Spectre | N |
Area | La Mine, niv. 2, Les Veines de cristal |
Tags | bludgeoning_weapon, flesh_armour, has_dual_wield_melee, has_one_hand_mace, has_one_handed_melee, large_model, melee, mud_blood, not_int, not_str, physical_affinity, ranged, slow_movement, small_height, undead |
Packs |
Ailment Threshold

Chances de coup critique
Multiplicateur de coups critiques
Attack Distance
6 ~ 9
Attack Time
1.5 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
Score d'Évasion
Dégâts des sorts
Attack Time
Minion Life
Minion Damage
Ailment Threshold
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Attaque par défaut
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Frappez vos ennemis d'un coup puissant.
action attack or cast time uses animation length [1]
projectile uses contact position [1]
skill can fire arrows [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
use scaled contact offset [1]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Vaal
Lancer spectral vaal
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Temps de recharge: 3 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme s'éloigne de vous en décrivant une trajectoire en spirale, frappant les ennemis sur son passage.
Les Aptitudes se répètent 2 fois de plus
Tire des Projectiles en cercle
40% Davantage de Vitesse d'attaque
base is projectile [1]
base projectile ground effect duration [3000]
base projectile skill dot ground fire area damage per minute [2207]
ground fire art variation [1]
projectiles drop ground effects on client [1]
projectiles drop ground fire [1]
projectiles not offset [1]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser
Lancer spectral
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme est lancée sous forme de projectile tournoyant qui revient à vous, frappant tous les ennemis sur son passage.
30% de Perte de Dégâts
25% de Réduction de la Vitesse des Projectiles
base is projectile [1]
spectral throw deceleration override [120]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser
Lancer spectral
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme est lancée sous forme de projectile tournoyant qui revient à vous, frappant tous les ennemis sur son passage.
30% de Perte de Dégâts
base is projectile [1]
spectral throw deceleration override [125]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser
Lancer spectral
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme est lancée sous forme de projectile tournoyant qui revient à vous, frappant tous les ennemis sur son passage.
30% de Perte de Dégâts
50% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse des Projectiles
base is projectile [1]
spectral throw deceleration override [135]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser
Lancer spectral
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme est lancée sous forme de projectile tournoyant qui revient à vous, frappant tous les ennemis sur son passage.
30% de Perte de Dégâts
Tire 2 Projectiles supplémentaires
25% de Réduction de la Vitesse des Projectiles
base is projectile [1]
spectral throw deceleration override [120]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser
Lancer spectral
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme est lancée sous forme de projectile tournoyant qui revient à vous, frappant tous les ennemis sur son passage.
30% de Perte de Dégâts
Tire 2 Projectiles supplémentaires
base is projectile [1]
spectral throw deceleration override [125]

Attack, RangedAttack, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser
Lancer spectral
Base Damage: 161–241
Chances de coup critique: 5%
Attack Time: 1.5 sec.
Envoie une réplique spectrale de votre arme de mêlée. L'arme est lancée sous forme de projectile tournoyant qui revient à vous, frappant tous les ennemis sur son passage.
30% de Perte de Dégâts
Tire 2 Projectiles supplémentaires
50% d'Augmentation de la Vitesse des Projectiles
base is projectile [1]
spectral throw deceleration override [135]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" Actor { basic_action = "ChangeToStance1" basic_action = "ChangeToStance2" }
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/Monster" Render { //turn_duration = 0.35 } Monster { }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/Handfinger/HandfingerBoss"] = { name = "Hammerstorm", life = 3, fireResist = 0, coldResist = 85, lightningResist = 0, chaosResist = 0, damage = 3, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 1.5, attackRange = 9, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "One Hand Mace", weaponType2 = "One Hand Mace", skillList = { "MeleeAtAnimationSpeedUnique", "HandFingerVaalThrownWeaponBoss", "HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNear", "HandfingerThrownWeaponBossMediumNear", "HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNotFar", "HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNearAdditionalProjectiles", "HandfingerThrownWeaponBossMediumNearAdditionalProjectiles", "HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNotFarAdditionalProjectiles", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["MeleeAtAnimationSpeedUnique"] = { name = "Default Attack", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", "action_attack_or_cast_time_uses_animation_length", "projectile_uses_contact_position", "use_scaled_contact_offset", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandFingerVaalThrownWeaponBoss"] = { name = "Vaal Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It spirals out in a spinning attack that strikes enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, [SkillType.Vaal] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "base_projectile_skill_dot_ground_fire_area_damage_per_minute", "skill_repeat_count", "active_skill_attack_speed_+%_final", "base_projectile_ground_effect_duration", "ground_fire_art_variation", "projectiles_nova", "base_is_projectile", "projectiles_drop_ground_fire", "projectiles_drop_ground_effects_on_client", "projectiles_not_offset", }, levels = { [1] = {1, 2, 40, 3000, 1, levelRequirement = 2, statInterpolation = {3}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNear"] = { name = "Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that damages enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "base_projectile_speed_+%", "spectral_throw_deceleration_override", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, -25, 120, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandfingerThrownWeaponBossMediumNear"] = { name = "Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that damages enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "spectral_throw_deceleration_override", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, 125, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNotFar"] = { name = "Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that damages enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "base_projectile_speed_+%", "spectral_throw_deceleration_override", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, 50, 135, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNearAdditionalProjectiles"] = { name = "Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that damages enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "base_projectile_speed_+%", "spectral_throw_deceleration_override", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, -25, 120, 2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandfingerThrownWeaponBossMediumNearAdditionalProjectiles"] = { name = "Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that damages enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "spectral_throw_deceleration_override", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, 125, 2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["HandfingerThrownWeaponBossNotFarAdditionalProjectiles"] = { name = "Spectral Throw", hidden = true, color = "2", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Throws a spectral copy of your melee weapon. It flies out and then returns to you, in a spinning attack that damages enemies in its path.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "base_projectile_speed_+%", "spectral_throw_deceleration_override", "number_of_additional_projectiles", "base_is_projectile", }, levels = { [1] = {-30, 50, 135, 2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, }
Id | Nothing |
Family | Nothing |
Domains | monstre (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
stance movement speed +% final [112]
Id | StanceBanditRun |
Family | Stance |
Domains | monstre (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | speed |
Id | Nothing |
Family | Nothing |
Domains | monstre (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.
Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.