Level Effect /2
Nível | Requer Nível | Base Damage | Experiência | |
1 | 62 | 0 | 100%, 100% | |
20 | 62 | 0 | 100%, 100% |
Attribute /9
Aura da Morte
Key | Value |
Acronym | Ativação |
DropLevel | 62 |
BaseType | Aura da Morte |
Class | Gemas de Habilidades |
TargetTypes | Any |
Type | Spell, Buff, Area, DamageOverTime, Aura, AuraAffectsEnemies, Chaos, AreaSpell, HasReservation, ZeroReservation, InbuiltTrigger, Triggered, Triggerable |
ItemType | Metadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemDeathAura |
ActiveSkillsCode | death_aura |
Reference | ![]() |

Microtransações /71
Supported By /12
Aura da Morte Único /1
Community Wiki
Death Aura
Death Aura is a spell that deals chaos damage over time around the user, like Righteous Fire. It is granted by Death's Oath.
The Chaos damage over time aura is a skill that activates on equipping Death's Oath, and is modified by socketed support gems as well as modifiers that affect auras, area of effect, damage over time, and chaos damage. The tool tip damage does not display damage increases from X% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras you Cast modifiers from unique items such as Dying Breath and from the passive tree, but the actual damage of the skill is affected by these modifiers.
Currently, there are several support gems that affect Death Aura beneficially:
Arrogance Support (Supported Skills have (10-19)% increased Aura effect gem mod only; despite tooltip would not reflect it )
Less Duration Support (Supported Skills deal #% more Damage gem mod only; not affected by other mod of the gem)
Item Quantity Support (currently unobtainable normally)
These gems depend on second active skill to gain buff that in turn benefit Death Aura skill:
Lifetap Support (the gem mod Supported Skills deal #% more Damage while you have Lifetap, as long as another active skill uses Lifetap Support and meets the cost requirements to gain the Lifetap buff, due to the mod Gain Lifetap after Spending a total of # Life with a Supported Skill)
Arcane Surge Support (the gem mod Supported Skills deal #% more Spell Damage while you have Arcane Surge, as long as another active skill uses Arcane Surge Support and meets the cost requirements to gain the Arcane Surge buff (or other means to gain the buff), due to the mod Gain Arcane Surge after Spending a total of (15-400) Mana with Supported Skills)
Since Death Aura is a triggered skill, it will not be activated if equipped on Animate Guardian. The on-kill damage taken, however, still applies.
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