Scourge - Arbeitet mit Verbündeten zusammen /4
Schließt jede der folgenden Aufgaben ab.
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Bringt einen Heist-Abtrünnigen auf Stufe 5
Weiht einen Gegenstand
Vernichtet einen Metamorph
Trefft Zana

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Normal

Complete each of the following tasks:

  • Anoint an item
    (Blight League) To anoint an item you need to bring blighted oils to Cassia so that she can help you craft anointment on items. There are different ways to anoint an item that gives different benefits; anoint on amulet grants notables, anoint on rings grants tower improvements, anoint on blighted map grant better rewards. There also some unique items that drop from blighted maps are able to craft with anointment too.
  • Have a Heist Rogue reach level 5
    (Heist League) Heist Rogue are NPCs that can be encounter in Rogue Harbour which can be access by pressing right click on Rogue Markers item. Some of the heist rogues skill’s level are lock behind some contract’s quest, so is better to do all of the green contract(quest item) that you picked up throughout your journey to fully unlock all heist rogue skill’s level, only then proceed to level their primary skills to level 5 to complete this challenge. Note that not all heist rogue’s skills can be level 5 even though u done all the quest, click here to check heist rogue skills limitation.
  • Kill a Metamorph
    (Metamorph League) You'll start to encounter these in end game maps. Metamorph encounter always spawn with few monster with green-smoke-pipe attached on their bodies, killing them to collects their organs and when collected enough, Tane NPC will spawn in the map(press V to manual spawn him) and will let you choose the organ you want to create ur metamorph monster. You also can get some organ samples from metamorph if you manage to fill the Green Bar full and at least 1 unique organ picked during the metamorph creation. And the organ samples you collected from metamorph can be used to create a super version of metamorph in Tane's Laboratory which can be accessed by talking to him in your hideout. Metamorph also drop catalysts which can improve ring, amulet, and belt quality.
  • Meet Zana
    (Atlas of Worlds expansion) You’ll encounter zana when completing Tier3 maps, after you kill the map’s boss there’s a chance a purple portal will appear, enter the portal then you’ll encounter Zana inside there standing beside a watchstone altar, and then you MUST touch the altar before exiting the map to unlock citadel in your atlas region, or else you have to do the map again to unlock citadel for the watchstones stuff to progress your atlas. After encountering Zana, she will take over Kirac role by selling you maps in your hideout, her vendor shop will reset each time you do her altas mission.

These tasks are all affiliated with past league mechanics or expansions. You will encounter these during your playthrough of Path of Exile, and we have included links to help you if you have any trouble finishing these tasks.

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