Dialla Topic /14
DiallaWhat is that in your eyes? That glistening, that... softness. Is that pity?

Take those pitying eyes away before I pluck them from your face!

I need but one thing from you now: Malachai... dead.
DiallaWhat is that in your eyes? That glistening, that... softness. Is that pity?

Take those pitying eyes away before I pluck them from your face!
OyunDialla wishes the Beast dead. But why? Why would a nightmare wish to kill a nightmare?

A question of great interest, yet little importance. It does not matter why the sun rises and sets, as long as it continues to do so.
OyunDialla said but one thing to me before descending into the Mines: "My love awaits."

I know not why, but those three words frightened me more than any I have heard in my lifetime.
OyunDialla's hopes may be crushed, but ours still thrive... in you, Curse-breaker.

From what Tasuni tells me, the Beast's innards are now yours to penetrate. Dialla has served her purpose. Now comes the time for you to serve yours.

Find this Malachai that Dialla mutters about so incessantly. If my understanding is true, then he is the mind of the Beast. Kill him, and the body of Nightmare will die with him.
Kira"When a woman forgets how to die, a woman forgets how to live."

Deshret said that to her {dekhara} on the day she killed Titucius, Scourge of the Maraketh.

{I} say this of Dialla: When a woman knows nothing of life, how can she care for the living?
KiraThe Gemling Queen has given of that black life of hers... for what? To wound and wake the Beast that should have been slaughtered in its sleep.

Dialla's path would lead us into Cataclysm. Follow your own path from now on.
Petarus and VanjaPetarus: Dialla was there when it all went bad. If anyone can help put things right, it's...

Vanja: ...why would she? Wraeclast has been like this for almost three hundred years. What's made her want to do something about it now?

Petarus: She's the Gemling Queen, Vanja! There's no way we could understand what goes on in that mind of hers.

Vanja: I know, and that's precisely what worries me.
Petarus and VanjaPetarus: Dialla saw the mistakes of the past with her own eyes, and now she's given everything to fix them. Right, Vanja?

Vanja: I don't know, Petarus. I saw people die for each other in Sarn. I saw clarity, resolution in their eyes. In Dialla's eyes... I see ghosts.

Petarus: Those eyes have seen horrors that we can't even imagine.

Vanja: Maybe, but this 'sacrifice' of hers? I think it was more like a {deal} and Dialla didn't quite get what she'd bargained for.
TasuniDialla has the {form} of a woman, yet the substance is one part corruption and nine parts death.

One day soon, you will see how lifeless she truly is.
TasuniWhen a boil is fat with infection, it glistens with the lustre of false youth. Lance that boil and it weeps its corruption away and shrivels to nothing.

Whether by purpose or desire, you are the physician who has revealed Dialla's truest nature.
Dialla's MalefactionHe took me by my hand, promised me power beyond compare.
But I did not do it for power.
I did it for love.
And I'd do it again in an instant.
Dialla's Subjugation{A symbol of beauty and innocence
The gems corrupted her mind
Malachai corrupted her gems
All but a glimmer of
greatness lost in madness}
Gift of the Gemling QueenOur Lady Dialla,
as a symbol of our progress,
shines greater than all the gems.
Dialla FlavourText /79
Gift of the Gemling Queen
Our Lady Dialla,
as a symbol of our progress,
shines greater than all the gems.
Dialla's Subjugation
{A symbol of beauty and innocence
The gems corrupted her mind
Malachai corrupted her gems
All but a glimmer of
greatness lost in madness}
I care not to dance to Dialla's tune... but evidence of Piety's influence? Now our interest is warranted.
You are not a cockroach. Strange... inundated with cockroaches, I am. Black ones, four limbs, nasty, spiky things. Are you spiky? If so, my Ribbons will pluck your spines.

Malachai liked spines. Liked {my} spine. Pretty spine, bejeweled and bountiful. Enough to make an empire weep.

Do you weep, Not-a-Cockroach? I do. Tears are infinite. Why, on this very day, I have found a new reason to cry.
The Ribbons are order. Clean and polish. Serve and protect.

Then those cockroaches crawled in, swarmed through the cracks. The Ribbons' Spool is taken. {Stolen}. The black ones want them, my Ribbons. Want to wrap the city in black Ribbons.

Find the Spool, Not-a-Cockroach. Look to my doorstep, where the Ribbons crush cockroaches yet. Bring the Spool, and I will find gratitude for you.
What is that you have, Not-a-Cockroach? My Ribbon Spool! Those black ones wanted them, my Ribbons. Wanted to wrap the city in black Ribbons.

Now they are {my} ribbons forever more. Forever more... I hate forever. I could tear 'happy ever after' from bards' bleeding tongues!

You're still here, Not-a-Cockroach? Oh, gratitude, yes. I should give you a token. Token... what token? This? Is this to your liking?
They are {my} ribbons forever more. Forever more... I hate forever. I could tear 'happy ever after' from bards' bleeding tongues!

You're still here, Not-a-Cockroach? Oh, gratitude. Yes, I should give you a token. A token. What token? This? Is this to your liking?
The cockroaches will come again. They want the Twist. That cockroach emperor... the other bugs shout his name. {Gravicius}. Cross the river, squash the emperor cockroach in his nest.

The bridge? It is barricaded? That spawns a tricky question. Questions, questions... I asked too many questions. Chitus told me so. I asked where it all went. Our... feculence. He made them show me. Under the river, the sewers from this side to that. Filthy, fetid tunnels, like a rhoa's cloaca.

A black place, crawling with the Undying. Once beautiful and arrogant Gemlings, now the foul waste of the Empire. Fitting, isn't it? Apt, apt, apt.
I like you, Not-a-Cockroach. I like that you listen. It would annoy me, if the Undying murdered you.

Thaumetic Sulphite. That's what you need. A nasty, nasty substance, it is. Malachai had his slaves mine it, carry it from northern mountains to the refinery by the docks. Ezomytes, Maraketh, Karui... it killed them all. Fevered the blood and scorched the mind.

But you are clever, Not-a-Cockroach. You will keep it at arm's length. You will bring it to me, so that I may make you something, an Infernal Talc that will bring furious light to Undying darkness.
You have Thaumetic Sulphite? You are a resourceful Unbug, now aren't you? Give it to me. I was all eyes and ears when Malachai worked. I know exactly what to do.
I like you, Not-a-Cockroach. I like that you listen. It would annoy me if the Undying murdered you.

Thaumetic Sulphite. That's what you need.

You have some already? You are a resourceful Unbug, now aren't you? Give it to me. I was all eyes and ears when Malachai worked. I will make something of your Thaumetic Sulphite. I will forge an Infernal Talc that will bring the most furious of light to the Undying darkness.
A dash of arcanity, a pinch of insanity, a whisper of profanity, and the Infernal Talc is now ready.
It's the most explosive of powders. A sprinkle, the gentlest of dustings of Infernal Talc will provoke gems to a molten rage. For the Undying, the very sun will rise within their flesh.

They will burn for their sins, Not-a-Cockroach. They will burn!
I loved Malachai. He gave me gems, divine jewels for his Gemling Queen. For his {dead} Queen. But I didn't want me dead! Malachai begged: for him, for the Empire. I chose me... selfish me. The Empire died, and I live. I live, and live, and live, and live.
I was the emperor's favourite, for a time. But Chitus had many favourites. He filled the Sceptre of God with favourites. Every now and then, he cleared away the clutter. Those who pleased him, they were given to his lords and generals. Those who did not... were given to his thaumaturgists.

I talked too much, asked too many difficult questions. I was gifted to Malachai. My dear, troubled Malachai.
The Gravicius cockroach is no more. Another emperor crushed underfoot. That's what happens to emperors. What always happens. They never learn.
How singularly remarkable you are, Not-a-Cockroach! Look at you, practically exuding a legendary nature. Easily the most wondrous thing I've seen in a long, long time. Not that I've seen a great deal, apart from the innards of this temple, this comfortable tomb... but I think you have proven yourself worthy, worthy of Malachai's crowning achievement: the Eternal Laboratory.

You are wise and fearless in {this} world, Not-a-Cockroach. Allow the Eternal Laboratory to return to you the gift of terrifying innocence.
Is that Thaumetic Sulphite you carry, Not-a-Cockroach? Be careful with that. It is a most caustic substance. I don't care to see your face melt from your skull.
1st Caso of Divini, 1333 IC.

"Pretty as porcelain, but her mouth spins like the potter's wheel." That's how I once described Dialla. Yet on this day, my lady is as ravishing as a nightmare, radiant as the fullest moon.

Dialla is my Gemling Queen and we shall rule, side by side, over the world that will soon come to be.

- Malachai
{Book 5: The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!}

On the last day of Divini 1333 IC, High Templar Voll laid siege to Sarn, his ranks swelled by Ezomyte, Karui and Maraketh rebels under the respective leaderships of Thane Rigwald, Hyrri of Ngamakanui and Sekhema Deshret. Emperor Chitus rallied his freshly minted Gemling Legionnaires and, for a time, looked set to execute an effective defence of the capital. But his efforts were cut short by his closest advisor and friend, Lord Mayor Ondar.

During the celebration of the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, Ondar struck Chitus down with blades tainted with the most virulent of poisons. Yet the emperor's inhuman constitution served him to the very last. Taking up his axe, Chitus cleaved Ondar in twain before expiring himself, in a visceral and calamitous display of thaumaturgy.

Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate, and his gemling consort, Lady Dialla, were captured by Victario Nevalius' citizen revolutionaries shortly thereafter. With their leadership either dead or detained, the gemling aristocracy of Sarn had no choice but to offer the city's surrender.

Voll and his Army of Purity marched through the gates of the capital and the following day, the High Templar was crowned Emperor Voll the First.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 6: The Rapture Device}

Voll condemned Malachai to the Crematorium for 'living conflagration', but it seems that Malachai's promises have saved him from the pyre. "An end to thaumaturgy," he claims. A fancy that our Emperor is willing to humour.

For over a year now, Malachai has been consigned to the Solaris Temple, forging a mechanism that will purge Wraeclast of its otherworldly vices. Today, the first Fiero of Eterni 1336 IC, Malachai and his Gemling Queen gripped each one corner of a silken mantle and unveiled his Rapture Device. Like a pit of copper snakes it writhes before the eyes. Whether it is a miracle or a monstrosity, none but Malachai can say. Yet tomorrow Voll shall lead the Highgate Legion home, conveying Malachai, Lady Dialla, and this bewildering apparatus north.

North, from whence the first Gems came. From whence the nightmare of Chitus' thaumatocracy was born.

It is in Highgate that our Emperor Voll will finish what he started. He will burn Chitus' empire from history and raise up a fresh and pure theocracy from the ashes of arrogance and corruption.

God be with you, Voll of Thebrus, and with us all.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your courtesan and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Shadow.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your consort and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A woman. The sort of woman that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Witch.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your disciple and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Templar.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your conquest and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Duelist.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your loving pet and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A woman. The sort of woman that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Ranger.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your conquest and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Marauder.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your consort and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A woman. The sort of woman that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Scion.
Of course, there will be more. You know that, don't you? Emperors. Avaricious little pests scrabbling to steal the legacy of their betters. Unless we burn that legacy, sear its infection from the flesh of existence.

Go north, my lovely Unbug. Go to Highgate, to the beginning of the end.

Dive headlong into the nightmare sea. Catch and roast yourself a nice, big fishy.
The time has come, Not-a-Cockroach, to crawl up into the bowels of this Nightmare, traverse its innards, and rip out its corrupted heart!

Oyun will help us. Go on now. Hob nob with the Maraketh matriarch. Learn what needs to be learned, and quickly.

There's a filthy darkness down in that mountain and it's reeking with impatience to meet you.
The Rapture is our hope. Our desperation. It will set the Nightmare to boil, cook that nice big fishy in its own whining brine.

Listen with all of your ears, Not-a-Cockroach. The Rapture was Malachai's most wondrous creation, the only fire hot enough to burn the Beast from existence.

And its fuel? A gemling queen, blood and flesh and gem. Yet my selfish self did not want to burn away, and so the fire was but a tiny spark. The spark of a cataclysm.

I am sorry, my love, my Malachai.

Go to it, Not-a-Cockroach. Find the Rapture. Make me sorry no more.
You know, Not-a-Cockroach, had I accepted my place, my rapturous role, the Beast would be no more, no less, no anything at all. My selfishness tickled the Beast's fancy and it laughed the world I knew away.

Yet I have had much time to think on my lonesome. Much time to wonder. Wonder if the Rapture really needs to eat a Gemling Queen.

Maybe, something else will get its catastrophic juices slavering. Something like... eyeball soup!

The Eye of Fury. The Eye of Desire. Pretty gems for our pretty designs. But where could they be? Don't fret now. I have my suspicions.

Kaom, the Sovereign of Slaughter. He remains, and suffers his delusions right here in the halls of nightmare. Fury is all he knows, so Fury Kaom will have.

Daresso, King of Swords. Damned by Desire. Oh, aren't we all? He's down here too, and Desire's curse remains his to bear.

Go on, Not-a-Cockroach. Bring me the crown jewels so that we might wake the Rapture and finally put an end to this pestering Beast!
Pried the Fury from Kaom's dead hand, did you? Or is it 'dead again' hand? Or 'redead' hand? Or is 'undeath' really just death with benefits?

In which case, you didn't kill Kaom because he was already dead. It's all a bit of a grey area, really. And completely beside the point.
Yet we're still one gem short. Go, Not-a-Cockroach, and relieve Kaom of his Fury.
Pried the Desire from Daresso's dead hand, did you? Or is it 'dead again' hand? Or 'redead' hand? Or is 'undeath' really just death with benefits?

In which case, you didn't kill Daresso because he was already dead. It's all a bit of a grey area, really. And completely beside the point.
Yet we're still one gem short. Go, Not-a-Cockroach, and relieve Daresso of his Desire.
Fury and Desire, together again. Lovely and lovely. Facets so shiny, replete with the vim of murdered souls.

My Malachai did the crafting. Beautiful work. General Adus did the murdering. Equally beautiful work, in its own juicy way.
Num nums time, my little Rapture!

{"Have you ever been to the End of the World before, my King?" asked the Blackest Monkey.

"No, I have not." realised the Monkey King.

"There is my reason to go where you go, be where you be, my King," concluded the Blackest Monkey in a voice as warm and welcoming as death.}

Do you know who wrote that, Not-a-Cockroach? Victario Nevalius, the People's Poet of Sarn. He was my friend... and I betrayed him. Took his love and burned it before his eyes.

Now I am betrayed. My heart burned black by the one man I loved... Malachai.

He's found a new heart, you see. A Beast's heart to cuddle up to, to keep him warm and safe at the End of the World.

Today, I remind Malachai of his betrayal. Today, it is his turn to burn...
Malachai's devices, his creations... He loved them all. Not me.

He betrayed me then. Said he loved me. Then said he wanted me to die. He betrays me now. Lets me suffer. Lets me wither.

Am I the one and only mistake that you ever made, Malachai?

Yes, that's me. Dialla the Gemling Queen. Malachai's misdemeanour.

Make him regret his mistake, Not-a-Cockroach. Tear open the Beast's black heart. Rip Malachai from his filthy little nightmare. Cut him, crush him, burn him from existence!

He deserves no better, and I deserve no worse. No love for me. No love, no love... no love.
Impatient reekings. They waft to me from that mountain. That's all I can smell, Not-a-Cockroach. Stinking anticipation.
Voll the Pure, they called him. Voll the Murderer, I call him. In his name, an Emperor was murdered. In his name, an Empire was murdered.

Yes, it was Malachai's lips that kissed me. Yes, it was Malachai's hand that led me to the Rapture. No, no and no again. It was Voll's words that put me there.
The Rapture was to rend open the hide of Nightmare and broil the Beast's bitter innards in the sweet fire of mortality.

The vessel was strong and oh-so willing.

The medicine was oh-so weak.
Old axe for brains. Kaom had Eternals dragged from their homes all over the south coast.

Like sheep, he butchered them, no matter how desperately they bleated. He adorned his doorways with the heads of women and children.

What makes a hero or a villain? It depends who you ask.
The Sword King. Before my time. Beyond my time. Where is time, anyway, when you need it? Never stands still, that's the problem!

Except if you are Daresso. Petrified with love he is. A love he doesn't realise is long, long, long... gone.
What is that in your eyes? That glistening, that... softness. Is that pity?

Take those pitying eyes away before I pluck them from your face!

I need but one thing from you now: Malachai... dead.
What is that in your eyes? That glistening, that... softness. Is that pity?

Take those pitying eyes away before I pluck them from your face!
The little cockroach witch? Malachai chose her... chose her over me?!

Use her then. Use her as Malachai uses her. Burn betrayal with betrayal. It's all they deserve!
Yes, I see my Malachai dancing within the darkest. Puppet and Master, power and bondage, cut the strings and the puppet falls. The show ends.

Before you cut the cords, my Not-a-Cockroach, tell my dearest Malachai that he has played his part most wonderfully.

Tell him that I love him, from the bottom of my hate.
Take this. I've given everything else to him. My youth and beauty. My body and mind. My heart. And at last, the only thing he ever gave to me in return... my gemling power.

This is all I have left. I entrust it to you, Not-a-Cockroach.

Malachai taught me not to trust anyone.

It is time to forget everything that Malachai taught me.
A Shadow returns from the darkness. A shadow that stinks of vengeance served. A shadow drenched in the End of the World. The blackest shadow.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
The little girl walked into a dark, dark cave. The little girl met a dark, dark Beast. The little girl ate its dark, dark heart.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
"The righteous shall inherit." Voll said that, in a candlelit sermon on the eve of cataclysm. The only smart thing that idiot ever said. The only time God actually agreed with him.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
I've met just one other man like you upon this long and twisted thread that is my life. Chitus. A man who understood what it took to give himself absolutely to Glory.

Yet, you and he are different in one tiny, little way. Chitus died gloriously. You did not.

And now it is my Malachai who is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
Malachai once said to me that those that hunt for love will never find it, and those that accept that they are love's prey are sure to be found... and devoured.

Of course, he had never met you, until now.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
You have fought a long war. A war to end a world, and begin a new one. And you've learned the most important thing about war.

There is no winning. There is only remaining.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
It was said that Malachai was the greatest mind of our age. Our age is gone. This new age, it belongs to you. It was also said that 'great minds think alike'. Let's hope not.

So my Malachai is dead? Yes... I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
We dreamed only the greatest dreams, Malachai and I. A truly eternal empire. Eternal life, eternal love. A future no longer afraid of the past.

Eternal lies, eternal loss, those were our true gifts to Wraeclast. This land could not have asked for a worse King and Queen.

Wraeclast leaves the past behind it, now. Malachai's past. My past. It thanks you, Not-a-Cockroach. It loves you.

I wish, I wish, I wish... that I could do the same.
It is the path of blood and glory that leads you to our gate. We Maraketh understand this path, yet we fight for our tribe, our {akhara}.

You fight only for yourself, care only for yourself. That is your strength. Love breeds fear. You have no such weakness, and that is why you will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Duelist. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
You walk to us upon the backs of the murdered. Though we are both forged upon the battlefield, we Maraketh are not like you.

We fight for survival. You fight for ambition, and that is why you will understand the Beast within the mountain better than we do. That is why you will kill it. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Shadow. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
Whether it is our gods or your god who have brought you to Highgate, the consequence is the same.

You believe blindly in the divine, and a blind man is never lost in the darkness. You will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Templar. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
You come to us, a woman like us, and yet nothing like us.

While we cloak ourselves in tradition and war, you cloak yourself in thaumaturgy and fear, and that is why you will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Witch. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
There was a time when Maraketh and Karui fought side by side against the forces of corruption.

It would appear that the time has come to finish what we started together. With our help, you will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Marauder. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
Although we two were born lands and cultures apart, I recognise a woman in kind. A woman who fights not only for her own survival, but for the survival of the wilderness she calls home.

Yet, you are not bound like us, to the thoughts and habits of tradition. That is why you will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Ranger. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
I see a woman before me, a woman strong of body and mind. You have the bearing of a {sekhema}, the poise of a warrior, yet... when I look into your eyes, I see nothing that I know.

That is good. It takes the unknown to destroy the unknowable. That is why you will kill the Beast within the mountain. Lady Dialla has told me this.

She has much faith in you, Scion. The question is... can we Maraketh share in her faith?
Dialla wishes the Beast dead. But why? Why would a nightmare wish to kill a nightmare?

A question of great interest, yet little importance. It does not matter why the sun rises and sets, as long as it continues to do so.
Dialla said but one thing to me before descending into the Mines: "My love awaits."

I know not why, but those three words frightened me more than any I have heard in my lifetime.
Dialla's hopes may be crushed, but ours still thrive... in you, Curse-breaker.

From what Tasuni tells me, the Beast's innards are now yours to penetrate. Dialla has served her purpose. Now comes the time for you to serve yours.

Find this Malachai that Dialla mutters about so incessantly. If my understanding is true, then he is the mind of the Beast. Kill him, and the body of Nightmare will die with him.
"When a woman forgets how to die, a woman forgets how to live."

Deshret said that to her {dekhara} on the day she killed Titucius, Scourge of the Maraketh.

{I} say this of Dialla: When a woman knows nothing of life, how can she care for the living?
The Gemling Queen has given of that black life of hers... for what? To wound and wake the Beast that should have been slaughtered in its sleep.

Dialla's path would lead us into Cataclysm. Follow your own path from now on.
Petarus: Dialla was there when it all went bad. If anyone can help put things right, it's...

Vanja: ...why would she? Wraeclast has been like this for almost three hundred years. What's made her want to do something about it now?

Petarus: She's the Gemling Queen, Vanja! There's no way we could understand what goes on in that mind of hers.

Vanja: I know, and that's precisely what worries me.
Petarus: Daresso? He's down there, inside the mountain?

Vanja: Are we talking about {the} Daresso? The Sword King?

Petarus: Seems like it. But... how did he get in there? He left Oriath about a century and a half ago, hoping to find a cure for his lady, Merveil. He would have had to fight his way through the Maraketh, but... Oyun's never mentioned anything of the sort.

Vanja: Maybe he didn't go in alive.

Petarus: What do you mean?

Vanja: We live in a land where the dead walk and {things} like Dialla live for centuries.

Petarus: You think he died somewhere else and then the Beast got hold of him?

Vanja: Could be.

Petarus: Well, if the Beast can do that, then... what bloody good was Deshret's Seal?

Vanja: Exactly.
Petarus: Dialla saw the mistakes of the past with her own eyes, and now she's given everything to fix them. Right, Vanja?

Vanja: I don't know, Petarus. I saw people die for each other in Sarn. I saw clarity, resolution in their eyes. In Dialla's eyes... I see ghosts.

Petarus: Those eyes have seen horrors that we can't even imagine.

Vanja: Maybe, but this 'sacrifice' of hers? I think it was more like a {deal} and Dialla didn't quite get what she'd bargained for.
Dialla has the {form} of a woman, yet the substance is one part corruption and nine parts death.

One day soon, you will see how lifeless she truly is.
When a boil is fat with infection, it glistens with the lustre of false youth. Lance that boil and it weeps its corruption away and shrivels to nothing.

Whether by purpose or desire, you are the physician who has revealed Dialla's truest nature.
The Rapture Device has absorbed its fill of harvested life from Fury and Desire. It is ready.

So am I.

I know now that I was born to be the end and the beginning of the Empire. The Beast has made this clear to me. As clear and undeniable as the sacrifice I must now make.

My Lady Dialla, my love, my life's greatest achievement. She must leave me now, for she cannot follow and she will perish if she remains.

And so I will ask of her more than she would ever give. I will betray her. I will break her heart so that I do not break her soul.
Through treacherous deeds and blind love, the Gemling Queen has taught us much. Her body remains here, surrounded by flowers, a reminder to all of us that we ought to tread lightly when chasing desire.

Who can say, after all, where the line is drawn between bold ambition and foolish pride?
Hey good lookin'. Huh. Most people recognise me. I'm Gianna. Worked a spell in the Chitus Theatre, back when you could leave your house without being followed by Templar secret police. I was Shavronne in {An Axiom Tragedy}. I played Dialla, the Gemling Queen, in {Purity Tales}, and the fair lady Merveil in {Daresso and Merveil}, for which I was very nearly nominated to receive a 'Tario.

No? Not a fan of the theatre, I suppose? That's-... That's fine. That act of my story has drawn to a close anyway, but I'm always looking for the next great role. Nothing's quite so thrilling as immersing oneself among the people, and seeing if you can, in fact, pass for the real deal.
Ah... Dear Dialla. So intent on serving Malachai to the bitter end. Once upon a time, she was one of Chitus' mistresses, but her lustre didn't last. He turned her over to a thaumaturgist many times, and ultimately she fell into Malachai's hands – which led to all those dreadful gem implants...
Dialla's Malefaction
He took me by my hand, promised me power beyond compare.
But I did not do it for power.
I did it for love.
And I'd do it again in an instant.
Dialla Text Audio /91
You are not a cockroach. Strange... inundated with cockroaches, I am. Black ones, four limbs, nasty, spiky things. Are you spiky? If so, my Ribbons will pluck your spines.

Malachai liked spines. Liked {my} spine. Pretty spine, bejeweled and bountiful. Enough to make an empire weep.

Do you weep, Not-a-Cockroach? I do. Tears are infinite. Why, on this very day, I have found a new reason to cry.
The Ribbons are order. Clean and polish. Serve and protect.

Then those cockroaches crawled in, swarmed through the cracks. The Ribbons' Spool is taken. {Stolen}. The black ones want them, my Ribbons. Want to wrap the city in black Ribbons.

Find the Spool, Not-a-Cockroach. Look to my doorstep, where the Ribbons crush cockroaches yet. Bring the Spool, and I will find gratitude for you.
The Ribbon Spool
What is that you have, Not-a-Cockroach? My Ribbon Spool! Those black ones wanted them, my Ribbons. Wanted to wrap the city in black Ribbons.

Now they are {my} ribbons forever more. Forever more... I hate forever. I could tear 'happy ever after' from bards' bleeding tongues!

You're still here, Not-a-Cockroach? Oh, gratitude, yes. I should give you a token. Token... what token? This? Is this to your liking?
The Ribbon Spool
They are {my} ribbons forever more. Forever more... I hate forever. I could tear 'happy ever after' from bards' bleeding tongues!

You're still here, Not-a-Cockroach? Oh, gratitude. Yes, I should give you a token. A token. What token? This? Is this to your liking?
The Ribbon Spool
The cockroaches will come again. They want the Twist. That cockroach emperor... the other bugs shout his name. {Gravicius}. Cross the river, squash the emperor cockroach in his nest.

The bridge? It is barricaded? That spawns a tricky question. Questions, questions... I asked too many questions. Chitus told me so. I asked where it all went. Our... feculence. He made them show me. Under the river, the sewers from this side to that. Filthy, fetid tunnels, like a rhoa's cloaca.

A black place, crawling with the Undying. Once beautiful and arrogant Gemlings, now the foul waste of the Empire. Fitting, isn't it? Apt, apt, apt.
The Sewers
I like you, Not-a-Cockroach. I like that you listen. It would annoy me, if the Undying murdered you.

Thaumetic Sulphite. That's what you need. A nasty, nasty substance, it is. Malachai had his slaves mine it, carry it from northern mountains to the refinery by the docks. Ezomytes, Maraketh, Karui... it killed them all. Fevered the blood and scorched the mind.

But you are clever, Not-a-Cockroach. You will keep it at arm's length. You will bring it to me, so that I may make you something, an Infernal Talc that will bring furious light to Undying darkness.
Thaumetic Sulphite
You have Thaumetic Sulphite? You are a resourceful Unbug, now aren't you? Give it to me. I was all eyes and ears when Malachai worked. I know exactly what to do.
Thaumetic Sulphite
I like you, Not-a-Cockroach. I like that you listen. It would annoy me if the Undying murdered you.

Thaumetic Sulphite. That's what you need.

You have some already? You are a resourceful Unbug, now aren't you? Give it to me. I was all eyes and ears when Malachai worked. I will make something of your Thaumetic Sulphite. I will forge an Infernal Talc that will bring the most furious of light to the Undying darkness.
Thaumetic Sulphite
A dash of arcanity, a pinch of insanity, a whisper of profanity, and the Infernal Talc is now ready.
Infernal Talc
It's the most explosive of powders. A sprinkle, the gentlest of dustings of Infernal Talc will provoke gems to a molten rage. For the Undying, the very sun will rise within their flesh.

They will burn for their sins, Not-a-Cockroach. They will burn!
Infernal Talc
I loved Malachai. He gave me gems, divine jewels for his Gemling Queen. For his {dead} Queen. But I didn't want me dead! Malachai begged: for him, for the Empire. I chose me... selfish me. The Empire died, and I live. I live, and live, and live, and live.
I was the emperor's favourite, for a time. But Chitus had many favourites. He filled the Sceptre of God with favourites. Every now and then, he cleared away the clutter. Those who pleased him, they were given to his lords and generals. Those who did not... were given to his thaumaturgists.

I talked too much, asked too many difficult questions. I was gifted to Malachai. My dear, troubled Malachai.
The Gravicius cockroach is no more. Another emperor crushed underfoot. That's what happens to emperors. What always happens. They never learn.
General Gravicius
How singularly remarkable you are, Not-a-Cockroach! Look at you, practically exuding a legendary nature. Easily the most wondrous thing I've seen in a long, long time. Not that I've seen a great deal, apart from the innards of this temple, this comfortable tomb... but I think you have proven yourself worthy, worthy of Malachai's crowning achievement: the Eternal Laboratory.

You are wise and fearless in {this} world, Not-a-Cockroach. Allow the Eternal Laboratory to return to you the gift of terrifying innocence.
Is that Thaumetic Sulphite you carry, Not-a-Cockroach? Be careful with that. It is a most caustic substance. I don't care to see your face melt from your skull.
Thaumetic Sulphite
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your courtesan and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Shadow.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your consort and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A woman. The sort of woman that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Witch.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your disciple and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Templar.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your conquest and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Duelist.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your loving pet and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A woman. The sort of woman that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Ranger.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your conquest and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A man. The sort of man that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Marauder.
You have mounted the summit of the Empire, Not-a-Cockroach. You have crushed the bug emperor and wiped his maggot dreams from the skin of Wraeclast.

Dominus exiled you, naked and alone, unto the palm of Death. But you would not die, would you?

No, no... you cuddled Death, promised it the world, made it your consort and so generously shared it with all your fleeting friends here in Wraeclast.

Not once did you forget what you were. Not a cockroach feeding on the corpse of a dead empire, like the pests you crushed as you walked.

A woman. The sort of woman that planted the seed of this Empire right here in Sarn, so long ago.

What teetering and twisted life it still holds dear, this land owes to you, Scion.
Of course, there will be more. You know that, don't you? Emperors. Avaricious little pests scrabbling to steal the legacy of their betters. Unless we burn that legacy, sear its infection from the flesh of existence.

Go north, my lovely Unbug. Go to Highgate, to the beginning of the end.

Dive headlong into the nightmare sea. Catch and roast yourself a nice, big fishy.
The time has come, Not-a-Cockroach, to crawl up into the bowels of this Nightmare, traverse its innards, and rip out its corrupted heart!

Oyun will help us. Go on now. Hob nob with the Maraketh matriarch. Learn what needs to be learned, and quickly.

There's a filthy darkness down in that mountain and it's reeking with impatience to meet you.
The Rapture is our hope. Our desperation. It will set the Nightmare to boil, cook that nice big fishy in its own whining brine.

Listen with all of your ears, Not-a-Cockroach. The Rapture was Malachai's most wondrous creation, the only fire hot enough to burn the Beast from existence.

And its fuel? A gemling queen, blood and flesh and gem. Yet my selfish self did not want to burn away, and so the fire was but a tiny spark. The spark of a cataclysm.

I am sorry, my love, my Malachai.

Go to it, Not-a-Cockroach. Find the Rapture. Make me sorry no more.
You know, Not-a-Cockroach, had I accepted my place, my rapturous role, the Beast would be no more, no less, no anything at all. My selfishness tickled the Beast's fancy and it laughed the world I knew away.

Yet I have had much time to think on my lonesome. Much time to wonder. Wonder if the Rapture really needs to eat a Gemling Queen.

Maybe, something else will get its catastrophic juices slavering. Something like... eyeball soup!

The Eye of Fury. The Eye of Desire. Pretty gems for our pretty designs. But where could they be? Don't fret now. I have my suspicions.

Kaom, the Sovereign of Slaughter. He remains, and suffers his delusions right here in the halls of nightmare. Fury is all he knows, so Fury Kaom will have.

Daresso, King of Swords. Damned by Desire. Oh, aren't we all? He's down here too, and Desire's curse remains his to bear.

Go on, Not-a-Cockroach. Bring me the crown jewels so that we might wake the Rapture and finally put an end to this pestering Beast!
The Rapture
Pried the Fury from Kaom's dead hand, did you? Or is it 'dead again' hand? Or 'redead' hand? Or is 'undeath' really just death with benefits?

In which case, you didn't kill Kaom because he was already dead. It's all a bit of a grey area, really. And completely beside the point.
The Eye of Fury
Yet we're still one gem short. Go, Not-a-Cockroach, and relieve Kaom of his Fury.
The Eye of Fury
Pried the Desire from Daresso's dead hand, did you? Or is it 'dead again' hand? Or 'redead' hand? Or is 'undeath' really just death with benefits?

In which case, you didn't kill Daresso because he was already dead. It's all a bit of a grey area, really. And completely beside the point.
The Eye of Desire
Yet we're still one gem short. Go, Not-a-Cockroach, and relieve Daresso of his Desire.
The Eye of Desire
Fury and Desire, together again. Lovely and lovely. Facets so shiny, replete with the vim of murdered souls.

My Malachai did the crafting. Beautiful work. General Adus did the murdering. Equally beautiful work, in its own juicy way.
The Rapture
Num nums time, my little Rapture!

{"Have you ever been to the End of the World before, my King?" asked the Blackest Monkey.

"No, I have not." realised the Monkey King.

"There is my reason to go where you go, be where you be, my King," concluded the Blackest Monkey in a voice as warm and welcoming as death.}

Do you know who wrote that, Not-a-Cockroach? Victario Nevalius, the People's Poet of Sarn. He was my friend... and I betrayed him. Took his love and burned it before his eyes.

Now I am betrayed. My heart burned black by the one man I loved... Malachai.

He's found a new heart, you see. A Beast's heart to cuddle up to, to keep him warm and safe at the End of the World.

Today, I remind Malachai of his betrayal. Today, it is his turn to burn...
The Rapture
Malachai's devices, his creations... He loved them all. Not me.

He betrayed me then. Said he loved me. Then said he wanted me to die. He betrays me now. Lets me suffer. Lets me wither.

Am I the one and only mistake that you ever made, Malachai?

Yes, that's me. Dialla the Gemling Queen. Malachai's misdemeanour.

Make him regret his mistake, Not-a-Cockroach. Tear open the Beast's black heart. Rip Malachai from his filthy little nightmare. Cut him, crush him, burn him from existence!

He deserves no better, and I deserve no worse. No love for me. No love, no love... no love.
The Rapture
Impatient reekings. They waft to me from that mountain. That's all I can smell, Not-a-Cockroach. Stinking anticipation.
Deshret's Banner
Voll the Pure, they called him. Voll the Murderer, I call him. In his name, an Emperor was murdered. In his name, an Empire was murdered.

Yes, it was Malachai's lips that kissed me. Yes, it was Malachai's hand that led me to the Rapture. No, no and no again. It was Voll's words that put me there.
The Rapture was to rend open the hide of Nightmare and broil the Beast's bitter innards in the sweet fire of mortality.

The vessel was strong and oh-so willing.

The medicine was oh-so weak.
The Rapture Device
Old axe for brains. Kaom had Eternals dragged from their homes all over the south coast.

Like sheep, he butchered them, no matter how desperately they bleated. He adorned his doorways with the heads of women and children.

What makes a hero or a villain? It depends who you ask.
The Sword King. Before my time. Beyond my time. Where is time, anyway, when you need it? Never stands still, that's the problem!

Except if you are Daresso. Petrified with love he is. A love he doesn't realise is long, long, long... gone.
What is that in your eyes? That glistening, that... softness. Is that pity?

Take those pitying eyes away before I pluck them from your face!

I need but one thing from you now: Malachai... dead.
What is that in your eyes? That glistening, that... softness. Is that pity?

Take those pitying eyes away before I pluck them from your face!
The little cockroach witch? Malachai chose her... chose her over me?!

Use her then. Use her as Malachai uses her. Burn betrayal with betrayal. It's all they deserve!
Yes, I see my Malachai dancing within the darkest. Puppet and Master, power and bondage, cut the strings and the puppet falls. The show ends.

Before you cut the cords, my Not-a-Cockroach, tell my dearest Malachai that he has played his part most wonderfully.

Tell him that I love him, from the bottom of my hate.
Take this. I've given everything else to him. My youth and beauty. My body and mind. My heart. And at last, the only thing he ever gave to me in return... my gemling power.

This is all I have left. I entrust it to you, Not-a-Cockroach.

Malachai taught me not to trust anyone.

It is time to forget everything that Malachai taught me.
The Rapture Device
A Shadow returns from the darkness. A shadow that stinks of vengeance served. A shadow drenched in the End of the World. The blackest shadow.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
The little girl walked into a dark, dark cave. The little girl met a dark, dark Beast. The little girl ate its dark, dark heart.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
"The righteous shall inherit." Voll said that, in a candlelit sermon on the eve of cataclysm. The only smart thing that idiot ever said. The only time God actually agreed with him.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
I've met just one other man like you upon this long and twisted thread that is my life. Chitus. A man who understood what it took to give himself absolutely to Glory.

Yet, you and he are different in one tiny, little way. Chitus died gloriously. You did not.

And now it is my Malachai who is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
Malachai once said to me that those that hunt for love will never find it, and those that accept that they are love's prey are sure to be found... and devoured.

Of course, he had never met you, until now.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
You have fought a long war. A war to end a world, and begin a new one. And you've learned the most important thing about war.

There is no winning. There is only remaining.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
It was said that Malachai was the greatest mind of our age. Our age is gone. This new age, it belongs to you. It was also said that 'great minds think alike'. Let's hope not.

So my Malachai is dead? Yes... I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
We dreamed only the greatest dreams, Malachai and I. A truly eternal empire. Eternal life, eternal love. A future no longer afraid of the past.

Eternal lies, eternal loss, those were our true gifts to Wraeclast. This land could not have asked for a worse King and Queen.

Wraeclast leaves the past behind it, now. Malachai's past. My past. It thanks you, Not-a-Cockroach. It loves you.

I wish, I wish, I wish... that I could do the same.







































