Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
Vaal Orb Corrupted Implicit /21
1331000bleed physical ailmentCorrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you
1401000You cannot be Hindered
111000ailment#% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
111000#% increased Area of Effect
111000critical#% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
111000damage#% increased Damage
1401000You cannot be Maimed
111000damage minionMinions deal #% increased Damage
111000#% increased Reservation Efficiency of Skills
1601000caster curseYou cannot be Cursed with Silence
111000damage elemental fireDamage Penetrates #% Fire Resistance
111000damage elemental coldDamage Penetrates #% Cold Resistance
111000damage elemental lightningDamage Penetrates #% Lightning Resistance
111000damage elementalDamage Penetrates #% Elemental Resistances
111000physicalHits have #% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction
111000elemental fire ailment#% reduced Ignite Duration on you
111000elemental cold ailment#% reduced Effect of Chill on you
111000elemental lightning ailment#% reduced Effect of Shock on you
111000poison chaos ailment#% reduced Poison Duration on you
111000bleed physical ailment#% reduced Bleed Duration on you
111000curse#% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Harvest Seed Jewel Implicit /26 ⍟
(3–6)% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills aura
15% chance to Avoid being Chilled elemental cold ailment
15% chance to Avoid being Frozen elemental cold ailment
15% chance to Avoid being Ignited elemental fire ailment
15% chance to Avoid being Poisoned poison chaos ailment
15% chance to Avoid being Shocked elemental lightning ailment
15% chance to Avoid being Stunned
1% of Damage taken Recouped as Mana resource life mana
10% increased Endurance Charge Duration
(3–6)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate defences
1% increased Flask Effect Duration
10% increased Frenzy Charge Duration
20% increased total Recovery per second from Life Leech resource life
Regenerate 0.1% of Life per second resource life
(3–6)% increased Light Radius
20% increased total Recovery per second from Mana Leech resource mana
Minions have (3–5)% increased maximum Life resource life minion
1% increased Movement Speed speed
10% increased Power Charge Duration
15% reduced Effect of Chill on you elemental cold ailment
10% reduced Reflected Elemental Damage taken elemental
15% reduced Freeze Duration on you elemental cold ailment
15% reduced Ignite Duration on you elemental fire ailment
10% reduced Reflected Physical Damage taken physical
15% reduced Effect of Shock on you elemental lightning ailment
(4–6)% increased Totem Placement speed speed
Medium Cluster Jewel Enchantment Modifiers /21 ⍟
Added Small Passive Skills grant: {0}
12% increased Burning Damage
damage elemental fire cold lightning critical ailmentEye of the Storm36650Prefix
Master of Fire4675Prefix
damage elemental fireSmoking Remains36650Prefix
damage elemental fireCremator36650Prefix
damage elemental fire ailmentBlowback36650Prefix
elemental fire ailmentFan the Flames13768Prefix
damage elemental fire ailmentCooked Alive13768Prefix
damage elemental fireBurning Bright36650Prefix
damage elemental fireWrapped in Flame13768Prefix
damage ailmentWasting Affliction13768Prefix
damage critical ailmentHaemorrhage36650Prefix
resource life damageFlow of Life13768Prefix
damage chaos resistanceExposure Therapy7331Prefix
resource life defences damageBrush with Death13768Prefix
defences damageVile Reinvigoration36650Prefix
damage ailmentCircling Oblivion7331Prefix
resource life mana damageBrewed for Potency7331Prefix
damage chaos resistanceStudent of Decay36650Prefix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Damage over Time3501Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Damage over Time35068Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Damage over Time25084Suffix
12% increased Chaos Damage over Time
damage chaosUnwaveringly Evil6961Prefix
damage chaosDark Ideation13068Prefix
damage chaosWicked Pall34850Prefix
poison damage chaos caster speed ailmentSeptic Spells34850Prefix
poison damage chaos ailmentLow Tolerance13068Prefix
bleed poison damage physical chaos attack ailment ailmentSteady Torment13068Prefix
damage chaosEternal Suffering34850Prefix
resource mana damage chaosEldritch Inspiration34850Prefix
damage ailmentWasting Affliction13068Prefix
damage critical ailmentHaemorrhage34850Prefix
resource life damageFlow of Life13068Prefix
damage chaos resistanceExposure Therapy6961Prefix
resource life defences damageBrush with Death13068Prefix
defences damageVile Reinvigoration34850Prefix
damage ailmentCircling Oblivion6961Prefix
resource life mana damageBrewed for Potency6961Prefix
damage chaos resistanceStudent of Decay34850Prefix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Damage over Time3501Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Damage over Time35068Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Damage over Time25084Suffix
12% increased Physical Damage over Time
damage physical attackWound Aggravation6861Prefix
bleed resource life physical attack ailmentVivid Hues34350Prefix
bleed physical attack ailmentRend34350Prefix
bleed physical attack ailmentDisorienting Wounds6861Prefix
bleed physical attack ailmentCompound Injury34350Prefix
bleed poison damage physical chaos attack ailment ailmentSteady Torment12968Prefix
damage ailmentWasting Affliction12968Prefix
damage critical ailmentHaemorrhage34350Prefix
resource life damageFlow of Life12968Prefix
damage chaos resistanceExposure Therapy6861Prefix
resource life defences damageBrush with Death12968Prefix
defences damageVile Reinvigoration34350Prefix
damage ailmentCircling Oblivion6861Prefix
resource life mana damageBrewed for Potency6861Prefix
damage chaos resistanceStudent of Decay34350Prefix
bleed physical ailmentBlood Artist12975Prefix
bleed physical critical ailmentPhlebotomist34350Prefix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Damage over Time3501Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Damage over Time35068Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Damage over Time25084Suffix
12% increased Cold Damage over Time
resource life damage elemental coldCold-Blooded Killer39050Prefix
damage ailmentWasting Affliction17868Prefix
damage critical ailmentHaemorrhage47550Prefix
resource life damageFlow of Life17868Prefix
damage chaos resistanceExposure Therapy9501Prefix
resource life defences damageBrush with Death17868Prefix
defences damageVile Reinvigoration47550Prefix
damage ailmentCircling Oblivion9501Prefix
resource life mana damageBrewed for Potency9501Prefix
elemental cold ailmentChilling Presence5975Prefix
damage elemental cold ailmentDeep Chill9501Prefix
damage elemental cold ailmentBlast-Freeze17868Prefix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Damage over Time3501Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Damage over Time35068Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Damage over Time25084Suffix
10% increased Damage over Time
damage ailmentWasting Affliction22268Prefix
damage critical ailmentHaemorrhage59350Prefix
resource life damageFlow of Life22268Prefix
damage chaos resistanceExposure Therapy11851Prefix
resource life defences damageBrush with Death22268Prefix
defences damageVile Reinvigoration59350Prefix
damage ailmentCircling Oblivion11851Prefix
resource life mana damageBrewed for Potency11851Prefix
damage chaos resistanceStudent of Decay59350Prefix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Damage over Time3501Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Damage over Time35068Suffix
damageAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Damage over Time25084Suffix
10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments
(Ailments that do not deal Damage are Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped)
damage elemental fire cold lightning critical ailmentEye of the Storm81450Prefix
damage ailmentAstonishing Affliction16271Prefix
elemental cold lightning ailmentCold Conduction30568Prefix
resource mana damage elemental ailmentInspired Oppression10275Prefix
elemental cold ailmentChilling Presence10275Prefix
damage elemental cold ailmentDeep Chill16271Prefix
damage elemental cold ailmentBlast-Freeze30568Prefix
damage elemental cold lightningStormrider30568Prefix
elemental lightning ailmentOvershock81450Prefix
elemental fire cold lightning ailmentAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies3501Suffix
elemental fire cold lightning ailmentAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 4% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies35068Suffix
elemental fire cold lightning ailmentAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 5% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies25084Suffix
3% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills
auraReplenishing Presence48050Prefix
resource mana auraMaster of Command18068Prefix
resource mana elemental cold aura ailmentSpiteful Presence9601Prefix
resource mana auraPurposeful Harbinger6075Prefix
resource mana auraDestructive Aspect18068Prefix
resource mana elemental lightning aura ailmentElectric Presence18068Prefix
resource mana elemental fire aura ailmentVolatile Presence48050Prefix
resource mana auraRighteous Path9601Prefix
resource mana attributePure Might18068Prefix
resource mana attributePure Guile18068Prefix
resource mana defences attributePure Aptitude18068Prefix
resource manaSelf-Control48050Prefix
resource manaUncompromising48050Prefix
resource mana elemental resistanceSublime Form48050Prefix
resource mana chaos resistance auraMortifying Aspect18068Prefix
resource mana speed auraFrantic Aspect18068Prefix
auraAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills3501Suffix
auraAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 4% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills35068Suffix
auraAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 6% increased Area of Effect of Aura Skills25084Suffix
2% increased Effect of your Curses
damage caster curseEvil Eye7061Prefix
caster curseDoedre's Spite35350Prefix
caster speed curseVictim Maker35350Prefix
caster curseLord of Drought35350Prefix
caster critical curseBlizzard Caller35350Prefix
caster speed curseTempt the Storm35350Prefix
caster curseMisery Everlasting35350Prefix
damage physical caster curseExploit Weakness35350Prefix
damage caster curseHound's Mark7061Prefix
damage caster curseDoedre's Gluttony35350Prefix
caster curseDoedre's Apathy13268Prefix
elemental caster ailment curseMaster of the Maelstrom35350Prefix
caster curseAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills3501Suffix
caster curseAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills35068Suffix
caster curseAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Area of Effect of Hex Skills25084Suffix
10% increased Damage while affected by a Herald
resource mana auraPurposeful Harbinger11875Prefix
damageEmpowered Envoy18821Prefix
damageDark Messenger94150Prefix
damage elemental fire cold lightning ailmentAgent of Destruction18821Prefix
damageLasting Impression35368Prefix
damage criticalSelf-Fulfilling Prophecy35368Prefix
attack caster speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Attack and Cast Speed while affected by a Herald3501Suffix
attack caster speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Attack and Cast Speed while affected by a Herald35068Suffix
attack caster speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed while affected by a Herald25084Suffix
Minions deal 10% increased Damage while you are affected by a Herald
resource mana auraPurposeful Harbinger15875Prefix
damage minionCult-Leader25261Prefix
damageLasting Impression47468Prefix
damage speed minionInvigorating Portents126350Prefix
damage minionPure Agony47468Prefix
damage speed minionDisciples47468Prefix
attack caster speed minionAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions have 1% increased Attack and Cast Speed while you are affected by a Herald3501Suffix
attack caster speed minionAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions have 2% increased Attack and Cast Speed while you are affected by a Herald35068Suffix
attack caster speed minionAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions have 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed while you are affected by a Herald25084Suffix
Exerted Attacks deal 20% increased Damage
damage attackMob Mentality10975Prefix
damage attackCry Wolf32768Prefix
Haunting Shout87350Prefix
attributeLead By Example17451Prefix
damage criticalProvocateur87350Prefix
defencesWarning Call32768Prefix
damage attack attributeRattling Bellow17451Prefix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Warcry Duration3501Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Warcry Duration35068Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 4% increased Warcry Duration25084Suffix
15% increased Critical Strike Chance
damage criticalPrecise Retaliation45750Prefix
damage criticalSkullbreaker17168Prefix
damage criticalPressure Points45750Prefix
Overwhelming Malice17168Prefix
damage criticalMagnifier9141Prefix
damage criticalSavage Response45750Prefix
damage elemental fire cold lightning critical ailmentEye of the Storm45750Prefix
damage criticalBasics of Pain9141Prefix
attack caster speed criticalQuick Getaway9141Prefix
damage criticalProvocateur45750Prefix
damage critical ailmentHaemorrhage45750Prefix
damage criticalAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: +1% to Critical Strike Multiplier3501Suffix
damage criticalAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: +2% to Critical Strike Multiplier35068Suffix
damage criticalAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: +3% to Critical Strike Multiplier25084Suffix
Minions have 12% increased maximum Life
resource life damage minionRenewal71650Prefix
resource life minionHulking Corpses71650Prefix
resource life chaos resistance speed minionDread March14331Prefix
resource life minionBlessed Rebirth26968Prefix
resource life minionLife from Death71650Prefix
resource life damage minionFeasting Fiends14331Prefix
resource life minionBodyguards71650Prefix
resource life minionAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions Regenerate 0.1% of Life per Second3501Suffix
resource life minionAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions Regenerate 0.15% of Life per Second35068Suffix
resource life minionAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Minions Regenerate 0.2% of Life per Second25084Suffix
10% increased Area Damage
damage criticalMagnifier19591Prefix
Assert Dominance36768Prefix
damageVast Power98050Prefix
damagePowerful Assault98050Prefix
damage attackTitanic Swings98050Prefix
resource lifeTowering Threat36768Prefix
damage attackExpansive Might36768Prefix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Area of Effect3501Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Area of Effect35068Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Area of Effect25084Suffix
10% increased Projectile Damage
damage speedStreamlined17781Prefix
damageShrieking Bolts88950Prefix
damageEye to Eye88950Prefix
damage attack caster speedRepeater17781Prefix
damage speedAerodynamics33368Prefix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Projectile Speed3501Suffix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Projectile Speed35068Suffix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 4% increased Projectile Speed25084Suffix
12% increased Trap Damage
12% increased Mine Damage
damageSet and Forget98050Prefix
speedExpert Sabotage98050Prefix
damage speedGuerilla Tactics19591Prefix
damageArcane Pyrotechnics36768Prefix
damage elemental criticalSurprise Sabotage98050Prefix
resource life mana damageCareful Handling36768Prefix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Trap and Mine Throwing Speed3501Suffix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Trap and Mine Throwing Speed35068Suffix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Trap and Mine Throwing Speed25084Suffix
12% increased Totem Damage
attack caster speedAncestral Echo14771Prefix
damage speedAncestral Reach14771Prefix
damageAncestral Might73850Prefix
resource life chaos resistanceAncestral Preservation27768Prefix
damageSnaring Spirits73850Prefix
Sleepless Sentries27768Prefix
speedAncestral Guidance73850Prefix
casterAncestral Inspiration27768Prefix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Totem Placement speed3501Suffix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Totem Placement speed35068Suffix
speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Totem Placement speed25084Suffix
12% increased Brand Damage
(Brand Damage is any Damage dealt by Brand Skills or by Skills Triggered by a Brand)
caster speedChip Away117150Prefix
damage casterSeeker Runes43968Prefix
caster speedRemarkable43968Prefix
damage casterBrand Loyalty23411Prefix
caster speedHoly Conquest117150Prefix
caster speedGrand Design43968Prefix
casterAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Brand Attachment range3501Suffix
casterAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Brand Attachment range35068Suffix
casterAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Brand Attachment range25084Suffix
Channelling Skills deal 12% increased Damage
resource life damageVital Focus18111Prefix
speedUnrestrained Focus34068Prefix
resource mana damageUnwavering Focus90650Prefix
damageEnduring Focus11375Prefix
damage criticalPrecise Focus90650Prefix
damageStoic Focus18111Prefix
attack caster speed curseHex Breaker11375Prefix
attack caster speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Channelling Skills have 1% increased Attack and Cast Speed3501Suffix
attack caster speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Channelling Skills have 2% increased Attack and Cast Speed35068Suffix
attack caster speedAdded Small Passive Skills also grant: Channelling Skills have 3% increased Attack and Cast Speed25084Suffix
6% increased Flask Effect Duration
resource life manaDistilled Perfection10791Prefix
attack caster speedSpiked Concoction53950Prefix
resource lifeMender's Wellspring20268Prefix
resource life damageSpecial Reserve10791Prefix
caster ailment curseNumbing Elixir20268Prefix
resource life mana damageBrewed for Potency10791Prefix
resource lifePeak Vigour10791Prefix
resource manaLiquid Inspiration20268Prefix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Flask Charges gained3501Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Flask Charges gained35068Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Flask Charges gained25084Suffix
10% increased Life Recovery from Flasks
10% increased Mana Recovery from Flasks
resource life manaDistilled Perfection17781Prefix
attack caster speedSpiked Concoction88950Prefix
resource lifeMender's Wellspring33368Prefix
resource life damageSpecial Reserve17781Prefix
caster ailment curseNumbing Elixir33368Prefix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 1% increased Flask Charges gained3501Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 2% increased Flask Charges gained35068Suffix
Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Flask Charges gained25084Suffix
Slot Information
The red numbers are the order of appearance.
1 1 12 12 12 123 123 123 123 123
The blue numbers are the order of Notable Modifiers assigned. The position of the Notables are from the first point of the inserted jewel, arranged clockwise, and the order refers to the Modifier table.
1 1 12 12 12 123 123 123 123 123
Medium Cluster Jewel
Adds (4–6) Passive Skills
1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket
Added Small Passive Skills grant: #
Place into an allocated Jewel Socket on the Passive Skill Tree. Right click to remove from the Socket.
Medium Cluster Jewel JewelPassiveTreeExpansionMedium /8
NameShow Full Descriptions
DropLevel 1
BaseType Medium Cluster Jewel
Class Jewels
FlagsAlwaysAllocate, CanBeCorrupted, CanBeDoubleCorrupted
Tagsjewel, not_for_sale, expansion_jewel_medium
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Unique /1 ⍟
Adds 4 Passive Skills
Added Small Passive Skills grant Nothing
[Three random notable modifiers]
(Added Passive Skills are never considered to be in Radius by other Jewels)
(All Added Passive Skills are Small unless otherwise specified)

Community Wiki


Medium Cluster Jewel

Medium Cluster Jewel is a cluster jewel base type.

Medium Cluster Jewels always drops with three enchantments:

  • Adds (4-6) Passive Skills
  • A modifier added to all small passive nodes that also determines the available affixes
  • 1 Added Passive Skill is a Jewel Socket.

Note that unique version of this jewel do not have any enchantments .

List of mods

Main page: List of medium cluster jewel modifiers

Unique versions

Item acquisition

Medium Cluster Jewel drops from a Delirium encounter.

Delirium chest inside a heist also has a chance to drop cluster jewel.

Legacy variants

Medium Cluster Jewel has a legacy variant.

Selling any existing Medium Cluster Jewels that without the jewel socket enchantment to a vendor, will remove any existing Jewel socket explicit modifier (of Potential) and add the jewel socket enchantment. This does not include Unique Cluster Jewels.

Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.