Phrecia Unique /38
2% increased Maps found in Area
Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps randomly cost between 90% less and 80% more
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain the Sacred Grove
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Harvest Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Fortune Favours the Brave applies an additional random Option
100% more cost of the Fortune Favours the Brave Map Crafting Option
100% more cost of the Fortune Favours the Brave Map Crafting Option
2% increased Maps found in Area
Blight Monsters in your Maps take (65–75)% less Damage from Players and their Minions
Blight Towers and their Minions in your Maps deal (300–400)% more Damage
2% increased Maps found in Area
Harvest Crops in your Maps contain only Tier 1 Plants
Harvesting Crops in your Maps has a chance to upgrade the Tier of Plants of different colours
Harvesting Crops in your Maps has a chance to upgrade the Tier of Plants of different colours
2% increased Maps found in Area
A Map Boss is granted a random Essence Modifier from any Imprisoned Monsters slain in your Maps
2% increased Maps found in Area
Monsters in your Maps deal (20–25)% more Damage
Monsters in your Maps have (25–30)% less Life
(This modifier does not affect things that check the life of corpses)
2% increased Maps found in Area
The Maven casts Up the Stakes, summoning 1 to 3 additional Atlas Bosses
when Witnessing Map Bosses
The number of additional Bosses summoned is higher if there
are fewer monsters remaining in the Map
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss in each Map also apply to these summoned Bosses
when Witnessing Map Bosses
The number of additional Bosses summoned is higher if there
are fewer monsters remaining in the Map
Modifiers to the Final Map Boss in each Map also apply to these summoned Bosses
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Breaches
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Breach Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Eater of Worlds have an additional Downside
Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Eater of Worlds have (50–60)% increased Effect of Upsides
atlas keystone eldritch gaze [1]
2% increased Maps found in Area
Beyond Portals in your Maps cannot spawn Unique Bosses
Beyond Portals in your Maps have (40–50)% less Merging Radius
(Beyond Portals and Demons stop spawning after a Unique Beyond Boss is spawned)
(Merging Radius is the distance at which Beyond Portals can merge with one another to spawn Beyond Demons)
2% increased Maps found in Area
(200–250)% increased Explosive Radius in your Maps
(100–150)% increased Explosive Placement Range in your Maps
Expedition Monsters in your Maps spawn with an additional (10–15)% of Life missing
Number of Explosives is one
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Blight Encounters
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Blight Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Players cannot choose which Ultimatum Modifier is applied each Round
Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps last up to 13 Rounds
Cannot have a Boss in the final Round
2% increased Maps found in Area
Cannot Reroll Favours at Ritual Altars in your Maps
Monsters Sacrificed at Ritual Altars in your Maps grant (100–150)% more Tribute
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Abysses
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Abyss Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Vaal Side Areas in your Maps are no longer Corrupted
(Currency items can be used on non-Corrupted Vaal Side Areas)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Modifiers to Quantity of Items found in your Maps instead apply to Rarity of Items found in your Maps at 300% of their value
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Mirrors of Delirium
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Delirium Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Delirium Reward Types in your Maps gain +1 to count on Map Completion
Delirious Monsters Killed in your Maps provide (-30–-20)% increased Reward Progress
2% increased Maps found in Area
Ultimatum Monsters in your Maps apply Ruin with their special abilities
Fail on reaching 7 Ruin
Fail on reaching 7 Ruin
Ultimatum Monsters and Modifiers in your Maps deal (50–60)% less Damage
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Legion Encounters
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Legion Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Ritual Altars
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ritual Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Ultimatum Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Maps found cannot be your Favoured Maps
Maps found in your Maps have +1% chance to have a special Implicit Modifier for each different Map you have Favoured
2% increased Maps found in Area
Maps found have (200–220)% more chance to be Favoured Maps
Non-Favoured Maps found in your Maps drop as Basic Currency Items instead
(Basic Currency includes any currency that drops from non-league content)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Each Legion in your Maps contains an additional War Hoard
Legion Chests in your Maps contain an additional Random Reward
Legion Encounters in your Maps have (-80–-60)% increased Duration
2% increased Maps found in Area
Tormented Spirits in your Maps can Possess Players for 20 seconds
Tormented Spirits in your Maps cannot Possess Monsters
Tormented Spirits in your Maps cannot Possess Monsters
(Players can Touch up to 40 nearby normal or magic Monsters for each Tormented Spirit Possessing them)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Rogue's Markers, Contracts and Blueprints cannot be found in Your Maps
Your Maps have no chance to contain Smuggler's Caches
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
If there are fewer than 50 monsters remaining in your Maps, Final Map Bosses
are Empowered by Wildwood Wisps
are Empowered by Wildwood Wisps
2% increased Maps found in Area
Legion Encounters in your Maps have no Timer
Breaking out Monsters and Chests that are in stasis progressively causes a Schism
Legion Encounters in your Maps begin once the Schism has occurred
Breaking out Monsters and Chests that are in stasis progressively causes a Schism
Legion Encounters in your Maps begin once the Schism has occurred
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Maps have no chance to contain Expedition Encounters
Scarabs found in your Maps cannot be Expedition Scarabs
Your Maps have +5% chance to contain other Extra Content that can
be turned off through Atlas Passives
be turned off through Atlas Passives
(Abysses, Blight Encounters, Breaches, Expedition Encounters, Legion Encounters, Mirrors of Delirium, Ritual Altars, the Sacred Grove, Smuggler's Caches, and Ultimatum Encounters are Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Your Corrupted Rare Maps and any Map Crafting options
applying to them are modified unpredictably when opened
applying to them are modified unpredictably when opened
Maps modified in this way have 1-3 additional random Map Modifiers
2% increased Maps found in Area
Ultimatum Modifiers in your Maps start a Tier higher if possible
Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps get 3% reduced Radius each Round
[3 Random Ultimatum Modifiers]
2% increased Maps found in Area
Delirium Fog in your Maps never dissipates
Delirium in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the mirror
Simulacrum Splinters cannot be found in your Maps
Delirium Orbs cannot be found in your Maps
Delirium in your Maps has doubled difficulty scaling with distance from the mirror
Simulacrum Splinters cannot be found in your Maps
Delirium Orbs cannot be found in your Maps
2% increased Maps found in Area
Syndicate Members Obtain an additional Equipment Item when appearing in your Maps
(30–50)% increased Intelligence gained from Immortal Syndicate targets encountered in your Maps
Immortal Syndicate Leaders in your Maps drop an additional Veiled Item
2% increased Maps found in Area
Monsters in your Maps deal (25–30)% less Damage
Monsters in your Maps have (40–50)% more Life
(This modifier does not affect things that check the life of corpses)
2% increased Maps found in Area
Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Searing Exarch have (50–60)% chance to have an additional Upside
Eldritch Altars Influenced by The Searing Exarch which have an additional Upside have (80–100)% increased Effect of Downsides
atlas keystone wrath of the cosmos [1]
Phrecia Item /6
Burial Idol
6% increased Maps found in Area
Conqueror Idol
8% increased Maps found in Area
Kamasan Idol
4% increased Maps found in Area
Minor Idol
2% increased Maps found in Area
Noble Idol
4% increased Maps found in Area
Totemic Idol
6% increased Maps found in Area
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Legacy of Phrecia
Embrace the Legacy of Phrecia in an upcoming Path of Exile 1 event next Thursday, February the 20th (PST)! Enhance your build with one of the new 19 Ascendancy classes and shape the endgame experience with the new Idol system. By reaching certain level thresholds in the Legacy of Phrecia event you will also receive pieces of the Autumn Knight Armour Set!
- Start Date: 12PM February 20th PST
- End Date: 1PM March 23rd PDT
- Based on: Settlers of Kalguur
- Platforms: PC and Consoles
- Standard, Hardcore, Standard Solo Self-Found and Hardcore Solo Self-Found versions available. The event also has a Ruthless mode available which uses the same Ascendancy Classes as non-Ruthless versions.
- This event is not voided. Items and characters will transfer to parent leagues at the end of the event. Upon migration, your characters’ Ascendancy points will be respecced and you'll be assigned one of the core Ascendancy classes.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.