Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Totemic Idol / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain an Abyss
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain an Abyss
1500681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain Alva
1500681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain Alva
1000681Your Maps have a (40–60)% chance to contain an additional Rogue Exile
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Rogue Exile
1500681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain Einhar
1500681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain Einhar
1000681(40–60)% chance for your Maps to attract Beyond Demons
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain a Blight Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain a Blight Encounter
1200681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain Breaches
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain a Breach
800681Your Maps which contain Breaches have (5–10)% chance to contain three additional Breaches
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain a Mirror of Delirium
1500681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain Niko
1500681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain Niko
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Shrine
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Shrine
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Imprisoned Monster
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain an Imprisoned Monster
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain an Expedition Encounter
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Harbinger
1000681Your Maps have a (15–25)% chance to contain an additional Harbinger
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain The Sacred Grove
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain The Sacred Grove
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain a Smuggler's Cache
1500681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain Jun
1500681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain Jun
1000681Your Maps have +(8–12)% chance to contain a Trial of Ascendancy
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain a Legion Encounter
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain a Legion Encounter
1000681Final Map Boss in each Map has (4–6)% chance to drop an additional connected Map
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter
2000681Your Maps have +(40–60)% chance to contain Ritual Altars
2000681Your Maps have (192–240)% increased chance to contain Ritual Altars
1000681(8–12)% increased effect of Explicit Modifiers on your Maps
1000681Your Maps contain an additional Strongbox
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to contain a Strongbox
1000681Your Maps have +(15–25)% chance to be haunted by a Tormented Spirit
1000681Up to 5 Rare Monsters in each of your Maps are Possessed and their Minions are Touched
1000681Your Maps are haunted by an additional Tormented Spirit
1000681Your Maps have (5–8)% chance to grant an additional Kirac Mission on Completion
1000681Your Maps have (2–2.5)% chance to grant an additional Kirac Mission on Completion
1000681(12–16)% increased Rarity of Items found in your Maps
800681Abysses in your Maps that do not lead to an Abyssal Depths have (40–60)% increased chance to lead to a Stygian Spire
800681Abysses in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to lead to an Abyssal Depths
200681Abyss Cracks in your Maps have (10–20)% chance to spawn all Monsters as at least Magic
200681Abyss Pits in your Maps have (10–20)% chance to spawn all Monsters as at least Magic
1500681Killing non-resident Architects in your Maps has (30–50)% chance to add
an additional Upgrade Tier to the surviving Architect's Room
1000681Wild Rogue Exiles in your Maps have (75–100)% chance to be Possessed by a Tormented Spirit
800681Your Maps that contain capturable Beasts contain (3–4) additional Yellow Beasts
400681Red Beasts captured in your Maps have a (40–60)% chance to gain a Modifier that provides a chance to not to be consumed when sacrificed at the Blood Altar
300681Red Beasts in your Maps have (16–24)% chance to appear in Pairs
250681Beyond Demons in your Maps grant (20–30)% increased Experience
300681Beyond Portals in your Maps have (25–35)% increased chance to spawn a Unique Boss
150681(20–25)% more Divination Cards found from Beyond Demons in your Maps
that are followers of K'Tash
150681(20–25)% more Basic Currency Items found from Beyond Demons in your Maps
that are followers of Beidat
150681(20–25)% more Unique Items found from Beyond Demons in your Maps
that are followers of Ghorr
700681Blight Encounters in your Maps spawn (25–35)% more Non-Unique Monsters
600681Oils found in your Maps have (20–25)% chance to be 1 tier higher
700681Blight Monsters in your Maps take (30–40)% increased Damage
400681Breaches in your Maps have (35–45)% increased chance to contain a Boss
200681Breachstones dropped by Breach Bosses in your Maps have (3–5)% chance to be Flawless
800682Breaches in your Maps open and close #% faster
Breaches in your Maps open and close #% slower
300681Breaches in your Maps have (10–15)% chance to contain a Hand of Xesht-Ula
300681Breaches in your Maps have (8–12)% increased Monster density
1000731(40–60)% chance to spawn a Searing Exarch Altar when the Influence of The Searing Exarch first appears in your Maps
800681Delirium in your Maps increases (35–50)% faster with distance from the mirror
800681Delirium Fog in your Maps lasts (10–15) additional seconds before dissipating
400681Delirium Rewards in your Maps have (8–12)% increased chance to give Delirium Orbs
500681Voltaxic Sulphite Veins and Chests in your Maps have (4–6)% chance to contain double Sulphite
1000681You Gain (30–40)% increased Damage per stack of Sulphite Intoxication.
1000681Shrines in your Maps have (40–60)% chance to be guarded by an additional Pack of Monsters
475781Monster Packs Influenced by The Shaper in your Maps have (15–25)% increased Pack Size
475781Monster Packs Influenced by The Elder in your Maps have (15–25)% increased Pack Size
1000681Imprisoned Monsters in your Maps have (12–17)% chance to have 3 additional Essences
400681Remnants in your Maps have (25–35)% chance to have an additional Suffix Modifier
250681Expeditions in your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to be led by Tujen
250681Expeditions in your Maps have (50–60)% increased chance to be led by Dannig
600681Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional (6–10)% of Life missing
250681Expeditions in your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to be led by Rog
250681Expeditions in your Maps have (80–100)% increased chance to be led by Gwennen
1000681Harbingers in your Maps have (20–25)% chance to be replaced by a powerful Harbinger boss
700681Harvest Monsters in your Maps drop (12–18)% increased Quantity of Lifeforce
600681Harvests in your Maps have (8–12)% chance for the unchosen Crop to not wilt
700681The Sacred Grove in your Maps has (40–60)% chance to contain an additional Harvest
1000681Smuggler's Caches in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to drop Contracts
1000681Smuggler's Caches drop (8–12)% more Rogue Markers for each Smuggler's Cache opened in the Area
500681Heist Contracts found in your Maps are (70–90)% more likely to target High Value Targets
500681Heist Contracts found in your Maps are (45–65)% more likely to target Precious Targets
500681Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have (20–25)% increased chance to be accompanied by reinforcements
500681Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps have (40–60)% chance to drop an additional Veiled Item
500681(40–60)% increased Rarity of Items Dropped by Immortal Syndicate Members in your Maps
200681Legion Encounters in your Maps have (100–150)% increased chance to include a Karui army
200681Legion Encounters in your Maps have (100–150)% increased chance to include an Eternal Empire army
200681Legion Encounters in your Maps have (80–120)% increased chance to include a Vaal army
200681Legion Encounters in your Maps have (75–100)% increased chance to include a Templar army
200681Legion Encounters in your Maps have (60–80)% increased chance to include a Maraketh army
200681Splinters dropped by Legion Monsters or contained in Legion Chests in your Maps have (15–20)% chance to be Duplicated
300681Splinters contained in Legion Chests in your Maps have (20–25)% chance to be Duplicated
300681Splinters dropped by Legion Monsters in your Maps have (20–25)% chance to be Duplicated
200681Legion Monsters in your Maps which have Rewards have (8–12)% chance to gain two additional Rewards, and if not have (15–20)% chance to gain one additional Reward
400681(5–10)% increased Pack Size of your Maps affected by Fortune Favours the Brave
400681(5–10)% increased Quantity of Items found in your Maps affected by Fortune Favours the Brave
400681(10–20)% increased Rarity of Items found in your Maps affected by Fortune Favours the Brave
600681Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps spawn (15–20)% increased number of Monsters
500681Ultimatum Monsters in your Maps grant (40–60)% increased Experience
300681Inscribed Ultimatums found in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to reward Unique Items
300681Inscribed Ultimatums found in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to reward Currency Items
300681Inscribed Ultimatums found in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to reward Divination Cards
800681Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in your Maps grant (20–25)% increased Tribute
800681Ritual Altars in your Maps spawn Monsters (15–20)% faster
400681Deferring Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps costs (15–20)% reduced Tribute
475681Final Map Boss in each Map has (20–25)% chance to drop an additional Scarab
475681Rare Monsters in your Maps have (40–60)% increased chance to drop Scarabs per Monster Modifier affecting them
333681Currency Items from Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated
333681Maps from Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated
333681Divination Cards from Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated
333681Gems contained in Strongboxes in your Maps are Duplicated
475731Monsters Influenced by The Eater of Worlds in your Maps have (0.8–1.2)% chance to drop an item with an Eater of Worlds Implicit Modifier
475731(15–20)% increased chance to find Eater of Worlds Altars in your Maps
475681Items dropped by Unique Monsters have (10–15)% chance to be Corrupted
475681Vaal Side Areas in your Maps have (15–20)% chance for Rewards from Vaal Vessels to be Duplicated
2000681(25–35)% increased Rarity of Maps found in your Maps
Totemic Idol
6% increased Maps found in Area
Place this item into the Idol inventory at a Map Device to affect Maps you open. Idols are not consumed when opening Maps.
Totemic Idol AtlasRelic1x3 /8
Show Full Descriptions
DropLevel 75
BaseType Totemic Idol
Class Idols
FlagsAllocateToMapMaker, AlwaysAllocate, AlwaysShow
Tagsatlas_relic, atlas_relic_large
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
6% increased Maps found in Area
DomainsMapRelic (38)
GenerationTypeUnique (3)
Req. level1
  • map map item drop chance +% Min: 6 Max: 6 Global
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