Ultimatum Único /16 ⍟
Los esbirros tienen +6% al multiplicador de daño degenerativo por cada
Joya de Ojo fantasmal que te esté afectando, hasta un máximo de +30%
(Los atributos son fuerza, destreza e inteligencia)
Orden de la reina puede activar Llamas de juicio de nivel 20
Orden de la reina puede activar Tormenta de juicio de nivel 20
No te pueden aturdir
El daño no se puede reflejar
veiled mod seed [2,60000]
veiled mod type [6]
Vida máxima aumentada un (30–40)% y resistencia al fuego reducida un (30–40)%
Maná máximo aumentado un (30–40)% y resistencia al hielo reducida un (30–40)%
Escudo de energía máximo global aumentado un (30–40)% y resistencia al rayo reducida un (30–40)%
Tu resistencia al caos está a cero
Armadura aumentada un (120–150)%
Costo de Furia de las habilidades reducido un (10–25)%
Las habilidades de ataque vaal que usas tú mismo cuestan Furia en lugar de necesitar almas
No puedes ganar Furia durante la Prevención de obtención de almas
Efecto de Sobrecarga arcana sobre ti aumentado un 8% por
cada joya de Ojo hipnótico que te esté afectando, hasta un máximo de 40%
(Sobrecarga arcana otorga velocidad de lanzamiento de hechizos aumentada un 10% y velocidad de regeneración de maná aumentada un 30% durante 4 segundos)
Carne Divina
Juventud eterna
Sacrificio eterno
Ambición inmortal
Pacto Vaal
(El 50% del daño que no es de caos atraviesa el escudo de energía
Ganas el 15% de tu vida máxima como escudo de energía máximo extra)
(Todo el daño recibido atraviesa el escudo de energía
El 50% del daño elemental se recibe como daño de caos
+5% a la resistencia al caos máxima)
(Las resistencias máximas no pueden superar el 90%)
(50% menos de velocidad de regeneración de vida. 50% menos de recuperación de vida total máxima por segundo por absorción. La recarga del escudo de energía se aplica solo a la vida)
(Cuando llenas tu escudo de energía, sacrificas todo el escudo de energía para ganar +5% a todas las resistencias máximas durante 4 segundos)
(El escudo de energía empieza en cero. El escudo de energía no se puede recargar ni regenerar. Pierdes un 5% de escudo de energía por segundo. Los efectos de la absorción de vida no se eliminan cuando se llena la vida sin reservar. Los efectos de absorción de vida recuperan escudo de energía en lugar de vida cuando tienes la vida llena.)
(La absorción de vida del daño cuerpo a cuerpo es instantánea. Solo puedes recuperar vida mediante la absorción)
Tu probabilidad de golpe crítico es afortunada mientras tengas la vida baja
(Las cosas afortunadas se aleatorizan dos veces y se usa el mejor resultado)
(Tienes la vida baja si tienes el 50% de tu vida máxima o menos)
Evasión y armadura aumentadas un (30–60)%
No inflige daño que no sea físico
Los ataques que disparan proyectiles consumen hasta 1 esquirla de acero adicional
Las habilidades disparan 3 proyectiles adicionales por 4 segundos
después de que consumas un total de 12 esquirlas de acero
Probabilidad de golpe crítico de la mano principal aumentada un 40% por cada
Joya del ojo asesino que te esté afectando, hasta un máximo de 200%
+20% al multiplicador de golpe crítico de la mano secundaria por cada
Joya del ojo asesino que te esté afectando, hasta un máximo de +100%
+(19–29)% de resistencia al caos
Daño aumentado un 15% por cada veneno sobre ti, hasta un máximo de 75%
Velocidad de movimiento aumentada un 10% por cada veneno sobre ti, hasta un máximo de 50%
Los venenos que aplicas con habilidades de viaje se reflejan hacia ti
si tienes menos de 5 venenos sobre ti
(El veneno inflige daño de caos degenerativo en función del daño físico y de caos base de la habilidad. El veneno es acumulativo)
+(40–70) de vida máxima
+(40–70) de maná máximo
De (3–4) a (7–8) de daño de fuego agregado por cada 100 de vida máxima o de maná máximo, el que sea menor
No te afectan ni la quemadura ni la electrocución si la diferencia entre la vida máxima y el maná máximo es igual o menor que 500
[Four random modifiers]
[Three random modifiers]
Los proyectiles tienen un 4% de probabilidad de encadenarse cuando chocan con el terreno por cada
Joya de Ojo observador que te esté afectando, hasta un máximo de 20%
Duración de Prevención de obtención de almas reducida un (6–8)%
Ganas una carga de aguante, una de frenesí y una de poder cuando usas una habilidad vaal
Pastor de almas
(Las habilidades vaal que no son de aura tienen un 80% menos de costo de almas. Las habilidades vaal que no son de aura tienen el costo de almas aumentado un 100% por cada habilidad vaal que hayas usado en los últimos 8 segundos)
Ultimatum Gema /9
Nombre | |
Asistencia de Transfusión de vida (8) | |
Desangrar (12) | |
Desangrar de transmisión (12) | |
Fiebre corruptora (16) | |
Asistencia de Crueldad (18) | |
Sangre petrificada (24) | |
Siega (28) | |
Asistencia de Arrogancia (31) | |
Asistencia de Ansias de sangre (31) |
Ultimatum Area /3 ⍟
Minimap Icons /2 ⍟
Ultimatum Objeto /29 ⍟
Reemplaza otros tipos de calidad
El objeto caerá después de matar a {0} monstruos
Nivel de objeto: 87
Dos implícitos
Dos implícitos
El objeto caerá después de matar a {0} monstruos
Reemplaza otros tipos de calidad
Objeto influenciado
Dos implícitos
Dos implícitos
Calidad: +23%
Nivel de objeto: 100
Reemplaza otros tipos de calidad
Tres implícitos
Encounter Types /5 ⍟
Nombre | Detail |
Derrota oleadas de enemigos | Monstruos asesinados |
Sobrevive | Duración de la supervivencia |
Protege el altar | Atacantes asesinados |
Permanece en los círculos de piedras | Círculos de piedras conquistados |
Jefe |
Rewards /86 ⍟
Nombre | Detail | Mods |
Duplica las cartas de adivinación sacrificadas DoubleDivinationCards1 | ||
Duplica las cartas de adivinación sacrificadas DoubleDivinationCards2 | ||
Duplica las cartas de adivinación sacrificadas DoubleDivinationCards3 | ||
Duplica las cartas de adivinación sacrificadas DoubleDivinationCards4 | ||
Duplica las cartas de adivinación sacrificadas DoubleDivinationCards5 | ||
Objeto y copia reflejada Reflejable, objeto raro | ||
Unique1 | ||
Unique1_2 | ||
Unique2 | ||
Unique2_2 | ||
Unique2_3 | ||
Unique3 | ||
Unique3_2 | ||
Unique3_3 | ||
Unique4 | ||
Unique5 | ||
Unique6 | ||
Unique7 | ||
Unique8 | ||
Unique9 | ||
Unique10 | ||
Unique11 | ||
Unique12 | ||
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyChaos5 | Orbe de caos x5 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyChaos10 | Orbe de caos x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyChaos20 | Orbe de caos x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyBlessed10 | Orbe bendito x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyBlessed20 | Orbe bendito x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyScouring15 | Orbe de purga x15 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyScouring30 | Orbe de purga x30 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyFusing10 | Orbe de fusión x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyFusing20 | Orbe de fusión x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyRegret20 | Orbe de arrepentimiento x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyRegret40 | Orbe de arrepentimiento x40 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyGemcutters5 | Prisma del tallador de gemas x5 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyGemcutters10 | Prisma del tallador de gemas x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyGemcutters20 | Prisma del tallador de gemas x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyVaal5 | Orbe vaal x5 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyVaal10 | Orbe vaal x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyVaal20 | Orbe vaal x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyRegal5 | Orbe regio x5 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyRegal10 | Orbe regio x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAwakenedSextant5 | Baraja apilada x5 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAwakenedSextant10 | Baraja apilada x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyStackedDeck5 | Baraja apilada x5 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyStackedDeck10 | Baraja apilada x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyDivine1 | Orbe divino x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyDivine4 | Orbe divino x4 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyDivine8 | Orbe divino x8 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAncient1 | Orbe antiguo x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAncient2 | Orbe antiguo x2 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAncient4 | Orbe antiguo x4 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAnnulment1 | Orbe de anulación x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAnnulment4 | Orbe de anulación x4 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyAnnulment8 | Orbe de anulación x8 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyExalted1 | Orbe exaltado x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyExalted4 | Orbe exaltado x4 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyExalted8 | Orbe exaltado x8 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyUnmaking3 | Orbe de destrucción x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyUnmaking10 | Orbe de destrucción x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyUnmaking20 | Orbe de destrucción x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyHarbinger3 | Orbe del heraldo x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyHorizon10 | Orbe de horizontes x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyVeiledChaos3 | Orbe encriptado x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyChisel10 | Cincel del cartógrafo x10 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencyChisel20 | Cincel del cartógrafo x20 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados CurrencySacredOrb1 | Orbe sagrado x1 | |
HardModeCommonUncommon | ||
HardModeUncommonRare | ||
HardModeRareMythic | ||
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeChanceOrb1 | Orbe de azar x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeChanceOrb2 | Orbe de azar x2 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeChanceOrb3 | Orbe de azar x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeAlterationOrb1 | Orbe de alteración x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeAlterationOrb2 | Orbe de alteración x2 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeAlterationOrb3 | Orbe de alteración x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeFusingOrb1 | Orbe de fusión x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeFusingOrb2 | Orbe de fusión x2 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeFusingOrb3 | Orbe de fusión x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeAlchemyOrb1 | Orbe de alquimia x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeAlchemyOrb2 | Orbe de alquimia x2 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeAlchemyOrb3 | Orbe de alquimia x3 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeChaosOrb1 | Orbe de caos x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeChaosOrb2 | Orbe de caos x2 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeVaalOrb1 | Orbe vaal x1 | |
Duplica los objetos monetarios sacrificados HardModeVaalOrb2 | Orbe vaal x2 |
Modificadores /75 ⍟
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de Ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de ruina
Fallas si alcanzas 7 de ruina
Los monstruos reciben el daño extra de los golpes críticos reducido un 50%
A los monstruos no les afectan las maldiciones
Los monstruos disparan proyectiles adicionales
Los monstruos ganan cargas de poder, frenesí y aguante con cada golpe
Ultimatum monstruo /57 ⍟
Nombre | Modificadores | Spectre |
Cacique de pruebas | Y | |
Simio de pruebas | Y | |
Simio de pruebas | N | |
Horror de pruebas | N | |
Horror de pruebas | Y | |
Devoracorazones | N | |
Discípulo de Caos | N | |
Demonio | monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-40] | N |
Invisible | N | |
Demonio | N | |
Demonio | monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-20] | N |
Demonio | Y | |
Demonio | hinder aura behaviour variation [1] | N |
Demonio | monster penalty against minions damage +% final vs player minions [-40] Velocidad de acción aumentada un 150% | N |
Núcleo de vacío forjado | Y | |
Núcleo invermal forjado | Y | |
Núcleo de llamas forjado | Y | |
Núcleo de tormenta forjado | Y | |
Engranaje escarchado | Y | |
Proyección de engranaje | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
Engranaje frágil | N | |
Engranaje frágil | Y | |
Engranaje electrificado | Y | |
Engranaje empoderado | N | |
Engranaje empoderado | Y | |
Invocador de pruebas | Y | |
Buscavientos de pruebas | Y | |
Llamavientos de pruebas | Y | |
Atrapallamas de pruebas | Y | |
Llamabrasas de pruebas | Y | |
Cazatormentas de pruebas | Y | |
Llamatruenos de pruebas | Y | |
Desollador de pruebas | Y | |
Desollador de pruebas | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
Acechador de pruebas | Y | |
Titán de pruebas | Y | |
Titán imponente | Y | |
Guardia de pruebas | Y | |
Matón de pruebas | Y | |
Lancero antiguo | Y | |
Maquinista de pruebas | Y | |
Geist esclavizado | Ganas el 100% del daño físico como daño de hielo extra | Y |
Espíritu esclavizado | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
Quetzal | Y | |
Serpiente feroz | N | |
Serpiente salivadora | N | |
Arácnido verrugoso | Y | |
Arácnido espinoso | Y | |
Arácnido espinoso joven | Y | |
Fantasma encadenado | monster no drops or experience [1] monster no beyond portal [1] | N |
El Maestro de Pruebas | Los monstruos otorgan la experiencia aumentada un 100% La rareza de los objetos arrojados está aumentada un 15000% La velocidad de acción no se puede modificar por debajo del 50% de su valor base cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [2000] cannot be stunned while stunned [1] No puede ser empujado | N |
Caminante forjado | Y | |
Locus armonizado | N | |
Campeón de pruebas | Y | |
Campeón de pruebas | monster no drops or experience [1] | N |
Retornado | monster no drops or experience [1] Ganas el 100% del daño físico como daño de hielo extra Tus golpes no se pueden evadir | N |
Espíritu esclavizado | Ganas el 100% del daño físico como daño de hielo extra | Y |
Ultimatum Misión /1 ⍟
Text Audio /1 ⍟
Type | Nombre | Cantidad |
Ultimatum | El Maestro de pruebas | 931 |
Community Wiki
Ultimatum league
Affliction Patch Notes
- Ultimatum has been added to the core game, replacing Metamorph. You will have approximately an 8% chance to find the Trialmaster and his Trials of Chaos in Maps.
- Ultimatum Encounters are now 10 rounds by default, though I sincerely hope you intend to last longer than 2 rounds.
- You now have a chance to be teleported to The Trialmaster's Arena for the 10th round in areas with a level of 81 or higher, rather than this being guaranteed.
- Ultimatum modifiers have been rebalanced, some new modifiers have been added and some previous modifiers have been removed.
- Ultimatum modifiers that previously had 3 tiers of difficulty, such as Stormcaller Runes, now have 4 tiers of difficulty.
- Monsters in Ultimatum Encounters no longer drop loot, other than The Trialmaster, though they still grant experience.
- Added a new Tainted Catalyst that can be obtained from the Trialmaster. It applies a random quality type and amount of quality to a Corrupted Ring, Amulet or Belt, and replaces other quality types.
- Catalysts are now rewards from Ultimatum, and are affected by Map Item Quantity.
- Vaal Aspects, previously known as Ultimatum Aspects, combine into a new Unique Jewel instead of the The Tower of Ordeals Map.
- The Tower of Ordeals Unique Engraved Ultimatum Map can no longer be opened in a Map Device.
- You can once again vendor 5 Inscribed Ultimatums for a new Inscribed Ultimatum.
- Added a round count display between rounds in Ultimatum Encounters.
- Kirac can now offer Map Missions to complete an Ultimatum, replacing Missions for constructing and slaying a Metamorph.
- Kirac can now offer Maps for purchase with the "Area contains an Ultimatum Encounter" implicit modifier, instead of ones with the "Area contains Metamorph Monsters" implicit Map modifier.
- Catalysts are no longer offered as Ritual Rewards, or a reward type for Delirium Rewards.
- Mysterious Incubators can no longer drop Catalysts.
- Metamorph rewards from Heist, Expedition, Betrayal, Delirium, Legion and Eldritch Altars have been replaced with Ultimatum rewards.
- Existing Amorphous Delirium Orbs will be replaced with Challenging Delirium Orbs, which add layers of Delirium with the Ultimatum Item rewards type to Maps. This is the only source of Challenging Delirium Orbs, these are unobtainable as item drops or from any other source.
- Existing Morphing Incubators will be replaced with Challenging Incubators, which can be added to an equippable item, dropping an Ultimatum Item after killing a certain amount of Monsters. This is the only source of Challenging Incubators, these are unobtainable as item drops or from any other source.
- Expedition Remnant modifiers in Expedition sites that grant Runic Monsters and Chests a chance to drop Catalysts have been replaced with modifiers that drop Heist Contracts instead.
- Reduced the amount of Catalysts obtained from Heist Chests, Expedition Chests, Betrayal Chests, and Vaal Unique Strongboxes, as well as the amount of Catalysts offered by Tujen.
- Metamorph Scarabs have been replaced with Ultimatum Scarabs. Each Scarab guarantees an Ultimatum encounter in an Area, with higher-tier Scarabs granting increased Experience from Ultimatum Monsters, or causing Ultimatum Encounters to grant additional rewards as though you completed additional rounds. Existing Metamorph Scarabs will be converted to Ultimatum Scarabs.
- The Metamorph Map Crafting Option and Metamorph Sextant modifiers have been replaced with Ultimatum versions.
- The 5 Metamorph clusters on the Atlas Passive Tree have been replaced with Ultimatum Clusters.
- Added a new Ultimatum Cluster which contains the Face The Ultimatum Notable Passive. This Notable provides your maps with a +15% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter, while the 3 small Passives in this cluster each provide your maps with a +5% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter.
- Added a new Ultimatum Cluster which contains the Prove Yourself Worthy and Stand Your Ground Notable Passives. The 7 small Passives in this cluster either cause Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to spawn 8% increased number of Monsters, your Maps to have +5% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter, or Ultimatum Monsters in your Maps to grant 10% increased Experience.
- The Prove Yourself Worthy Notable Passive causes Ultimatum Modifiers in your Maps to start a Tier higher if possible, and causes Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps to have a 25% chance to be duplicated. The Stand Your Ground Notable Passive causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to get 3% reduced Radius each Round, and also causes them to grant rewards as though you completed an additional Round.
- Added a new Ultimatum Cluster which contains the Ruinous Wager Keystone as well as the Conquer The Stones, Survive The Assault, Slaughter Them All, and Protect The Altar Notable Passives. The entry small Passive provides your maps with a +5% chance to contain an Ultimatum Encounter.
- The new Ruinous Wager Keystone Passive causes Ultimatum Monsters in your Maps to apply Ruin with their special abilities, Ultimatum Monsters and Modifiers in your Maps to deal 50% less Damage, and causes Ultimatum Encounters to Fail on reaching 7 Ruin.
- The Conquer The Stones Notable Passive causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Map to have 100% increased chance to require you to Stand in the Stone Circles, with these types of encounters having 25% increased radius. The small Passive prior causes Ultimatum Stone Circles in your Maps to have 15% increased radius.
- The Survive The Assault Notable Passive causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to have 100% increased chance to only require you to Survive, with these types of encounters having 20% reduced duration. The small Passive prior causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps only requiring you to Survive to have 10% reduced duration.
- The Slaughter Them All Notable Passive causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to have 100% increased chance to require you to defeat waves of Enemies, with these types of encounters requiring killing 20% reduced number of Enemies. The small Passive prior causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps requiring you to defeat waves of Enemies to require killing 10% reduced number of Enemies.
- The Protect The Altar Notable Passive causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to have 100% increased chance to require you to protect the Altar, and Ultimatum Altars in your Maps to have 50% increased Life. The small Passive prior causes Ultimatum Altars in your Maps to have 25% increased Life.
- Added a new Ultimatum Cluster that contains the Gruelling Gauntlet Keystone, as well as the Worthy of the Past, Worthy of the Present, and Worthy of the Future Notable Passives. The 6 small Passives in this cluster each cause Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps to have a 10% increased chance to be Inscribed Ultimatums.
- The new Gruelling Gauntlet Keystone Passive causes Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to last 3 additional Rounds, but makes it so you cannot choose which Ultimatum Modifier is applied each Round, and cannot have a Boss in the final Round.
- The Worthy of the Past Notable Passive causes Inscribed Ultimatums found in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to reward Unique Items, and Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to be Unique Items.
- The Worthy of the Present Notable Passive causes Inscribed Ultimatums found in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to reward Currency Items, and Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to be Currency Items.
- The Worthy of the Future Notable Passive causes Inscribed Ultimatums found in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to reward Divination Cards, and Ultimatum Rewards in your Maps to have 50% increased chance to be Divination Cards.
- Added a new Ultimatum Cluster which contains the Brave The Tower Notable Passive. This Notable causes the Ultimatum Boss to drop a full stack of random Catalysts, and Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to have 30% increased chance for the final Round to include a Boss. The 4 small Passives in this cluster each cause Ultimatum Encounters in your Maps to have 10% increased chance for the final Round to include a Boss.
- The Ethics Review Notable Atlas Passive has been replaced with a new Notable, Servant of Order. It causes your Maps to have no chance to contain Ultimatum Encounters, and a +2% chance to contain other Extra Content.
- Shepherd of Souls, granted by the Yaomac's Accord Unique Sceptre, no longer causes other Vaal Skills to gain 50% of the consumed Souls when you use a Vaal Skill, and no longer causes Non-Vaal Skills to deal 30% less Damage. Instead, it now causes Vaal Non-Aura Skills to have 80% less Soul Cost, and Vaal Non-Aura Skills to have 100% increased Soul Cost per Vaal Skill used in the past 8 seconds.
- Accelerating and Unstable Catalysts can now be obtained from Catalyst sources outside of Ultimatum encounters.
- The Metamorph Stash Tab has been converted to an Ultimatum Stash Tab, which can hold 5000 of each type of Catalyst and 60 Inscribed Ultimatums.
- The Metamorph Stash Tab Affinity has been replaced with Ultimatum.
Kalandra Patch Notes
- The Trialmaster has returned! The Trialmaster boss fight can be accessed through the newly introduced The Tower of Ordeals Unique Map.
Ultimatum league is a challenge league. It launched on April 16, 2021 (UTC), alongside the Version 3.14.0 patch. It is excepted to end the league on July 19, 2021 (UTC).
In this league, the Trialmaster offers the Trials of Chaos, where you must battle against waves of monsters in an enclosed area with a dangerous modifier added to earn a reward. With each win, you can either claim your prize or start a new wave with an additional modifier added to it for bigger and better rewards, but if you lose, all the rewards you've obtained are lost.
League mechanic
In every area of the game, player encounters the Trialmaster which offers the Trials of Chaos.
Trials of Chaos
Ultimatum, also known as Trials of Chaos, is the league mechanic of Ultimatum league.
The Trialmaster and an altar spawns in zones. The altar displays a reward, the objective, and three modifiers to choose from. The player must select a mod before beginning the trial.
There are four possible objectives:
- Defeat waves of enemies
- Survive: Don't die until the timer runs out.
- Stand in Stone Circles: You must stand in each stone circle for a certain period of time.
- Protect the Altar: Kill enough enemies without letting the altar be destroyed.
Once you complete a wave, you will be given two choices: end the trial and receive your rewards, or start another wave by selecting a new modifier to add.
If you die, stay outside of the circle for too long, or receive 7 stacks of Ruin, the Ultimatum is failed and all rewards will be removed.
Each trial can last up to 3 to 9 waves, with more possible waves at higher zone levels.
At red tier maps (area level 78+), there is a chance to be offered a 10th wave, which teleports you to a boss arena to fight the Trialmaster. (1% chance at T11-13, 2% at T14+).
Inscribed Ultimatum
An Inscribed Ultimatum can be found as a random drop. The Inscribed Ultimatum requires the specified item to be offered and have a set of pre-selected mods. Inscribed Ultimatums can be used in a map device to open a portal to the Utzaal Arena, which only contains an altar. The required item must be placed on the altar to start the trial.
Unlike a regular Trial of Chaos, the entire arena is the trial zone (there is no out of bounds area) and there is only one wave that lasts significantly longer.
When facing a Trial of Chaos with other players, each player will be offered their own individual set of rewards. When an individual player fails the trial, they will lose their rewards but the trial will continue with the remaining players.
In between waves, the players will vote on which modifier to add to the next wave. The one with the most votes gets added. In case of ties, a mod is randomly chosen between them. Players have a limited time to vote, but the timer is paused if at least one party member is not present in the zone.
These new icons are introduced to the minimap:
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