Voll Topic /18
Voll's Devotion"We are the soldiers of Faith, armoured in devotion.
Let the sinners come, for we - the Pure - shall endure!"
- Voll of Thebrus, at the Battle of the Bridge
Voll's ProtectorAlthough a great leader during the war,
Voll proved disastrous in times of peace.
Volley FireLioneye's men stood at the walls,
eyeing the savages that walked the beach below.
With a single word,
a thousand bodies, and ten thousand arrows,
would litter the sands.
Voll's VisionRighteous men seek virtue like tame pups seek praise.
Brightbeak"I know how to say 'faster' and 'attack'
in Karui, Marak and Ezo."
- Voll of Thebrus
The VigilWhen Voll took the throne,
He swore to care for the empire with eyes open.
And so he looked to the salvation of his people,
Blind to the damnation in his hands.
The Writhing JarTo achieve godhood, they would cast off all that god has gifted us.
Mortality, compassion, even the sanctity of flesh.
- High Templar Voll
InevitabilityIzaro gave rise to Chitus.
Chitus gave rise to Voll.
None could know how it would end.
None could stop it.
Combat FocusVoll stood at the gates of Sarn, and a nation stood behind him.
He thought of the righteousness of his cause,
and of the glory he would bring to the empire he would soon lead.
But as Chitus and his gemlings advanced, he thought only of the fight.
Widowhail"I loosed a volley of arrows into the heart of the man
who slew my beloved. There was no satisfaction, no
healing, no revenge. There was only... emptiness."
- Chieftainess Ahuana of the Ramako Tribe
Cannonade Volley Effect
Alternate Art Volls Devotion
Greater Volley Support
Volley Support
Voll's Confession
The Brittle Emperor{"When Voll spared Malachai, accepting his aid in pursuit of Purity, the strongest faith was infected by Corruption and made brittle as glass."
- Victario, the People's Poet}
Emperor of PurityTrue to his title,
Voll, newly crowned,
had many of the
Eternal Empire's signature
extravagances destroyed.
Dark Temptation"Only a fool looks to the occult for power and expects to be spared from its wrath."
- Voll, Emperor of Purity
Voll FlavourText /64
The Brittle Emperor
{"When Voll spared Malachai, accepting his aid in pursuit of Purity, the strongest faith was infected by Corruption and made brittle as glass."
- Victario, the People's Poet}
Emperor of Purity
True to his title,
Voll, newly crowned,
had many of the
Eternal Empire's signature
extravagances destroyed.
Dark Temptation
"Only a fool looks to the occult for power and expects to be spared from its wrath."
- Voll, Emperor of Purity
Your Empire is dead, Voll. Join it.
This land won't miss your kind, Voll.
Thaumaturgy just keeps getting the better of you, doesn't it Voll?
It seemed to me, Voll, that I just did you a favour.
You are free now, Voll. Go with God.
Sin is the crack through which Nightmare seeps. What was your Sin, Voll? Pride?
I'm no history scholar, but I know that Emperor Chitus was overthrown by Voll of Thebrus in the so-called 'Purity Rebellion'. But Voll had the shortest reign of any Eternal Emperor. The cataclysm saw to that.
Victario, a fellow warrior of words. He wrote many entreaties to the Ezomytes, begging our assistance in helping High Templar Voll depose Emperor Chitus.

That was centuries ago. Victario's words held much power then. I imagine they still do.
It's an often-told story among the Karui. How Voll of Thebrus bent his knee to my ancestor, King Kaom, and promised freedom in return for war. While Voll raised his Purity Rebellion in the heart of the Empire, Kaom took Lord Lioneye's head and the southern coast all the way to the Siren's Cove. It was the greatest conquest the Karui had ever seen.
Chitus thought that the Gemling was the pinnacle of human progress. "These glorious gems have brought us within spitting distance of godhood", he once said.

The High Templar at the time, Voll of Thebrus, thought they were a perversion. He wanted the Empire made pure, "cleansed of the stain of thaumaturgy". You look at Sarn and tell me which one you think was right.

And while you're out there, look out for monkeys. No, not those bloody monkeys from Phrecia. These ones are painted on the walls. I think you'll find them enlightening.
How Malachai survived the Purity Rebellion, I don't know. He was at Emperor Voll's side before Chitus' corpse was even cold.

I suppose Voll found him as difficult to refuse as Icius did.
{Book 1: Embers of Insurrection}

"He soared to power on the smoke of burning witches". So the surviving Gemlings whispered of Voll of Thebrus, as he donned the Imperial crown on the 2nd Sacrato of Phreci, 1334 IC. But in truth, he was never the sort of man to set a girl alight for merely reading a palm or remedying a bout of the clap.

Righteous and devoted to both faith and country, High Templar Voll struck little hardship in gathering others to his godly cause: Sarn's own Lord Mayor Ondar and Victario, the People's Poet; Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia; Governor Kastov of Stridevolf; and Commander Adus of Highgate. Together, these Warriors of Purity forged an uprising against the Gemling thaumatocracy that Voll hoped would "snatch this empire from the claws of devilry and return it to humanity".

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 2: Bloody Flowers}

High Templar Voll had Victario entreat Thane Rigwald of Ezomyr, knowing that a poet would fare far better than any politician in rousing the romantic Ezomytes to rebellion. Stirred by Victario's impassioned words, Rigwald mustered his blood-bound clans, and on the 3rd Fiero of Dirivi 1333 IC, took to the fields of Glarryn in open rebellion against Governor Gaius Sentari.

Such was the colourful splendour of a thousand tartans and banners that the Ezomyte uprising became known as "The Bloody Flowers' Rebellion". Though Sentari's Gemling legionnaires slew three Ezomytes for every one of their own fallen, the Bloody Flowers won the day through sheer fury-driven courage.

Governor Sentari fled to Sarn, only to return in Astrali with reinforcements drawn from the capital, Vastiri and southern garrisons. Little did Sentari know that, by so weakening those forces, he was playing right into Voll's hands.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 3: Fall of a Jade Axe}

In a man-to-man fight on open ground, a Gemling Legion would have slaughtered Kaom's Karui warriors like so many pigs in a pen. But Kaom had no intention of engaging Lioneye in a fair fight. By absorbing some heavy losses and feigning a chaotic retreat, Kaom drew Marceus into ordering his Gemlings to abandon their tower shields so that they might pursue and rout the fleeing Karui.

It was not out of recklessness that Lioneye plucked such a decision, but from the experience-born confidence that the Karui did not have archers. Traditionally, Karui warriors are forbidden from using projectile weapons of any kind. What Lioneye understandably overlooked was that this tavukai (sacred prohibition) did not extend to women. At her uncle's behest, Hyrri had traveled to Thebrus and studied archery with Voll's finest military tutors. When the legionnaires shed protection in favour of mobility, Hyrri and her bow-women broke cover and rained death upon the Gemlings from the cliffs above.

A valiant Marceus Lioneye gathered his surviving legionnaires for a final stand within the walls of Lioneye's Watch. Kaom honoured his bravery by wearing Marceus' bejeweled head upon his belt from that day on.

Having secured a safe harbour for landing reinforcements, Kaom continued his conquest of the coast, slaughtering the Eternal citizens and clearing the way for the first ever settlement of Karui upon the Wraeclastian mainland.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 4: The Red Sekhema's Saddle}

In return for her military support in the rebellion, Voll promised Sekhema Deshret the return of the Maraketh grazing lands stolen during the imperial conquest of the Vastiri Plains. The Red Sekhema agreed on one condition, that she might have Hector Titucius' skin with which to fashion a rhoa saddle.

To this end, Voll and Deshret engineered a trap for General Titucius and his Vastiri Legion. The Maraketh had long been able to predict the comings and goings of the vast and vicious dust storms that constantly plague the plains. Deshret located one such fledgling maelstrom within a day's march of Titucius' camp. For his part, Voll identified a number of imperial spies amongst the Maraketh and fed them false information regarding a potential tribal uprising. Taking the bait, Titucius had his Gemling legion surround the supplied location, thus placing himself squarely in the path of Deshret's dust storm.

On the third Galvano of Vitali 1333 IC, the tempest descended upon Titucius' legion with blinding, deafening ferocity. Deshret's {akhara}, born and raised in dust and wind, swept through the legion, harvesting it like a field of ripe corn. Once storm and Maraketh fury had abated, the Vastiri Legion existed only as a multitude of dust-cloaked mounds. The Red Sekhema claimed her prize and it is said that there is no more comfortable saddle in all of Vastiri than Deshret's.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 5: The Emperor is dead. Long live the Emperor!}

On the last day of Divini 1333 IC, High Templar Voll laid siege to Sarn, his ranks swelled by Ezomyte, Karui and Maraketh rebels under the respective leaderships of Thane Rigwald, Hyrri of Ngamakanui and Sekhema Deshret. Emperor Chitus rallied his freshly minted Gemling Legionnaires and, for a time, looked set to execute an effective defence of the capital. But his efforts were cut short by his closest advisor and friend, Lord Mayor Ondar.

During the celebration of the Night of a Thousand Ribbons, Ondar struck Chitus down with blades tainted with the most virulent of poisons. Yet the emperor's inhuman constitution served him to the very last. Taking up his axe, Chitus cleaved Ondar in twain before expiring himself, in a visceral and calamitous display of thaumaturgy.

Malachai, Thaumaturge Laureate, and his gemling consort, Lady Dialla, were captured by Victario Nevalius' citizen revolutionaries shortly thereafter. With their leadership either dead or detained, the gemling aristocracy of Sarn had no choice but to offer the city's surrender.

Voll and his Army of Purity marched through the gates of the capital and the following day, the High Templar was crowned Emperor Voll the First.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
{Book 6: The Rapture Device}

Voll condemned Malachai to the Crematorium for 'living conflagration', but it seems that Malachai's promises have saved him from the pyre. "An end to thaumaturgy," he claims. A fancy that our Emperor is willing to humour.

For over a year now, Malachai has been consigned to the Solaris Temple, forging a mechanism that will purge Wraeclast of its otherworldly vices. Today, the first Fiero of Eterni 1336 IC, Malachai and his Gemling Queen gripped each one corner of a silken mantle and unveiled his Rapture Device. Like a pit of copper snakes it writhes before the eyes. Whether it is a miracle or a monstrosity, none but Malachai can say. Yet tomorrow Voll shall lead the Highgate Legion home, conveying Malachai, Lady Dialla, and this bewildering apparatus north.

North, from whence the first Gems came. From whence the nightmare of Chitus' thaumatocracy was born.

It is in Highgate that our Emperor Voll will finish what he started. He will burn Chitus' empire from history and raise up a fresh and pure theocracy from the ashes of arrogance and corruption.

God be with you, Voll of Thebrus, and with us all.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
Voll the Pure, they called him. Voll the Murderer, I call him. In his name, an Emperor was murdered. In his name, an Empire was murdered.

Yes, it was Malachai's lips that kissed me. Yes, it was Malachai's hand that led me to the Rapture. No, no and no again. It was Voll's words that put me there.
"The righteous shall inherit." Voll said that, in a candlelit sermon on the eve of cataclysm. The only smart thing that idiot ever said. The only time God actually agreed with him.

My Malachai is dead. I knew it, felt it, understood it the moment you struck the final blow. I am, I was... the Gemling Queen, and now my King is dead.
Malachai chose his three most loyal servants to guard those precious innards. His Godless Three. Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra, and Doedre Darktongue.

If the history books are accurate, High Templar Voll burned Maligaro and Doedre at the stake on his way to lay siege to Sarn. He didn't have to worry himself with Shavronne. Brutus had already sorted her out.

Yet slaves of nightmare seem to be shackled just as tightly to life as they are to the Beast. I, of course, am living proof of that.

Don't worry yourself with that little detail, though. Shackles are made to be unlocked.
On this day, the 2nd Sacrato of Verusi, 1334 IC, the Army of Purity remembers its most devout and beloved servant, Archbishop Geofri of Phrecia.

As spoken by Geofri:

{Only will and truth can prevail
over the evil of our own kin.}

- High Templar Voll, commander of the Army of Purity
We, the Court of Reckoning find you, Doedre Stamatis, guilty of the following transgressions against God:

{Perversion of God's Creation

Promotion of Heretical Beliefs

Unlawful Enslavement of Eternal Citizens

Torture of the Innocent

Murder of the Servants of Purity}

For these most severe crimes, I do sentence Doedre Darktongue to burn at the stake till naught is left but ash. May her life serve as penance for the lives she has taken, and let Purity sweep away the dust of her deeds from our firmament.

- High Templar Voll, Commander of the Army of Purity
Sekhema Deshret sealed the Mines, trapped the Nightmare within its black den.

The Beast should never have been imprisoned. The Beast should have been destroyed, yet, for all her ferocity, it seemed that Deshret lacked the courage to do so.

And now, after two centuries guarding this hole in the ground, this {akhara} lacks the strength. But you are not Deshret, and you are not one of us. You will succeed where we have failed.

Deshret's Banner will break the Seal and open the Mines. It was taken from her when she fell to Voll, the Brittle Emperor.

Take the stairs to the south-west, descend to the Dried Lake. You shall have no trouble finding the Brittle Emperor. You'll smell him before you see him.

Bring Deshret's Banner home, and you will be free to pass into the darkness as you wish.
Voll and his 'unmen' have dipped their fleshless claws into the lifeblood of the Maraketh since the day this {akhara} tethered its rhoa here.

Such is the way with men of war. Remove their tongues, yet still they thirst for blood. Remove their bellies, yet still they hunger for battle. Remove their manhood, yet still they lust for conquest.
We read the land, learn its stories. Kaom and his warriors entered those Mines some twenty years before Deshret sealed the Mines and bound our {akhara} to this mountain.

Neither soil nor stone speak of Kaom's return. Perhaps he is dead, or perhaps he merely wishes he was. After Voll, anything seems possible.
We read the land, learn its stories. Kaom and his warriors entered those Mines some twenty years before Deshret sealed them and bound our {akhara} to this mountain.

Neither soil nor stone speak of Kaom's return. Now we know why. He became a monarch of Nightmare, like Voll before him. It seems the Beast has uses for those with a talent for conquest.
I was right to have faith in you, Curse-breaker.

You have succeeded where we have failed. You have slain a creature that was thought to live forever in the minds of those who came before you.

Voll, Daresso, Kaom, Deshret... the greatest champions Wraeclast has seen in the last three hundred years. You stood where they fell. Now you are the champion of champions, and Wraeclast should bow at your feet in gratitude.

You certainly have my gratitude, and that of my {akhara}. We have been exiled from our land by fear and misguided duty. Now we may return, to ride where we will, live how we wish.

Curse-breaker, Giver of Freedom... we thank you.
Oyun has ordered me to help you, to trade with you.

I have risked much to gather weapons and armour for this {akhara}. I've scavenged on the fringes of Voll's encampment, and scouted the Dead City.

Let us see if you can offer any value in return.
I've led many a war party against Voll and his unmen, and I've seen too many of my {dekhara} die. I shall look for your return, but I shall not expect it.
Hundreds of our {dekhara} have fallen to Voll and his legion throughout the years. They died defending their {akhara}.

Now Voll is gone, killed by an outsider. You bask in the glory, exile, while I honour the dead.
Vanja: Emperor Voll is dead, for good this time.

Petarus: And the entrance to the Mines stands open. I suppose you'll be heading down there to...

Vanja: ...to free us from the sickening supremacy of Nightmare.

Petarus: I was going to say, 'to kick some nightmare arse'.

Vanja: I think I put it better.

Petarus: Of course you did, sweets.
The Maraketh speak of his betrayal, but Voll did what he thought was necessary to destroy the Beast.

Now he wanders the desiccation, tortured as much by his failure as by Nightmare.
In destroying Voll, you have avenged many a pretty, bloodied nose around here.

Well done, you.
I vowed to "care for this empire with my eyes open". I lied to my people. I lied to myself. Blinded by my lust for 'purity', I placed my faith in the most corrupt of men.

I watch now as my legion dies, their flesh melting from their twisted bones. They fall... and rise. A tide of mortal death and eternal damnation.

I feel it now in my own flesh. The heat. The corruption.

I have failed you, my Empire of Purity. Do not forgive me but please, I beg of you, survive me.

Now you have the look of a connoisseur, an educated appreciator of all things exquisite and dangerous.

And I, Cadiro, am one who provides such delights. Once a lord of influence and opulence, I am now but a humble peddler seeking to recover his lost fortunes. Gold coins of Perandus mintage, secreted away in gilded chests so as to escape the grasping digits of that puritanical usurper, Voll of Thebrus. Perhaps you have seen such chests on your travels?

If so, I could offer you antiquities of remarkable potency, paraphernalia of pernicious craftsmanship. All I would ask in return is the conveyance of the contents of said chests to my person.

As fortune would have it, I have such a wonder in stock even now. A relic of such formidable agency that I shudder to think what it could do in the hands of one predisposed to use it.

For a little coin, those hands could be yours.
When you're a {fat purse} such as I, you are wise to insure yourself against being slit and emptied. In the face of Voll's ridiculous crusade to Highgate, I thought it only prudent to bolster my insurance policies.

It was in our household god, Prospero, that I found my ideal underwriter. While my relations paid tithe and lip service to Prospero the symbol, Prospero the myth, I chose to dig a little deeper than that.

To my delight, it transpired that our god was not only real, but of a similar opinion regarding the near, uncertain future of the Empire.

We signed a contract, Prospero and I, and more than two centuries have borne witness to our successful partnership.

The best deal I ever made.
I'm afraid that the Inquisitor's spirit has indeed returned to the Chamber of Sins, yet while you won't encounter Maligaro by wandering his halls, I do perhaps know how you can find him.

Whilst investigating the Fellshrine, I learned of the existence of a map, forged by Maligaro from his own viscera. This map allowed him to transfer his spirit into another form of existence, an existential safe house to which he could retreat should death ever attempt to take him. Understanding the map's purpose, Voll tried to destroy it, to no avail, so he locked it away deep within the ruins of Phrecia Cathedral.

Find that map and place it upon the Reverie Device in Maligaro's old laboratory. And when you step over that threshold, expect the very worst.
I see you. You are here seeking answers, because you can find them only in the stories we will leave behind when Malachai and Voll cause our destruction. In this final hour, I entertain the notion that the words I write exist in some form beyond me. Do they go on as dreams? As memories?
I see you. You are seeking answers, because you can find them only in the stories we will leave behind when Malachai and Voll cause our destruction. In this final hour, I entertain the notion that the words I write exist in some form beyond me. Do they go on as dreams? As memories?
Voll, give me strength!
Your own volleys turn against you.
Your own volleys turn against you.
Your own volleys turn against you.
I see you're wearing Voll's Protector. Needless to say, I'm not overly fond of Voll, who spearheaded the revolution to overthrow my nephew's empire. The Purity Rebellion culminated in Chitus' death, and Voll is predominantly to blame.
Ah, I see you've got Geofri's ringmail. That man was one of Voll's lackeys, forever plotting and scheming alongside him. I do commend him for having a hand in Inquisitor Maligaro's downfall, though.
Voll's Devotion? Bah! He was devoted to a cause that was far less pure than Victario's writings would have anyone believe.
Bah, take that blasted crest out of my sight! It belonged to a Phrecian slimeball who worked alongside Voll to overthrow all that I held dear.
Honestly, I'm surprised you're wearing Voll's Vision. It's a testament to the acts of treason that threw Wraeclast into disarray.
Ha! The Writhing Jar. High Templar Voll loathed this flask, despite being quite the worm himself...
My name is Cadiro Perandus, Lord of the Coin and the former Minister of Finance. There was a time when I had grown enormously comfortable in my opulence and influence; but alas, my fortunes were snatched away by the cruel hands of fate... stashed away in troves to evade the prying hands of Voll, the Usurper, and scattered hither and thither during that frightful Cataclysm. I have made every attempt to recover the lost caches of the Perandus family, with a substantial degree of success... thankfully, for I must appease the Lord of the Underworld to stay alive.
You can pilfer shiny things from a corpse, but you can pilfer {glorious} things from a soul! Only source of plasm I've ever seen... love this old Wraeclast, I do... Damned fool he was, that Voll...
Voll's Devotion
"We are the soldiers of Faith, armoured in devotion.
Let the sinners come, for we - the Pure - shall endure!"
- Voll of Thebrus, at the Battle of the Bridge
Voll's Protector
Although a great leader during the war,
Voll proved disastrous in times of peace.
"I know how to say 'faster' and 'attack'
in Karui, Marak and Ezo."
- Voll of Thebrus
The Vigil
When Voll took the throne,
He swore to care for the empire with eyes open.
And so he looked to the salvation of his people,
Blind to the damnation in his hands.
Volley Fire
Lioneye's men stood at the walls,
eyeing the savages that walked the beach below.
With a single word,
a thousand bodies, and ten thousand arrows,
would litter the sands.
The Writhing Jar
To achieve godhood, they would cast off all that god has gifted us.
Mortality, compassion, even the sanctity of flesh.
- High Templar Voll
Voll's Vision
Righteous men seek virtue like tame pups seek praise.
Izaro gave rise to Chitus.
Chitus gave rise to Voll.
None could know how it would end.
None could stop it.
Combat Focus
Voll stood at the gates of Sarn, and a nation stood behind him.
He thought of the righteousness of his cause,
and of the glory he would bring to the empire he would soon lead.
But as Chitus and his gemlings advanced, he thought only of the fight.
"I loosed a volley of arrows into the heart of the man
who slew my beloved. There was no satisfaction, no
healing, no revenge. There was only... emptiness."
- Chieftainess Ahuana of the Ramako Tribe