Catarina Topic /3
NPC | Name |
Jun, Veiled Master | At last, we have a name; Catarina. I know of her. She was a powerful necromancer whose talents were... misdirected. I do not know for certain how she learned to raise the dead back to true life, but... I have my suspicions. And I have reason to believe that such power does not come without a great price. It is likely she is paying that price in very inhumane ways. We must find out where she is hiding. Too much is at stake to let her continue. |
Jun, Veiled Master | Then... it is done. Catarina is dead. The Syndicate is fractured. My {akhara} can at last find peace. The road to justice is long and bloody, exile, and is best travelled with friends. I am glad we travelled this road together. From the bottom of my heart... for all that you've done... thank you. |
Undertaker Arimor | It was you who slew Catarina? I suppose it had to be done. My former apprentice forged her own path, and her own doom. I begrudge you nothing. I did find and retrieve her body, but I'll not allow it to be part of this sordid business. Sod off. I've work to do... rites to perform... |
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