Legion Commander Body Armour
Price: 280
Lowest Price: 210
Replaces the appearance of a piece of body armour with the Legion Commander Body Armour. Grants an ability to raise your own demon.
Legion Commander Body Armour Tienda /5
Nombre | Was | On Sale | Start At | End At |
Legion Commander Body Armour | 280 | 210 | 2025-01-02T00:00:00Z | 2025-01-03T00:00:00Z |
Legion Commander Body Armour | 280 | 210 | 2024-12-05T00:00:00Z | 2024-12-06T00:00:00Z |
Legion Commander Body Armour | 280 | 210 | 2024-11-29T00:00:01Z | 2024-12-03T00:00:00Z |
Legion Commander Body Armour | 280 | 210 | 2024-10-10T00:00:00Z | 2024-10-11T00:00:00Z |
Legion Commander Body Armour | 280 | 210 | 2024-09-27T01:00:00Z | 2024-10-01T01:00:00Z |
Legion Commander Body Armour Attr /6
Nombre | Mostrar descripciones completas |
shop_tw | LegionCommanderBodyArmour |
name_tw | 身體外觀:指揮官胸甲 |
price_tw | 980 |
shop_us | LegionCommanderBodyArmour |
name_us | Legion Commander Body Armour |
price_us | 280 |
Armadura de Comandante de la legión
Body Armour Skin
Cambia la apariencia de cualquier armadura equipada por la Armadura de Comandante de la legión. Te otorga una habilidad para que invoques a tu propio demonio.
Legion Commander Body Armour
Armadura de Comandante de la legión MicrotransactionLegionCommanderBodyArmour /3
Nombre | Mostrar descripciones completas |
Aplica a | Armaduras corporales |
Path of Exile | 1 |
Early Access | 0 |
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