The Bandit Lord Kraityn
Act 2
Kraityn wants you to bring him the amulets of his rivals - Alira and Oak. Kraityn will reward you with {0}.
Kraityn wants you to bring him the amulets of his rivals - Alira and Oak. Kraityn will reward you with {0}.
  • Talk to Kraityn and decide if you want to help him

  • Area: The Broken Bridge
    2Acquire the amulets of Kraityn's rivals - Alira and Oak
    Kraityn wants you to bring him the amulets of his rivals - Alira and Oak. Alira can be found in the Western Forest. Oak can be found in the Wetlands, west of town. Kraityn will reward you with {0}.
  • Acquire Alira's amulet
  • Acquire Oak's amulet

  • Area: The Western Forest, The Wetlands
    3Acquire the amulet of Kraityn's rival - Oak
    Kraityn wants you to bring him the amulets of his rivals - Alira and Oak. Oak can be found in the Wetlands, west of town. You have slain Alira and have her amulet. Kraityn will reward you with {0}.
  • Acquire Oak's amulet

  • Area: The Wetlands
  • Eramir Bandit Amulets: You say the Lords of Larceny wore these around their necks? These artefacts, and that ancient gateway to the northwest... crafted by the same hands, I'd venture. Vaal hands.

    And it appears the brigands' trinkets could form a single whole. Give me a moment with them. I used to be good at this sort of thing. Now, this one seems to fit neatly against here, and this third one, well it looks like it...
  • Kraityn Hand in Amulets: Ah, sweeter than mother's milk. Might as well take this pretty husk with you. Something to remember me by.

    Nice working with you, matey. I wish you luck on your travels but, from what I seen, you won't be needing it.
  • Kraityn Hand in Amulets: Ah, sweeter than mother's milk. Might as well take this pretty husk with you. Something to remember me by.

    Nice working with you, matey. I wish you luck on your travels but, from what I seen, you won't be needing it.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you pulled a weed out of my garden: the Alira thistle. Handy work, that. But you're Oak's lackey, are you? I could be wasting the last of my breath here but... you're barking up the wrong tree.

    Once he's done with you, your brains will be splattered all over the nearest trunk. Me? I care about a thing called arithmetic.

    You go take one head, bring me two amulets, and I'll give you half the power. That add up right to you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you pulled a weed out of my garden: the Alira thistle. Handy work, that. But you're Oak's lackey, are you? I could be wasting the last of my breath here but... you're barking up the wrong tree.

    Once he's done with you, your brains will be splattered all over the nearest trunk. Me? I care about a thing called arithmetic.

    You go take one head, bring me two amulets, and I'll give you half the power. That add up right to you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you pulled a weed out of my garden, and got yourself one of the amulets. Handy work, that.

    But you don't seem the kind to leave a job half done. Remember, there's a tree needs chopping down. Goes by the name of Oak. He's blocking my sun.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you pulled a weed out of my garden, and got yourself one of the amulets. Handy work, that.

    But you don't seem the kind to leave a job half done. Remember, there's a tree needs chopping down. Goes by the name of Oak. He's blocking my sun.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you pulled a weed out of my garden: the Alira thistle. Handy work, that. Now there's a tree needs chopping down, too. An Oak. He's blocking my sun.

    What's in it for you? The amulets around Oak's and Alira's necks. The ones like mine here. There's power in them beyond reckoning.

    I'm thinking you got one already from the whore. Make it two, bring them to me, and take half the power for yourself. That add up right for you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you pulled a weed out of my garden: the Alira thistle. Handy work, that. Now there's a tree needs chopping down, too. An Oak. He's blocking my sun.

    What's in it for you? The amulets around Oak's and Alira's necks. The ones like mine here. There's power in them beyond reckoning.

    I'm thinking you got one already from the whore. Make it two, bring them to me, and take half the power for yourself. That add up right for you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you been doing some serious gardenin' around the place. Felled a big, dumb Oak, and plucked an Alira thistle from a foul bed.

    And I'm thinking you got a couple of amulets in your pockets. Ones like mine here. There's power in them, you know. But only when all three get to dance together.

    I'm not greedy, mind. I'm willing to split that power with you, right down the middle.

    Hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you been doing some serious gardenin' around the place. Felled a big, dumb Oak, and plucked an Alira thistle from a foul bed.

    And I'm thinking you got a couple of amulets in your pockets. Ones like mine here. There's power in them, you know. But only when all three get to dance together.

    I'm not greedy, mind. I'm willing to split that power with you, right down the middle.

    Hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: My gardens all tidy, just like that. I knew you were just the kind of trouble I needed.

    Now, hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: My gardens all tidy, just like that. I knew you were just the kind of trouble I needed.

    Now, hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Oak Hand in Amulets: Quite the rush to the head, that. You keep this, as a souvenir of your fine efforts.

    Now be on your way. Find yourself a patch of dirt to call your own, far from here. As you may have gathered, I have little tolerance for neighbours.
  • Definitely Oak Hand in Amulets: Quite the rush to the head, that. You keep this, as a souvenir of your fine efforts.

    Now be on your way. Find yourself a patch of dirt to call your own, far from here. As you may have gathered, I have little tolerance for neighbours.
  • Oak Oak's Rivals: So Alira has fallen. A worthy achievement on your part. And yet you serve Kraityn? Not so worthy. You strike me as someone who craves a higher purpose than that. Something like... peace.

    Every day my brethren must battle and die with Kraityn's bridge rats. To spare the lives of many, you need take only one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, bring me the amulet that hangs around Kraityn's worthless neck. I trust you have Alira's in hand already? I thought so. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to bring about peace.
  • Definitely Oak Oak's Rivals: So Alira has fallen. A worthy achievement on your part. And yet you serve Kraityn? Not so worthy. You strike me as someone who craves a higher purpose than that. Something like... peace.

    Every day my brethren must battle and die with Kraityn's bridge rats. To spare the lives of many, you need take only one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, bring me the amulet that hangs around Kraityn's worthless neck. I trust you have Alira's in hand already? I thought so. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to bring about peace.
  • Oak Oak's Rivals: And so an enemy of hope falls... I doubt that Alira knew what hit her.

    Kraityn won't be so straightforward. Those twin blades of his? He calls them his "daughters", and two sharper-tongued maidens you will never meet.
  • Definitely Oak Oak's Rivals: And so an enemy of hope falls... I doubt that Alira knew what hit her.

    Kraityn won't be so straightforward. Those twin blades of his? He calls them his "daughters", and two sharper-tongued maidens you will never meet.
  • Oak Oak's Rivals: The halfwit and the whore are dead? I never thought I'd see the day.

    Now I am king, unquestioned, unrivaled. A fine feeling indeed. Not much of a kingdom to speak of, but at least it's a peaceful one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, give me the amulets that Kraityn and Alira wore around their worthless necks. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to continue to do what we must.
  • Definitely Oak Oak's Rivals: The halfwit and the whore are dead? I never thought I'd see the day.

    Now I am king, unquestioned, unrivaled. A fine feeling indeed. Not much of a kingdom to speak of, but at least it's a peaceful one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, give me the amulets that Kraityn and Alira wore around their worthless necks. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to continue to do what we must.
  • Oak Oak's Rivals: So an enemy of hope has fallen. Alira will not be missed. Did you do it for a higher purpose, perhaps? Something worthy... like peace?

    Every day my brethren must battle and die with Kraityn's bridge rats. To save the lives of many, you need take only one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, bring me the amulet that hangs around Kraityn's worthless neck. I trust you have Alira's in hand already? I thought so. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to bring about peace.
  • Definitely Oak Oak's Rivals: So an enemy of hope has fallen. Alira will not be missed. Did you do it for a higher purpose, perhaps? Something worthy... like peace?

    Every day my brethren must battle and die with Kraityn's bridge rats. To save the lives of many, you need take only one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, bring me the amulet that hangs around Kraityn's worthless neck. I trust you have Alira's in hand already? I thought so. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to bring about peace.
  • Oak Oak's Rivals: Today I am king. Unquestioned, unrivaled. A fine feeling indeed. Not much of a kingdom to speak of, but it's a start.

    Now, hand me those amulets so that I may reward my most resourceful of subjects.
  • Definitely Oak Oak's Rivals: Today I am king. Unquestioned, unrivaled. A fine feeling indeed. Not much of a kingdom to speak of, but it's a start.

    Now, hand me those amulets so that I may reward my most resourceful of subjects.
  • 4Acquire the amulet of Kraityn's rival - Alira
    Kraityn wants you to bring him the amulets of his rivals - Alira and Oak. Alira can be found in the Western Forest. You have slain Oak and have his amulet. Kraityn will reward you with {0}.
  • Acquire Alira's amulet

  • Area: The Western Forest
  • Alira Hand in Amulets: That was almost better than Oriathan chocolate. You keep this trinket... to remember me by on your travels.

    I'd ask you to stay but I think we both know where that would lead. How does the old maxim go? Oh yes: "familiarity breeds contempt, and contempt is murder's concubine."

    A threat? No, my dear. Merely reality.
  • Alira Hand in Amulets: That was almost better than Oriathan chocolate. You keep this trinket... to remember me by on your travels.

    I'd ask you to stay but I think we both know where that would lead. How does the old maxim go? Oh yes: "familiarity breeds contempt, and contempt is murder's concubine."

    A threat? No, my dear. Merely reality.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: Some scared little birds told me you've cut down their tree. A big, ugly Oak. Quite a feat. And yet now you're one of Kraityn's bridge rats? Look at the aura on you: bright as the sunset before a storm. Not the mana of a minion.

    Kraityn's no doubt spun you a line about sharing the power of the amulets with you. No, he'll make sword grips out of your sun-dried entrails. Seen him do the likes a hundred times over.

    Bring me a pair of the amulets, and Kraityn's lying tongue, and I promise to make you part of that power. I believe in friendship, and I can be a fine friend to those who treat me sweetly.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: Some scared little birds told me you've cut down their tree. A big, ugly Oak. Quite a feat. And yet now you're one of Kraityn's bridge rats? Look at the aura on you: bright as the sunset before a storm. Not the mana of a minion.

    Kraityn's no doubt spun you a line about sharing the power of the amulets with you. No, he'll make sword grips out of your sun-dried entrails. Seen him do the likes a hundred times over.

    Bring me a pair of the amulets, and Kraityn's lying tongue, and I promise to make you part of that power. I believe in friendship, and I can be a fine friend to those who treat me sweetly.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: You felled an Oak. I knew you had mana to spare. But a journey half travelled is a journey wasted.

    Put an end to that filthy rat in the East and bring me his amulet. Then we'll talk... intimately, and at length.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: You felled an Oak. I knew you had mana to spare. But a journey half travelled is a journey wasted.

    Put an end to that filthy rat in the East and bring me his amulet. Then we'll talk... intimately, and at length.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: Some scared little birds told me that you've cut down their tree. A big, ugly Oak. Can't say I'm surprised. You've a powerful aura on you... bright as a sunset before a storm. So let me rub an idea against that hot spirit of yours, see if it catches fire.

    The amulet I wear, sister to the one you took from Oak? Kraityn has its triplet. There's power in these trinkets, enchantment enough to keep my tribe safe.

    Go east, bring me an amulet, and Kraityn's lying tongue, and I'll make you part of that power. You need friends in Wraeclast, and believe me: I can be a fine friend.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: Some scared little birds told me that you've cut down their tree. A big, ugly Oak. Can't say I'm surprised. You've a powerful aura on you... bright as a sunset before a storm. So let me rub an idea against that hot spirit of yours, see if it catches fire.

    The amulet I wear, sister to the one you took from Oak? Kraityn has its triplet. There's power in these trinkets, enchantment enough to keep my tribe safe.

    Go east, bring me an amulet, and Kraityn's lying tongue, and I'll make you part of that power. You need friends in Wraeclast, and believe me: I can be a fine friend.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: The king of rats, Kraityn? Dead. And that big, ugly Oak? Chopped down. You've made quite the impact around here. But I can't say I'm surprised. You've a powerful aura on you... bright as a sunset before a storm.

    Now, someone as resourceful as you would surely not have overlooked Oak's and Kraityn's amulets... the ones like mine here. There's power in those trinkets, enchantment enough to keep my friends and I safe.

    Give me the amulets and I'll gladly make you part of that power. You need friends in Wraeclast, and believe me: I can be a fine friend.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: The king of rats, Kraityn? Dead. And that big, ugly Oak? Chopped down. You've made quite the impact around here. But I can't say I'm surprised. You've a powerful aura on you... bright as a sunset before a storm.

    Now, someone as resourceful as you would surely not have overlooked Oak's and Kraityn's amulets... the ones like mine here. There's power in those trinkets, enchantment enough to keep my friends and I safe.

    Give me the amulets and I'll gladly make you part of that power. You need friends in Wraeclast, and believe me: I can be a fine friend.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: Reliable {and} deadly. What a truly lovely combination. I do hope you mentioned my name as Kraityn and Oak bled their last into the dirt. You did? How sweet.

    Now, the amulets, if you please. You and I have hungry spirits to satiate.
  • Alira Alira's Rivals: Reliable {and} deadly. What a truly lovely combination. I do hope you mentioned my name as Kraityn and Oak bled their last into the dirt. You did? How sweet.

    Now, the amulets, if you please. You and I have hungry spirits to satiate.
  • Eramir Bandit Amulets: You say the Lords of Larceny wore these around their necks? These artefacts, and that ancient gateway to the northwest... crafted by the same hands, I'd venture. Vaal hands.

    And it appears the brigands' trinkets could form a single whole. Give me a moment with them. I used to be good at this sort of thing. Now, this one seems to fit neatly against here, and this third one, well it looks like it...
  • Kraityn Hand in Amulets: Ah, sweeter than mother's milk. Might as well take this pretty husk with you. Something to remember me by.

    Nice working with you, matey. I wish you luck on your travels but, from what I seen, you won't be needing it.
  • Kraityn Hand in Amulets: Ah, sweeter than mother's milk. Might as well take this pretty husk with you. Something to remember me by.

    Nice working with you, matey. I wish you luck on your travels but, from what I seen, you won't be needing it.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you felled a big tree. Handy work, that. But you're Alira's lap dog, are you? I could be wasting the last of my breath here... you're chasing the wrong tail. Once Alira's done with you, those brave guts of yours will be steaming on the ground.

    Here's the truth of it: Alira cares for nothing and no one. Me? I care about a thing called arithmetic.

    You go take one head, bring me two amulets, and I'll give you half the power. That add up right to you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you felled a big tree. Handy work, that. But you're Alira's lap dog, are you? I could be wasting the last of my breath here... you're chasing the wrong tail. Once Alira's done with you, those brave guts of yours will be steaming on the ground.

    Here's the truth of it: Alira cares for nothing and no one. Me? I care about a thing called arithmetic.

    You go take one head, bring me two amulets, and I'll give you half the power. That add up right to you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you felled a big tree, and got yourself one of the amulets. Handy work, that.

    But you don't seem the kind to leave a job half done. If you can chop down an Oak, you can pull out a weed.

    The weed's got a name: Alira, and I'm sick of seeing her in my garden.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you felled a big tree, and got yourself one of the amulets. Handy work, that.

    But you don't seem the kind to leave a job half done. If you can chop down an Oak, you can pull out a weed.

    The weed's got a name: Alira, and I'm sick of seeing her in my garden.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you toppled a big tree. Handy work, that. And if you can chop down an Oak, you can pull out a weed. The weed's got a name: Alira, and I'm sick of seeing her in my garden.

    What's in it for you? The amulets around Oak's and Alira's necks. The ones like mine here. There's power in them beyond reckoning.

    I'm thinking you got one already from old lumber-for-brains. Make it two, bring them to me, and take half the power for yourself. That add up right for you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you toppled a big tree. Handy work, that. And if you can chop down an Oak, you can pull out a weed. The weed's got a name: Alira, and I'm sick of seeing her in my garden.

    What's in it for you? The amulets around Oak's and Alira's necks. The ones like mine here. There's power in them beyond reckoning.

    I'm thinking you got one already from old lumber-for-brains. Make it two, bring them to me, and take half the power for yourself. That add up right for you?
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you been doing some serious gardenin' around the place. Felled a big, dumb Oak, and plucked an Alira thistle from a foul bed.

    And I'm thinking you got a couple of amulets in your pockets. Ones like mine here. There's power in them, you know. But only when all three get to dance together.

    I'm not greedy, mind. I'm willing to split that power with you, right down the middle.

    Hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Heard you been doing some serious gardenin' around the place. Felled a big, dumb Oak, and plucked an Alira thistle from a foul bed.

    And I'm thinking you got a couple of amulets in your pockets. Ones like mine here. There's power in them, you know. But only when all three get to dance together.

    I'm not greedy, mind. I'm willing to split that power with you, right down the middle.

    Hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: My gardens all tidy, just like that. I knew you were just the kind of trouble I needed.

    Now, hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: My gardens all tidy, just like that. I knew you were just the kind of trouble I needed.

    Now, hand me those amulets, and let's see what fate has in store for us.
  • 5You have the amulets. Talk to Kraityn for your reward
    You have obtained the amulets of Kraityn's rivals. He can be found at the Broken Bridge, east of town. Kraityn will reward you with {0}.
  • Talk to Kraityn for your reward

  • Area: The Broken Bridge
    6You have slain Kraityn, and can no longer ally with him
    Quest Abandoned - You have slain Kraityn.
  • Eramir The Bandit Scourge: Those bandits you've encountered out there... they're the dregs of Oriath. And with any foul broth, the nastiest chunks bubble to the surface.

    The Lords of Larceny... Oak, Kraityn and Alira... the self-appointed monarchs of the forest. Thanks to you, Kraityn and his river rats are food for gulls and eels. Giving rather than taking for once in their misguided lives. Yet Alira remains in the West. Oak in the North. And this village, this tribe... we continue to pay their taxes.

    I would never venture to say that life in Wraeclast is easy, but with Alira and Oak gone... well, living here might just become possible.
  • Eramir The Bandit Scourge: Those bandits you've encountered out there... they're the dregs of Oriath. And with any foul broth, the nastiest chunks bubble to the surface.

    The Lords of Larceny... Oak, Kraityn and Alira... the self-appointed monarchs of the forest. Thanks to you, Alira and Kraityn are no more, their brigand clans dead or scattered. Yet Oak remains in the North. And this village, this tribe... we continue to pay his taxes.

    I would never venture to say that life in Wraeclast is easy, but with Oak gone... well, living here might just become possible.
  • Eramir The Bandit Scourge: Those bandits you've encountered out there... they're the dregs of Oriath. And with any foul broth, the nastiest chunks bubble to the surface.

    The Lords of Larceny... Oak, Kraityn and Alira... the self-appointed monarchs of the forest. Thanks to you, Oak and Kraityn are no more, their brigand clans dead or scattered. Yet Alira remains in the West. And this village, this tribe... we continue to pay her taxes.

    I would never venture to say that life in Wraeclast is easy, but with Alira gone... well, living here might just become possible.
  • Eramir Bandit Lords: There's greatness in you. You've proved that without a doubt. And whether you've destroyed the bandits for us, or for your own ends, it matters not at all. You've given us back our home, and our future.
  • Eramir Kraityn: The scarred one is no more? I wish I could say that this bodes well for us, but with Kraityn gone, Oak and Alira will only grow stronger.
  • Eramir Oak: You have done what none of us could, not even the fierce Greust. And while we are grateful, we dare not sleep with both eyes shut just yet.

    The balance of power has gone. In overthrowing a Lord and a Lady, you have created a despot in Oak.
  • Eramir Alira: You have done what none of us could, not even the fierce Greust. And while we are grateful, we dare not sleep with both eyes shut just yet.

    The balance of power has gone. In overthrowing two Lords, you have created an empress in Alira.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Like I figured, first time I saw you: you're trouble. And trouble don't play nice with others.

    Guess what? I'm a bit troubled myself.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: Like I figured, first time I saw you: you're trouble. And trouble don't play nice with others.

    Guess what? I'm a bit troubled myself.
  • Oak Oak's Rivals: So Kraityn has fallen. A worthy achievement on your part. And yet you serve Alira? Not so worthy. You strike me as someone who craves a higher purpose than that. Something like... peace.

    Every day my brethren must battle and die with Alira's enthralled wretches. To spare the lives of many, you need take only one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, bring me the amulet that hangs around Alira's worthless neck. I trust you have Kraityn's in hand already? I thought so. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to bring about peace.
  • Definitely Oak Oak's Rivals: So Kraityn has fallen. A worthy achievement on your part. And yet you serve Alira? Not so worthy. You strike me as someone who craves a higher purpose than that. Something like... peace.

    Every day my brethren must battle and die with Alira's enthralled wretches. To spare the lives of many, you need take only one.

    But if peace isn't reward enough for you, bring me the amulet that hangs around Alira's worthless neck. I trust you have Kraityn's in hand already? I thought so. When joined with mine, those trinkets will forge us a new strength, you and I. The strength to bring about peace.
  • 7
    Quest Abandoned - You have slain Kraityn.
    Quest Complete - You have slain Oak and Alira. Talk to Kraityn to get the Apex. He has rewarded you with {0}.
  • Talk to Kraityn

  • Area: The Broken Bridge
  • Eramir Greust: The relic that washed ashore and started all the chaos, it was covered in ancient Vaal inscriptions. The symbols were much weathered, making them challenging to translate, yet I did my best.

    The inscriptions spoke of the god, Ralakesh. If this object somehow housed the spirit of that many faced monstrosity, then I fear we are all in danger. Ralakesh was renowned for his penchant for subjugation and control. Please, I urge you to destroy this god before his strength and dominance grow insurmountable. Nip this divine threat in the bud, as it were.

    Our poor friend, Greust, has likely become Ralakesh's avatar in this world. At least his recent behaviour would indicate as much. If you could see to Greust's... passing... Ralakesh will be forced to retreat into the relic. Destroy the relic and perhaps you will also destroy the god.
  • Helena Greust: Yes... I thank you. Though I loved him, I know Greust was lost to me the very moment he touched that Vaal abomination. I will weep over his passing for many more nights to come, but I am... happy that you avenged his honour, and freed him from his torment.
  • Helena Greust: My poor Greust. A kind man. A strong man. And now... I begged him not to meddle with that relic. It washed ashore after the earthquake and Greust simply had to know whether it was a danger to us... to me.

    The unholy thing within that device... it possessed Greust. Turned him into a monstrosity. We fled the village, and as I turned back... I saw... he was killing them, the stragglers, killing them all! Even the children!

    My Greust is dead. That thing that has stolen his body... please, destroy it.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: You know, you could always stick around and be part of our cozy little commune. It's about to get a damn sight bigger, thanks to you...

    No? I'd be making tracks then. I don't mind you hanging about, but this lot... They're not as {tolerant} as I am.

    I'm afraid, my friend, I simply can't vouch for your safety.
  • Kraityn Kraityn's Rivals: You know, you could always stick around and be part of our cozy little commune. It's about to get a damn sight bigger, thanks to you...

    No? I'd be making tracks then. I don't mind you hanging about, but this lot... They're not as {tolerant} as I am.

    I'm afraid, my friend, I simply can't vouch for your safety.
  • 9
    Quest Complete - You have slain Oak and Alira. Kraityn has rewarded you with {0}.
  • Yeena The Darkness: I dreamed this. A vast creature, a thing of shadow. I saw it escape from a black prison and climb a man-crafted mountain, drifting up its four, sheer sides like the mist that reaches for the clouds. It gathered at the peak of that mountain and ate the heart from the sun.

    You smell of that black mist and... something else. Guilt. That is it, yes. Guilt is a strong illness. It gnaws at the spirit until there is nothing left, until you are one of the walking corpses.

    You want a cure? Find the man-crafted mountain, send the shadow home, and tell the monster to take your guilt with it.
  • 10
    Quest Complete - You have slain Oak and Alira. Kraityn has rewarded you with {0}.
  • Yeena The Darkness: I dreamed this. A vast creature, a thing of shadow. I saw it escape from a black prison and climb a man-crafted mountain, drifting up its four, sheer sides like the mist that reaches for the clouds. It gathered at the peak of that mountain and ate the heart from the sun.

    You smell of that black mist and... something else. Guilt. That is it, yes. Guilt is a strong illness. It gnaws at the spirit until there is nothing left, until you are one of the walking corpses.

    You want a cure? Find the man-crafted mountain, send the shadow home, and tell the monster to take your guilt with it.
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