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Monster level

Every explorable zone has an associated monster level which roughly describes how difficult it is. Players can view a zone's monster level in the top right corner of the screen by pressing Tab.

Each area has a predetermined non-random monster level. Monster level progresses at a more-or-less steady pace as the player's character advances through the game. Currently the monster levels range from 1 (The Twilight Strand) to 67 (The Ossuary/The Reliquary/The Feeding Trough) in the acts and 68 to 84 in the Maps.

Overview of monster level effects

The level of a monster determines its life, damage, and defenses. A monster's level also limits which affixes it can receive if it is magic or rare, including special affixes such as Nemesis and Bloodlines modifiers.

Monster level determines the item level of items found in chests in the area and items dropped by monsters:

  • Normalmonsters drop items of the same level as the area's monster level.
  • Magicmonsters drop items of monster level +1.
  • Rareand Uniquemonsters drop items of monster level +2.

There is a penalty to the number of items dropping in areas more than two levels lower than your character level. See Drop Rate.

Monster level details

Base attributes Please note these are base attributes, meaning they will be further multiplied by the monster's specific multipliers, it's rarity, modifiers and so on.

1 5.0 53 14 20 15 15
2 6.0 67 15 20 18 17
3 6.0 82 15 25 21 20
4 7.0 97 16 38 25 23
5 7.0 113 17 51 29 26
6 8.0 130 18 67 33 30
7 9.0 148 19 88 38 33
8 10.0 166 20 113 43 37
9 11.0 185 21 141 49 41
10 12.0 205 23 173 55 46
11 13.0 226 24 211 61 50
12 14.0 248 25 250 68 55
13 15.0 271 26 297 76 60
14 16.0 295 28 347 85 66
15 17.0 320 29 402 94 71
16 18.0 346 31 461 104 77
17 20.0 373 32 526 114 84
18 21.0 401 34 596 126 91
19 23.0 431 35 668 138 98
20 24.0 462 37 748 152 105
21 26.0 493 39 831 166 113
22 28.0 527 41 921 182 122
23 30.0 561 43 1,013 199 131
24 32.0 597 45 1,113 217 140
25 34.0 635 47 1,216 236 150
26 36.0 674 49 1,325 257 161
27 39.0 715 52 1,437 280 171
28 41.0 757 54 1,560 304 183
29 44.0 801 57 1,685 331 195
30 47.0 846 59 1,812 359 208
31 50.0 894 62 1,950 389 222
32 53.0 943 65 2,089 422 236
33 56.0 994 68 2,235 456 251
34 59.0 1,048 71 2,386 494 266
35 63.0 1,103 74 2,543 534 283
36 67.0 1,160 77 2,705 577 300
37 71.0 1,220 81 2,873 624 318
38 75.0 1,282 84 3,045 673 337
39 80.0 1,346 88 3,227 726 357
40 84.0 1,413 92 3,407 783 379
41 89.0 1,482 96 3,597 844 401
42 94.0 1,554 100 3,796 910 424
43 100.0 1,628 105 3,993 980 448
44 106.0 1,705 109 4,203 1,055 474
45 112.0 1,785 114 4,415 1,135 501
46 118.0 1,868 119 4,634 1,221 529
47 125.0 1,954 124 4,854 1,313 559
48 131.0 2,044 129 5,086 1,411 590
49 139.0 2,136 135 5,318 1,516 622
50 147.0 2,232 140 5,561 1,629 656
51 155.0 2,332 146 5,808 1,749 692
52 163.0 2,435 152 6,064 1,878 730
53 172.0 2,541 159 6,324 2,015 769
54 181.0 2,652 165 6,585 2,162 810
55 191.0 2,766 172 6,859 2,319 853
56 202.0 2,885 179 7,134 2,486 899
57 212.0 3,008 187 7,413 2,665 946
58 224.0 3,135 195 7,703 2,857 996
59 236.0 3,267 203 7,996 3,061 1,048
60 248.0 3,403 211 8,265 3,279 1,102
61 262.0 3,544 220 8,525 3,512 1,159
62 275.0 3,690 229 8,781 3,760 1,219
63 290.0 3,842 238 9,032 4,025 1,281
64 305.0 3,998 247 9,283 4,308 1,346
65 321.0 4,160 257 9,532 4,610 1,415
66 338.0 4,328 268 9,773 4,932 1,486
67 355.0 4,501 279 10,014 5,276 1,561
68 374.0 4,681 290 10,255 5,642 1,640
69 393.0 4,867 301 10,487 6,033 1,722
70 413.0 5,059 314 10,720 6,449 1,807
71 434.0 5,258 326 10,949 6,894 1,897
72 456.0 5,463 339 11,170 7,367 1,991
73 480.0 5,676 352 11,388 7,872 2,089
74 504.0 5,895 366 11,601 8,410 2,192
75 530.0 6,123 381 11,804 8,984 2,299
76 556.0 6,358 396 12,004 9,595 2,411
77 584.0 6,601 412 12,192 10,246 2,528
78 614.0 6,852 428 12,377 10,940 2,651
79 645.0 7,112 444 12,549 11,679 2,779
80 677.0 7,380 462 12,712 12,466 2,913
81 711.0 7,658 480 12,863 13,304 3,053
82 746.0 7,945 499 13,006 14,198 3,199
83 783.0 8,241 518 13,132 15,149 3,352
84 822.0 8,548 538 13,250 16,161 3,511
85 862.0 8,864 559 13,352 17,240 3,678
86 905.0 9,191 580 13,440 18,388 3,853
87 949.0 9,529 603 13,512 19,610 4,035
88 996.0 9,879 626 13,569 20,911 4,225
89 1,045.0 10,239 650 13,609 22,296 4,424
90 1,096.0 10,612 675 13,633 23,770 4,631
91 1,149.0 10,997 701 13,639 25,338 4,848
92 1,205.0 11,395 728 13,627 27,007 5,074
93 1,264.0 11,806 755 13,598 28,784 5,310
94 1,325.0 12,230 784 13,549 30,673 5,557
95 1,390.0 12,668 814 13,483 32,684 5,815
96 1,457.0 13,121 845 13,396 34,823 6,084
97 1,527.0 13,588 877 13,293 37,098 6,364
98 1,601.0 14,071 910 13,170 39,519 6,658
99 1,678.0 14,569 945 13,029 42,093 6,964
100 1,758.0 15,084 980 0 44,831 7,283

Magic/rare monster scaling

Multiplicative life based on the monster's rarity and level.

1 +50% +33%
2 +50% +34%
3 +51% +35%
4 +51% +36%
5 +51% +37%
6 +52% +38%
7 +52% +39%
8 +53% +40%
9 +53% +41%
10 +53% +42%
11 +54% +43%
12 +54% +44%
13 +54% +45%
14 +55% +46%
15 +55% +47%
16 +56% +48%
17 +56% +49%
18 +56% +50%
19 +57% +51%
20 +57% +52%
21 +57% +53%
22 +58% +54%
23 +58% +55%
24 +59% +56%
25 +59% +57%
26 +59% +58%
27 +60% +59%
28 +60% +60%
29 +60% +61%
30 +61% +62%
31 +61% +63%
32 +61% +64%
33 +62% +65%
34 +62% +66%
35 +63% +67%
36 +63% +68%
37 +63% +69%
38 +64% +70%
39 +64% +71%
40 +64% +72%
41 +65% +73%
42 +65% +74%
43 +66% +75%
44 +66% +76%
45 +66% +77%
46 +67% +78%
47 +67% +79%
48 +67% +80%
49 +68% +81%
50 +68% +82%
51 +68% +83%
52 +69% +84%
53 +69% +85%
54 +70% +86%
55 +70% +87%
56 +70% +88%
57 +71% +89%
58 +71% +90%
59 +71% +91%
60 +72% +92%
61 +72% +93%
62 +73% +94%
63 +73% +95%
64 +73% +96%
65 +74% +97%
66 +74% +98%
67 +74% +99%
68 +75% +100%
69 +75% +100%
70 +75% +100%
71 +75% +100%
72 +75% +100%
73 +75% +100%
74 +75% +100%
75 +75% +100%
76 +75% +100%
77 +75% +100%
78 +75% +100%
79 +75% +100%
80 +75% +100%
81 +75% +100%
82 +75% +100%
83 +75% +100%
84 +75% +100%

Map scaling

Additional scaling applied to monsters in maps. Boss monsters receive both bonuses, but the base monster map bonus is additive with the boss monster map bonus.

The item quantity and rarity bonuses from bosses stack additively with other monster-specific bonuses (and multiplicatively with player/map bonuses).

66 -1 +1% +0% +180% +0% +172% +120%
67 0 +3% +0% +180% +0% +215% +150%
68 1 +5% +0% +180% +0% +258% +180%
69 2 +9% +1% +203% +0% +301% +210%
70 3 +13% +2% +216% +0% +344% +240%
71 4 +19% +3% +232% +0% +387% +270%
72 5 +24% +4% +248% +0% +430% +300%
73 6 +30% +5% +463% +0% +473% +330%
74 7 +36% +6% +497% +0% +516% +360%
75 8 +43% +7% +532% +0% +559% +390%
76 9 +49% +8% +566% +0% +602% +420%
77 10 +55% +9% +599% +0% +645% +450%
78 11 +61% +10% +946% +0% +688% +480%
79 12 +68% +11% +1032% +0% +731% +510%
80 13 +77% +12% +1201% +0% +774% +540%
81 14 +87% +13% +1443% +0% +817% +570%
82 15 +98% +14% +1620% +0% +860% +600%
83 16 +109% +15% +1864% +0% +860% +600%
84 17 +117% +16% +2046% +0% +860% +600%
85 18 +125% +17% +2046% +0% +860% +600%
86 19 +134% +18% +2046% +0% +860% +600%
87 20 +142% +19% +2046% +0% +860% +600%
88 21 +150% +20% +2046% +0% +860% +600%
89 22 +158% +21% +2046% +0% +860% +600%
90 23 +166% +22% +2046% +0% +860% +600%

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