Attack Skills deal 20% increased Damage while holding a Shield
8% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
60% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
(Armour, Evasion Rating and Energy Shield are the standard Defences)
Retaliation Attr /5
NameShow Full Descriptions
TagsisKeystone: false isNotable: true isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Retaliation Tags /7
Support Gem /1
Item mods /3
1WeaponTree-3% Chance to Block
Allocates Retaliation
crucible_unique_helmet 0
shield 100
default 0
28WeaponTreeRetaliation Skills have 30% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
Retaliation Skills deal 45% more Damage
crucible_unique_helmet 0
shield 400
default 0
75WeaponTreeRetaliation Skills have 30% reduced Cooldown Recovery Rate
Retaliation Skills deal 60% more Damage
crucible_unique_helmet 0
shield 400
default 0
Monsters mods /3
Final Gasp40Nemesiscannot be dominated [1]
corpse cannot be destroyed [1]
retaliation godmode ghost duration ms [4000]
abyssal 0
rare_minion 0
unusable_corpse 0
undeletable_corpse 0
legion_monster 0
no_final_gasp 0
rare 400
default 0
of Dying Breath34Uniquecannot be dominated [1]
corpse cannot be destroyed [1]
retaliation godmode ghost duration ms [5000]
no_common_monster_mods 0
abyssal 0
rare_minion 0
unusable_corpse 0
undeletable_corpse 0
legion_monster 0
no_final_gasp 0
rare 800
default 0
of Revival34Suffixcannot be dominated [1]
corpse cannot be destroyed [1]
retaliation godmode ghost duration ms [5000]
sanctum_monster 0
abyssal 0
rare_minion 0
unusable_corpse 0
undeletable_corpse 0
legion_monster 0
no_final_gasp 0
rare 800
default 0
Cluster Jewel mods /1
Notable50Prefix1 Added Passive Skill is Precise Retaliation damage criticalaffliction_attack_damage_while_holding_a_shield 300
affliction_critical_chance 457
default 0
Unique /2
+(10–20) to maximum Life
+(120–160) to Armour
+(30–40) to maximum Life
Your hits can't be Evaded
+(3–5)% Chance to Block
Adds 250 to 300 Cold Damage to Retaliation Skills
25% chance to Maim on Hit
(230–270)% increased Physical Damage
15% reduced Attack Speed
Curse Enemies with Vulnerability on Hit
Exerted Attacks deal 200% increased Damage
Exerted Attacks Knock Enemies Back on Hit
(Vulnerability is a Hex which increases Physical Damage taken by 15% and causes Hits to have +25% chance to inflict Bleeding on the target. It lasts 8 seconds)
(Vaal Attacks, Channelling Attacks, Retaliation Attacks, and Attacks which Repeat cannot be Exerted)
Passive /8
20% chance for used Retaliation Skills to remain Usable and not consume a Cooldown Use
(They will also not be put on cooldown if they remain Usable)
10% chance to Block Attack Damage if you've used a Retaliation Skill Recently
10% chance to Block Spell Damage if you've used a Retaliation Skill Recently
(Recently refers to the past 4 seconds)
25% chance when you use a Retaliation Skill for a different Retaliation Skill to become Usable
Retaliation Skills become Usable for 30% longer
Retaliation Skills deal 30% increased Damage
Gain 5 Rage on Hit with Retaliation Skills
(Every Rage grants 1% more Attack Damage. Maximum Rage is 30. Lose 10 Rage per second if you have not been Hit or gained Rage in the last 2 seconds)
(Only one Hit every 0.5 seconds can cause you to gain Rage)
Every fourth Retaliation Skill you use always Critically Strikes
Retaliation Skills have 20% increased Speed
Retaliation Skills have 30% increased Area of Effect
Retaliation Skills have 50% increased Stun Duration on Enemies
Retaliation Skills Fortify on Melee Hit
(Take 1% less Damage from Hits per Fortification. Maximum 20 Fortification. Fortification lasts 6 seconds)
Damaging Retaliation Skills become Usable every sixth Hit from Enemies instead
Ascendancy Passive /1
Ascendancy: Gladiator
Character: Duelist
Retaliation Skills become Usable for an additional 2 seconds
50% chance for used Retaliation Skills to remain Usable and not consume a Cooldown Use
(They will also not be put on cooldown if they remain Usable)
Anoint /1
Unique, AmuletsVerdant Oil
Crimson Oil
Opalescent Oil
Attack Skills deal 20% increased Damage while holding a Shield
8% increased Attack Speed while holding a Shield
60% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
(Armour, Evasion Rating and Energy Shield are the standard Defences)

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