Glockenturm Attr /10
Name | Vollständige Beschreibung zeigen |
Act | 11 |
Monsterstufe | 73 |
Boss | Grauer Fürst |
Elder Map Boss | Grauer Fürst |
Tags | urban, Karten, cannot_be_twinned, einharmaps, cannot_possess_boss, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_citadel |
Atlas Linked | 'Kolonnade'-Karte, 'Antike Stadt'-Karte, 'Kanal'-Karte |
Upgraded From | 'Kolonnade'-Karte, 'Antike Stadt'-Karte |
Divination Card | Der Zorn Der Turm Die Erleuchtete Der Unschuldige |
Topologies | EndGameBelfry_1 EndGameBelfry_2 EndGameBelfry_3 |
Loading |
Stufe | Name | Erfahrung | Damage | Attack Time | Leben | Rüstung | Ausweichen | Energieschild | ||||
73 | Grauer Fürst | 125,268 | 1,147 | 4.02 | 1,343,133 | 42,661 | 5,633 | 0 | 40 | 40 | 40 | 25 |
73 | Verdorbenes Bildnis | 20,498 | 609 | 1.455 | 22,899 | 63,992 | 6,760 | 0 | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
73 | Herold Kitavas | 27,331 | 705 | 1.455 | 39,069 | 63,992 | 7,886 | 0 | 37 | 37 | 37 | 0 |
Kartenlevel: 6, 9, 13, 16, 16
Gilden-Tag-Editor: w
Bonus: Tötet Boss von seltener Version dieser Karte
Glocken läuten während Feierlichkeiten und auch an Trauertagen. Letzten Endes auch in Verzweiflung.
Reise zu dieser Karte, indem du sie in einem persönlichen Kartenapparat verwendest. Karten können nur einmal verwendet werden.
Belfry Map
'Glockenturm'-Karte MapWorldsBelfry /19
Name | Vollständige Beschreibung zeigen |
DropLevel | 73 |
BaseType | Belfry Map |
BaseType | 'Glockenturm'-Karte |
Class | Karten |
Flags | AlwaysAllocate, CanBeCorrupted, CanScourge |
Type | Metadata/Items/Maps/MapWorldsBelfry |
Tags | not_for_sale, can_be_infected_map, urban, cannot_be_twinned, map |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Maps/Atlas2Maps/New/Belfry |
Clearing Ability | 8 |
Mob Count | 4 |
Boss Difficulty | 8 |
Boss Based On | Act V Kitava |
Boss notes | Too many mechanics/phases to describe. Best to consult a mechanics video on Act V Kitava. Most of Kitava's attacks are telegraphed but can be hard to avoid and mistakes are costly. If you have enough damage it is easy to transition from boss phase to phase quickly. |
Tileset | Das Kathedralendach |
Few Obstacles | o |
Boss not in own room | x |
Outdoors | o |
Linear | o |
Reference | Community Wiki |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.