Trial of the Ancestors /58
Dreispitz des heimgesuchten Kopffüßers
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Haunted Cephalopod Tricorne. The sight of a tormented spirit sends the octopus on your head into a flying rage.
Dreispitz des erhitzten Kopffüßers
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Superheated Cephalopod Tricorne. The sight of a tormented spirit sends the octopus on your head into a flying rage.
Dreispitz des astralen Kopffüßers
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Astral Cephalopod Tricorne. The sight of a tormented spirit sends the octopus on your head into a flying rage.
'Vampirisches Herz'-Amulett
Changes the appearance of your equipped Amulet to a Vampiric Heart version. Swarms circle you when you are leeching life.
'Vampirische Energie'-Amulett
Changes the appearance of your equipped Amulet to a Vampiric Energy version. Swarms circle you when you are leeching energy shield.
'Vampirische Seele'-Amulett
Changes the appearance of your equipped Amulet to a Vampiric Soul version. Swarms circle you when you are leeching mana.
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Beastmaster Helmet. Replaces the default enemy health bar with one fit for a hunter.
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Beastmaster Boots.
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Beastmaster Gloves. Enemies spray a torrent of blood when hit.
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Beastmaster Body Armour and causes blood to burst from the bodies of enemies you kill.
Helm der unsterblichen Seele
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Immortal Spirit Helmet. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of energy shield.
Handschuhe der unsterblichen Seele
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Immortal Spirit Gloves. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of energy shield.
Stiefel der unsterblichen Seele
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Immortal Spirit Boots. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of energy shield.
Körperrüstung der unsterblichen Seele
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Immortal Spirit Body Armour. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of energy shield.
Helm des unsterblichen Körpers
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Immortal Body Helmet. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of life.
Handschuhe des unsterblichen Körpers
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Immortal Body Boots. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of life.
Stiefel des unsterblichen Körpers
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Immortal Body Gloves. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of life.
Körperrüstung des unsterblichen Körpers
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Immortal Body Body Armour. Its vibrancy changes based on your current percentage of life.
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Snowcaller Helmet.
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Snowcaller Boots.
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Snowcaller Gloves.
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Snowcaller Body Armour, which causes snow to fall around you.
Changes the appearance of any equipped helmet to the Ashcaller Helmet.
Changes the appearance of any equipped boots to the Ashcaller Boots.
Changes the appearance of any equipped gloves to the Ashcaller Gloves.
Changes the appearance of any equipped body armour to the Ashcaller Body Armour, which causes ash to fall around you.
This character's portals use the Harbinger Portal Effect.
This character's portals use the Starfall Harbinger Portal Effect.
This character's portals use the Sunprism Harbinger Portal Effect.
This character's portals use the Void Emperor Harbinger Portal Effect.
'Verheißungsvolles Dämonentransplantat'-Rückenzusatz
Adds the Auspicious Demongraft Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
'Peitschendes Dämonentransplantat'-Rückenzusatz
Adds the Scourged Demongraft Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
'Jenseitiges Dämonentransplantat'-Rückenzusatz
Adds the Otherworldly Demongraft Back Attachment to any equipped body armour.
Klarheit des Ghuls
Your Clarity becomes a Ghoulish Effect.
Vitalität des Ghuls
Your Vitality becomes a Ghoulish Effect.
Präzision des Ghuls
Your Precision becomes a Ghoulish Effect.
This character's portals use the Cemetery Trapdoor Spider Portal Effect. It features a spider that lies in wait for its next victim to approach.
This character's portals use the Submerged Trapdoor Spider Portal Effect. It features a spider that lies in wait for its next victim to approach.
This character's portals use the Jungle Trapdoor Spider Portal Effect. It features a spider that lies in wait for its next victim to approach.
Its effect plays while the affected Sulphur Flask is being used.
Its effect plays while the affected Amethyst Flask is being used.
Its effect plays while the affected Gold Flask is being used. A golden orb fills above your head based on items dropped while the flask is active.
'Anker werfen'-Vollstreckereffekt
Adds the Anchor Drop Rare Finisher Effect to any weapon. It amplifies the deaths of Rare Monsters you kill.
Adds the Shark Attack Rare Finisher Effect to any weapon. It amplifies the deaths of Rare Monsters you kill.
'Gierige Tentakel'-Vollstreckereffekt
Adds the Consuming Tentacle Rare Finisher Effect to any weapon. It amplifies the deaths of Rare Monsters you kill.
Adds the Dragon Fire Rare Finisher Effect to any weapon. It amplifies the deaths of Rare Monsters you kill.
Summons your pet. It swims through the earth behind you. Feed them a corpse and watch them grow!
Wütender Sandfisch
Summons your pet. It swims through the earth behind you. Feed them a corpse and watch them grow!
Friedlicher Sandfisch
Summons your pet. It swims through the earth behind you. Feed them a corpse and watch them grow!
'Bronzener Uhrenturm'-Kartenapparat
Creates an object in your hideout. This map device tracks how long you've been in an area.
'Silberner Uhrentum'-Kartenapparat
Creates an object in your hideout. This map device tracks how long you've been in an area.
'Goldener Uhrenturm'-Kartenapparat
Creates an object in your hideout. This map device tracks how long you've been in an area.
Umgewandelter Geldregen des Händlers
Creates an object in your hideout. Completing a trade causes currency to rain from above.
Chaotischer Geldregen des Händlers
Creates an object in your hideout. Completing a trade causes currency to rain from above.
Erhabener Geldregen des Händlers
Creates an object in your hideout. Completing a trade causes currency to rain from above.
Himmlischer Ringeffekt des Malers
Grants you the ability to paint the ground with stars.
Magmatischer Ringeffekt des Malers
Grants you the ability to paint the ground with magma.
Blutiger Ringeffekt des Malers
Grants you the ability to paint the ground with blood.
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.