Orbe de anulación
Objeto monetario
Tamaño de la pila: 1 / 20
Elimina un modificador aleatorio de un objeto
Haz clic derecho en este objeto y luego haz clic izquierdo en un objeto mágico o raro para aplicarlo. Shift + clic para quitar de la pila.
Orb of Annulment
Orbe de anulación CurrencyRemoveMod /12
Mostrar descripciones completas
DropLevel 35
BaseType Orb of Annulment
BaseType Orbe de anulación
Class Objetos monetarios apilables
SoundAudio/Sound Effects/ItemSounds/orb_use.ogg
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki

Community Wiki


Orb of Annulment

The Orb of Annulment is a currency item that can be used to remove a random modifier from a magic or rare item.


Orbs of Annulment are used in item crafting, and are especially useful to improve good items with one undesired modifier. Using these orbs is risky though, since the removed modifier is chosen randomly. Catalyst, however, would change the weighting.

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