Fossile brillant Modificateurs /1
  • Vitesse x0%
  • Mana x1000%
Fossile brillant
Objet monétaire
Taille de l'ensemble: 1 / 20
Davantage de modificateurs de Mana
Aucun modificateur de Vitesse
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Lucent Fossil
Fossile brillant CurrencyDelveCraftingMana /10
Descriptions détaillées
DropLevel 1
BaseType Lucent Fossil
BaseType Fossile brillant
Class Objet monétaire empilable
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki

Community Wiki


Lucent Fossil

Lucent Fossil is a fossil type.

Item acquisition

Can only drop behind fractured walls in the Azurite Mine.

Can be acquired in the following ways in the Azurite Mine:

  • Is sometimes sold by Niko the Mad for 10 000 Azurite
  • Abyssal Depths biome (behind a Fractured Wall or node with Contains Mana or Curse Items)
  • As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
    • Smuggler's Stash (itself a generic node that can be spawn in any biome)

There are additional ways to acquires fossil. Read Fossil article for details.

Spawn Weight Multipliers

Using this fossil multiplies the spawn weights of all modifiers with speed tags by 0 and mana tags by 10.

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