虚空忆境 Base 传奇 /13
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(10–20) 全属性
+(10–20)% 所有元素抗性
受到【寒冰之捷】影响时,冰霜伤害提高 (40–60)%
受到【灰烬之捷】影响时,火焰伤害提高 (40–60)%
捷技能的魔力保留效能提高 10%
受到【寒冰之捷】影响时,最大冰霜抗性 +1%
(抗性上限不能超过 90%)
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(20–30) 力量
附加 (20–25) - (26–35) 基础火焰伤害
+(20–30)% 火焰抗性
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(20–30) 敏捷
附加 (20–25) - (26–35) 基础冰霜伤害
+(20–30)% 冰霜抗性
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(10–20) 全属性
附加 (8–10) - (13–15) 基础物理伤害
+(350–400) 护甲
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(10–20) 全属性
附加 (15–20) - (21–30) 基础混沌伤害
+(17–23)% 混沌抗性
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(20–30) 智慧
附加 1 - (48–60) 基础闪电伤害
+(20–30)% 闪电抗性
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+600 力量和智慧需求
该装备的能量护盾提高 (180–230)%
+10 最大神圣球
满神圣球时,你获得【神性】,持续 10
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(25–30) 全属性
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (150–200)%
周围友军的攻击伤害格挡率按照每 100 点力量就有 1%
你每有 100 点敏捷,周围友军获得 +(6–8)% 暴击伤害加成
你每有 100 点智慧,周围友军的施法速度便提高 (2–4)%
技能的魔力保留效能按照每 250 点总属性提高 2%
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
施法速度加快 (15–20)%
冰霜抗性高于 75% 时,每高 1%,冰霜伤害便提高 (15–20)%
闪电抗性高于 75% 时,每高 1%,闪电伤害便提高 (15–20)%
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
+(15–25) 全属性
该装备的护甲与能量护盾提高 (150–200)%
从生命偷取中获得的最大总恢复量降低 50%
攻击与施法速度加快 (6–10)%
偷取时伤害提高 (15–25)%
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
此物品上装备的【闪电技能石】等级 +(1–3)
装备时触发 20 级的主动技能【闪电神盾】
攻击速度加快 (1–20)%
施法速度加快 (1–20)%
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (300–400)%
+(1–75) 最大魔力
移动速度加快 (1–20)%
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
若智慧是你最高的属性,则你暴击时,有 25% 几率产生渎神地面
你产生的奉献地面效果延续 4
你创造的渎神地面效果延续 4
(友军在你产生的奉献地面上按照百分比每秒再生生命上限,并且他们身上的诅咒效果降低 50%)
(击中对渎神地面上的敌人的暴击几率提高 100%,诅咒对其的效果提高 10%)
[One to three random synthesis implicit modifiers]
持续伤害提高 (20–30)%
该装备的闪避与能量护盾提高 (250–300)%
+(20–30)% 闪电抗性
你造成的感电会扩散给 1.5 米内的其他敌人
(感电使敌人受到的伤害提高 15%,持续 2 秒)

Community Wiki



追忆物品 were introduced in the 追忆联盟, in which they could be crafted by combining three 破裂物品 in the 装饰物:追器幻器. The resulting item was a new item base with special implicit mods based on the mods of the items used.

目前可以透过 4 种核心机制来取得追忆物品:


  • Synthesised items are special item bases with one to three Synthesis implicit mods. Except the implicit, Synthesised basetype has the same 防御, APS or damage values as the normal base, as well as 属性 requirements. They also have "Synthesised" as a prefix of their name, as well as in front and at the back of their name.
  • Synthesised items can be enchanted which doesn't affect implicits. However, corrupted implicits may replace Synthesis implicits after corrupting an item.
  • Synthesised base could not be turned into a unique item using an 机会石. Synthesised unique item are dropped from Synthesis unique maps only. Normal unique items did not have Synthesised variant.
  • Since Fractured items did not drop with an influence, it was impossible to create influenced synthesised items. Also, players cannot use Elderslayer's Exalted Orb on Synthesised items.
  • Synthesised items cannot have a fractured mod.
  • Synthesised items cannot be infuenced.

Synthesis process


Harvesting 夜诞.南莫哈姆 allows crafting which transforms items into Synthesised items: the original base changes into corresponding Synthesised base, random Synthesis implicits are added and if any implicits were present on the orignal item they are removed. Synthesised items cannot have influences.


To create a synthesised item, players needed to use three Rare/Unique fractured items in the Synthesiser. The Synthesiser would then create a synthesised item with implicit modifiers based on all the modifiers of the items used, not just the fractured mods.

  • The item base will be one of the three items used, chosen randomly. If a unique item is used, that one will be used as the base item.
  • The item level of the base will the equal to the highest item level of the fractured items.
  • Total quality of the synthesised item will be the average of all three fractured items.

Synthesized implicits can be targeted:

  • The number of implicit mods is based on the number of fractured mods. It selects from the range of the number of implicit mods on the items and chooses randomly.

    • Example A: [1+2+2]: Lowest fracture mod count is 1. Highest fracture mod count is 2. This means the final item can have 1 or 2 implicits.
    • Example B: [1+1+3]: Lowest fracture mod count is 1. Highest fracture mod count is 3. This means the final item can have 1, 2, or 3 implicits.
  • Every mod on each item contributes to the new implicit, including corrupted mods. This also includes hybrid mods, where each modifier will weigh in towards the implicit.

  • Multiple tiers of thresholds result in different implicit outcomes and item base type.

    • Ex. The #% increased Light Radius explicit mods results in an 10% increased Light Radius implicit if the sum of all #% increased Light Radius is 1 to 20. At 21 to 30, it results in a 12% increased Light Radius implicit. At 36 to 100, for one-handed weapons, it can result in either 15% increased Light Radius or Killed Enemies Explode, dealing 3% of their Life as Physical Damage. For helmets, it can result in either 15% increased Light Radius or +1 to Level of Socketed Gems.
  • Identical synthesised mods from different sources exlcude each other. This can be used to generate a garantueed implicit from purely non-fractured mod sources.

    • Example: #% increased Movement Speed and You have Onslaught during Soul Gain Prevention both generate the #% increased Movement Speed implicit. If there are three boots with both of these as fractured mods, you could craft +# to maximum Life on the the fractured boots to get up +19 to maximum Life as second implicit on the synthesized boots.

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