Ezomyte Topic /23
Ezomyte PeakCenturies of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.
Ezomyte HoldA moment of victory may last an eternity in memory.
Quill Rain"The rain of a thousand quills that whittle
present into past, life into death."
- Rigwald of the Ezomytes
FencoilYou've no reason for fear when you're a root in a fen
- Old Ezomyte saying.
Hrimnor's Hymn"The crack of bone, the spray of blood.
Is there sweeter music?"
- Hrimnor of the Ezomytes.
Coated ShrapnelThe Ezomytes have a saying:
Take everything and waste nothing.
Primordial Harmony"A stone is not a stone.
It is but one part of a fortress."
- Ezomyte proverb
Pagan Geis"We Ezomytes made promises that this
Eternal God would have us break."
- Thane Rigwald
Straight and TrueThe Eternal Empire gave few freedoms to the Ezomytes, but fostered their talents as archers.
At auction, an Ezomyte slave's value was only as good as their aim.
StormchargerLike lightning, the Ezomyte cavalry need never strike twice.
Mirebough"Cut down the tallest tree,
and another becomes the tallest."
- Old Ezomyte saying
Seething FuryThe enslaved Ezomyte clans were not permitted to own weapons.
For years, they trained in secret, watching and waiting for the
perfect moment to reveal the true depth of the Empire's folly.
Chain of Endurance"A man confronted with sufficient adversity
may ascend to unprecedented heights
and triumph over his coddled rivals."
- Weylan the Ezomyte
Ezomyte Dagger
Ezomyte Staff
Ezomyte Axe
Ezomyte Blade
Ezomyte Tower Shield
Ezomyte Spiked Shield
Ezomyte Burgonet
The Fox"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Spinefuse TalismanWe Ezomytes are beasts of burden
bearing wealth of an empire on our backs,
growing lean and strong
while our masters grow fat and weak.
- The Wolven King
Call to the First OnesThe Ezomyte, desperate for aid, cried out to the gods.
Ezomyte FlavourText /61
Spinefuse Talisman
We Ezomytes are beasts of burden
bearing wealth of an empire on our backs,
growing lean and strong
while our masters grow fat and weak.
- The Wolven King
The Fox
"Masters of wit, strength and cunning. To survive the harsh winters, you must be like the fox."
- Ezomyte Proverb
Call to the First Ones
The Ezomyte, desperate for aid, cried out to the gods.
I walked halfway across this forsaken continent because of an ode. {Of Jewels and Eternity}, it's called.

{For twinkled promises}
{Of jewels and eternity,}
{The Gemling Queen gave her heart}
{And body}
{To the King of Shades}
{For one more day in the sun,}
{The last day in the sun.}

That's but a portion of the full epic. "The Gemling Queen" lived, and she's the enigma behind the fall of the Ezomytes and the Eternals both. Look to the Solaris Temple to the north-east. Find the Gemling Queen's remains before Piety does... and destroy them.
{Death came to town.}
{The roaring Ezomytes wore red.}
{The red of blood,}
{The red of the fray.}

{Death came to town.}
{The crying Ezomytes wore black.}
{The black of disease,}
{The black of dismay.}

{Death came to town.}
{The silent Ezomytes wore grey.}
{The grey of twilight.}
{The grey of decay.}

Only the Isles of Skothe were spared. Once, a backwater of my proud civilisation, now... all that remains of the Ezomytes.
Victario, a fellow warrior of words. He wrote many entreaties to the Ezomytes, begging our assistance in helping High Templar Voll depose Emperor Chitus.

That was centuries ago. Victario's words held much power then. I imagine they still do.
I like you, Not-a-Cockroach. I like that you listen. It would annoy me, if the Undying murdered you.

Thaumetic Sulphite. That's what you need. A nasty, nasty substance, it is. Malachai had his slaves mine it, carry it from northern mountains to the refinery by the docks. Ezomytes, Maraketh, Karui... it killed them all. Fevered the blood and scorched the mind.

But you are clever, Not-a-Cockroach. You will keep it at arm's length. You will bring it to me, so that I may make you something, an Infernal Talc that will bring furious light to Undying darkness.
{Book 2: Bloody Flowers}

High Templar Voll had Victario entreat Thane Rigwald of Ezomyr, knowing that a poet would fare far better than any politician in rousing the romantic Ezomytes to rebellion. Stirred by Victario's impassioned words, Rigwald mustered his blood-bound clans, and on the 3rd Fiero of Dirivi 1333 IC, took to the fields of Glarryn in open rebellion against Governor Gaius Sentari.

Such was the colourful splendour of a thousand tartans and banners that the Ezomyte uprising became known as "The Bloody Flowers' Rebellion". Though Sentari's Gemling legionnaires slew three Ezomytes for every one of their own fallen, the Bloody Flowers won the day through sheer fury-driven courage.

Governor Sentari fled to Sarn, only to return in Astrali with reinforcements drawn from the capital, Vastiri and southern garrisons. Little did Sentari know that, by so weakening those forces, he was playing right into Voll's hands.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 5: The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!}

On the last day of Divini 1333 IC, High Templar Voll laid siege to Sarn, his ranks swelled by Ezomyte, Karui and Maraketh rebels under the respective leaderships of Thane Rigwald, Hyrri of Ngamakanui and Sekhema Deshret. Emperor Chitus rallied his freshly minted Gemling Legionnaires and, for a time, looked set to execute an effective defence of the capital. But his efforts were cut short by his closest advisor and friend, Lord Mayor Ondar.

During the celebration of the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, Ondar struck Chitus down with blades tainted with the most virulent of poisons. Yet the emperor's inhuman constitution served him to the very last. Taking up his axe, Chitus cleaved Ondar in twain before expiring himself, in a visceral and calamitous display of thaumaturgy.

Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate, and his gemling consort, Lady Dialla, were captured by Victario Nevalius' citizen revolutionaries shortly thereafter. With their leadership either dead or detained, the gemling aristocracy of Sarn had no choice but to offer the city's surrender.

Voll and his Army of Purity marched through the gates of the capital and the following day, the High Templar was crowned Emperor Voll the First.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Volume 3: Slaves of Virtue}

Another shipment of human picks and shovels, bound for Highgate. Ezomytes mostly, care of Gaius Sentari's "civilisation camps". A few dark skins here and there, Karui and Maraketh. Malachai has had his wicked way with them all.

Limbs are stretched, contorted, double and triple jointed. All the better to pluck gems from the cracks and fissures of their home and tomb to be. They squint and cower in the sun, their eyeballs injected with gloom so that they might see in the subterranean night as they would in their warm, homeland day.

The shackled slaves shuffle north as the gems they mine tumble south, a glittering landslide of power and privilege for the fairest of our Eternal citizens. Civilisation is bought and paid for with the flesh and blood of the primitive. It is a debt that will one day need to be repaid.

{ - Victario of Sarn}
Eternals would travel from far and wide to see the spectacles of Sarn Arena. The gemling diva Kalisa gave her final performance in there for Emperor Chitus himself.

Legend has it, on that same day, the first gemling legionnaire cut through four Ezomyte warriors in less time than it would've taken Kalisa to sing a single bar.

It's seen more artists of war and of culture than any other place in the whole of Wraeclast.

Whatever becomes of this land, I'm going to make damned sure of one thing. Sarn Arena will continue to celebrate the spirit of glory. God knows, we all need a bit of glory in a place like this.
This isn't widely known, but Hector Titucius was an Ezomyte by birth.
The Son of Ezomyr met the Son of Sarn
Upon the road to the Imperial throne.
The Eternal offered his cunning,
His eyes and ears, bought and paid for.
The Ezomyte offered his strength,
His sword, earned in the arena.
A pact was forged,
With the Labyrinth as witness.
Two men separated by blood.
Two men bound by hope.
Two men, and only one emperor.
The Ezomyte and the Eternal took their rest
In the lee of strife's gale,
And remembered the travelled road.
Beast and fiend had fallen and bled,
To the Ezomyte's sword, swift and true.
Trap and trial had risen and succumbed,
To the Eternal's wits, quick and shrewd.
Two men had cried their triumph,
A Warrior and his Guide,
Whilst other ascendants echoed their pride,
With anguish and agony.
You can take a wolf from the forest. You can collar him, chain him. You can starve him, beat him until he whimpers and bows down. Yet, is that wolf a dog?


A man is only a slave when he allows his heart and mind to be conquered. When he comes to believe that his life is no longer his own. When he chooses to cast his eyes forever to the ground.

Like a king that chooses to press his lips to the feet of an emperor. A king that looks to his goblet and his plate, feasting and fattening while his people starve in their own streets.

Some might say that I should bear the guilt of regicide. That I killed the King of the Ezomytes. Yes, I served King Skothe his last meal, for I saw no king at that table.

I saw a dog.

- Rigwald, the Wolven King
The colours and banners of a hundred clans, scattered like the wildflowers of spring across the meadows of Glargarryn. Thousands of men and women, starving, poor, armed with rusted hatchets and hunting bows, looking across that field, with the courage of desperation, at the imperial legion arrayed against them.

Soldiers gleaming in bronze and steel. Trained and hardened men. Their polished shields forming a wall of discipline and determination against the advances of my motley rabble.

"I sing, I rant, I rave," I said to them, "but today, clansmen, my sword is my voice!"

We crashed against that legion like waves upon a cliff. Time and time again they repelled us. The green meadows became brown and red with the mud of toil and the blood of war.

Yet what is a slave to do? Suffer the lingering death of mine and mill, or offer the gift of your life to your people in one bright and glorious moment?

For the men and women who followed me into battle, the choice was a simple one.

Three Ezomytes fell for every Eternal and still the courage of my people tore down that polished wall, severed the strong arm of the Empire with a rusted, woodman's hatchet.

Gaius Sentari ran for his wretched life.

I called to the Greatwolf to aid me, to give me the scent of that fleeing fox. Though the hunt was swift, I took the time to ensure that Gaius felt some small measure of the suffering he had inflicted before I answered his plea for mercy.

- Rigwald, the Wolven King
I stood with the Army of Purity and looked upon the mighty walls of Sarn. I fought against Chitus and his Gemling aberrations. I watched the strongest of our army, Ezomyte, Maraketh, Karui and Templar, struck down by creatures born of thaumaturgy.

It will take more than strong men and women to defeat Chitus, for this is no longer a war of mud and blood. We face monsters, and to defeat them, we need some monsters of our own.

Here I stand, amongst these stones. Here I lay my gifts of blood and song, of flesh and fire. Here I call out to the First Ones, beasts of legend, terrors of our dreams. Here I howl to the Greatwolf himself.

Should he answer, I am ready to pay the price that I know he will ask. It is no more than a man should do for his family. It is no more than a king should do for his people.

- Rigwald, the Wolven King
The Greatwolf has come for me. His heart beats within my chest. His tongue lolls within my mouth. His fangs crown my jaw. His eyes rest within my sockets.

I do not see Ezomyte and Eternal, king and commoner, master and slave. I see only prey.

In the world of street and field, the emperor has fallen. Those who were slaves are now free.

In the world of forest and mountain, the First Ones hunt and feed as they have done since the first dawn.

No longer will I walk among my people. I will not have their blood on my lips. I will not be their king.

I am the King of Wolves now.

- Rigwald
Grigor left without a single word to me, rude bugger, but I suspect his poetic soul has been drawn back home, to Ezomyr. A long journey, but a trek worth taking to find solace among one's own people. Of course, they'll get quite the shock when they see him. Let's hope familial love is as nearsighted as they say!

There're the fine tales Grigor will be able to tell them, of course. Come to think of it, now that Dominus has been knocked off his perch, there's nothing to stop the Ezomytes from learning a thing or two from Grigor's stories. They might even consider invading this jewel in Wraeclast's tarnished crown. I certainly hope they have just such an eye for opportunity... a man could make a tidy sum helping said invaders navigate Sarn and its many hazards.
Arohongui, Daughter of the Moon, was preparing for a feast to celebrate Tukohama's return from his war on the First Ones of the Ezomytes. Tawhoa, Son of the Forest, asked each of the birds to sacrifice one of their kind for the feast. He gave these offerings to Arohongui who cooked them in a great fire-stone pit.

Seeing all of those plump birds cooking made Kitava very hungry, and he offered to watch them, to make sure they didn't burn while Arohongui rested during the heat of the day. Arohongui thanked Kitava for his kindness, but while she slept, Kitava ate the cooking birds, flesh, bones, gizzards and all.

Upon waking, Arohongui was furious to find Kitava had lied to her, for saying that he would watch the birds when he truly intended to eat them all up. When Tukohama arrived home in his mighty canoe, Arohongui asked him to punish Kitava for his selfish gluttony.

Tukohama, our Father of War, agreed and pulled the sharpest tooth from his own mouth. He then asked Arohongui and Tawhoa to hold Kitava fast while he cut Kitava's face with the tooth. Two slashes that blinded Kitava and formed a bleeding cross upon his face.

From that day forth, Kitava would never be able to promise to watch that which he truly intended to consume.

Narrated by Slave Utula
Transcribed by Irwen of Theopolis
Vanja: You can gripe all you want lover, we can't stay here. Not with all this blood...

Petarus: Where do you expect us to go, Vanja? We have our whole lives here in Highgate.

Vanja: I don't know... west, perhaps? The Ezomyte lands. I don't care, just somewhere that has unpoisoned water...

Petarus: Oh, ah Beast Slayer!

Vanja: Good to see you again!

Petarus: Even if you have happened upon us in a rather unruly time...

Vanja: Shush now sweetie, there's no need to bother them with our woes.
Vanja: A noble Legionnaire...

Petarus: ...but a Legionnaire all the same.

Vanja: Petarus and I did our research on Adus.

Petarus: We needed to know as much about him and his dig site as possible...

Vanja: ...to make sure he was worth our while.

Petarus: The General was an eternal commander of the Highgate Legion...

Vanja: He ran a mining camp up here in the mountains. The bastard was the one responsible for controlling Karui, Maraketh and Ezomyte slaves, forcing them into the black bowels of rock fissures in search of gems...

Petarus: ...At least he treated them fairly and as human beings.

Vanja: A slave is still a slave my sweets.

Petarus: For all his faults, the general appears to have been a good man for his time. It's a shame what happened to him... an even greater shame that by the sounds of things, he's come back.

Vanja: Yes, we'd advise steering clear of his old camp.
When I first met him, I underestimated Einhar. Coming from the poorest of Ezomytes, themselves already a battered people in this region of the world, Einhar struck me as someone who could contribute brawn to our cause, but not much else.

How wrong I was. If anyone can decipher the dark design afflicting the creatures of Wraeclast, it's him. I've been looking for the source of all this, an equation or overall pattern, but he's unknowingly taken an empirical approach. By learning about and understanding every single corrupted animal - and the energies their blood contains - he's done more to advance our understanding of the problem than I could ever have done myself.

One day, he may even solve the symptoms of Corruption without ever understanding the root cause. Make no mistake, exile, that's... impressive. A humanistic brute force approach to a cosmic problem.
I'm more than just 'Ezomyte,' Janus. I'll show ya.
An Eternal General stood against the Ezomyte clans once before. Recall how that ended?
It's the Ezomyte in charge of the Perandus this time, eh Janus?
Where are your First Ones now, Ezomyte?
Ezomyte, test your strength against your own allies!
Ezomyte, they don't care about your code!
We'll take your test of strength, Ezomyte, and surpass you.
It's not a true test of strength now, is it, Ezomyte?
Brave, Ezomyte. Brave and foolish.
Allow me to help you channel a bit of that Ezomyte savagery, Thane.
Shame you can't go back to Ogham, Ezomyte. You don't belong here.
Sentari was a fool. If I had been there, the Ezomytes would have been cut down to the last man.
I should have expected this from an Ezomyte heretic.
Disgusting. Fight like a nobleman, Ezomyte.
This must have been one of the Eternal slaves... an Ezomyte, maybe. But sinew beneath stone? What could that be?
I do not answer him, instead shaking my head and holding a finger over my lips. Better to act mute than risk being clapped in irons for the sin of being born Ezomyte.
Hmm... a ritual of some sort. I do not recognise the names, though they sound Ezomyte to my ear. Silly superstitions, if you ask me.
I do not answer him, instead shaking my head and holding a finger over my lips. Better to act mute than risk being clapped in irons for the sin of being born Ezomyte.
Thank the Gods I'm no Ezomyte, Exile. I'd not stand for such treatment.
Badwyth Nems? Is that Ezomyte? I'll write it down so I don't forget. Right under Vinderi. I think that's the tall lad.
Furs blessed by an Ezomyte goddess? I'd wash those before you wear them. The Ezomytes are a primitive breed, yet they fancy themselves as romantic poets. Make no mistake: what they lack in eloquence, they make up for with sheer brutality.
How do you know the Wandering Ezomyte? That strange man poached a few exotic animals from Perandus estates. Our soldiers never could track him down. Eventually, I just gave up and wrote off the losses. I'm rather astounded to see him still on the hunt...
Vastiri {Desert?} The rivers and the forests are gone? Everything I knew has been erased by time! Everyone I mention, turns out they're dead! I should just stop asking, but I have to know! The Ezomytes...?
Ah. A plague wiped out Ezomyr? Of course. I've been down here thousands of years! Everything and everyone I've ever heard of... all dead! What about the Caaltu? They had the absolute best wines, feasts that went on for days, and the women... by Rongo, the women! Please tell me the Caaltu are still thriving!
You'll have to ask our smith, Dannig, about runes. I am a man of figures and calculation, not metallurgy. You might actually know more than I do, if you're familiar with your 'Ezomytes.' They use a system of runes that is... oddly similar to our own.
Ezomyte Peak
Centuries of servitude, a day
of glory, an eternity of death.
Quill Rain
"The rain of a thousand quills that whittle
present into past, life into death."
- Rigwald of the Ezomytes
You've no reason for fear when you're a root in a fen
- Old Ezomyte saying.
Hrimnor's Hymn
"The crack of bone, the spray of blood.
Is there sweeter music?"
- Hrimnor of the Ezomytes.
Ezomyte Hold
A moment of victory may last an eternity in memory.
Coated Shrapnel
The Ezomytes have a saying:
Take everything and waste nothing.
Primordial Harmony
"A stone is not a stone.
It is but one part of a fortress."
- Ezomyte proverb
Pagan Geis
"We Ezomytes made promises that this
Eternal God would have us break."
- Thane Rigwald
Straight and True
The Eternal Empire gave few freedoms to the Ezomytes, but fostered their talents as archers.
At auction, an Ezomyte slave's value was only as good as their aim.
Like lightning, the Ezomyte cavalry need never strike twice.
"Cut down the tallest tree,
and another becomes the tallest."
- Old Ezomyte saying
Seething Fury
The enslaved Ezomyte clans were not permitted to own weapons.
For years, they trained in secret, watching and waiting for the
perfect moment to reveal the true depth of the Empire's folly.
Chain of Endurance
"A man confronted with sufficient adversity
may ascend to unprecedented heights
and triumph over his coddled rivals."
- Weylan the Ezomyte

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