Vendor recipe
直接從商店買 Recipe /2
Tu oferta
Orbe de azar
1x Orbe de fusión
Act 3 Clarissa
Orbe de fusión
4x Orbe de joyero
Act 2 Yeena
鑲孔物品 Recipe /1
Tu oferta
20x Orbe de fusión
6 linked Sockets
降階 Recipe /1
藥劑 Recipe /1
Tu oferta
Hybrid Flask
1x Life Flask
1x Mana Flask
1x Orbe de fusión
Único Objeto Recipe /6
Mesa de fabricación /5
Dos engarces vinculados1x Orbe de fusiónCuerpo a cuerpo a una mano · Cuerpo a cuerpo a dos manos · Alcance a una mano · Alcance a dos manos · Armadura · Guantes · Botas · Casco · EscudoLa fortaleza de Kaom
Tres engarces vinculados3x Orbe de fusiónCuerpo a cuerpo a una mano · Cuerpo a cuerpo a dos manos · Alcance a una mano · Alcance a dos manos · Armadura · Guantes · Botas · Casco · EscudoLa fortaleza de Kaom
Cuatro engarces vinculados5x Orbe de fusiónCuerpo a cuerpo a una mano · Cuerpo a cuerpo a dos manos · Alcance a una mano · Alcance a dos manos · Armadura · Guantes · Botas · Casco · EscudoLa fortaleza de Kaom
Cinco engarces vinculados150x Orbe de fusiónCuerpo a cuerpo a una mano · Cuerpo a cuerpo a dos manos · Alcance a una mano · Alcance a dos manos · Armadura · Guantes · Botas · Casco · EscudoMapa de Valle infestado
Seis engarces vinculados1500x Orbe de fusiónCuerpo a cuerpo a una mano · Cuerpo a cuerpo a dos manos · Alcance a una mano · Alcance a dos manos · Armadura · Guantes · Botas · Casco · EscudoMapa de Faro
Acquisition /2

Community Wiki


Orb of Fusing

An Orb of Fusing is a currency item that can be used to re-roll the links between sockets on a weapon or piece of armour. The colour and number of sockets remain unchanged.

Item acquisition

Orbs of Fusing are uncommon currency items that can be dropped by slain monsters, chests, and destructible containers. They also drop from Arcanist's Strongboxes.

Orbs of Fusing may be obtained from vendors. Yeena sells an Orb of Fusing in exchange for 4

Jeweller's Orbs .

It can also created by using beastcrafting recipe from Craicic Sand Spitter.


Orbs of Fusing are primarily used to modify the linked sockets on an item. If an item has some quality, each 1% quality improves the result by 1%. While the chance of obtaining three or four linked sockets is relatively high, the chance of obtaining five or six linked sockets is very low, and on average requires hundreds or even thousands of attempts.

A test involving 100 000 Orbs of Fusing concluded that the chance for an Orb of Fusing to six-link a six-socketed, 20% qualitied item is approximately 0.1% (1 in 1000). (More precisely, there is a 95% chance that the average number of orbs needed to create a six-link is between 836 and 1244.) This translates into a ~77% chance to six-link within 1500 Orbs of Fusing, and a 5% chance that it will take more than 3000.

This means it is statistically not worthwhile to use the Crafting Bench recipe instead of using Orbs of Fusing manually, but it is still an option to consider for risk-averse players to avoid bad luck.

Historically, lead developer Chris Wilson has stated that the odds for six linked sockets were very close to 1/1500.Note that this was prior to the item quality effect change from version 2.2.0 though, which means the consumed quality back then was able to improve these odds by "more than double".

An orb of fusing will not reroll the links of a 5-socket & 5-linked item, nor will it reroll the links of a 6-linked item.

These crafting options are available on the Crafting Bench:

Two Linked Sockets 2 1x Orb of Fusing
Three Linked Sockets 2 3x Orb of Fusing
Four Linked Sockets 3 5x Orb of Fusing
Five Linked Sockets 4 150x Orb of Fusing
Six Linked Sockets 7 1500x Orb of Fusing

These recipes can also be applied to corrupted items at the cost of using one Vaal Orb for every Orb of Fusing required. This is currently the only way the links on a corrupted item can be modified.

One can also sell Clarissa an Orb of Fusing in exchange for one Orb of Chance.

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