Tier Rating
Prefix Modifiers
Suffix Modifiers
計画書 アイテム /9
計画書: バンカー
ポータル: バンカー
ハイストターゲット: エンチャントされた武具
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 50
計画書: 密輸人の巣窟
ポータル: 密輸人の巣窟
ハイストターゲット: 盗賊のトリンケットまたはカレンシー
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 50
計画書: 倉庫
ポータル: 研究所
ハイストターゲット: レプリカまたはエクスペリメントアイテム
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 60
計画書: 研究所
ポータル: 倉庫
ハイストターゲット: 盗賊のトリンケットまたはカレンシー
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 55
計画書: 立ち入り禁止の図書館
ハイストターゲット: レプリカまたはエクスペリメントアイテム
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 60
計画書: トンネル
ポータル: トンネル
ハイストターゲット: レプリカまたはエクスペリメントアイテム
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 55
計画書: 無法地帯
ポータル: 無法地帯
ハイストターゲット: 盗賊のトリンケットまたはカレンシー
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 50
計画書: 記録保管所
ポータル: 記録保管所
ハイストターゲット: エンチャントされた武具
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 50
計画書: 豪邸
ポータル: 豪邸
ハイストターゲット: エンチャントされた武具
エリアレベル: 68
情報を聞いた区画: 0/1
情報を聞いた脱出ルート: 0/1
情報を聞いた報酬部屋: 0/1
要求 レベル 50
Contract Enchant /4
heist contract lockdown timer +% [-50]

Community Wiki



Blueprint is an item class and they are used to perform Grand Heists. They were introduced in the Heist league. They work like Contracts, but additional details can be revealed to open up new wings and reward rooms. They contain Curio Displays which contain league-specific rewards such as experimented base types, replica unique items, and alternate quality gems, or rarely "Curio Display Replacement" Uniques.

Blueprints have an Area Level, which determines the monster level and thus the difficulty of the monsters faced. It also determines the item level, as items at level 83 or higher can roll very good mods and be very valuable. The highest Area Level is 83, wherein chests can occasionally drop Influenced items as well. Ventor's Gamble does not have any effect on drops received from Heist chests, neither does any IR/IQ (Item Rarity/Item Quantity) mod on an item. Only Thief's Trinkets and Brooches have an effect on Heist chests, see Optimal Gear for more info.

Like Maps, Blueprints can be converted into Normal, Magic or Rare rarities. Magic and Rare varieties have a higher Item Quantity and Item Rarity trait at the cost of more negative mods. Players can re-roll mods using Orb of Alteration for Magic blueprints, and Orb of Scouring/Orb of Alchemy for Rare blueprints. If players have trouble staying alive, then they may try running Normal rarity blueprints, which has less monsters and less negative mods.


Revealing Areas

Blueprints can be taken to Whakano, Niles, or Gianna to inspect its layout, and unlock more wings and rooms. Initially, only one wing is revealed and some of the reward rooms and escape points will be locked. You can use one Blueprint Reveal and a payment of Rogue's Marker to reveal details of it. Any unrevealed wings or rooms will not spawn when performing the Grand Heist.

  • Whakano reveals wings and rooms at the highest rate, typically around 3000 x Rogue's Markers for a wing and around 1000 x Rogue's Markers for a room
  • Gianna reveals wings and rooms at the lowest rate, with a 45% discount, typically around 1500 x Rogue's Markers for a wing and around 500 x Rogue's Markers for a room, thus she is best used for revealing wings as she has the maximum savings
  • Niles reveals wings and rooms at a 10% discount, typically around 2700 x Rogue's Markers for a wing and around 900 x Rogue's Markers for a room.

Unlocking Reveals

In order to reveal wings and rooms with Whakano, Niles, or Gianna, you need blueprint reveals. Each reveal must be earned by completing regular Heist Contracts.

  • Upon completing a Contract, you will gain one Blueprint Reveal with one character
  • Level 68 or higher contracts will always grant a Reveal; lower-level contracts will grant one if their level is no more than three below your character level when you complete the contract. (So a level 70 character will get a Reveal from a level 67 contract, but a level 71 character will not.)
  • If you completed the Contract with Niles or Gianna, they will receive the Blueprint Reveal
  • If you completed the Contract with any other heist partner, the Blueprint Reveal will go to Whakano


The Blueprint can then be taken to the Planning Table to assign your Rogues to it. Each wing requires three Rogues with the qualifying skills to be assigned to it. You may use the same Rogue to cover multiple jobs in the same wing. You can then confirm the plans to lock in your plans. Once you confirm the Blueprint, you cannot reveal additional details or change your Rogue assignments. You can still modify the Blueprint's affixes after you've confirmed the plans, however, Confirmation is not permanent, you can un-confirm a blueprint by re-assigning a rogue.


Once the blueprint is confirmed, the Grand Heist can be performed. It is typically a solo activity but multiple players can join in the same party. A full guide and walkthrough can be found on the Grand Heist article.

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