Death to Purity
Act 5
You have been asked to slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power, but first you must find a way to gain access to the Templar Courts.
1Gain access to the Templar Courts
You have been asked to slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power, but first you must find a way to gain access to the Templar Courts.
  • Gain access to the Templar Courts

  • Area: The Control Blocks
  • Utula High Templar Avarius: With Dominus away in Wraeclast, someone had to keep the wheels of oppression turning. Avarius was only too happy to take the job. He'd had plenty of practice already, of course.

    It was Avarius who led some of the largest and most crippling raids upon the Ngamakanui and the Ngakuramakoi. It was on his orders that men, women and children were shackled and shipped like cattle to Theopolis.

    And it was Avarius who spent five thousand Karui lives building his Templar Courts and his Chamber of Innocence. Who had wives and daughters scrub their husbands' and fathers' blood from the stones so as to preserve their 'purity'.

    When you meet Avarius, feel free to exact a little extra vengeance in the name of Karui suffering.
  • Utula Templar Court: There's two parts to the Templar. The grim face and the spotty arse.

    Out front you've got the Templar Courts, usually the last place our {hatungo} see if they're stupid enough to preach their craft within a Templar's hearing. Oriath's wood-mongers must do a roaring trade with that place. When the wind blows right, you can even smell the aroma of barbequed blasphemer from here.

    The arse end, that's the Chamber of Innocence. It's where the real earnest believing gets done. Where the young Templar go to pay their respects to God almighty and get the good sense baptised out of their heads. I've not seen inside the chamber myself, but you can feel it from over a block away. Like there's an eye in your gut, peering through your insides, looking for even the tiniest stain of Sin.

    I tell you, sane people go in one end of that place, ash and apostles come out the other. Watch yourself in there.
  • Vilenta High Templar Avarius: Avarius, Innocence... I'm not sure there's a great deal of difference. Around the time I heard the Beast's mortal scream, the newly appointed High Templar Avarius went through something of a... revelation.

    The manner in which he speaks and acts now would indicate that he believes, without doubt, that he is some earthly embodiment of God. That's Faith for you. It'll reduce grown men to the madness of infancy.
  • 2Take the Eyes of Zeal
    You have killed Justicar Casticus. Take his Eyes of Zeal to gain access to the Templar Courts and from there, slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power.
  • Take the Eyes of Zeal

  • Area: The Control Blocks
  • Lani Justicar Casticus: Thank you. By killing Casticus, you've given us a fighting chance.

    And about his eyes... I'm sorry you had to do that, yet although Utula's solution might seem brutal, I've seen Karui men blinded with a hot poker simply for looking a fraction too long at an Oriathan lady. Yes, this is war... and just a little revenge too.

    Take something, a token of our thanks.
  • Utula Justicar Casticus: Hah! So you made Justicar Casticus 'see the light', did you? Couldn't have happened to a nicer fulla. Yet now I've an even more charming chap for you to make the acquaintance of. He's over at the Chamber of Innocence, beyond the Templar Courts, and I bet he's just dying to meet you.

    It's High Templar Avarius I'm talking about, although he's so filled to the eyeballs with Innocence that it's hard to tell where the man ends and the god begins these days. That's good news for us. Kill the man and you kill the god.

    And what are the Templar without their god? Lambs in a slaughterhouse.
  • 3Enter the Templar Courts
    You can now use Justicar Casticus' Eyes of Zeal to gain access to the Templar Courts and from there, slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power.
  • Use the Eyes of Zeal to access the Templar Courts Find High Templar Avarius and kill him

  • Area: The Templar Courts
  • Lani Oriath Square: When I was a courier for my father's house, I'd cross Cathedral Square a hundred times in a day. On the fairest days that square would be filled to bursting with Oriath's high born, come to bask in the sun and each other's glowing nobility. It was a pretty sight, depending on where you stood.
  • 4Find High Templar Avarius and kill him
    You have been asked to slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power, who is somewhere within the Templar Courts.
  • Find High Templar Avarius and kill him

  • Area: The Chamber of Innocence
  • Niles, the Interrogator The Truth: It seems only I am privy to the truth of this world. Innocence doesn't exist, Sin doesn't exist, and the Templar faith is a lie. You can tell them I said so. I'll go down shouting it! And the Karui and Maraketh gods are probably fake, too. It's all a scam, you see. A convenient belief system to keep the rabble in check. The Karui way, Maraketh tradition, the Templars' militant faith, and the Azmeri—well, they're fine actually. Inoffensive. You won't catch me living in the forest, though.
  • Cavas, Forgotten Spirit Cavas' Past: I'm certain now that I was a Templar. Yes, I remember watching their mighty parades through Oriath Square as a child, and I can still feel that sense of satisfaction the day I truly donned the mantle. All of the pain and sacrifice was worth it, to do good, to protect mankind... to protect the children...
  • Cavas, Forgotten Spirit Cavas' Past: I'm certain now that I was a Templar. Yes, I remember watching their mighty parades through Oriath Square as a child, and I can still feel that sense of satisfaction the day I truly donned the mantle. All of the pain and sacrifice was worth it, to do good, to protect mankind... to protect the children...
  • Cavas, Forgotten Spirit Cavas' Past: I'm certain now that I was a Templar. Yes, I remember watching their mighty parades through Oriath Square as a child, and I can still feel that sense of satisfaction the day I truly donned the mantle. All of the pain and sacrifice was worth it, to do good, to protect mankind... to protect the children...
  • 5Find High Templar Avarius and kill him
    You have been asked to slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power, who is somewhere in the Chamber of Innocence.
  • Find High Templar Avarius and kill him

  • Area: The Chamber of Innocence
    6Kill High Templar Avarius
    You have been asked to slay High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power, in the Chamber of Innocence.
  • Kill High Templar Avarius

  • Area: The Chamber of Innocence
    7Talk to Sin
    You have slain High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power, and a mysterious shadowy figure named Sin has appeared. Talk to him to find out more.
  • Talk to Sin

  • Area: The Chamber of Innocence
  • Kurai, the Administrator The Gods: It takes a lot to surprise me, but I must admit, I did not expect to contend with the divine in my lifetime. It goes to show that there's a seed of truth in every story.
  • Lani High Templar Avarius: You deserve recognition for what you have done, you've freed us from Templar oppression. Yet I fear you may have defeated the lesser of two evils.

    Still... take something. You'll be needing it in the dark times to come.
  • Lani Utula: I can't yet begin to unpick the lies that Utula has told us, but this piece of truth I do have. Utula sensed that very moment when you struck your final blow, when you broke the Templar's power. He turned to me and told me this.

    "Now our King comes to us. He'll be hungry, so very hungry. I shall prepare him a feast!"

    Then he gathered his followers and left.

    Where's he gone? Oriath Square. You won't need directions. Just follow the screams.
  • Lani Kitava's Torments: Once Kitava has gobbled up every scrap of Oriathan flesh, sucked every Oriathan bone dry of marrow, he'll turn his endless hunger to Ngamakanui and the whole Karui Archipelago.

    As you know, the Karui will fight, and they'll fight hard, but they're going to need all the help they can get. And I know of three treasures that might just make the difference.

    They were taken when the Templar raided Ngamakanui. A whip woven of Hinekora's hair. A tooth that Tukohama ripped from his own mouth. A fish hook that was once the jawbone of Valako. Together they're known as 'Kitava's Torments' and lie within the Reliquary that borders Oriath Square. I saw them with my own eyes when delivering messages to the scholars there.

    Please, go to the Reliquary and claim those treasures before Kitava's children do.
  • Vilenta Chitus Cathedral: Dominus adopted Chitus Cathedral as his personal laboratory. He decked it out with everything his miraculous mind could conceive of. His great work in Sarn, that which you destroyed, it all began there.
  • Vilenta Gods: People have talked about the 'return of the gods' since the birth of Oriath. It's a gambit, employed by charlatans to fleece the weak minded and morally desperate.

    Or so it seemed.

    Avarius and his Templar drones now greet the dawn filled with power and glorious purpose. Kitava has risen from whatever ethereal cesspit he's been hiding in for the last few millennia.

    So what let the cats out of their proverbial bags? I'm a scholar, not a prophet, yet there's one occurrence that absolutely reeks with evidential causality.

    You killed the Beast.
  • Vilenta Innocence: You really don't have a strong grip on cause and effect, do you. Things replace other things, it's the most fundamental of laws. The larger the thing you remove, the bigger the rush to fill the space it's left behind.

    Innocence was the nexus of power in Oriath. Remove him and something of equal or greater power was always going to take his spot. Any idiot could have predicted that Kitava was going to be that something... unless, of course, you thought it was going to be you.
  • Vilenta Utula: I told you so. What more need I say?
  • Whakano, the Barber Slaves: The rebellion was a long time coming, if you ask me, which you did. And if you ask me, which you didn't, I reckon the bloodshed was inevitable. The gods rising up? That one, I will admit, took me by surprise. So now the Karui are sailing back home -- good. But anger has a tendency to linger like a bad smell, and the enslaved are justifiably angry. It may take a long time before that anger fades. It may never.
  • Whakano, the Barber Vigilantes: Let's say you're a wealthy Oriathan slave merchant. You're out there, selling people to other people, really raking in the coin off the back of racial divides. Then one day, those people you've been selling start killing the people you've been selling 'em to! That's gotta be bad for business, right? Time to cut your losses?

    Sadly, no. Slavers have had their pride badly bruised. They're out there -- right now -- looking for Karui men, women, even children, and kidnapping 'em. No one's heard from the taken since. You think they're getting sold to new owners? Not a chance. They're being tortured. Murdered. The slavers see this as revenge, but it is nothing more than evil for evil's sake.

    A lot of bad things have come from the rise of Kitava, but this... for me, this is the worst.
  • 8
    You have slain High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power. Talk to Lani for your reward.
  • Talk to Lani for your reward

  • Area: Overseer's Tower
  • Bannon The Ossuary: Devotion should be honoured, I suppose. For centuries now, the Templar have boiled the flesh and skin from the devout and presented the polished remains for public appreciation in the Ossuary.

    Personally, I think it's one of the better ways to remember those who have gone before us. To touch the bones is to remember neither the legend, the legacy, nor the lies. It reminds you that those bones belonged to a man or woman who was just like any other man or woman.
  • Vilenta The Sign of Purity: The Sign of Purity, yes... a descry staff that Piety sent me to study at one point. Apparently it was a gift from Innocence to the first High Templar, Maxarius. Dominus couldn't even bear to touch the thing so he had it locked up in the Ossuary. Quite reactive behaviour for a man of such formidable intellect, yet now it's making a little more sense.

    The staff was certainly able to conduct and store energy, yet remained inert when I applied corruption to it. It must only respond to divine energy, and with corruption and divinity being diametrically opposed, it's no wonder that my experiments failed to excite the thing!

    Meaning, if the Sign of Purity is a repository for the power of Innocence, Dominus could never have wielded it, being steeped as he was in the opposing power of the Beast.

    You though... you're a different matter entirely.
  • 9
    Quest Complete - You have slain High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power. Talk to Lani for your reward.
  • Talk to Lani for your reward

  • Area: Overseer's Tower
    10Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have slain High Templar Avarius, the source of the Templar's power. Lani has rewarded you.

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