に挑戦する · Anarchy and Onslaught · Domination and Nemesis · Ambush and Invasion · Rampage and Beyond · Torment and Bloodlines · Warbands and Tempest · Talisman · ペランダス · 予言 · エッセンス · ブリーチ · レガシー · ハービンジャー · アビス · ベスティアリー · インカージョン · デルヴ · ビトレイアル · シンセシス · リージョン · ブライト · メタモルフ · デリリウム · ハーベスト · ハイスト · リチュアル · アルティメイタム · エクスペディション · スカージ · アーチネメシス · センチネル · カランドラ · サンクタム · Crucible · Ancestor · Affliction · Necropolis · Settlers
アルティメイタム クリア条件 /40
数量: 3
Equip or allocate each of the following items or passive skills.
数量: 3
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 5
Complete each of the following quests.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 4
Complete all waves of the following types of Ultimatum encounters.
数量: 4
Use each of the following currency items to modify items.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Unique Act Bosses.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 8
Complete vendor recipes to receive each of the following items. A vendor recipe is when you trade a specific pattern of items to a vendor, not when you buy items from his/her purchase screen.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 6
Turn in Divination Cards which specifically grant each of the following reward types.
数量: 19
Obtain each of the following rewards from Ultimatum encounters.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following Ritual encounters.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 8
Complete the final wave of an Ultimatum encounter while the encounter has at least the following number of waves.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following Conquerors of the Atlas.
数量: 7
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 4
Use the Ascendancy Device in each of the following Labyrinths.
数量: 5
Complete The Maven's Crucible while it has at least the following number of bosses.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 1
Attain character level 90. This challenge still counts even if your character dies afterwards.
数量: 8
Allocate ten passive skill points in each of the following Atlas Passive Trees.
数量: 30
Complete 30 Red Tier Rare Maps while they have 8 mods. Maps having 8 mods is a potential outcome of Vaal Orb corruption. These Maps are completed by killing their Unique Bosses. Sextants, Scarabs and Zana mods do not count towards the mod count of this challenge.
数量: 27
Complete the final wave of an Ultimatum encounter while it has each of following modifiers.
数量: 9
Defeat any 9 of the following 17 Betrayal Targets while they are Captains in the Mastermind encounter.
数量: 15
Complete any 15 of the following 18 Unique Maps on your Atlas. A Map is completed by killing its Unique Boss or Bosses if it has any. Maps without Unique Bosses are completed by opening specific Unique Chests.
数量: 5
Defeat each of the following endgame boss encounters.
数量: 4
Complete the final wave of an Ultimatum encounter while under each of the following conditions.
数量: 8
Complete the final wave of an Ultimatum encounter while affected by each of the following high-tier modifiers.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 4
Complete Inscribed Ultimatums with each of the following Challenges in areas with an area level of 81 or higher.
数量: 8
Complete 150 Maps in each region of the Atlas.
数量: 4
Complete each of the following encounters.
数量: 5
Complete each of the following encounters while the area is affected by the specified map modifier.
数量: 4
Complete any four of these encounters the specified number of times.
アルティメイタム クリア条件 Rewards /12
Completed: 12
Completed: 19
Completed: 19
Completed: 22
Completed: 24
Completed: 25
Completed: 28
Completed: 31
Completed: 34
Completed: 36
Completed: 37
Completed: 40
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
に挑戦する · アルティメイタム · チャレンジ · ジェム · ユニーク · アイテム · アルティメイタムの刻印 · ヴァールの聖廟の鍵 · Veiled Chaos Orb · トライアルマスター
ハーベスト · 聖なる花
ブライト ·
汚染されたオイル · Winged Blight Scarab

リージョン · 荒廃したインキュベーター · Morphing Incubator · 狂気のインキュベーター
ビトレイアル · クーラマクの杖
インカージョン · アッツォアトルの歴史書
Vendor Recipe · グラスピングメイル