Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin
Price: 120
Lowest Price: 95
Replaces the standard effect on a Spell or Ballista Totem gem with a challenger's ancestral version.
Skill effects can only be applied to one gem at a time but can be reclaimed and moved between gems for free.
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin MTX /4
NomWasOn SaleStart AtEnd At
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin120952024-08-09T01:00:01Z2024-08-13T01:00:00Z
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin120952024-07-12T01:00:01Z2024-07-16T01:00:00Z
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin120952024-04-12T01:00:01Z2024-04-16T01:00:00Z
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin120952024-03-15T00:00:01Z2024-03-19T00:00:00Z
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin Attr /10
NomDescriptions détaillées
name_usChallenger's Ancestral Totem Skin
description_usReplaces the standard effect on a Spell or Ballista Totem gem with a challenger's ancestral version.
secondaryDescription_usSkill effects can only be applied to one gem at a time but can be reclaimed and moved between gems for free.
Apparence de Totem ancestral du Compétiteur
Votre Totem incantateur ou votre Totem Baliste prend un effet ancestral du Compétiteur.
Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin
Apparence de Totem ancestral du Compétiteur MicrotransactionAncestorBlueTotemSkin /11
NomDescriptions détaillées
DropLevel 1
BaseType Challenger's Ancestral Totem Skin
BaseType Apparence de Totem ancestral du Compétiteur
Class Microtransactions
SoundAudio/Sound Effects/ItemSounds/orb_use.ogg
S'applique à Soutien : Totem incantateur, Soutien : Totem Baliste, Totem sismique, Totem régénérant, Totem leurre, Totem de flammes sacrées, Totem vorace, Lien ardent, Baliste de siège, Baliste d'artillerie, Baliste à shrapnel, Totem régénérant vaal
VisuelsApparence de Totem
ReferenceCommunity Wiki