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Split (item modifier)

Splitting item refers to using of beastcrafting Fenumal Plagued Arachnid or Fractured Fossil to duplicate items. However, such method is largely removed.

Since version 3.14.0, using Fenumal Plagued Arachnid beastcrafting recipe, will add "Split" modifier to both items: the "master" and "copy". Imprint cannot be used on the item with split modifier as well as the split modifier cannot be removed . Thus, the "master" item cannot have transferred mod(s) restored via imprint.

Except not able to use Imprint on it, item with split modifier can craft normally (unlike Mirrored and Corruptedmodifiers) , but cannot be further split. Item with split modifier can be chanced into unique item and retain the split modifier. Item with split modifier can also be mirrored by using Mirror of Kalandra.

While for Fractured Fossil. since version 3.14.0, on top of the fossil-fractured copy has the Split modifier (previously gains Mirrored modifier thus cannot be crafted) , the "master" item also gain Split modifier. Fractured Fossil cannot be used on item that have Split modifier, or cannot be split due to game design, such as Synthesised, Enchanted, Fractured or Influenced items. Due to this, player no longer able to use 5 rare to 1 rare vendor recipe to restore the copies by the fossil into a "clean" base (or in the past, a craftable base that without Mirrored modifiers), as it would need 5 items to be "contaminate" with Split modifier to create 1 "clean" base. The Fractured Fossil was used to be the only known way to duplicate special basetype such as basetypes of Demigod unique items, which the unique items themselves are race rewards.

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