実績 - ブリーチロード /5
Esh, Forked Thought分岐した思考、エシュ
Tul, Creeping Avalanche忍び寄る雪崩、トゥル
Uul-Netol, Unburdened Flesh荷を捨てた肉体、ウール・ネトル
Xoph, Dark Embers昏き残り火、ゾフ
Chayula, Who Dreamt夢見た者、チャユラ

Community Wiki



The Breachlords are five endgame bosses, located inside the five types of Breaches. Each Breachlord can be battled in its own domain, a map area only accessible by activating the corresponding Breachstones in the Map Device. Breachlords drop exclusive unique items. Killing them is the only way to acquire Blessings. When inside the Breachlord's domain, the player must fight their way through a breach while a timer counts down. Killing enemies will expand the timer. If the timer reaches zero, the stage ends and the player will be unable to encounter the Breachlord.


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