Atziri Topic /25
Atziri's FoibleThe world is but a piece of parchment, blank and symmetric.
We label each side: one Good, one Evil; one Black, one White.
The divine truth, however, is that both are one and the same.
-Jaetai, Vaal Advisor
Atziri's Step"Those who dance are considered insane
by those who cannot hear the music."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Acuity"The heart is the herald.
It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Mirror"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Promise"Death needs not your understanding. It needs only your loyalty."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Vaults of Atziri"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Disfavour"I do not believe in disguising my disappointment."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Splendour"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's ReignAtziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
but nothing is eternal.
Atziri's Reflection"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Replica Atziri's Acuity"One of our researchers cut himself on Prototype #2,
and he has not stopped screaming for months..."
Replica Atziri's Foible"A rare unequivocal success, Prototype #11 causes wounds to heal so quickly
the type Delta test subject actually survived the entire testing regimen."
Atziri's RuleBow before her... or suffer the most gruelling death imaginable.
The Vertex"A queen should be seen, admired, but never touched."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Vaal SentencingIn their final days, every crime was punishable by death.
Atziri's empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.
Chill of CorruptionEven a millennium later, Atziri's presence
casts a shroud over Wraeclast.
Bloodsoaked Medallion"Atziri ordained that we exploit the weaknesses inherent in our slaves.
With relish, we did exactly as she instructed."
- Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh
Bane of ChaosIn every possibility, in every world that might have been,
Queen Atziri's mark on history was the one thing that never changed.
Atziri Portal Effect
Alternate Art Atziri's Mirror
Alternate Art Atziris Foible
Alternate Art Atziris Foible2
Atziri's ArsenalIn the prison of all sins, will you grasp godhood or sorrow? Only hope lies under the shadows.
The Price of Devotion{Unbeknown to Atziri's finest thaumaturgists, their loyalty would require far greater devotion than mere research.}
Elixir of AllureFamous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
Atziri FlavourText /52
Vaults of Atziri
"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Elixir of Allure
Famous for her many lovers, those that did not
come willing to Atziri, came by liquid persuasion.
Atziri's Arsenal
In the prison of all sins, will you grasp godhood or sorrow? Only hope lies under the shadows.
The Price of Devotion
{Unbeknown to Atziri's finest thaumaturgists, their loyalty would require far greater devotion than mere research.}
Throne of Atziri
A vision, sublime, untouched by time.
Throne of Atziri
"Evidence suggests that Atzoatl's influence grew great enough that Atziri herself moved her seat of power to within its walls." - Icius Perandus, Antiquities Collection, Royal Decree cast in Bronze
Splendid. Let's see what this page has to offer us... It talks of Queen Atziri. Now here's a portentous line:

{She drenches her altars with the blood of those deranged enough to question her vision.}

The next piece is a real eye-crosser, but I believe it refers to a 'communion', something to do with the harvest moon? Again, Doryani seems at the heart of it.

Good, this line I can read without issue:

{This will be our final night of fear, our final night of suffering.}

Sacrifice, communion, the harvest moon... an unsettling combination.
Malachai would never have risen so far without the patronage of an emperor like Chitus. It would appear that Doryani and Queen Atziri shared a similar relationship.

It was said of the beautiful Atziri that she "wished to see her likeness reflected in the still waters of history". Chitus was no less self-impressed.

Of all the Sins, Vanity is the most hideous.
{Book 1: Last of the Vaal Queens}

It has been written of Queen Atziri that her throne room was lined with mirrors and that she held court naked, demanding the same of those wishing her audience. The theory was that a naked man had nothing to hide, but one might easily venture that Atziri utilised her striking physical presence to influence courtly engagements in her favour.

A woman like Atziri, beautiful and naked, would be very difficult to refuse. The few statuettes and reliefs that remain depict her as a rare beauty, a young woman with exquisitely delicate features, large, mesmerizing eyes, and a full figure of intoxicating sensuality. Whether the depictions are realist or interpretive is unfortunately impossible to corroborate.

But who was the woman behind the title? The few surviving accounts on this matter contain two schools of thought on the matter. Some speak of Atziri with adoration, touting her as a visionary, the woman who would lead the Vaal into a brighter future. Others are less kind, suggesting that Atziri's love for herself overshadowed any love for her people. If her court of mirrors truly existed, however, then the latter seems more likely. Vanity, after all, is the most insidious of all Sins.

Only one thing can be said for certain of Atziri: she was the last Queen of the Vaal. The trail of history ends during her reign, some four hundred years preceding the Imperialus Conceptus.

{ -Trinian - Intellectus Prime}
{Book 3: The Queen's Thaumaturgist}

In a culture festooned with gems and steeped in thaumaturgy, Doryani must have had quite the exceptional mind to rise to such preeminence as he did. Or perhaps he was simply more ruthless than his counterparts. Such is the impression one tends to garner from the accounts written of events following Zerphi's death.

Atziri's orders are quoted in a number of different texts. Doryani was "to make any effort within the realms of possibility, and to act without fear of question or consequence". And to what was Doryani expected to apply this supreme effort? The investigation of Zerphi's longevity and youthful vitality.

There is a particularly chilling manifest, containing endless lists of names, page upon page. The names of young men and women, ranging in age from sixteen to twenty-six, sent to Doryani for "processing". Only those of "full and recent maturity" were deemed capable of accommodating the "necessary procedures" required without succumbing to "premature expiration".

Yes, Queen Atziri was prepared to slaughter her own people in the desperate pursuit of perpetual youth and beauty. Vanity, indeed, is the most insidious of all Sins.

{ -Trinian - Intellectus Prime}
{Book 6: Imperialus Conceptus}

Tarcus Veruso descended from the mountains and led his eighty thousand tribesmen and women through the doomlands to Azala Vaal. There he planted his banner upon Atziri's grave and with these words founded our great and eternal empire.

"The Vaal closed their eyes to flesh and stone, to blood and bronze. We are not Vaal. We are Azmeri. For now and forever, our eyes are open."

Veruso built his capital upon the bones of Azala Vaal and baptized it Sarn. From there, Veruso formed the first Legions and proceeded to conquer the lands beneath the Mantle, clearing it of the mindless constructs and fierce abominations left in the wake of The Fall.

True to his word, Veruso ensured that his people lived "with eyes open". The ancient Vaalish centres of learning and power were sealed and quarantined. Thaumaturgy was outlawed and those who stained themselves with Vaalish folly were burned for their sin. The Tears of the Maji, too dangerous to be destroyed, were gathered up, taken to Highgate, and buried within the bowels of the mountains. The caverns there were sealed and forgotten.

A supreme effort to erase the past. A primitive reaction born of primitive times, in the opinion of this humble historian.

{ -Trinian - Intellectus Prime}
"What did I say? What did I do? I flattered, I promised, I bared my skin and soul to my beloved Atziri. I did everything but offer to die for her. Is that where I went wrong?"
"Queen Atziri forfeited her sovereignty the day that she chose to murder her people."
"Atziri is my love and my life. I give one so that I might have the other for all eternity."
"Atziri promises us eternal life. The only eternity we shall have is in the memories of the barbarians that shall plant their crops on our graves."
The Beast was never a cruel master. It didn't want to destroy, to corrupt, to terrorise. It simply existed to exist. I made it that way.

Unfortunately, in neglecting to provide it with ambition, I made it vulnerable to the ambitions of others. Queen Atziri and Doryani. Emperor Chitus and Malachai. Others even before them.

I created a Beast that would free humanity from the tyranny of the gods. Yet all I really did was provide the perfect tool with which humanity could tyrannise itself.
Legend has it, Kishara got herself in some hot water with a certain Queen Atziri. Details are vague as to exactly how, but by all accounts, Atziri weren't the most understanding of lasses. Kishara, being the free spirited sort probably just pricked the royal arse with some spiky facts from the outside world. Almost lost her head for her trouble, Kishara. Atziri took her ship and made sacrifices of her crew. Forced the poor girlie into hiding.

Still, Kishara being of a wily inclination like meself, she slipped through Atziri's talons and right out of the empire. But before she left, Kishara hid the Star somewhere near the Causeway that leads into the old Vaal city up north, just in case she got caught, I suppose. Something like that in the hands of a tyrant like Atziri... who knows what trouble she might've found with it.
I am Templar Thaumaturgist Davaro, the ecstatic, the knower of hidden things, the key to ancient wonder!

In such a short time, everything has changed. The singing of the relics to me no longer pains my ears, in fact, I hear music in them, songs revealing great truths to me. My theory that the Vaal once dwelt in this land has proven fruitful, one of their ancient sites lies not far from here. There is great power dormant in the ruins, one that I am yet to tap fully, but it will come soon enough.

Through my thaumaturgy, I was granted special sight, I saw the ancient Vaal city that once stood in this place. All around me were signs of the legendary Queen Atziri ruling from afar. I saw, as I stood at the base of a great pyramid, the sacrifice of new harvest unfold. The steps ran red with a river of blood, a crimson tide, cascading towards me and washing over my skin. In it, I felt my being shake, as if lightning was reverberating through my body. I felt the strength of that blood ritual, and then returning to my senses, I found myself once more standing in ancient ruins. I thought it to be all a dream, only, when I reached up to touch my face, I found it both horrifyingly and marvelously, pelted with that same salted vermillion.

- Templar Davaro of Theopolis, Key to Ancient Wonder
I have been plagued by a sickness as of late. A kind of blood marking. This curse stalks me in both waking life and the world of dream. The relics no longer sing to me of power, they scream to me of hunger and the ruins call out like needy children for blood, oh, so much more blood! Now that I am aware of their ancient existence, they will not remain silent!

What was - at first - revitalising, is now a torment. I can't, no matter how hard I try, clean the blood from my face and hands. Nobody ever sees the red, but for me, yet this does not mean it doesn't exist!

I purchased three Karui slaves from the marketplace the other morning. Strapping young lads of seventeen. At the blood site in the ancient ruins, they pleaded with me. Something about the place, the corruption engrained in the stonework... it spoke to them, and they knew. The powers demand blood, so I gave it to them. I opened the throats of those Karui lads and poured out their essence onto Atziri's altar. As the sanguine liquid was sucked up by the stone, my mind frayed and I saw the Queen herself, naked and aroused, bathing in a pool of blood while her hand reached between her thighs.

I... I can't shake her image from my mind, even now as I lay on my bed, I shiver with fear and anticipation. I have never felt lust for a woman in this magnitude. I fear the Queen shall be the death of me. When I close my eyes I see her, reaching out to embrace me.

- Templar Davaro
Was a time where the ladies'd be begging for a bit of ol' Weylam. But I ain't felt the warm caress of a woman in a long time and it wounding me dreadful. During me time on the sea, I heard tale of Queen Atziri and her penchant fer using this land as a kinda vault for all her special shinies.

One such shiny be her famed love potion - s'posed to attract the drinker's ideal mate to their loins, even if that mate be far across the sea. Ol' Queen Atziri kept the liquid in the skull of her favourite lover.

Them damned Templars probably got their hands on it by now and the potion's bizarre container has me thinking they probably went and tossed it in the Ossuary along with the rest of the bones they got lying around.

Exile, be yer the friend I believe you to be, then find the potion for me, so that I can experience true love once more.
The lost Temple of Atzoatl is said to be the most famed in all Vaal history and myth. Best I can tell, the Temple began its construction in the final years of the Vaal Empire. The exact date of its completion has been hard to ascertain as it occurred shortly before the events which brought about the civilisation's extinction.

Perhaps it is the fragility of the timeline that has made Atzoatl such a staple of Vaal mythology. Some say it was a place of darkness, home to the most vile of sacrifices. But there are others who claim the temple to be the birthplace of technology - even our own is said to pale in comparison to what was being forged within those walls.

Scholars today have even suggested that it was the treasure house for Queen Atziri herself. Whichever is true, it was bound to have been fiercely protected by fanatics and royalty alike. And if something's worth protecting, well, then it's worth bloody taking!
Einhar would have fit into Atziri's empire quite nicely. The man's no stranger to ritual sacrifice, though thankfully he limits his bloodletting to beasts. He doesn't seem to have much of an interest in opulence, which is great news for me. As long as Einhar sticks to what he's best at, we'll get along fine.
The Queen represents an odd island of stability that Chaos cannot comprehend. Almost all events come laden with possibility, but the history of her existence is a single unbroken course. There is no world, real or imagined, where Atziri did not lead our people to ruin.

She gazes into a mirror still, somewhere beyond the reach of my master, in a place of crimson madness and nightmare... my master adores the uncertainty of chance outcomes, but he abhors cosmic enigmas with no clear answer, especially when such enigmas seem to possess the power to impress determinism upon the fabric of existence.
Tatlat Atziri!
Tatlat Atziri!
Tatlat Atziri!
Tatlat Atziri!
Tatlat Atziri!
Atziri's Rule! A leftover relic from the Vaal Empire. As formidable a staff as the Vaal Queen herself.
It's ironic that Queen Atziri's advisor placed such high value on forming alliances, given that the Queen's subjects were being sacrificed to power the Vaal empire...
I see you're wearing Atziri's Foible. Even the Queen's advisors could recognise her folly. You cannot force your people into sacrificing themselves and expect there to be no consequences.
Atziri's Acuity? She didn't exactly have an abundance of it. In her narcissism and pursuit of eternal youth, innumerable lives were lost... and she couldn't escape the Cataclysm that was likely her own doing.
Atziri's Step? Bah! Every move she made brought Wraeclast closer to ruin.
... the Thief... I will suggest he seek counsel in the one place I can never see... upon his return, he will create the Beast... then I am sorry, my children, but I must sleep for time beyond time. The plan is in place. Make no traffic with the Vaal. The horrors of Queen Atziri must happen. On this, we agree, even with our mortal enemy...
Atziri's Foible
The world is but a piece of parchment, blank and symmetric.
We label each side: one Good, one Evil; one Black, one White.
The divine truth, however, is that both are one and the same.
-Jaetai, Vaal Advisor
Atziri's Step
"Those who dance are considered insane
by those who cannot hear the music."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Acuity
"The heart is the herald.
It will tell me when it is best to strike."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
The Vertex
"A queen should be seen, admired, but never touched."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Mirror
"As long as I see death in my mirror, so will Wraeclast."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Promise
"Death needs not your understanding. It needs only your loyalty."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Vaults of Atziri
"Should I depart this mortal coil,
so shall all of my treasures."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Disfavour
"I do not believe in disguising my disappointment."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Splendour
"When you have nothing to hide,
you have nothing to fear."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Atziri's Reign
Atziri went to great lengths to ensure her immortality,
but nothing is eternal.
Vaal Sentencing
In their final days, every crime was punishable by death.
Atziri's empire ran on blood, but the blood was running dry.
Chill of Corruption
Even a millennium later, Atziri's presence
casts a shroud over Wraeclast.
Atziri's Reflection
"At last, my beauty is beyond reproach."
- Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Replica Atziri's Acuity
"One of our researchers cut himself on Prototype #2,
and he has not stopped screaming for months..."
Replica Atziri's Foible
"A rare unequivocal success, Prototype #11 causes wounds to heal so quickly
the type Delta test subject actually survived the entire testing regimen."
Atziri's Rule
Bow before her... or suffer the most gruelling death imaginable.
Bloodsoaked Medallion
"Atziri ordained that we exploit the weaknesses inherent in our slaves.
With relish, we did exactly as she instructed."
- Guatelitzi, Architect of Flesh
Bane of Chaos
In every possibility, in every world that might have been,
Queen Atziri's mark on history was the one thing that never changed.