Glyphisches Fossil Modifikatoren /1
Glyphisches Fossil
Stapelgröße: 1 / 10
Anwendbar auf: Waffen, Körperrüstungen, Schilde, Helme, Handschuhe, Stiefel, Amulette, Gürtel, Ringe, Köcher
Hat einen verderbten Essenz-Modifikator
Platziere diesen Gegenstand in einem Resonator, um das Anfertigen von Gegenständen zu beeinflussen. [Umschalt] + Klick zum Entstapeln
Glyphic Fossil
Glyphisches Fossil CurrencyDelveCraftingCorruptEssence /10
Vollständige Beschreibung zeigen
DropLevel 1
BaseType Glyphic Fossil
BaseType Glyphisches Fossil
Class Stapelbare Währung
MTX Tab Stacks5000
ReferenceCommunity Wiki

Community Wiki


Glyphic Fossil

Glyphic Fossil is a fossil type.

This Fossil counts as if you would use one of the following Essences (note that it chooses one of them at random):

Item acquisition

Can drop in the Azurite Mine.

Can be acquired in one of two ways:

  • Is sometimes sold by Niko the Mad
  • As a drop from a room that Contains Fossils:
    • Time-Lost Cavern (Frozen Hollow)

There are other ways to acquire fossil. Read that wiki article for details.

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