Valdo Topic /5
Valdo's Puzzle BoxI can find no method of destroying the dangerous contents within...
perhaps, someday, you will find a way.
Maven's Invitation: Valdo's RestFor those who must not endure it,
there may be found a perverse joy
in watching the struggle for survival.
Chromium Valdo's Rest WatchstoneOnly the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
Platinum Valdo's Rest WatchstoneOnly the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
Titanium Valdo's Rest WatchstoneOnly the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
Valdo FlavourText /14
Valdo's Puzzle Box
I can find no method of destroying the dangerous contents within...
perhaps, someday, you will find a way.
Maven's Invitation: Valdo's Rest
For those who must not endure it,
there may be found a perverse joy
in watching the struggle for survival.
Chromium Valdo's Rest Watchstone
Only the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
Platinum Valdo's Rest Watchstone
Only the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
Titanium Valdo's Rest Watchstone
Only the souls trapped within can bear witness to the Maven's dark proclivities, and they dare not speak up.
I am Valdo Caeserius, chief Arkhon of the Oriath academy in Theopolis. Servant of the High Templar Venarius.

I begin these writings as a record of events transpired, in hopes that the penning of such horrors will help bring sense to the matters at present. Some time ago, I was commissioned in the repairing of a strange device delivered into my hands. A golden machine found broken in the ruins of Wraeclast. Believing it to contain some dark infernal secret, the High Templar asked that I restore it and weaponize whatever powers it might contain.

Though I saw it as mostly inconsequential at the time, it is worth noting, my daughter, a quiet young thing of five, suffered nightmares and tantrums unlike any I'd seen, during those former weeks I spent working on the device. I'd assumed that she missed her mother and was going through a rough patch grieving. Now, however, I can't help but wonder if perhaps it was a sign.

I'd considered refusing Venarius, though not in any serious nature. Though my personal politics remain my own, I've often struggled to follow his instructions and rule – filled with such malice and hunger. Regretfully, I accepted his orders, for I know of many families who have refused the High Templar before. They have all vanished now.
My dearest Zana,

Where are you now? I hope, as a father often does, that you are happy and tucked away in the safest of places. I hope you grow up kind and strong, that you love and are loved. It is my life's greatest regret that I will not see you again, but I must do what I can to protect you from the evils of this outer dark.

I have failed against the Elder. To be honest, I never had a chance. The creature was too strong, too well versed in the shaping ways. If Venarius had not damaged the weapon I built, that day he arrested me in my study, then perhaps I could've opened a void, forced it from its physical shell and out of this reality. But I no longer possess such a device and the Elder has suckled at my mind so many times now, that I fear I could not remember how to rebuild it, even if I tried.

My war with the creature is far from over however. I've no upper hand. But like a cornered animal, I will bite until I am gone. I've attempted to sleep and awaken in Oriath, many times. Hoped that one night I might get to hold you in my arms once again. But instead of my study, I dream of nothing.

I know this letter might never reach you, but I write it anyway – if not for you, then for the sake of my own fragile wits. I love you my darling daughter, and hope the best for you, far away from all this... cosmic darkness. You've made me very proud, and I've considered each day a blessing that I've been able to call you my daughter...

I must keep moving. I must keep fighting. Perhaps one day, if the gods allow it, we shall see each other once more. I love you greatly.

Your Papa, Valdo Caeserius
Valdo had some ingenious designs hidden in his memories... observe!
Valdo's designs were flawed.
I recognise these men! That's High Templar Venarius with his guards. The other man is Valdo Caeserius. A man of science. They are building something together. Something important.
Valdo is shouting at him, you see? Threatening him. The High Templar has no choice!
To the discoverer of this letter,

What transpired here in this strange and twisted realm is beyond comprehension. An evil older than time itself roamed these lands feeding on the memories of Valdo Caeserius, a son of Oriath.

Alas, the fiend that fed upon him was powerful beyond measure, and unerring in its desire to spread what we discovered was known as the 'Decay.' I know not how long we pursued the demon. Long enough that my allies began to show signs of madness. We'd surely have fallen to the evil were it not for Sirus' courageous leadership... and his sacrifice.

We could find no way to slay the demon, though we tried countless times. It was the daughter of Valdo who found a way to seal it, though it cost poor Zana her father, rest his soul. Our gambit would have failed were it not for Sirus. The demon would not give in, clawing its way from Zana's device. Sirus... He leapt onto it. We saw the demon tap into his body, at last relinquishing its grip. Sirus and the demon spiraled into the trap and out of our reality. Both gone.

Then Sirus was there once more. None of us witnessed his return. His eyes did not move, he did not blink, and his mutterings... Mad and unceasing. Then his face contorted in ways I'd seen only from men possessed by the black spirit. He struck at us again and again. We could not restrain him. We had to flee that place. That is when we discovered our path home was sealed. Valdo's daughter had sabotaged our return.

I do not know how long we have been trapped here. Weeks, at least. Possibly years. Time in the Atlas is a mirage.

Please, dear reader, if you have an ounce of sense in your body, do not dwell here. Return to Oriath, or wherever it is you are from. Tell of Sirus' heroism and sacrifice, and leave him, and us, to die with the secrets we uncovered.

Baran, the Faithless
Caeserius might not like this, but we're going to need to tread through Valdo's Rest.
While it may seem like control of the Atlas is constantly under contention, the first war of ownership was actually not too long ago. It's hard to say whether The Elder created it or simply found it in ancient times, but the realm served as a haven from which humanity could be preyed upon for thousands of years. Twenty years ago, a man named Valdo Caeserius, Zana's father, was trapped in the Atlas by the actions of High Templar Venarius. Zana's father learned some measure of power over the Atlas, and became what we call The Shaper. He waged war against The Elder for as long as he could, until his daughter led the Elderslayers to a final triumphant victory. Unfortunately, Valdo was too far gone by then.