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ビトレイアル クリア条件 /40
数量: 4
Successfully complete the following types of missions.
数量: 5
Complete each of the following quests.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Unique Bosses.
数量: 4
Successfully complete a safehouse associated with each of the following types of missions.
数量: 8
Defeat each of the following Gods.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Unique Bosses.
数量: 5
Complete the following Maps while they have the Twinned mod. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses.
数量: 4
Defeat any targets the following number of times while under the following conditions.
数量: 100
Defeat 100 Architects in the present-day location of the Temple of Atzoatl.
数量: 11
Defeat the following primary targets while they have the rank of Captain outside Safehouses.
数量: 20
Defeat the following primary targets while they are associated with each job outside Safehouses.
数量: 20
Complete any Maps while they are corrupted. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
数量: 12
Unveil any 12 of the following Veiled Mods.
数量: 4
Defeat each of the following Elder Guardians.
数量: 10
Complete Rare Maps in 10 of the following 16 tiers while they are unidentified. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses.
数量: 11
Defeat the following targets while they are the leader of a safehouse.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
数量: 4
Open the following number of Safehouse Stashes in each of the following safehouses.
数量: 24
Fully upgrade to the following rooms in the Temple of Atzoatl.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
数量: 8
Use any 8 of the following Scarabs in your map device.
数量: 1
Attain character level 90. This challenge still counts even if your character dies afterwards.
数量: 1
Level up a Skill Gem or a Support Gem to level 20. You can trade it away afterwards.
数量: 30
Complete 30 Red Tier Rare Maps while they have 8 mods. Maps having 8 mods is a potential outcome of Vaal Orb corruption. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses. Sextant and Zana mods do not count towards the mod count of this challenge.
数量: 15
Complete any 15 of the following 19 Unique Maps on your Atlas. A Map is completed by killing its Unique Boss or Bosses if it has any. Maps without Unique Bosses are completed by opening specific Unique Chests.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
数量: 5
Defeat the Mastermind of the Immortal Syndicate while fulfiling each of the following conditions.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following deadly encounters.
数量: 4
Complete any 4 of these encounters the specified number of times.
ビトレイアル クリア条件 Rewards /12
Completed: 12
Completed: 19
Completed: 19
Completed: 22
Completed: 24
Completed: 25
Completed: 28
Completed: 31
Completed: 34
Completed: 36
Completed: 37
Completed: 40
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.