技能寶石 品質 /1
物品 | Stats |
攻城炮台 | 投射物分裂時有 (0–40)% 機率有 1 個額外投射物 |
物品 詞綴 /10
名字 | 等級 | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
聖戰士之 | 85 | 後綴 | 插槽中寶石的投射物會分裂 寶石 | bow_crusader 100 普通 0 |
32 | WeaponTree | 投射物分裂時有 30% 機率有 1 個額外投射物 | 雙手武器 0 ranged 200 單手武器 50 普通 0 | |
78 | WeaponTree | 投射物分裂時有 40% 機率有 1 個額外投射物 | 雙手武器 0 ranged 200 單手武器 50 普通 0 | |
32 | WeaponTree | 投射物分裂時有 50% 機率有 1 個額外投射物 | 單手武器 0 ranged 200 雙手武器 50 普通 0 | |
78 | WeaponTree | 投射物分裂時有 75% 機率有 1 個額外投射物 | 單手武器 0 ranged 200 雙手武器 50 普通 0 | |
38 | WeaponTree | 插槽中寶石被等級 10 的分裂輔助 | 單手武器 100 盾 100 普通 0 | |
38 | WeaponTree | 插槽中寶石被等級 10 的分裂輔助 | 雙手武器 100 普通 0 | |
38 | WeaponTree | 插槽中寶石被等級 10 的分裂輔助 | 單手武器 25 盾 25 普通 0 | |
38 | WeaponTree | 插槽中寶石被等級 10 的分裂輔助 | 雙手武器 25 普通 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | 熾熱魔炮投射物在穿越烈焰之牆時分裂 | caster_unique_weapon 1000 attack_staff 0 attack_dagger 0 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 0 法杖 1000 長杖 1000 匕首 1000 權杖 1000 盾 500 普通 0 |
其他屬性 詞綴 /1
名字 | 等級 | Domain | Pre/Suf | 描述 | 比重 |
違反之 | 68 | MapRelic | 後綴 | 你地圖中的異念‧艾許有 (20–30)% 機率被複製 | atlas_relic_small 200 普通 0 |
傳奇 /5
星團珠寶 天賦 /1
Community Wiki
分裂 is a behavior of 投射物s that causes them to split into two identical projectiles when they 擊中 a target.
When a projectile forks, it splits into two identical projectiles that continue travelling at 60 and -60 degree angles from the projectile's original trajectory. A projectile can only fork once unless it is supported by the awakened fork support gem.
Only one projectile behavior can be applied each time a projectile hits a target. Fork has second priority for projectile behaviors, preceded by #1 投射物穿透, and then followed by #3 連鎖 and #4 返回. This means that if you had pierce, chain, and fork supporting the same skill, it would first pierce to it's maximum number of pierces, then fork, then chain to its maximum number of chains.
Projectiles apply their on-hit effects to each target they fork on or otherwise hit. For example, 靈魂吸取 will apply its debuff to each target a projectile hits. Skills such as 冰霜射擊 and 力量爆破 apply their on-hit area damage effects each time a projectile hits a target. The explosion behavior of some projectiles, such as 火球 and 寒霜滲透, is not an on-hit effect and occurs only when a projectile ceases to exist.
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