Death Aura
Level: 1
Cast Time: 1.00 sec
Radius: 30
Requires Level 62
Casts an aura that deals Chaos Damage over Time to nearby Enemies. This skill cannot be cast by Totems.
Deals 1000 Base Chaos Damage per second
This Spell is Triggered when Gained
This Skill Costs nothing
Place into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill. Right click to remove from a socket.
Level Effect /2
Deals 1000 Base Chaos Damage per second
This Spell is Triggered when Gained
This Skill Costs nothing
LevelRequires LevelExperience
Attribute /8

Death Aura

DropLevel 62
BaseType Death Aura
Class Skill Gems
TypeSpell, Buff, Area, DamageOverTime, Aura, AuraAffectsEnemies, Chaos, AreaSpell, HasReservation, ZeroReservation, InbuiltTrigger, Triggered, Triggerable
ItemTypeMetadata/Items/Gems/SkillGemDeathAura, Community Wiki
Microtransactions /71 ⍟
Invisible Buff Effect
Removes the visual effects on the player from arctic armour, tempest shield, blood rage, molten shell, plague bearer, phase run, petrified blood, withering step, any aura, any blasphemied curse, or any herald gem.
Force Field Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a force field bubble.
Lightning Skull Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a circling, sparking skull.
Infernal Skull Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a circling, burning skull.
Arctic Skull Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a circling, freezing skull.
Soul Nexus Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes a vortex of swirling spirits.
Imp Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes the green imp demon effect.
Carnage Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes the red carnage effect.
Trinity Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes the elemental trinity effect.
Archon Aura Effect
Your aura effect becomes the archon effect.
Mystic Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Mystic Effect.
Corsair Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Corsair Effect.
Betrayal Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Betrayal Effect.
Lava Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Lava Effect.
Stygian Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Stygian Effect.
Celestial Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Effect.
Celestial Aura Effect I
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Effect.
Celestial Aura Effect II
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Effect.
Celestial Aura Effect III
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Effect.
Madcap Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Madcap Effect.
Huntsman Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Huntsman Effect.
Zenith Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Zenith Effect.
Dragon Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Dragon Effect.
Blue Dragon Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Blue Dragon Effect.
Dual Dragon Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Dual Dragon Effect.
Wild Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Wild Effect.
Wrangler Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Wrangler Effect.
Illusionist Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Illusionist Effect.
Monolith Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Monolith Effect.
Lich Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Lich Effect.
Ringmaster Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Ringmaster Effect.
Harlequin Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Harlequin Effect.
Void Emperor Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Void Emperor Effect.
Black Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Black Effect.
White Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a White Effect.
Dragon Hunter Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Dragon Hunter Effect.
Project Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Project Effect.
Scientist Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Scientist Effect.
Balefire Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Balefire Effect.
Dark Magic Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Dark Magic Effect.
Angelic Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes an Angelic Effect.
Demonic Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Demonic Effect.
Frost Viking Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Frost Viking effect.
Sunrise Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Sunrise Effect.
Nightfall Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Nightfall Effect.
Savage Ethercraft Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Savage Ethercraft Effect.
Enraged Ethercraft Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes an Enraged Ethercraft Effect.
Tranquil Ethercraft Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Tranquil Ethercraft Effect.
Chaotic Ethercraft Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Chaotic Ethercraft Effect.
Darkwood Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Darkwood Effect.
Sun Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Sun Effect.
Suffering Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Suffering Effect.
Misery Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Misery Effect.
Lightbringer Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Lightbringer Effect.
Darkshard Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Darkshard Effect.
Merchant Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Merchant Effect.
Scavenger Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Scavenger Effect.
Overseer Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes an Overseer Effect.
Siren Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Siren Effect.
Deepwater Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Deepwater Effect.
Heritage Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Heritage Effect.
Divergence Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Divergence Effect.
Phantom Aura Effect
Your Aura becomes a Phantom Effect.
Celestial Nova Aura Effect I
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Nova Effect.
Celestial Nova Aura Effect II
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Nova Effect.
Celestial Nova Aura Effect III
Your Aura becomes a Celestial Nova Effect.
Supported By /12 ⍟
  • Active Type: Spell, Buff, Area, DamageOverTime, Aura, AuraAffectsEnemies, Chaos, AreaSpell, HasReservation, ZeroReservation, InbuiltTrigger, Triggered, Triggerable
  • IconName
    Increased Area of Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect.
    Item Rarity Support
    Supports any skill that can kill enemies.
    Faster Casting Support
    Supports non-instant spell skills.
    Concentrated Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect, regardless of whether that skill deals damage.
    Arrogance Support
    Supports any non-blessing skill with a reservation.
    Hypothermia Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Void Manipulation Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Efficacy Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage or has a duration.
    Brutality Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Awakened Brutality Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Awakened Void Manipulation Support
    Supports any skill that deals damage.
    Awakened Increased Area of Effect Support
    Supports any skill with an area of effect.
    Death Aura Unique /1
    +(8–12)% to all Elemental Resistances
    Trigger Level 20 Death Aura when Equipped
    +(40–50) to all Attributes
    (10–15)% increased Attack Speed
    (180–220)% increased Armour
    +(60–70) to maximum Life
    1% of Attack Damage Leeched as Life
    You take 450 Chaos Damage per second for 3 seconds on Kill
    Gore Footprints
    frenzy charge blood dance art variation [0]
    (Attributes are Strength, Dexterity, and Intelligence)
    (Leeched Life is recovered over time. Multiple Leeches can occur simultaneously, up to a maximum rate)

    Community Wiki


    Death Aura

    Death Aura is a spell that deals chaos damage over time around the user, like Righteous Fire. It is granted by Death's Oath.


    The Chaos damage over time aura is a skill that activates on equipping Death's Oath, and is modified by socketed support gems as well as modifiers that affect auras, area of effect, damage over time, and chaos damage. The tool tip damage does not display damage increases from X% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras you Cast modifiers from unique items such as Dying Breath and from the passive tree, but the actual damage of the skill is affected by these modifiers.

    Currently, there are several support gems that affect Death Aura beneficially:

    These gems depend on second active skill to gain buff that in turn benefit Death Aura skill:

    • Lifetap Support (the gem mod Supported Skills deal #% more Damage while you have Lifetap, as long as another active skill uses Lifetap Support and meets the cost requirements to gain the Lifetap buff, due to the mod Gain Lifetap after Spending a total of # Life with a Supported Skill)

    • Arcane Surge Support (the gem mod Supported Skills deal #% more Spell Damage while you have Arcane Surge, as long as another active skill uses Arcane Surge Support and meets the cost requirements to gain the Arcane Surge buff (or other means to gain the buff), due to the mod Gain Arcane Surge after Spending a total of (15-400) Mana with Supported Skills)

    Since Death Aura is a triggered skill, it will not be activated if equipped on Animate Guardian. The on-kill damage taken, however, still applies.

    Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.