cannot be afflicted [1]
cannot be tagged by sentinel [1]
cannot have affliction mods [1]
cannot have azmeri dust [1]
cant possess this [1]
cant touch this [1]
monster no talismans [1]
Tagscaster, extra_large_height, fire_affinity, flesh_armour, humanoid, is_unarmed, ranged, red_blood, very_slow_movement
Ailment Threshold
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Multiplier
Attack Distance
6 ~ 6
Attack Time
1.995 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
Energy Shield
Spell Damage
Attack Time
Ailment Threshold
Spell, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Triggerable
Cast Time: 1.5 sec
Deals 4.851 to 7.276 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
monster projectile variation [28]
projectile uses contact position [1]
Spell, Projectile, ProjectilesFromUser, Triggerable
Cast Time: 4 sec
Cooldown Time: 15 sec
Deals 4.851 to 7.276 Fire Damage
base is projectile [1]
monster projectile variation [35]
projectile uses contact position [1]

Object Type

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/KitavaBoss/InnocenceSin/InnocenceSinBase"

Object Type Codes

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/KitavaBoss/InnocenceSin/InnocenceSinBase"

	create_state_1 = "PlayAnimation( entrance_kitava ); PauseAnimation();"

	on_construction_complete = "AddEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/act5/Avarius_Casticus/AvariusCasticusDivine/epk/bodyfx.epk ); "

	on_death = "RemoveEffectPack( Metadata/Effects/Spells/monsters_effects/act5/Avarius_Casticus/AvariusCasticusDivine/epk/bodyfx.epk );"
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua
minions["Metadata/Monsters/KitavaBoss/InnocenceSin/Innocence"] = {
    name = "Innocence",
    life = 1,
    fireResist = 0,
    coldResist = 0,
    lightningResist = 0,
    chaosResist = 0,
    damage = 1,
    damageSpread = 0,
    attackTime = 1.995,
    attackRange = 6,
    accuracy = 1,
    skillList = {
    modList = {
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["KitavaInnocenceProjectile"] = {
    name = "KitavaInnocenceProjectile",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1.5,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 28, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["KitavaInnocenceProjectileFlying"] = {
    name = "KitavaInnocenceProjectileFlying",
    hidden = true,
    color = "3",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Spell] = true,
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 4,
    baseFlags = {
        spell = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0.80000001192093, 1.2000000476837, 35, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {3, 3},  cost = { }, },
cannot be afflicted [1]
cannot be tagged by sentinel [1]
cannot have affliction mods [1]
cannot have azmeri dust [1]
cant possess this [1]
cant touch this [1]
monster no talismans [1]
DomainsMonster (3)
GenerationTypeUnique (3)
Req. level1
  • cant touch this Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cant possess this Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be afflicted Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • monster no talismans Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot have azmeri dust Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot have affliction mods Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be tagged by sentinel Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • Innocence Shop /17
    Innocence Shield
    Changes the appearance of any equipped shield to the Innocence Shield.
    Innocence Animate Weapon Effect
    Your Animated Weapons have an Innocence Effect.
    Sanctum Statue
    Tags: Statues
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Incense Burner
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Altar
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Bench
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Candelabra
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Candle
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Candle Row
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Shrine
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Side Table
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Statue
    Tags: Statues
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Statue Pedestal
    Tags: Statues
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Tomb
    Tags: Stonework
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Sanctum Pillar
    Tags: Pillars
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Altar Burner
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Holy Seal
    Tags: Shop, Effects
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Topic /67
    VilentaYou really don't have a strong grip on cause and effect, do you. Things replace other things, it's the most fundamental of laws. The larger the thing you remove, the bigger the rush to fill the space it's left behind.

    Innocence was the nexus of power in Oriath. Remove him and something of equal or greater power was always going to take his spot. Any idiot could have predicted that Kitava was going to be that something... unless, of course, you thought it was going to be you.
    BannonFor a long time now, I thought my God's intentions were being twisted by his supposed servants. Did I speak up? No. The pyre would have been my only answer. I did what I was told and drew the lines of morality where I could.

    Now I understand the truth. It wasn't Innocence's intention being twisted. It was Innocence himself, perverted by the selfish convictions of the men and women who worshipped Him.

    A god answers to the believer as the believer answers to their god.
    UtulaOld red eyes. He's been quiet for a long time. Just like Kitava... and Tukohama. All of the old gods. Now Innocence has woken up, and with him, power like I've never seen the Templar wield before.

    It's alright though. We slaves, we've got our own god looking out for us now. I can see him in the eyes of my brothers and sisters, smell him in the blood we've spilled, hear his call in the screams of the fallen.

    I don't rightly know where the gods have been or what's brought them crawling back. Nor do I really care. All I need to know, my friend, is that we're not alone anymore.
    SinHe lives, after a fashion. That pretentious little vessel of his served only to encourage his divine follies. I have procured him a more... sensible host, one that should contain his excesses and temper that fragile ego of his.

    Hear this, Brother! "From mind of lead to heart of gold, your soul shall be bound, your wrath shall grow cold."
    Lilly RothOl' Bannon, I'd stake my bets on being a mighty fine demon in the sack. Can't go wrong with a man in uniform!

    Only now, he's gone and transformed into that pesky 'God of Light'! I've gotta believe that the man is still in there somewhere, but finding my way into his bedsheets at this stage is proving more difficult than I first thought. Don't seem to be anything that'll budge him from wherever he's hiding, not even an enrapturing roll in the hay with this future pirate queen!

    Seems to me that by lettin' ol' Innocence take him over completely, it's like a leech sucking the life right out of him. He's gonna lose out on all them lusty joys of this world, and that ain't something I'd ever think fondly about.
    LaniBannon was a man whom I greatly admired, possibly even loved. My heart is grieved to see him depart from us and journey to the home of Hinekora. Yet, he sacrificed himself so that we might live, and stood true to his convictions. This god, this born-again Innocence fills me with unease. Though he appears repentant of his past transgressions, I do not believe he should be forgiven, nor that he should tread this earth any longer than is required.
    BannonI wouldn't blame you for being curious about the god now dwelling within me. In truth, I'm honoured to have been chosen to be Innocence's vessel. You may hear this and think I sound like a pious Templar fool, but it is hard to remain an unbeliever when the gods walk around you, and indeed one, sleeps inside you.

    No need to fear however, our poor purity god surely regrets the actions of his past. I can't see him, but I can feel his spirit, wounded and cowering somewhere inside me. At night, I hear him whimpering over his wounds - I must say, you hurt him good! But, as much as I feel his pain, I also feel a budding newness in his heart, he is growing again and relearning the compassion for humanity that he had long since lost.
    SinSin: Innocence, you see now, don't you?

    Innocence: Little brother... Please, forgive me. It's as if I have been dreaming the most horrid nightmare... and now, at last, the haze of sleep lifts from my eyes. My vision is clear... oh, by the gods, forgive me...

    Sin: It is as true now as it was when we began. You and I are of the same flesh, cleaved from the same womb. You ask for my forgiveness. I give it to you freely.

    Innocence: But the things I've done... the countless millions I've murdered...

    Sin: There will be time for all of that later, but for now, your people need you. Oriath needs you...

    Innocence: ...No. I cannot remain here amongst these ruins. Amongst the corpses of my own making... These people, they need you, brother, and your hero - not me.

    Sin: Then what? Where will you go? What will you do?

    Innocence: Isolation. I shall go south. As far south as one can travel in such a fleshly form. There are things I must think on, a redemption I need plan, if my conscience decides I am worthy of such a gift.

    Sin: You would seek forgiveness in the ice at the bottom of the world?

    Innocence: I would, should you let me.

    Sin: Go. Seek out that which you need. Find who you are, make pilgrimage. Journey on your path, brother, only return to us one day.

    Innocence: Thank you, brother.
    Sister CassiaThe Innocence you slew was not the God I know. My God is selfless. Humble. Yes, he is prone to burning sinners, but who among us isn't?

    You just wait, Exile. Eternity will prove me right.
    DiviniaDo you see that?! God is here! That's him, incarnate! What's he doing with his brother? Has he somehow reconciled with the Original Evil? I'm so very confused right now...
    Eye of Innocence"...and so He said: 'Let only the good meet my gaze'
    and no eye met His. So He called down the cleansing flames
    and let black smoke sweep the Sinners away."
    - Book of Innocence
    Martyr of InnocenceYou have been found guilty.
    Let the fires cleanse you of your sins.
    The Blood of Innocence"After weeks of being pursued, the veiled traveller made her stand in a sandstorm. Somehow, she wounded a god. Innocence relented; his brother and the traveller made good their escape." - Lycia, the Heretic
    The Original Scripture"It's all here. The lie at the core of my faith. Maxarius was not the first chosen of Innocence. Maxarius was Innocence himself. A charlatan, a liar, and a power-seeker." - Lycia, the Heretic
    Original SinInnocence rose to godhood not on inspired faith,
    but on the vilification and hatred of another.
    The Power and the Promise"Building on the fear and hatred that deified him, Innocence threatened an eternity of flames for nonbelievers. The newcomers wailed and threw themselves at his feet in the thousands." - Lycia, the Heretic
    Innocence Wings
    Innocence Cloak
    Innocence Helmet
    Innocence Boots
    Innocence Gloves
    Innocence Body Armour
    Innocence Laurel Helmet Attachment
    Innocence Character Effect
    Innocence Weapon Effect
    Innocence Sword
    Innocence Longsword
    Innocence Footprints Effect
    Innocence Lightning Warp Effect
    Innocence Herald Effect
    Innocence Portal Effect
    Sin and Innocence Wings
    Sin and Innocence Cloak
    Sin and Innocence Helmet
    Sin and Innocence Boots
    Sin and Innocence Gloves
    Sin and Innocence Body Armour
    Sin and Innocence Helmet Attachment
    Sin and Innocence Footprints Effect
    Sin and Innocence Portal Effect
    Sin and Innocence Sword
    Sin and Innocence Longsword
    Innocence Shield
    Sin and Innocence Shield
    Innocence Animate Weapon Effect
    Innocence Sword Pet
    Sin and Innocence Sword Pet
    Innocence Cherub Pet
    Innocence Symbol
    Innocence Cathedral
    Innocence Altar
    Innocence Bench
    Innocence Candelabra
    Innocence Candle
    Innocence Candle Row
    Innocence Shrine
    Innocence Side Table
    Innocence Statue
    Innocence Statue Pedestal
    Innocence Tomb
    Sin and Innocence Mystery Box
    Blood of Innocence"In the early days of his religion, Innocence told his followers to drink of his blood and
    enjoy eternal life. If that power holds in his ancient ichor, I hope that it can resurrect as well."
    Dialla's Subjugation{A symbol of beauty and innocence
    The gems corrupted her mind
    Malachai corrupted her gems
    All but a glimmer of
    greatness lost in madness}
    Alivia's GraceHer innocence and grace were enough to tame even the wildest of beasts.
    A Dusty Memory{In the oldest halls of my mind, at the end of a rarely used passage, lies my greatest treasure: one moment of happiness and innocence, pure and untouchable.}
    Sign of PurityWrought from blood and gold, Innocence fashioned a weapon of tempered purity,
    capable of banishing darkness, and bringing order to the chaos in men's hearts.
    Sanctum Cathedral ResearchThis was the first cathedral that Innocence ever built,
    made to honour himself. It is gilded with stolen wealth.
    Innocence Doodad Category /15
    Sanctum Statue
    Tags: Statues
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Incense Burner
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Altar
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Bench
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Candelabra
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Candle
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Candle Row
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Shrine
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Side Table
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Statue
    Tags: Statues
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Statue Pedestal
    Tags: Statues
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Tomb
    Tags: Stonework
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Sanctum Pillar
    Tags: Pillars
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Altar Burner
    Tags: Furniture
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Holy Seal
    Tags: Shop, Effects
    Category: Innocence
    Creates an object in your hideout
    Innocence Text Audio /13
    Innocence: I am reborn! A new god in a troubled land...

    Sin: Brother! You have seen better days, I am sure, but for now, you must rouse yourself. We have work to do. If ever you wish to make right the wrongs of your past, help me now, as once I asked you in the early days of mankind. Do this for me, and I shall consider our quarrel to be at its end.
    Bone and corruption shall not impede the path of purity!
    Go, do battle, anointed exile. Though my brother and I will aid you, I sense the universe conspires for you to be the saviour of our world on this day.
    Purity shall be your shield!
    Purity shall be your shield!
    Purity shall be your shield!
    Aid me, exile!
    Aid me, exile!
    Aid me, exile!
    Stay strong brother, freedom is at hand!
    Stay strong brother, freedom is at hand!
    Stay strong brother, freedom is at hand!
    You have heard my admission of guilt and my plea for forgiveness, yet I sense in the glowing embers of your eyes that you will be glad to be rid of me. I don't blame you, mortal, nor do I begrudge you for your continual anger. The sins I've committed, although bad enough, are made worse by the lens of pride I once viewed this world through.

    I agree with your judgement, and though I wish never to return from my banishment, I have made a promise to Sin that I shall one day rejoin this world.

    But until that day I will remain in the furthest south, in a place of ice and ash, of blistering seas and abysmal storms. I shall meditate on my wrong doings, until a way of making amends to the millions of lives I have murdered and ruined, reveals itself to me.