Plan : Bibliothèque interdite / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
100011(20–30)% d'Augmentation du nombre de Monstres Rares
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
map rare monsters have nemesis mod [1]
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
map rare monsters have nemesis mod [1]
2000682Les Aptitudes des Monstres Ricochent # fois de plus
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
100011Les Monstres tirent 2 Projectiles supplémentaires
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
650461VitesseLes Monstres ne peuvent être Provoqués
La Vitesse d'action des Monstres ne peut être modifiée en deçà de sa valeur de base
La Vitesse de déplacement des Monstres ne peut être modifiée en deçà de sa valeur de base
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
La Vitesse d'action des Monstres ne peut être modifiée en deçà de sa valeur de base
La Vitesse de déplacement des Monstres ne peut être modifiée en deçà de sa valeur de base
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
650461ÉlémentaireFeuAltérationTous les Dégâts au Toucher des Monstres Embrasent toujours
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
4000785Lanceur de sortsMalédictionLes Monstres ont Protection contre les Calamités
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% de Perte d'Effet des Malédictions sur les Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% de Perte d'Effet des Malédictions sur les Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785VieManaVie#% Davantage de Vie des Monstres
Les Monstres ne peuvent pas être Étourdis
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres ne peuvent pas être Étourdis
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
4000785PhysiqueLes Monstres gagnent une Réduction des Dégâts physiques de +#%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785VieManaVie#% Davantage de Vie des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785Dégâts#% d'Augmentation des Dégâts des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785DégâtsPhysiqueÉlémentaireFeuLes Monstres Rajoutent #% de leurs Dégâts physiques sous forme de Dégâts de feu
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785DégâtsPhysiqueÉlémentaireFroidLes Monstres Rajoutent #% de leurs Dégâts physiques sous forme de Dégâts de froid
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785DégâtsPhysiqueÉlémentaireFoudreLes Monstres Rajoutent #% de leurs Dégâts physiques sous forme de Dégâts de foudre
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1000782Les Monstres Rajoutent #% de leurs Dégâts physiques sous forme de Dégâts de chaos
Les Monstres infligent Flétrissure au Toucher pendant # secondes
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres infligent Flétrissure au Toucher pendant # secondes
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785AttaqueLanceur de sortsVitesse#% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse de déplacement des Monstres
#% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse d'Attaque des Monstres
#% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse d'incantation des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse d'Attaque des Monstres
#% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse d'incantation des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1800783PhysiqueLes Monstres Renvoient #% des Dégâts physiques
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1800783ÉlémentaireLes Monstres Renvoient #% des Dégâts élémentaires
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1600782AltérationLes Monstres ont #% de chances d'Embraser, Geler et Électrocuter au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784ÉlémentaireChaosRésistance+#% à la Résistance au chaos des Monstres
+#% à la Résistance élémentaire des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
+#% à la Résistance élémentaire des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
2400783bleedpoisonPhysiqueChaosAttaqueAltérationLes Monstres ont #% de chances de ne pas subir le Poison, l'Empalement et le Saignement
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784Les Attaques des Monstres ont #% de chances d'Empaler au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784Les Monstres ont #% de chances de Réprimer les Dégâts des Sorts
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785Les Monstres Rajoutent #% de leur Vie Maximale sous forme de Bouclier d'énergie
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
4000785Les Patrouilles ont #% d'Augmentation de chances d'être remplacées par des Patrouilles d'élite
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785DégâtsLes Monstres en patrouille ont #% d'Augmentation de Dégâts
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785Les Patrouilles ont #% de Réduction des Dégâts subis
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785DégâtsLes Monstres des Salles de récompenses ont #% d'Augmentation de Dégâts
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785Les Monstres des Salles de récompenses ont #% de Réduction des Dégâts subis
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785DégâtsLes Gardes ont #% d'Augmentation de Dégâts
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785Les Gardes ont #% de Réduction des Dégâts subis
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
4000785#% de Réduction de la Vitesse des Compétences
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
400015#% d'Augmentation du nombre de Monstres dans les Salles de récompenses
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
400015AttaqueLanceur de sortsVitesseLes Renforts ont #% d'Augmentation de Vitesse d'attaque
Les Renforts ont #% d'Augmentation de Vitesse d'incantation
Les Renforts ont #% d'Augmentation de Vitesse de déplacement
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Renforts ont #% d'Augmentation de Vitesse d'incantation
Les Renforts ont #% d'Augmentation de Vitesse de déplacement
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
600681Le Verrouillage est immédiat lorsque le Niveau d'alerte devient maximal
heist contract alert level +% final [-10]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [10]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-10]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [10]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
100011(20–30)% d'Augmentation des Monstres Magiques
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
map magic pack mod rules [1]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
map magic pack mod rules [1]
100011poisonChaosAltérationLes Monstres Empoisonnent au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
1000681DégâtsÉlémentaireVous ne pouvez pas infliger d'Expositions
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
1600682Les Monstres ont #% de chances de gagner une Charge de frénésie au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres gagnent une Charge de frénésie au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres gagnent une Charge de frénésie au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1600682Les Monstres ont #% de chances de gagner une Charge d'endurance au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres gagnent une Charge d'endurance au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres gagnent une Charge d'endurance au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1600682Les Monstres ont #% de chances de gagner une Charge de pouvoir au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres gagnent une Charge de pouvoir au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Monstres gagnent une Charge de pouvoir au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
4000785Les Monstres ont #% d'Augmentation de Zone d'effet
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
4000785DégâtsCritiqueLes Monstres ont #% d'Augmentation des Chances de coup critique
#% au Multiplicateur de coup critique des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% au Multiplicateur de coup critique des Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
93007813VieManaVieDéfensesLes joueurs ont #% de Perte de Récupération de Vie et de Bouclier d'énergie
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ne peuvent Régénérer de Vie, de Mana ou de Bouclier d'énergie
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte Récupération de Bouclier d'énergie tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte de Taux de Récupération de Vie tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte de Récupération de Mana tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ne peuvent Régénérer de Vie, de Mana ou de Bouclier d'énergie
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte Récupération de Bouclier d'énergie tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte de Taux de Récupération de Vie tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte de Récupération de Mana tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
50007820DégâtsÉlémentaireFeuLa Zone a des parcelles de Sol brûlant
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol frigorifiant
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol électrocutant qui augmentent les Dégâts subis de #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol profané
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol consacré
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol frigorifiant
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol électrocutant qui augmentent les Dégâts subis de #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol profané
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
La Zone a des parcelles de Sol consacré
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1850782Lanceur de sortsMalédictionLes Joueurs sont Maudits par Sensibilité aux éléments
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1850782Lanceur de sortsMalédictionLes Joueurs sont Maudits par Vulnérabilité
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1850782Lanceur de sortsMalédictionLes Joueurs sont Maudits par Affaiblissement
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
1850782Lanceur de sortsMalédictionLes Joueurs sont Maudits par Chaînes temporelles
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784RésistanceLes Joueurs ont #% à toutes les Résistances maximales
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% aux Résistances maximales des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% aux Résistances maximales des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
300781Vous ne pouvez pas Drainer les Monstres
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
2400783ÉlémentaireFeuFroidFoudreAltérationLes Monstres ont #% de chances de ne pas subir d'Altérations élémentaires
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
4000785DégâtsCritiqueLes monstres ont #% de Réduction des Dégâts supplémentaires
découlant de Coups critiques qu'ils subissent
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
découlant de Coups critiques qu'ils subissent
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
80007810Les joueurs ont #% de Réduction des charges de Flacon gagnées
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Réduction du Gain de Charges de Flacon tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Réduction du Gain de Charges de Flacon tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
6400788DéfensesLes joueurs ont #% de Perte d'Armure
Les joueurs ont #% de Réduction des chances de Bloquer
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte d'Armure tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Réduction des chances de Bloquer
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte d'Armure tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
6400788AttaqueLes Monstres ont #% d'Augmentation du Score de Précision
Les Joueurs ont #% au montant de Dégâts Neutralisés par la Répression des Sorts
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte d'Évasion tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les Joueurs ont #% au montant de Dégâts Neutralisés par la Répression des Sorts
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Les joueurs ont #% de Perte d'Évasion tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784Les joueurs ont #% de Perte de Zone d'effet
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
650461Les Monstres Aveuglent au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
600461Les Attaques des Monstres Mutilent au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
600461Les Sorts des Monstres Entravent au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
800461Les Monstres volent des Charges de pouvoir, frénésie et endurance au Toucher
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
2600784Les Joueurs ont #% de Perte de Vitesse de recharge
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
2600784Les Effets bénéfiques expirent #% plus rapidement sur les Joueurs
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784Les Joueurs ont #% de Réduction de l'Effet des Auras (Malédictions exceptées) générées par des Aptitudes
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
3200784Les Joueurs ont #% de Perte de Score de Précision
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
5000785#% d'Augmentation des Frais totaux des Casses
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
500681Le Cercle ne prend pas de Commission
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
500681Pas de Frais de trajet
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
5006810.2% d'Augmentation du Niveau d'alerte par seconde
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [15]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [15]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
5400789ÉlémentaireFeuRésistance#% à la Résistance au feu des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% à la Résistance au froid des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% à la Résistance à la foudre des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% à la Résistance au froid des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
#% à la Résistance à la foudre des joueurs tous les #% de Niveau d'alerte
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
Plan : Bibliothèque interdite
Portail: Bibliothèque interdite
Objectifs de Casse: Répliques ou Objets expérimentaux
Niveau de la zone : 68
Ailes révélées: 0/1
Échappatoires révélées: 0/1
Salles de récompenses révélées: 0/1
— Nécessite Niveau 60
Servez-vous de Renseignements afin de découvrir des Ailes et des Salles supplémentaires en parlant à certains PNJ au Port des Malfaiteurs. Donnez ce Plan à Adiyah pour entreprendre le Casse du siècle.
Blueprint: Prohibited Library

Plan : Bibliothèque interdite HeistBlueprintLibrary /9
Nom | Descriptions détaillées |
DropLevel | 60 |
BaseType | Blueprint: Prohibited Library |
BaseType | Plan : Bibliothèque interdite |
Class | Plans |
Flags | AlwaysAllocate, CanBeCorrupted |
Type | Metadata/Items/Heist/HeistBlueprintLibrary |
Tags | heist_blueprint |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Currency/Heist/BlueprintNotApproved5 |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Community Wiki
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Blueprint: Prohibited Library
Blueprint: Prohibited Library is a Blueprints base type.
Image |
Name & Type |
Description |
![]() |
Oil trap Trap attack |
![]() |
Poison trap Trap attack |
![]() |
Caustic ground Ground Effect |
Image |
Name |
Type |
Image |
Name |
Type |
![]() |
Clattering Experiment | Monster | ![]() |
Clattering Experiment | Rare or Magic Mini Boss |
![]() |
Heretech | Monster | ![]() |
Heretech | Rare or Magic Mini Boss |
![]() |
Senior Heretech | Monster | ![]() |
Necroscientist | Monster |
![]() |
Labra-tomaton | Monster | ![]() |
Labra-tomaton | Rare or Magic Mini Boss |
![]() |
Senior Necroscientist | Monster | ![]() |
Senior Necroscientist | Rare or Magic Mini Boss |
![]() |
Pusbag | Monster | ![]() |
Pusbag | Rare or Magic Mini Boss |
![]() |
Labora-dor | Monster | ![]() |
Pusbag | Monster |
![]() |
Rattling Experiment | Monster | ![]() |
Violator | Monster |
![]() |
Corpse Stitcher | Unique Boss | ![]() |
Flesh Sculptor | Unique Boss |
Unique versions
There are currently no unique items for this base item type.
Item acquisition
Contracts drop from anywhere in the game except during a heist or grand heist. They also drop from Smuggler's Caches.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.