutewind, you always knew this day would come. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | Aisling, there are no words for the horrors I have witnessed at your hand. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | Allies one day, enemies the next. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Burn in the fires of Redblade vengeance! |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You're merely fanning my flames! |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | I'll leave you in my burning wake. |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Flames don't care. You'll burn just the same. |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | More kindling for the fire. |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Gladly. |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Prayers? I don't need the Molten God's help to smite you. |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate makes past ties irrelevant. I understand. |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | Bring on your little tricks! |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | I'm going to burn you. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | I'm here to add fuel to the fire. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | This transport is too crucial to leave to anyone but a Redblade. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Burn this travesty immediately! |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | Let's burn this battlefield from both ends. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Vagan! Show me your fighting spirit! |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | My command over you was only ever a matter of time. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | Put our typical relations aside, Thane, and do as I say. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | If you so much as harm a hair on her head, Exile, the gods themselves will shudder at what I do to you! |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Aisling, allow me to direct your deadly art. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | Those who wish to live are wise to follow a Redblade warlord. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Redblade! Let your flames rage in every direction! |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Burn them, Redblade. Set them aflame! |
KorellReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | A Redblade sullies his pride by relying on numbers. |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | Go back to your volcano, Redblade! |
KorellSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyFour NPCTextAudio | There is no honour in this fight, Redblade. Turn back. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You've let them see too much. Slaughter them. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | Imbecile! Don't neglect the cargo! |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | Feels as though the walls are closing in, doesn't it Exile? |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | We are everywhere. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Watch carefully, Exile. You won't see much else. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | I'm honoured to serve such a noble cause. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Can your people do nothing right, Karui? |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | The sooner this is over, the sooner you can go back to the seas, pirate. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Don't make me regret this, disgusting demon. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Disgusting. Fight like a nobleman, Ezomyte. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Try not to get us killed, fire worshipper. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | We fight for a pure future! |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | I'd sooner kill you myself than lose our claim here. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirteen NPCTextAudio | The others will be so sad to hear of your untimely demise... |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalFourteen NPCTextAudio | You should never have crossed me. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalFifteen NPCTextAudio | I'm here to clean up your mess, yourself included. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalSixteen NPCTextAudio | Brinerot, I'll make you wish you went down with your ship. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeventeen NPCTextAudio | First, you, then the rest of your filthy little clan, Thane. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalEighteen NPCTextAudio | Korell, it was only a matter of time. I'm just making the first move. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalNineteen NPCTextAudio | The Syndicate would be better off without you or your sadism. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwenty NPCTextAudio | You're devious, Maloney. Think you can keep up with me? |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyOne NPCTextAudio | Muckbloods, the purification begins now. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalZero NPCTextAudio | You won't live to regret this. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOne NPCTextAudio | You opportunistic little worm. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwo NPCTextAudio | You'll never see daylight again, scum. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalThree NPCTextAudio | When this is through, you'll be naught but meat for the ants. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFour NPCTextAudio | Oh, no, you won't see it coming. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFive NPCTextAudio | Yuck. Your kind makes even the Brinerot seem appealing. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSix NPCTextAudio | Don't you dare touch me, beast! |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeven NPCTextAudio | So that's how it is. I'm just 'Mutewind' again, like before. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEight NPCTextAudio | Don't get caught in your own trap, beast. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalNine NPCTextAudio | Hah! |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyTwo NPCTextAudio | The wolves are circling you now... |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyThree NPCTextAudio | It's over for you now, Exile. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFour NPCTextAudio | Bow to your betters, trespasser. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyFive NPCTextAudio | We will tear you to shreds. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySix NPCTextAudio | Try not to lose another limb, underling. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentySeven NPCTextAudio | Bossing around a Brinerot? This feels right. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyEight NPCTextAudio | Your queen commands you to fight in her name, creature! |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwentyNine NPCTextAudio | Cunning, not might, will win the day here. Follow my orders to the letter, Thane. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirty NPCTextAudio | Serve me well, Korell, or I will be forced to extinguish you. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyOne NPCTextAudio | Do as I have instructed you, and victory is assured. |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyTwo NPCTextAudio | Are you skilled enough to take us all on, Rin? |
RinSecondaryDefenderArrivalThirtyThree NPCTextAudio | You fight for a lie, Mutewind. Go home. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTen NPCTextAudio | Rin, you're too cunning to fall for the Syndicate's lies! |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalEleven NPCTextAudio | Clever, Rin, very clever. |
RinReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTwelve NPCTextAudio | If Rin is here, she sees some advantage we don't expect! |
ZanaSynthMemorySolarisC NPCTextAudio | I felt my body split into two. Agony! That's the last thing I remember. This memory must have belonged to Ondar, the Betrayer. For some reason, I always thought that was a myth... but apparently not. |
KuraiVoxTwins NPCTextAudio | The Vox family has enjoyed a place among Oriath's nobility for several generations, but in recent years, Victario and Vincent Vox have used coercion, blackmail, and violence to ensure the family sits at the centre of Oriath's business and social ecosystem. The twins enjoy a legitimate public persona, all while they bury their hands deep in the criminal underworld. The Boss would, of course, love to see the Vox criminal enterprise dismantled. The Ring competes with the Vox crime family for many of the same jobs. But removing competition is secondary to freeing hard-working families from their looming threat. The Boss is shrewd, not heartless. |
CadiroOnDaressosDefiance NPCTextAudio | Daresso's Defiance... A fine piece of craftsmanship, although it didn't get him very far. His fate is one I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. |
CadiroOnDaressosSalute NPCTextAudio | Ah yes, Daresso's Salute. An amulet with history behind it. Daresso wore this into the arena many times during his glory days. |
CadiroOnOndarsClasp NPCTextAudio | Ondar! That traitorous, treacherous bastard! How dare you flounce about here wearing the gloves of the man who slew the Emperor! |
Ondar's Clasp UniqueItems | A single lightning strike fells a man. A single knife stroke fells an empire. |
Weight of the Empire UniqueItems | Ondar not only betrayed his emperor, He betrayed his friend. And in his dying moments, Chitus ensured, That Ondar felt the full weight of his guilt. |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.