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アーチネメシス クリア条件 /40
数量: 3
Complete the following Archnemesis encounters.
数量: 3
Complete the following encounters.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses.
数量: 3
Complete each of the following within the Lord's Labyrinth.
数量: 3
Complete the following encounters.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses.
数量: 3
Complete the following encounters.
数量: 1
Have five flasks of at least Magic rarity and 20% quality equipped, including at least one with an enchantment.
数量: 27
Defeat Archnemesis monsters with the following modifiers.
数量: 5
Equip enchanted items from five of the following item classes.
数量: 4
Defeat Archnemesis monsters with four of the following combinations of modifiers.
数量: 4
Use the Ascendancy Device in each of the following Labyrinths.
数量: 6
Complete vendor recipes to receive each of the following items. A vendor recipe is when you trade a specific combination of items to a vendor, not when you buy items from their purchase screen.
数量: 6
Complete six of the following mission types offered by Kirac.
数量: 2
Use each Eldritch Altar type ten times.
数量: 4
Transform items in four of the following ways.
数量: 1
Attain character level 90. This challenge still counts even if your character dies afterwards.
数量: 3
Complete thirty maps with each Eldritch Beacon active.
数量: 5
Socket each of the following types of Jewel.
数量: 6
Craft each of the following Eldritch implicit modifier types on an item.
数量: 5
Complete five of the following encounters.
数量: 15
Complete fifteen of the following seventeen Unique Maps.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following bosses in an area of level 81 or higher.
数量: 3
Complete three of the following encounters.
数量: 6
Defeat the following boss encounters.
数量: 5
Use five of the following currency items.
数量: 36
Defeat Archnemesis monsters with the following modifiers.
数量: 4
Defeat the following bosses in the specified ways.
数量: 4
Defeat the following bosses in the specified ways.
数量: 3
Complete three of the following encounters the specified number of times.
数量: 4
Complete four of the following encounters the specified number of times.
アーチネメシス クリア条件 Rewards /14
Icon | 名前 |
Completed: 12 | |
Completed: 19 | |
Completed: 22 | |
Completed: 24 | |
Completed: 25 | |
Completed: 28 | |
Completed: 31 | |
Completed: 32 | |
Completed: 34 | |
Completed: 34 | |
Completed: 36 | |
Completed: 37 | |
Completed: 38 | |
Completed: 40 |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.